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Pregunta 1 Informe
Coastal deserts are likely to occur in areas where onshore winds which are?
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Pregunta 2 Informe
Time, as a factor of soil formation, influences mainly soil?
Detalles de la respuesta
Time, as a factor of soil formation, mainly influences soil maturity. Over time, the other factors of soil formation such as climate, organisms, relief, and parent material work together to weather and break down rocks, forming new soil. As time goes by, the soil becomes more mature, which means it has reached a state of stability, with a balance of physical, chemical, and biological properties. The maturity of the soil affects its productivity, water-holding capacity, and nutrient content. Therefore, time is an important factor in determining the quality of soil for agricultural purposes.
Pregunta 3 Informe
There are few natural harbors on the African coastline because the?
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Pregunta 4 Informe
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The International Date Line is an imaginary line located in the Pacific Ocean that marks the change of one calendar day to the next. When a traveller crosses the International Date Line from west to east, they move forward in time by one day. In this scenario, the traveller from South America is crossing the International Date Line to Asia at 12 noon on Tuesday. Since they are moving from west to east, they will be moving ahead in time by one day. Therefore, when they cross the International Date Line, it will be Wednesday on the other side, and the time will be 12 noon on Wednesday.
Pregunta 5 Informe
What is the bearing of Q from P, if Q lies NNW from P?
Detalles de la respuesta
The bearing of Q from P when Q lies NNW (North-Northwest) from P is 337.5°. North-Northwest is halfway between North and West-Northwest, which is 22.5° clockwise from North. Therefore, we can add 22.5° to the West direction (270°) to get 292.5°, and then add another 45° (halfway between West and North) to get 337.5°.
Pregunta 6 Informe
Chemical weathering is both rapid and intense in the humid tropics because of?
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Chemical weathering is both rapid and intense in the humid tropics because of high rainfall and temperature. Chemical weathering is the breakdown of rocks through chemical processes such as dissolution, oxidation, and hydrolysis. In the humid tropics, the combination of high rainfall and temperature increases the rate of chemical weathering because water and heat are key components in many chemical reactions that break down rocks. The high rainfall increases the availability of water for chemical reactions, while the high temperature speeds up the reactions. As a result, chemical weathering in the humid tropics is more rapid and intense than in other regions with lower rainfall and temperature. The presence of easily weathered rocks and large volumes of run-off can also contribute to chemical weathering in the humid tropics, but they are not the main factors.
Pregunta 8 Informe
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Pregunta 10 Informe
A major problem the settlements in this area are likely to face is that of
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Pregunta 11 Informe
Pastoral nomadism was not native to the American continents or Australia because?
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Pastoral nomadism, which involves the seasonal movement of herds of animals from place to place in search of pasture and water, was not native to the American continents or Australia because the natural environments in these regions were not favorable for animal rearing. The native vegetation and soil conditions did not support the growth of the types of grasses and other plants that are ideal for grazing, and there were few water sources that could sustain large herds of animals. Additionally, the native populations in these regions had other means of subsistence, such as hunting and gathering, fishing, and agriculture, that were more suited to their environments.
Pregunta 12 Informe
In tropical highlands, density rainforest occur at altitudes ranging from 1200m to 2400m above sea level. This is due to the influence of?
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Pregunta 13 Informe
A common problem of the land-locked states of Africa is that?
Detalles de la respuesta
Land-locked states of Africa are countries that do not have direct access to the sea. One common problem they face is that they are dependent on their coastal neighbors for access to seaports and international trade routes. This often leads to higher transportation costs for imported goods, which can affect their economies negatively. Additionally, these countries may also have limited access to resources, which can further hinder their development. Therefore, the correct option is "they are dependent on the coastal neighbors for access to the sea".
Pregunta 14 Informe
A river loses energy and may deposit some of its load if?
Detalles de la respuesta
A river loses energy and may deposit some of its load if its gradient decreases. Gradient refers to the slope of the riverbed, and a decrease in gradient means the river is becoming less steep. As the river becomes less steep, it loses energy and cannot carry its load (the sediment and debris it is transporting) as efficiently. This can result in the deposition of some of the load, leading to the formation of features such as bars and islands.
