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Pregunta 1 Informe
When Saul sought to persecute the believer, he collected letters from the high priest to the synagogues at
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When Saul (who later became Paul) sought to persecute the believers, he collected letters from the high priest to the synagogues in Damascus. Saul was a devout Jew who opposed the teachings of Jesus and believed that the followers of Jesus were a threat to Judaism. He obtained letters from the high priest in Jerusalem, authorizing him to arrest any believers he found in Damascus and bring them back to Jerusalem for trial. Damascus was a major city in the ancient world, located in modern-day Syria, and it was an important center of Jewish life and culture. There were several synagogues in Damascus where Jews would gather to worship and study the scriptures. Saul targeted these synagogues because he believed that the believers would be meeting there. However, on his way to Damascus, Saul had a dramatic encounter with Jesus that transformed his life and led him to become one of the greatest apostles of the Christian faith. He no longer sought to persecute the believers but became a passionate advocate for the teachings of Jesus. Therefore, is the correct answer. Saul collected letters from the high priest to the synagogues in Damascus when he sought to persecute the believers, but his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus led to a radical transformation in his life and beliefs.
Pregunta 2 Informe
The sign of God's covenant with Abraham was
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The sign of God's covenant with Abraham was circumcision. In Genesis 17:10-11, God commanded Abraham to circumcise himself, his household, and all his male descendants as a sign of the covenant between them. This sign was a physical reminder to Abraham and his descendants of their commitment to follow and obey God. Through this act, God promised to make Abraham the father of many nations and to bless him and his descendants.
Pregunta 3 Informe
Asa removed the abominable image his mother made for Asherah and burnt it at
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Pregunta 4 Informe
At Gibeon, the Lord appeared to Solomon in a
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According to the Bible in 1 Kings 3:5, the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream at Gibeon. Therefore, the correct answer is "dream." In this dream, the Lord asked Solomon what he wanted and Solomon famously asked for wisdom, which pleased the Lord and resulted in Solomon receiving great wisdom and understanding.
Pregunta 5 Informe
Ezra was able to gain favour before the king of Persia because
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Pregunta 6 Informe
The people who told Saul that David was hiding in the hill of Hachilah were the
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The people who told King Saul that David was hiding in the hill of Hachilah were the Ziphites. They were a group of people who lived in the region of Ziph, located in the Judean hills. King Saul was in pursuit of David, who was seeking refuge from him, and the Ziphites saw this as an opportunity to gain favor with the king by providing him with information about David's whereabouts.
Pregunta 7 Informe
"Arise, be gone" The statement above was made by Amnon when
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Pregunta 8 Informe
"Arise, take possession of the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, which he refused to give you for money.."Why did Naboth refuse to sell his vineyard?
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Naboth refused to sell his vineyard because it was an inheritance from his fathers. In ancient Israel, the land was considered a precious and sacred gift from God, and it was typically passed down through generations within a family. Naboth considered his vineyard as an essential part of his family's heritage and identity, and he did not want to part with it for any price. Furthermore, the laws in Israel prohibited the sale or transfer of ancestral land outside the family. Therefore, Naboth was not only preserving his family's legacy but also following the laws and traditions of his community. In the biblical story, the character who asks Naboth to sell his vineyard is King Ahab, who wanted to expand his palace grounds. Ahab offered Naboth money or a better vineyard in exchange for his land, but Naboth refused, citing his family's inheritance and the laws of the land. This ultimately led to Naboth's wrongful conviction and execution, as Ahab's wife Jezebel plotted against him. Therefore, is the correct answer. Naboth refused to sell his vineyard because it was an inheritance from his fathers, and it held significant cultural and religious value to him and his family.
Pregunta 9 Informe
The first miracle Jesus performed was
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The first miracle that Jesus performed according to the Christian Bible was changing water into wine at a wedding in the town of Cana. Jesus and his disciples were invited to the wedding, and during the celebration, the host ran out of wine. Jesus' mother Mary asked him to do something about it, and he turned six stone jars filled with water into wine. This amazed the wedding guests, who were impressed by the quality of the wine that Jesus had produced. This miracle is significant because it demonstrated Jesus' power and divine nature, and it also shows his concern for the needs of others.
Pregunta 10 Informe
When Jonah fled from God when he was sent to Nineveh, he joined a ship from Joppa to
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When Jonah fled from God, he wanted to escape from his mission to go to Nineveh and instead went to Tarshish. To get there, he joined a ship that was sailing from Joppa.
