As the WAEC exams approach, it is important for students to adopt effective study techniques that will maximize their preparation and increase their chances of success. One such technique is group study, also known as collaborative learning. Collaborative learning involves students coming together in a group to study, share ideas, and collectively work towards a common goal – acing their WAEC exams.

One of the benefits of group study is that it fosters a sense of accountability. When studying individually, it is easy to get distracted or procrastinate. However, in a group setting, there is a shared responsibility to stay on track and contribute to the group's progress. This can help students stay motivated and focused on their studies.

Another advantage of group study is the opportunity for peer teaching and learning. Each member of the group brings their own strengths and areas of expertise. By explaining concepts to one another, students reinforce their own understanding and gain new insights from their peers. This collaborative approach can deepen comprehension and improve retention of information.

Group study also provides a supportive environment for problem-solving. When faced with challenging questions or topics, students can brainstorm ideas and work through difficulties together. This not only enhances critical thinking skills but also encourages teamwork and cooperation.

To make the most of group study sessions, it is important to establish clear goals and create a structured study plan. Assign specific topics or subjects to each member and rotate these responsibilities regularly. This ensures that everyone gets an opportunity to study different areas and prevents monotony.

Utilizing technology can greatly enhance group study sessions. Green Bridge CBT, an online platform with a vast collection of past questions and answers for WAEC and other exams, offers a convenient way to access study materials. Students can use their Android mobile app (available here) to practice with over 65,000 past questions and answers. This interactive approach via the Green Bridge CBT platform reinforces learning and aids in exam preparation.

During group study, it is important to maintain an open and collaborative atmosphere. Encourage active participation, active listening, and respectful discussions. Avoid distractions such as excessive socializing or deviating from the study plan. Effective time management, with regular breaks for refreshments or relaxation, can also help maintain focus and productivity.

In conclusion, group study is a powerful technique for WAEC preparation. Its benefits include accountability, peer teaching, problem-solving, and a supportive learning environment. By leveraging technology, such as the Green Bridge CBT platform, students can augment their study sessions and access a vast pool of past questions and answers. By adopting effective group study techniques, students can maximize their exam preparation and increase their chances of success in the WAEC exams.


The article discusses effective group study techniques for WAEC preparation. It highlights the benefits of collaborative learning, such as fostering accountability, peer teaching and learning, and problem-solving. It emphasizes the importance of setting clear goals and creating a structured study plan. The article also mentions the Green Bridge CBT platform, which offers a vast collection of past questions and answers for practice. Overall, it emphasizes the value of group study in maximizing exam preparation and increasing the chances of success in the WAEC exams.


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