Pregunta 15 Informe
Africa has the largest potential for hydro-electric power generation in the world because?
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Pregunta 16 Informe
The agricultural products associated with the shaded areas are
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Pregunta 17 Informe
What do the the cement manufacturing industry at Ukpilla, the iron and steel industry at Ajaokuta, the raffia works at Ikot Ekpene and the garri processing industry at Nekede have in common?
Detalles de la respuesta
The cement manufacturing industry at Ukpilla, the iron and steel industry at Ajaokuta, the raffia works at Ikot Ekpene, and the garri processing industry at Nekede have in common that they are all located near sources of raw materials. Each of these industries requires specific raw materials to produce their products. For example, the cement manufacturing industry at Ukpilla requires limestone and clay, which are readily available in the area. The iron and steel industry at Ajaokuta requires iron ore, coal, and limestone, which are also found in the area. The raffia works at Ikot Ekpene requires raffia palm, which grows abundantly in the area, while the garri processing industry at Nekede requires cassava, which is a major staple crop in the region. By being located near sources of raw materials, these industries can reduce transportation costs and have easy access to the materials they need to produce their products, which can lead to greater efficiency and profitability.
Pregunta 20 Informe
Which of the following is noted for its extrusive volcanic landforms?
Detalles de la respuesta
Extrusive volcanic landforms are formed when lava flows out from a volcano onto the earth's surface, then solidifies to form new land. Therefore, the correct option for the question is the one that is known to have been formed by volcanic activity. Among the given options, the landform noted for its extrusive volcanic origin is the Idanre Hills. It is a mountainous landscape located in southwestern Nigeria, and its formation is attributed to a series of volcanic eruptions that occurred millions of years ago. The Idanre Hills are known for their unique and impressive rock formations, caves, and waterfalls, all of which are evidence of their volcanic origin.
Pregunta 22 Informe
The progressive widening of joints and cracks in limestone by solutions, initially leads to the formation of?
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Pregunta 23 Informe
In Sudan Savannah of Nigeria, grazing and cutting promote?
Detalles de la respuesta
Grazing and cutting in the Sudan Savannah of Nigeria promote land degradation. The process of grazing and cutting of vegetation leads to soil compaction, erosion, loss of nutrients, and depletion of vegetation cover. These activities reduce the productivity of the land, making it less suitable for agriculture and other economic activities. As a result, the land becomes degraded, which can lead to desertification and other environmental problems.
Pregunta 24 Informe
The waters off the east coast of Canada are rich in fish because?
Detalles de la respuesta
The waters off the east coast of Canada are rich in fish because of the abundance of plankton. Plankton are tiny organisms that live in water and are an important food source for many fish species. The waters in this region are nutrient-rich, which supports the growth of plankton, which in turn attracts fish to the area. The nutrient-rich waters are caused by a combination of factors such as ocean currents, upwelling, and freshwater runoff from the land. Additionally, the region is relatively pollution-free, which helps to maintain a healthy ecosystem.
Pregunta 25 Informe
Commercial grain farming is practiced mainly in the?
Detalles de la respuesta
Commercial grain farming is mainly practiced in the steppes and prairie lands of the middle latitudes. These areas typically have a dry climate, fertile soils, and relatively flat topography, which are favorable conditions for growing large quantities of grain crops such as wheat, corn, and barley. The middle latitudes, roughly between 30 and 60 degrees north and south of the equator, are where these regions are located.
Pregunta 26 Informe
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Pregunta 27 Informe
The most common type of intensive livestock breeding found around most Nigerian cities is farming?
Detalles de la respuesta
The most common type of intensive livestock breeding found around most Nigerian cities is poultry farming. Poultry farming involves raising domesticated birds such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese for the purpose of meat or egg production. It is a common practice in Nigeria, particularly around urban areas, where there is a high demand for poultry products. Poultry farming can be done on a small or large scale, depending on the resources and capacity of the farmer. In Nigeria, it is often done on a small scale, with farmers keeping a few birds in their backyard or in a small pen. The demand for poultry products in Nigeria is high due to the increasing population and changing dietary habits. Poultry farming provides a source of income and food for many Nigerians, especially those in urban areas. In summary, the most common type of intensive livestock breeding found around most Nigerian cities is poultry farming, which involves raising domesticated birds for meat or egg production.
