Sermon On The Mount


Welcome to the comprehensive course material on Sermon on the Mount based on the teachings found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. The Sermon on the Mount is a key component of Jesus' teachings, commonly referred to as the Beatitudes. This sermon is a collection of teachings and sayings of Jesus that outline the core principles and values of the Kingdom of God.

The primary objective of this course is to analyse the teachings on the Mount as presented by Jesus. Through a detailed examination of the Beatitudes and other moral teachings in the sermon, students will gain a deeper understanding of the values and attitudes that form the foundation of Christian living.

Furthermore, this course aims to help students identify the demands of the Kingdom as outlined by Jesus in the sermon. From the call to righteousness and peacemaking to the commandments on love and forgiveness, students will explore the challenges and responsibilities that come with being a follower of Christ.

Another crucial aspect of this course is to determine the consequences of worldly possessions in relation to the teachings of Jesus. The contrast between the values of the Kingdom of God and the temptations of worldly wealth and power will be examined to understand the true priorities that Jesus espoused.

Moreover, students will have the opportunity to associate the rewards for obedience with the sermon on the Mount. By examining the promises of blessings and rewards for those who follow the teachings of Jesus, students will grasp the spiritual incentives for living a life in accordance with the principles of the Kingdom.

Throughout this course, students will engage with the teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount through a comprehensive study of the biblical texts, reflection on the implications for Christian living, and discussion on how these teachings can be applied in contemporary contexts. By the end of this course, students will not only have a deeper understanding of the Sermon on the Mount but also be equipped to integrate these teachings into their daily lives as faithful disciples of Christ.


  1. Associate the Rewards for Obedience with the Sermon on the Mount
  2. Analyse the Teachings on the Mount
  3. Determine the Consequences of Worldly Possessions
  4. Identify the Demands of the Kingdom


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Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Abschluss der Lektion über Sermon On The Mount. Jetzt, da Sie die wichtigsten Konzepte und Ideen erkundet haben,

Sie werden auf eine Mischung verschiedener Fragetypen stoßen, darunter Multiple-Choice-Fragen, Kurzantwortfragen und Aufsatzfragen. Jede Frage ist sorgfältig ausgearbeitet, um verschiedene Aspekte Ihres Wissens und Ihrer kritischen Denkfähigkeiten zu bewerten.

Nutzen Sie diesen Bewertungsteil als Gelegenheit, Ihr Verständnis des Themas zu festigen und Bereiche zu identifizieren, in denen Sie möglicherweise zusätzlichen Lernbedarf haben.

  1. What request did the disciples make of Jesus before he began the Sermon on the Mount? A. To perform a miracle B. To teach them how to pray C. To show them the Father D. To explain the parables to them Answer: B. To teach them how to pray
  2. According to the Sermon on the Mount, who are the blessed ones? A. The wealthy B. The powerful C. The meek D. The proud Answer: C. The meek
  3. In the Sermon on the Mount, what did Jesus say about anger? A. It is justified in certain situations B. It is as bad as murder C. It is a natural emotion D. It should be hidden from others Answer: B. It is as bad as murder
  4. What is the significance of the salt and light metaphors in the Sermon on the Mount? A. Believers should add flavor to the world B. Believers should illuminate the world with their actions C. Believers should isolate themselves from the world D. Believers should avoid interactions with others Answer: A. Believers should add flavor to the world
  5. Jesus mentioned that people should not lay treasures on earth but in heaven. What did he say this would indicate about the person? A. They are wise B. They are foolish C. They are selfish D. They are generous Answer: A. They are wise

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