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Pregunta 1 Informe
The decision at the Council of Jerusalem laid to rest the issue of
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Pregunta 2 Informe
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At Sechem, God appeared to Abram and told him that the land would be given to his descendants. This means that God promised to give the land to Abram's future generations as their inheritance. God did not tell Abram to continue on his journey southwards or to settle there, nor did He instruct Abram to leave his country at this particular moment.
Pregunta 3 Informe
"...Behold, you are old and your sons do not work in your ways..."The Israelites made the statement above to Samuel because his sons
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The Israelites made the statement to Samuel because his sons took bribes and perverted justice. This means that they accepted gifts or money in exchange for making unfair decisions and not upholding the laws in a just manner. This behavior was a problem for the Israelites, who expected their leaders to be fair and unbiased in their decision-making.
Pregunta 4 Informe
David gave Uriah leave to go to his house and wash his feet in order to
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Pregunta 5 Informe
"You have nothing to do with us in building a house to our God..."The statement above by Zerubbabel and others resulted in
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The statement made by Zerubbabel and others resulted in the delay in building the temple. The statement was made in response to opposition from local leaders who were trying to stop the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem. Zerubbabel and the others were saying that the opposition had no right to interfere with their religious plans and that they would continue with their work, despite any obstacles. This led to a temporary delay in the construction of the temple, but eventually, the work resumed and the temple was completed.
Pregunta 7 Informe
"Son of man, can these bones live?"What was God's purpose in asking Ezekiel the question above?
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Pregunta 8 Informe
When Jesus was sent to Herod for trial, he was very glad to see Him because he
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According to the Bible, when Jesus was sent to Herod for trial, Herod was very glad to see him because he had long desired to see Jesus. However, the reason for this desire is not explicitly stated in the Bible. It is possible that Herod wanted to see Jesus perform miracles or hear him speak, or he may have simply been curious about the man who was causing such a stir. Regardless of his motivation, Herod's encounter with Jesus ultimately had significant consequences for both men.
Pregunta 9 Informe
"...Whoever does not bear his cross and comes after me cannot be my disciple...This statement by Jesus entails that
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The statement by Jesus entails that following Him demands total surrender and commitment. "Bearing one's cross" was a common expression in the time of Jesus and was used to describe the process of carrying a heavy burden or facing a difficult task. By saying that one must bear their cross and follow Him, Jesus is indicating that the path of a disciple will not be easy and will require complete dedication and commitment. This means giving up one's own desires and plans in order to follow Jesus and fulfill His mission.
Pregunta 10 Informe
Who are referred to as the salt of the earth by Jesus in His teaching on the Mount?
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Pregunta 11 Informe
According to Hosea, God's people are destroyed for lack of
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According to the book of Hosea in the Bible, God's people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. This means that they have failed to understand and recognize the ways of God, and have strayed from following His teachings. As a result, they have faced consequences such as destruction and loss. The message conveyed in Hosea is that it is important for individuals to seek knowledge of God and to live according to His will in order to avoid such consequences.
Pregunta 12 Informe
The vision of the dry bones by Ezekiel portrays
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The vision of the dry bones in the book of Ezekiel is a depiction of hope. In this vision, the prophet Ezekiel sees a valley filled with dry bones, which symbolize the Israelites who were in exile and felt hopeless and defeated. However, God shows Ezekiel that he has the power to bring these dry bones back to life and restore them to their former state. This vision represents God's promise to restore hope and bring new life to his people, even in the bleakest of circumstances.
Pregunta 13 Informe
God's pardon of the people of Nineveh teaches a lesson on the benefits of
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Pregunta 14 Informe
The enormity of the sins of Judah before Josiah's reforms was exemplified by their failure to keep the Passover since
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Pregunta 16 Informe
According to Paul, spiritual gifts are for the benefit of the
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Pregunta 17 Informe
According to Jeremiah, the new covenant is based on
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According to the prophet Jeremiah, the new covenant is based on righteousness. This means that the new covenant is based on the idea of people being made right with God through their faith and obedience, rather than through physical rituals such as circumcision. In other words, the new covenant promises a relationship with God that is based on a person's inner devotion and commitment to living a righteous life, rather than on outward physical signs.