Pregunta 28 Informe
The main reason for importing crude for the Kaduna refinery is to produce?
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Pregunta 29 Informe
Which of the following population characteristics is associated with developed countries?
Detalles de la respuesta
Developed countries are typically associated with a low birth rate and a low death rate. This means that the number of births per year is relatively low, and the number of deaths is also low. This can be attributed to several factors, including improved access to healthcare, better nutrition, and education. These factors lead to better health outcomes and longer life expectancies, which in turn can result in a decrease in the number of births, as parents may choose to have fewer children. Additionally, developed countries typically have access to a wide range of family planning services, which can help individuals and couples to plan their families and prevent unwanted pregnancies. A low birth rate and a low death rate are often seen as indicators of a developed and prosperous society, as they suggest that the population is healthy, well-educated, and has access to good healthcare.
Pregunta 30 Informe
The latitude which marks the lines of the sun's apparent movement north and south of the equator is?
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Pregunta 31 Informe
Vegetation regeneration on a fallow land is typical example of?
Detalles de la respuesta
Fallow land refers to an agricultural field that has been left uncultivated for a period of time. When such land is left fallow, it allows natural vegetation to regenerate on the land without human intervention. This process is an example of secondary succession, which is the natural process of ecological change that occurs after a disturbance, such as fire, flood or in this case, abandonment of an agricultural field. The other options - nature conservation, reafforestation and forest reservation - generally refer to deliberate human efforts to manage and preserve forests and natural habitats.
Pregunta 32 Informe
The general landscape of the area can be described as a
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Pregunta 33 Informe
Markets is the rural areas play an important role in the domestic production process because they?
Detalles de la respuesta
Markets in rural areas play an important role in the domestic production process because they serve as collecting and distributing centers for rural products. Rural areas are typically agricultural regions where farmers produce various crops and livestock. However, these farmers often face the challenge of finding buyers for their products. This is where rural markets come in. Rural markets provide a central location where farmers can bring their produce to sell and buyers can come to purchase goods. By serving as collecting and distributing centers, rural markets help to connect farmers with consumers and facilitate the exchange of goods. This promotes domestic production and supports the local economy. Furthermore, rural markets also serve as social centers, bringing people together from far and near. This creates opportunities for people to exchange ideas and information, and helps to build a sense of community in rural areas. While rural markets do enable people to buy their needs, and may make it necessary to build rural roads for transportation, their primary role in the domestic production process is as collecting and distributing centers for rural products.
Pregunta 34 Informe
Which of the following statement is TRUE of the industrial areas of West Africa?
Detalles de la respuesta
The correct answer is: "They are located mostly around the ports and along the railway lines." Industrial areas in West Africa are located near ports and major transport routes such as railways. This is because such locations allow for easy importation of raw materials and exportation of finished goods. Additionally, proximity to ports and transportation routes reduces transportation costs, which is an important factor in industrial production.
Pregunta 35 Informe
Which of the following landscapes is mostly likely to promote rural settlement nucleation?
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Pregunta 36 Informe
The problems of irregular levels of water in river navigation may be solved by?
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The problems of irregular levels of water in river navigation may be solved by providing dams, canals, and locks. Irregular levels of water in rivers can cause problems for navigation, such as making it difficult for ships to travel through shallow waters or causing hazards due to changes in water levels. One way to solve this problem is by constructing dams, canals, and locks. Dams can help regulate the water flow of a river by storing water during periods of high rainfall and releasing it during periods of low rainfall. This helps maintain a consistent water level for navigation. Canals can be built parallel to rivers, allowing boats and ships to travel along a smooth and regular path without being affected by the irregularities of the river. Locks can be installed in canals and rivers to raise and lower water levels, allowing boats and ships to navigate through different water levels. Straightening river courses and changing the direction of river flow may not be effective solutions for irregular levels of water in river navigation. Controlling currents may also not be an effective solution as currents can be unpredictable and can change quickly. Overall, providing dams, canals, and locks is an effective way to solve the problems of irregular levels of water in river navigation.
