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Frage 1 Bericht
The treaty establishing the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) was
Frage 2 Bericht
The idea of collective responsibility in the Executive branch of government means that
Frage 5 Bericht
The most remarkable thing about post-independence political development in the Gambia is
Frage 6 Bericht
By establishing public corporations governments are trying to
Frage 7 Bericht
The Public Service Commission (Nigeria) is responsible for the appointment of all,
Frage 8 Bericht
In the Presidential system of government the president is elected to office by
Frage 9 Bericht
The (former ) Western Region of Nigeria became internally self-governing in
Frage 10 Bericht
Constitutional cases in Nigeria can only be raised in the first instance in
Frage 13 Bericht
The first political party properly so-called was formed in Nigeria in
Frage 19 Bericht
Which of the following would act for the Head of state when he is out of the country?
Frage 24 Bericht
An unwritten constitution is one which
Frage 25 Bericht
When did Nigeria gain her Independence?
Frage 26 Bericht
In which of these organs of the United Nations Organization is veto power exercised by some countries
Frage 28 Bericht
If the rights of the individual are violated or threatened, where can he go for redress?
Frage 30 Bericht
The Coussey Commission Report laid the ground-work for the eventual independence of
Frage 32 Bericht
In a modern state, pressure Groups find that the most effective way of achieving their purposes is by
Frage 33 Bericht
The 1946 constitutions in Nigeria and the Gold Coast (Ghana were the results of
Frage 34 Bericht
The dominant idea behind the establishment of the organization of African Unity is
Frage 38 Bericht
All members of the newly constituted local government councils in Nigeria were
Frage 41 Bericht
The principle of universal adult suffrage refers to
Frage 43 Bericht
The Lol Cadres, a major factor in the constitutional development of the French colonial territories, was introduced in
Frage 45 Bericht
In a federal system such as Nigeria the local governments are directly responsible
Frage 46 Bericht
The supreme policy-making organ in the Organization of African Unity is
Frage 47 Bericht
Indirect Rule as practised by the British in their West African colonies
Frage 49 Bericht
Which of the following would you consider the most famous among the leaders of nationalist movement in Nigeria?
Frage 50 Bericht
The military take over power from politicians in West African countries
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