Pregunta 18 Informe
Jesus as the good shepherd was loved by the father because He
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Jesus as the good shepherd was loved by the Father because He laid down His life for the sheep. This refers to the idea that Jesus sacrificially gave up His own life in order to save humanity and bring them back into a right relationship with God. This act of selflessness and love is seen as the ultimate expression of Jesus' love for humanity, and demonstrates His willingness to do whatever it takes to save them. Additionally, Jesus as the good shepherd also understood the needs of the sheep and loved them. Throughout His ministry, Jesus showed compassion and care for the people He encountered, especially those who were marginalized or in need. He met their physical and spiritual needs, and taught them about God's love and the kingdom of heaven. In conclusion, Jesus as the good shepherd was loved by the Father because He laid down His life for the sheep, understood their needs, and loved them. These actions demonstrate Jesus' selflessness, compassion, and commitment to saving humanity and bringing them into a right relationship with God.
Pregunta 19 Informe
"Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will work for you today..."Moses made this statement when the Israelites
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Moses made this statement, "Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will work for you today..." when the Israelites were trapped between the host of Egypt and the Red Sea. The Egyptian army was pursuing the Israelites from behind, while the Red Sea blocked their escape in front of them. The Israelites were afraid and panicked, thinking they would be killed or captured by the Egyptians. However, Moses encouraged them to trust in the Lord and stand firm in their faith. Then, God miraculously parted the Red Sea, allowing the Israelites to pass through on dry ground, while the pursuing Egyptian army was drowned. Thus, the Lord provided salvation for the Israelites, just as Moses had promised.
Pregunta 20 Informe
One of the effects of Solomon's marriage to foreign women was that
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One of the effects of Solomon's marriage to foreign women was that his heart was turned after other gods. This means that he started to worship the gods of his foreign wives instead of staying true to the God of Israel. This is considered a significant problem because the worship of other gods is strictly forbidden in the Jewish faith, and it can lead to all sorts of moral and spiritual decay. As a result of Solomon's actions, the kingdom of Israel was weakened, and he lost favor with God.
Pregunta 21 Informe
The golden calf which Aaron made for Israel was an evidence of
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The golden calf which Aaron made for Israel was an evidence of the lack of faith in God among the Israelites. When Moses went up to Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments from God, the Israelites became anxious and restless, and they asked Aaron to make them a god who would lead them. So, Aaron made a golden calf from their jewelry, and the people began to worship it, believing that it would bring them blessings and prosperity. This act of worshiping a golden calf instead of the true God showed that the Israelites lacked faith in God's provision and care for them, and they turned to a false idol instead. The golden calf was not an attempt to replace Moses, nor was it a response to their fear of the Canaanites. Instead, it was a manifestation of their unbelief and disobedience towards God, and it led to severe consequences for the Israelites.
Pregunta 22 Informe
A good example of nature miracles performed by Jesus was that of
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One of the most famous nature miracles performed by Jesus was calming the storm. The story is told in the Gospel of Mark and describes how Jesus and his disciples were crossing the Sea of Galilee when a sudden storm arose, causing the waves to break over the boat and threatening to capsize it. Jesus was asleep in the stern of the boat, but his disciples woke him up and begged him to save them. Jesus got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!" The wind died down and the lake became completely calm. The disciples were amazed at what they had just witnessed and asked each other, "Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!" This miracle demonstrated Jesus' power over the forces of nature and showed that he had divine authority. The story has been interpreted in different ways by different people, but it is generally seen as a symbol of the peace and calm that Jesus can bring to our lives, even in the midst of turmoil and chaos. It also highlights the importance of faith in Jesus, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
Pregunta 23 Informe
"Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us..."The statement above expresses the regret of
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The statement "Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us..." expresses the regret of Cleopas and one other disciple. They were talking about their encounter with Jesus on the road to Emmaus, and how they did not realize it was him until he broke bread with them. They regretted not recognizing him earlier because they felt something special during their conversation with him, and their hearts burned within them.