Pregunta 11 Informe
The Israelites offering of their sons and daughters to Molech was seen by God as an act of
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The Israelites' offering of their sons and daughters to Molech was seen by God as an act of abomination. This means that God considered it to be a disgustingly wicked and immoral act. In the Bible, the worship of Molech involved sacrificing children by fire, which was strictly prohibited by God and considered a horrific sin. By offering their children to Molech, the Israelites were turning away from God's commands and engaging in a form of worship that was deeply offensive to Him.
Pregunta 12 Informe
The commander of Jabin's army was
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The commander of Jabin's army was Sisera. He was a military leader in the army of King Jabin, who ruled over the Canaanite kingdom of Hazor. Sisera was known for his power and cruelty and was feared by the Israelites. However, he was eventually defeated by a woman named Deborah and Barak, who led an army against him.
Pregunta 13 Informe
God stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son in the land of Moriah because He
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Pregunta 14 Informe
In Collosians, Christians are advised to be diligent at work because in so doing, they are
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In Colossians, Christians are advised to be diligent at work because in doing so, they are serving God. This means that their work is not just for their personal gain or for their employer, but it is a way for them to honor and glorify God. When Christians work diligently, they reflect God's character of excellence, faithfulness, and stewardship. It is an opportunity for them to use their talents and abilities to make a positive impact on their workplace and society as a whole. By being diligent and trustworthy employees, Christians can demonstrate to others what it means to live a life that is pleasing to God. Furthermore, by serving God through their work, Christians can also be a witness to their colleagues and share the love of Christ with them. They can build relationships with coworkers, demonstrate Christian values, and share their faith when appropriate. This can lead to opportunities for evangelism and ultimately bring glory to God. In summary, Christians are advised to be diligent at work because it is a way for them to serve God, reflect his character, and be a witness to others.
Pregunta 15 Informe
"Behold, the days are coming...when i will send a famine on the land...."Famine in the statement above means
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Pregunta 16 Informe
In Thessalonians, believers are taught that at the Second Coming, the dead in Christ will
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In Thessalonians, believers are taught that at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the dead in Christ will rise first. This means that those who have already died and were believers in Jesus Christ will be resurrected from the dead and will be given glorified bodies before the living believers. This event is referred to as the "Rapture" in Christian theology and is believed to be the time when all believers will be caught up to meet Jesus in the air. The Thessalonians were comforted by this teaching, as it assured them that their loved ones who had already died would not be left behind and that they would all be united with Christ in the end.
Pregunta 17 Informe
The Last Supper took place during the Passover on the first day of
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The Last Supper took place during the Passover on the first day of unleavened bread. The Passover was an important Jewish festival that commemorated the Israelites' liberation from slavery in Egypt. It was celebrated on the 14th day of the first month of the Jewish calendar, which usually falls in March or April. During the Passover, Jews were required to eat unleavened bread for seven days to remember how their ancestors had to leave Egypt in a hurry and didn't have time to let their bread rise. The first day of the Passover was also the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which was a week-long celebration. According to the New Testament, the Last Supper was a Passover meal that Jesus shared with his disciples. During this meal, Jesus instituted the practice of the Eucharist, where bread and wine are consumed as a symbol of his body and blood. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Last Supper took place during the Passover on the first day of unleavened bread.
Pregunta 18 Informe
Jesus directed those He healed of leprosy to offer gifts of cleansing because
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Pregunta 19 Informe
Jesus said anyone who put his hand to the plough and looked back would not be
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Jesus' statement "Anyone who puts his hand to the plough and looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God" is found in the New Testament of the Bible in the book of Luke. In this context, the "plough" refers to a farming tool used to prepare the soil for planting crops. Jesus was using this agricultural image to teach a spiritual lesson. The message is that in order to be part of God's kingdom, one must be fully committed and not look back. If a farmer were to look back while ploughing a field, the straight furrow they were creating would become crooked and the field would not be prepared properly for planting. In the same way, if a person tries to follow God but keeps looking back and second-guessing their decision, they will not be fully committed and will not be able to fully experience the blessings and rewards of being part of God's kingdom. So, in simple terms, Jesus is saying that to be part of God's kingdom, one must be fully dedicated and focused on their faith, without looking back or wavering.
Pregunta 20 Informe
Peter declares that God exalts those who
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Peter says that God exalts those who humble themselves. This means that God lifts up and gives honor to people who have a modest or low opinion of themselves and their importance. These individuals recognize that they are not the center of the universe and that there are things greater than themselves. They are open to learning and growing, and they are not too proud to admit their mistakes or ask for help when needed. In doing so, they demonstrate a level of humility that God finds commendable, and as a result, God elevates them to a higher position of honor and respect.
