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Pregunta 2 Informe
The railway extension from J to M was constructed in the 1960s to evacuate
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Pregunta 4 Informe
When subjected to sufficient stress, rocks break and sometimes move along the plane of fracture and are displaced. This process is known as?
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Pregunta 5 Informe
The two locations marked X and Y have workable deposits of
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Pregunta 7 Informe
Latitudes 66 1/2° North and South of the Equator are important because they?
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Pregunta 9 Informe
The point marked N which is the site of hydroelectric power project is at the
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Pregunta 10 Informe
A manufacturing industry would tend to be market-oriented if the?
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Pregunta 11 Informe
The shaded areas marked R and S are noted for the production of
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Pregunta 12 Informe
The rain forest of South America is often referred to as?
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Pregunta 13 Informe
The irrigation project in the area marked Q is devoted to the cultivation of
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Pregunta 14 Informe
Intervisibility is possible between the points marked X and Y because the intervening slope is
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Pregunta 18 Informe
The map of a farm on scale 1 : 50 000 measures 10.2cm by 12.6cm. The actual area of the farm to the nearest km2 is?
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Pregunta 19 Informe
The temperature in both July and September at Station X is
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Pregunta 20 Informe
Why is the fallow period decreasing in the agricultural areas of West Africa?
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Pregunta 21 Informe
A radio message sent from Lagos at was received at another location at 7.a.m the same day.
What is the approximate longitudinal position of the location?
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Pregunta 22 Informe
The most obvious evidence of over population in some parts of south eastern Nigeria is the?
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Pregunta 23 Informe
Which of the following expresses the main advantages of road transportation?
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Pregunta 24 Informe
On a map of scale 1:50 000 with contour interval at 20 meters, two places are 4cm apart and one lies five contour intervals higher than the other.
The Gradient along a straight line between the two places is approximately?
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Pregunta 27 Informe
Which of these economic activities is LEAST characteristic of a typical urban centre?
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Pregunta 29 Informe
Salinity in Black Sea is generally lower than the average for the oceans on the same latitudes because?
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Pregunta 30 Informe
Entrenched meanders, unpaired alluvial terraces and Knickpoints are features associated with?
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Pregunta 31 Informe
Which of the following industries is likely be located at the source of its major raw materials?
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Pregunta 32 Informe
Which of the following factors explains the temperature difference between Dakar and Ouaga-dougou?
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Pregunta 33 Informe
Four elements of the natural environment which influence rural land use are?
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Pregunta 34 Informe
Which of these is a major controlling factor of the climate of a place?
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Pregunta 35 Informe
In which of the following types of climate are cyclones most prevalent?
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Pregunta 36 Informe
The landform feature at the centre of the map can best be described as
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Pregunta 37 Informe
Given that the area shown on the map is in northern Nigeria, which of the following crop combinations would best be cultivated in the area that is liable to flooding
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Pregunta 39 Informe
Which of these sets of economic activities is completely primary?
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Pregunta 42 Informe
Which of the following represents the cheapest mode of transportation?
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Pregunta 43 Informe
Under which of the following vegetation types would you expect to find soils which have a B horizon rich in calcium carbonate?
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Pregunta 44 Informe
In which of the following types of vegetation would cork oak and Aleppo pine be found?
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Pregunta 45 Informe
Growth of world population over anyone period of time is best explained by?
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Pregunta 46 Informe
Which of the following farming systems is likely to give rise to nucleated rural settlements?
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Pregunta 47 Informe
The best soil conservation practices are those aimed at?
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Pregunta 48 Informe
Improved agricultural production in Cote d'Ivoire is due mainly to?
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