Pregunta 24 Informe
The parable which teaches the need for love for one's neighbour is that of the
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The parable which teaches the need for love for one's neighbor is that of the "good Samaritan." In this story, a man is robbed and left for dead on the side of the road. A priest and a Levite, who were considered holy and righteous people, pass by him without helping. However, a Samaritan, who was traditionally despised by the Jews, stops and shows compassion by caring for the injured man and taking him to an inn. This parable illustrates that loving one's neighbor means showing mercy and compassion to those in need, regardless of social status or religious background. It challenges us to be like the good Samaritan and demonstrate love and kindness to others, especially those who are different from us.
Pregunta 25 Informe
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Paul advised Christians in Thessalonica to keep away from any brother who is "living in idleness." In other words, he encouraged them to avoid being associated with someone who is not working or being productive. Paul believed in the importance of hard work and contributing to society, and he wanted to make sure that the Christians in Thessalonica were following these values as well.
Pregunta 26 Informe
According to James, effective prayer is that which is offered
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Pregunta 27 Informe
In the story of the transfiguration of Jesus, Moses and Elijah represented the
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In the story of the transfiguration of Jesus, Moses and Elijah represented the Law and the prophets. Moses is considered the most important figure in Jewish Law, as he is credited with receiving the Ten Commandments from God and leading the Israelites out of Egypt. Elijah, on the other hand, was one of the most important prophets in the Old Testament, known for his zealous devotion to God and his willingness to confront corrupt leaders. Together, Moses and Elijah represent the two main pillars of the Jewish faith: the Law and the prophets. Their appearance alongside Jesus during the transfiguration affirmed Jesus' place in this tradition and showed that he was the fulfillment of the Law and the prophets.
Pregunta 28 Informe
Nehemiah, while in exile functions as the king's
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Nehemiah, while in exile functions as the king's cupbearer. A cupbearer was an important and trusted servant in ancient times who had the responsibility of tasting the king's food and drink before it was served to ensure that it was not poisoned. The role of a cupbearer was considered significant because it required trust, loyalty, and discretion. In addition to his primary responsibility of tasting the king's food and drink, the cupbearer would also serve the king in other ways, such as attending to his personal needs, providing counsel and advice, and representing the king on diplomatic missions. Therefore, Nehemiah's role as the king's cupbearer was not just about serving him food and drink, but also about being a trusted advisor and representative of the king.
Pregunta 29 Informe
Hosea's message to Israel is centered on
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Hosea's message to Israel is centered on divine love and divine punishment. Hosea was a prophet who lived during a time when the people of Israel had turned away from God and were worshiping other gods. Despite their unfaithfulness, Hosea emphasizes that God still loves the people of Israel and wants them to turn back to Him. Hosea also warns that divine punishment is coming if the people of Israel continue to disobey God's commands. He uses vivid and striking language to describe the consequences of their actions, including destruction and exile. Overall, Hosea's message is a call to repentance and a reminder that God's love and mercy are available to those who turn back to Him, but there are consequences for those who persist in their disobedience.
Pregunta 30 Informe
Paul's prayer for the Philippians was that the God who inspired them to give him gifts would surely
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Paul's prayer for the Philippians was that God would supply all of their needs, providing them with everything they require to live a good life.
Pregunta 31 Informe
According to Paul, Christians should forgive one another so that
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Pregunta 32 Informe
"Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin forgiven."The statement above during Isaiah's call illustrates
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Pregunta 33 Informe
The effect of Stephen's death on the Early Church was that
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The death of Stephen had a profound impact on the early Christian church. One of the main effects was that it led to the spread of Christianity to non-Jewish people. This was because many of the apostles and early Christians, including Stephen, were persecuted for their beliefs and forced to flee from Jerusalem. As they traveled and shared their message, they came into contact with people from different cultures and backgrounds, and were able to share the gospel with them. Another effect of Stephen's death was that it brought the early Christian community together and strengthened their faith. Despite the persecution and difficulties they faced, the early Christians continued to support one another and remain committed to their beliefs. The death of Stephen served as a powerful testimony to the faith and determination of the early Christian community, and inspired others to join their cause. However, some of the apostles and early Christians may have experienced a period of weakness in their faith after Stephen's death. This is because witnessing the death of a fellow believer and friend can be a traumatic experience, and may have caused some to question their beliefs. However, the support and encouragement of their fellow Christians helped them to overcome their doubts and remain steadfast in their faith. In conclusion, the death of Stephen had a significant impact on the early Christian church, leading to its spread to non-Jewish people, uniting the church and strengthening the faith of many, although some may have experienced a temporary period of weakness.