Pregunta 21 Informe
At the time Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, Elizabeth was pregnant for
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At the time Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, Elizabeth was pregnant for six months. In the Bible, Elizabeth was the mother of John the Baptist, and Mary was the mother of Jesus. When Gabriel appeared to Mary to tell her that she would give birth to Jesus, he also told her to visit Elizabeth, who was already six months pregnant with John. This visit was significant because it confirmed for Mary that her own pregnancy was indeed a miracle from God, and it also showed the close relationship between the two families and their respective sons, Jesus and John.
Pregunta 22 Informe
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The offense of Ananias and Sapphira was that they lied to the Holy Spirit by keeping back some of the proceeds from the sale of their land, while pretending to give the full amount to the church. They had sold the land and agreed to give all the proceeds to the church, but they secretly kept some for themselves. When Peter asked them about it, they lied and claimed that they had given the full amount. Peter then rebuked them for lying to the Holy Spirit and they both died immediately. Therefore, the correct option is "they kept some of the proceeds of the sold land."
Pregunta 23 Informe
Paul in Corinthians praised the churches of Macedonia because their extreme poverty overflowed in a wealth of
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Paul in Corinthians praised the churches of Macedonia because, despite their extreme poverty, they gave generously to those in need, which he referred to as a wealth of liberality. According to the Bible, Paul wrote to the Corinthians to encourage them to also give generously, as he had heard of the Macedonians' selfless and sacrificial giving. Despite their poverty, the Macedonian churches did not let their financial limitations prevent them from being generous with what they had. Their liberality demonstrated their trust in God and their willingness to put others' needs above their own. Paul praised them for their exemplary giving and encouraged the Corinthians to follow their example, expressing his confidence that God would provide for their needs as well.
Pregunta 24 Informe
According to James, the prayer of a righteous man is
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According to James, the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. This means that when a person who is considered righteous, or has a strong moral character, prays, their prayer is believed to have a strong impact and produce results. In other words, their prayer is not just an empty gesture, but it is believed to have real power and influence. This is why James emphasizes the importance of living a righteous life, as it is believed to make one's prayers more effective.
Pregunta 25 Informe
When Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden, they
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When Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden, they lost their close relationship with God. As a result of their disobedience, they gained a knowledge of good and evil and felt shame and regret for their actions. Additionally, they were subjected to physical death and hardship in life, and the ground was cursed to produce thorns and thistles.
Pregunta 26 Informe
King Josiah ordered Shanan, the secretary to the house of the Lord not to account for the money given to repair the Temple because
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Pregunta 28 Informe
The effect of Stephen's death on the early church was that
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Pregunta 29 Informe
According to Peter, Christians should maintain good conduct among non-Christians so that they could
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Pregunta 30 Informe
According to the Prophet Hosea, the Israelites shall play the harlot, but they would
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Pregunta 31 Informe
In Mark, Jesus said that the unclean spirit could only be cast out through
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Pregunta 32 Informe
Saul was rejected as King over Israel because he disobeyed God's command to utterly destroy the
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Saul was rejected as King over Israel because he disobeyed God's command to utterly destroy the Amalekites. According to the Bible, God commanded Saul to destroy the Amalekites and everything that belonged to them, as they had opposed the Israelites when they came out of Egypt. However, Saul spared the Amalekite king and kept some of their valuable possessions, going against God's command. As a result, God was displeased with Saul's disobedience and regretted making him king. God then chose David, a man after His own heart, to be the next king of Israel.
Pregunta 33 Informe
Paul teaches the Romans that the presenting of their bodies as a living sacrifice to God is their
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Paul teaches the Romans that the presenting of their bodies as a living sacrifice to God is their spiritual worship. This is stated in Romans 12:1, where Paul writes, "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship." In this passage, Paul is encouraging the Romans to see their bodies as a means of worshiping God. By offering their bodies as a living sacrifice, they are demonstrating their love and devotion to God and surrendering themselves completely to His will. This act of self-surrender is seen as a form of spiritual worship, as it shows that they are putting God first in their lives and seeking to serve Him in all that they do.
