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Frage 3 Bericht
The most important substance necessary for the maintenance of life are carbon , oxygen
Frage 5 Bericht
Spirogyra, Euglena and Chlamydomonas share many characteristics EXCEPT
Frage 9 Bericht
Which of the following structures is common to Euglena, white blood cell and Amoeba?
Frage 13 Bericht
Which of the following sets of organisms represents the correct trends from simple to complex structural organization? 1. Mollusca 2. Platyhelminthes 3. Nematoda 4. Protozoa
Frage 14 Bericht
Which of these plants groups are normally propagated by asexual means?
Frage 15 Bericht
A red-coloured flower when crossed with a white-coloured one produced pink flowers. This is an example of
Frage 16 Bericht
Which of the following will be first digested if ingested at the same time?
Frage 17 Bericht
IF an organism obtains its food by means of haustoria, it is said to be
Frage 18 Bericht
If a dark-skinned woman (Bb) marries an albino man (bb) and they have four children, how many of the children will be dark-skinned?
Frage 19 Bericht
The mineral nutrient that is most bound to the soil is
Frage 21 Bericht
Which of these groups of animals is likely to be found in fresh water?
Frage 26 Bericht
What part of the central nervous system is concerned with answering an examination question
Frage 29 Bericht
The long and coiled intestine of a young tadpole ia an adaptation to its
Frage 30 Bericht
In a mammal, the placenta performs functions similar to those to the
Frage 33 Bericht
In vegetation propagation, which of the following requires part of another plant to develop?
Frage 37 Bericht
Which of the following diseases can be contracted in areas with fast flowing rivers?
Onchocerciasis, also known as river blindness and Robles disease, is a disease caused by infection with the parasitic worm Onchocerca volvulus. Symptoms include severe itching, bumps under the skin, and blindness
Frage 39 Bericht
In the transverse section of the leaf of maize vascular bundles are arranged in
Frage 40 Bericht
The major function of the swim-bladder in fishes is
Frage 42 Bericht
Which of the following statements gives the BEST description of bark?
Frage 46 Bericht
The prothallus of fern is equivalent to the gametophyte generation of moss because it
Frage 48 Bericht
Which of the following has the greatest influence on the distribution of animals in marine and fresh water habitats?
Frage 50 Bericht
If the gall bladder of a mammal is damaged, which of the following will be most seriously affected?
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