Pregunta 34 Informe
According to Paul, the second coming of Christ will take place
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According to Paul, the second coming of Christ will take place suddenly and unexpectedly. In 1 Thessalonians 5:2, he writes, "For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night." This means that Christ's return will be a surprise, and it could happen at any moment without warning. Paul does not specify whether the second coming of Christ will take place after the reign of the saints or when sin shall be no more. These are different theological interpretations of the events leading up to the second coming, but Paul's emphasis is on the unexpected nature of Christ's return. Therefore, Christians should always be prepared for Christ's return and live their lives in a way that honors God, as they never know when that day will come.
Pregunta 35 Informe
The wise men from the East were able to known about the birth of Jesus because they were
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The wise men from the East were able to know about the birth of Jesus because they were astrologers. They studied the stars and believed that celestial events could reveal important information about earthly affairs, such as the birth of a great king. According to the Bible, they saw a bright star in the sky and interpreted it as a sign of the birth of the King of the Jews. They followed the star to Bethlehem, where they found Jesus and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
Pregunta 36 Informe
When Daniel and his friends refused to defile themselves with the king's food; God gave them
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Pregunta 37 Informe
Elijah killed four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel after God had shown his
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Pregunta 38 Informe
One important fact that Mary brought out in Jesus miracle of changing water to wine is that she
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In the miracle of changing water to wine, Mary, the mother of Jesus, demonstrated her deep insight into her son's abilities. She noticed that the wine had run out at the wedding feast and turned to Jesus for help, knowing that he had the power to perform a miracle. Mary's faith in Jesus and her understanding of his capabilities played a significant role in this miracle.
Pregunta 39 Informe
The christian concept of justification is that
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The Christian concept of justification is that through faith in Jesus Christ, a sinner is regarded as guiltless before God. This means that a person is not saved by their own efforts or by keeping the Law, but by putting their trust in Christ's sacrificial death on the cross. Justification is a free gift of grace from God to those who believe in Jesus, and it is the foundation of salvation for all Christians.
Pregunta 40 Informe
According to the Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, when God reconciled believers to Him through Christ, He gave them the
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According to the Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, when God reconciled believers to Him through Christ, He gave them the ministry of reconciliation. This means that believers are given the task of spreading the message of reconciliation to others, that through faith in Jesus Christ, they too can be reconciled to God. This ministry includes proclaiming the good news of salvation, forgiving others as God has forgiven us, and showing God's love to others. It is a responsibility and privilege given to all believers to share the gift of salvation with others.
Pregunta 41 Informe
During the journey of the Israelites in the wilderness, God led them by day in the form of
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During the journey of the Israelites in the wilderness, God led them by day in the form of a cloud. This cloud was called the "pillar of cloud" and it guided the Israelites as they traveled through the desert. The cloud was visible during the day and provided shade for the people as they walked. It also served as a symbol of God's presence with the Israelites and reminded them of His faithfulness to guide and protect them. When the cloud moved, the Israelites followed it, knowing that it was leading them towards their destination. So, the cloud was a very important part of the Israelites' journey through the wilderness, and it showed them that God was always with them.
Pregunta 42 Informe
According to Peter, the fact that judgement would begin with the household of God means that
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According to Peter, the fact that judgment would begin with the household of God means that Christians would face God's judgment before the rest of the world. This does not mean that Christians should court persecution to win glory or that the persecution of Christians would be less severe. Instead, it means that Christians, who are part of the household of God, would be judged first based on their faithfulness to God and their obedience to His commands. This concept is similar to the idea of a refining fire that purifies gold and silver, and it is intended to help Christians grow in their faith and become more like Christ. Ultimately, it reminds us that all people, both Christians and non-Christians, will face God's judgment on the last day and be held accountable for their actions.