Pregunta 38 Informe
Which of the following minerals is likely to be absent in a region consisting mainly of igneous and metamorphic rocks?
Detalles de la respuesta
Coal is likely to be absent in a region consisting mainly of igneous and metamorphic rocks. This is because coal is formed from the accumulation and compression of plant material over millions of years, which typically occurs in sedimentary environments such as swamps and marshes. Igneous and metamorphic rocks, on the other hand, are formed from molten magma or existing rock that has been altered by heat and pressure, and do not typically contain the organic material necessary for coal formation. Therefore, it is unlikely for coal to be present in a region consisting mainly of igneous and metamorphic rocks.
Pregunta 39 Informe
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Pregunta 40 Informe
Most of the heat received by the atmosphere comes directly from?
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Pregunta 41 Informe
Why are the major Africa rivers of limited value for transportation?
Detalles de la respuesta
The major rivers in Africa are of limited value for transportation because their channels are often interrupted by rapids, falls, and sandbars. These natural obstacles make it difficult for boats and ships to navigate through the rivers. Additionally, many of the rivers flow through areas with a low population density, which means that there is not enough demand for transportation along these routes. Finally, rail transport is often cheaper and more efficient than water transport, which further limits the use of rivers for transportation.
Pregunta 42 Informe
World population distribution is characterized by?
Detalles de la respuesta
World population distribution is characterized by extreme unevenness. The world population is not evenly distributed across the globe. Some regions are densely populated, while others are sparsely populated. The majority of the world's population is concentrated in Asia and Africa, with China and India having the highest populations. There are many factors that contribute to this uneven distribution of the world's population, including historical trends, economic development, climate, and geography. For example, some areas have fertile land and abundant resources that can support large populations, while others are more arid or have limited resources. In summary, the world population distribution is characterized by extreme unevenness, with the majority of the world's population concentrated in Asia and Africa. This unevenness is influenced by a range of factors, including historical trends, economic development, climate, and geography.
Pregunta 43 Informe
Which of the following factors has been of particular importance in promoting population growth in developing countries?
Detalles de la respuesta
Improvement in health-care delivery has been of particular importance in promoting population growth in developing countries. This is because with the availability of good health care, people are more likely to live longer, and infant mortality rates decrease. This in turn leads to an increase in the number of people in the population, which can have various effects on the economy and society.
Pregunta 44 Informe
Villages develop into urban centers when they?
Detalles de la respuesta
Villages develop into urban centers when they grow in commerce and industry. When a village experiences an increase in commerce and industry, it attracts more people seeking job opportunities and better living conditions. As more people move into the area, there is a need for more housing, which leads to the construction of buildings and infrastructure. This process of urbanization is driven by economic development, which results in increased production, trade, and investment. As urban centers grow, they tend to offer more opportunities for education and other services such as healthcare and transportation. These services and amenities help to attract even more people, leading to further growth and development. In summary, villages develop into urban centers when they experience growth in commerce and industry, which attracts more people seeking better economic opportunities. This growth leads to the construction of buildings and infrastructure and the development of services and amenities that attract even more people, leading to further growth and development.
Pregunta 45 Informe
Which of the following settlements has the grid reference 098172?
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Pregunta 46 Informe
Which of the following farming practices may be used to check soil erosion?
Detalles de la respuesta
Contour ploughing may be used to check soil erosion. Contour ploughing is a farming practice that involves ploughing across the slope of the land, rather than up and down the slope. By ploughing along the contour lines, the soil is held in place and water is absorbed into the soil, reducing the risk of erosion. This technique helps to maintain soil fertility and also helps to conserve water by reducing the amount of runoff.
Pregunta 50 Informe
Plants that grow submerged of floating in water bodies are known as?
Detalles de la respuesta
Plants that grow submerged or floating in water bodies are known as hydrophytes. Hydrophytes are adapted to living in waterlogged environments, and their leaves and stems have adaptations that help them to survive in this environment. For example, some hydrophytes have long, thin stems that allow them to float, while others have leaves with air spaces that help them to float on the water's surface. Additionally, hydrophytes have specialized root systems that help them to absorb nutrients from the water, and they may have adaptations that allow them to tolerate the low levels of oxygen that can be present in submerged environments.
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