Pregunta 43 Informe
Saul disobeyed God's command through Samuel because
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Saul disobeyed God's command through Samuel because he feared the people and obeyed their voice. God had commanded Saul to completely destroy the Amalekites and all their possessions, but Saul allowed the people to spare the king and the best of the livestock. When Samuel confronted Saul about his disobedience, Saul claimed that he had kept the livestock to offer as a sacrifice to God. However, Samuel told him that obedience to God was more important than sacrifices. Saul's fear of the people led him to prioritize their desires over God's command, which was a grave mistake. As a result, Samuel told Saul that God had rejected him as king over Israel. Saul's disobedience ultimately led to his downfall as a king.
Pregunta 44 Informe
What effect did the death of Ananias and Sapphira have on the on the Early Church?
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The death of Ananias and Sapphira had a great impact on the Early Church, as it caused a great fear to grip all who were there. Ananias and Sapphira had lied about the amount of money they had given to the church, and as a result, they were struck dead by God. This incident showed the seriousness of sin and dishonesty, and it caused the believers to have a greater reverence and fear for God. The fear that the believers had as a result of this incident caused them to be more united and to take their faith more seriously. They were more careful to be honest and sincere in their giving and in all aspects of their lives, and this helped to build a stronger and more authentic community of believers. Additionally, the fact that God had acted in such a powerful way through Peter showed that he was a highly respected leader within the Early Church. While the incident did not directly result in many more disciples being won to God, it did help to strengthen the faith and commitment of those who were already believers, which may have indirectly led to more conversions in the long run.
Pregunta 45 Informe
According to David in the Psalms, God forgives sin so that
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According to David in the Psalms, God forgives sin so that the sinner may not perish. David recognizes that all people are sinners and fall short of God's standards, but he also knows that God is merciful and forgiving. When we confess our sins and turn to God for forgiveness, He does not hold our sins against us but instead removes them as far as the east is from the west. This forgiveness is not based on anything we have done to earn it, but it is a free gift of God's grace. Therefore, David's understanding is that God forgives sin so that sinners may have the opportunity to be reconciled with Him and not face eternal separation from Him.
Pregunta 46 Informe
What did Paul advise the Philippians to manifest as a virtue of humility?
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Paul advised the Philippians to manifest the virtue of humility by counting others as better than themselves. This means that they should not think of themselves as more important or better than other people, but instead, they should value and respect others above themselves. This is a form of selflessness and a recognition of the worth and dignity of all people, regardless of their social status, race, or gender. By practicing humility in this way, Paul believed that the Philippians would create a more loving and harmonious community, in which everyone would be valued and appreciated.
Pregunta 47 Informe
"...My house shall be called a house of prayer, but you make it a den of robber."Just before making this statement Jesus
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Pregunta 48 Informe
The failure of Rehoboam to heed to the advice of the old men resulted in
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Rehoboam was the son of Solomon and the heir to the throne of Israel. When he became king, he faced a crisis when the people of Israel asked him to lighten the heavy burden of taxes and forced labor that had been imposed on them by his father. Rehoboam first consulted with the older and more experienced advisors of his father, who advised him to respond to the people's request with kindness and understanding. However, he then turned to his younger and more ambitious advisors, who advised him to respond with even greater harshness and severity. Rehoboam chose to follow the advice of his younger advisors and rejected the pleas of the people. This decision led to a rebellion, in which ten of the twelve tribes of Israel split away from the kingdom, forming their own nation under the leadership of Jeroboam. This event resulted in the division of the kingdom and led to a period of political instability and conflict between the two nations. This was a significant turning point in the history of Israel, which ultimately led to the downfall of both kingdoms and their conquest by foreign powers.
Pregunta 49 Informe
Consequent upon the murder of Naboth by Ahab, God declared that
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After the murder of Naboth by Ahab, God declared that dogs would lick Ahab's blood where Naboth's blood was licked. This was a form of punishment for Ahab's wickedness and cruelty towards Naboth. It was also a fulfillment of the prophecy that Elijah had spoken against Ahab for his role in Naboth's murder. The declaration did not include any of the other options mentioned, such as Ahab's descendants being barred from the throne or the sword never departing from his house.
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