Pregunta 35 Informe
God forbade the Israelites from inter-marrying with Gentiles because the
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In the Bible, God forbade the Israelites from inter-marrying with Gentiles because He knew that the Gentiles would turn the Israelites' hearts after their gods. Throughout the Old Testament, the Israelites were often tempted to worship the gods of the nations around them. God had chosen the Israelites to be His special people, and He had given them laws and commandments to follow. If the Israelites were to inter-marry with Gentiles, they would be at risk of adopting their gods and their ways of worship. God had promised to bless the Israelites if they obeyed His commands, but He had also warned them of the consequences of disobedience. Inter-marrying with Gentiles would be a violation of God's commandments and would lead to the Israelites' spiritual downfall. It is important to note that God's commandments were not based on any superiority of the Israelites over the Gentiles. Rather, God had chosen the Israelites as His people for a specific purpose, and He had given them specific instructions to follow. To summarize, the correct answer is: God forbade the Israelites from inter-marrying with Gentiles because He knew that the Gentiles would turn the Israelites' hearts after their gods and lead them into spiritual disobedience.
Pregunta 36 Informe
According to Ezekiel, the new covenant would involve
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According to Ezekiel, the new covenant would involve the sprinkling of clean water upon the people. In Ezekiel 36:25-27, God promised to cleanse His people with clean water and give them a new heart and a new spirit. This was a metaphor for the forgiveness of sins and the regeneration of the human heart through the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, sacrificing oxen, washing the people with the blood of an animal, or erecting an altar are not elements of the new covenant as described by Ezekiel.
Pregunta 38 Informe
The presiding judge at the Jerusalem Council was
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The presiding judge at the Jerusalem Council was James. The Jerusalem Council was a meeting of early Christian leaders held in Jerusalem to address issues related to the acceptance of Gentile converts into the faith. The Council was attended by apostles, elders, and other prominent figures in the early Christian community. Although Peter played a significant role in the Council by advocating for the acceptance of Gentiles, it was James who presided over the meeting and made the final decision. James was the leader of the church in Jerusalem and was highly respected by both Jewish and Gentile Christians for his wisdom and insight. He ultimately concluded that Gentile converts did not need to follow all Jewish customs and laws in order to be accepted into the Christian faith, a decision that helped to pave the way for the growth and spread of Christianity among non-Jewish populations.
Pregunta 39 Informe
"...In the territory of Jeezreel the dogs shall eat the flesh of that no one can say, This is Jezebel."In the statement above, Jehu was referring to the prophecy of
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Jehu was referring to the prophecy of Elijah. In the Bible, Elijah was a prophet during the reign of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel in Israel. He was known for his boldness in speaking out against their evil ways and for performing miracles that showed the power of God. In this prophecy, Elijah predicted that the dogs would eat Jezebel's flesh, symbolizing her downfall and the end of her rule. By referring to this prophecy, Jehu was emphasizing the fulfillment of Elijah's words and the defeat of Jezebel's power.
Pregunta 40 Informe
When God called Prophet Jeremiah, he claimed that he did not know how to speak because he was
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Pregunta 41 Informe
In the teaching on the true vine, Jesus said that any branch that bears fruit will be
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In the teaching on the true vine, Jesus said that any branch that bears fruit will be pruned. To understand this, we need to know that in this teaching, Jesus used the image of a vine and its branches to describe our relationship with Him. He said that He is the vine, and we are the branches. He also said that God is the gardener who takes care of the vineyard. When a branch on a vine produces fruit, it is a sign that the branch is healthy and doing what it is supposed to do. However, the gardener still needs to do some work on the branch. He prunes it by cutting off the dead or unproductive parts so that it can grow stronger and produce even more fruit. In the same way, Jesus said that God prunes the branches in our lives that are not bearing fruit, so that we can become even more fruitful. This process may be painful or uncomfortable, but it is necessary for us to grow and become more like Jesus. So, if we are bearing fruit in our lives, we can expect God to prune us so that we can become even better and more fruitful in our service to Him.
Pregunta 42 Informe
When Prophet Isaiah saw the Lord of Hosts in the temple, he
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When Prophet Isaiah saw the Lord of Hosts in the temple, he was overwhelmed with a sense of his own unworthiness and the unworthiness of his people. He felt ashamed and condemned himself and his people for their sins. Isaiah recognized the greatness and holiness of God and praised his glory, but he also recognized his own sinfulness in the presence of such a perfect being. Therefore, he prayed fervently for forgiveness and mercy for himself and his people.
Pregunta 43 Informe
In Corinthians, Paul says that he who prophesies edifies the
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In Corinthians, Paul says that the one who prophesies edifies the church. "Edify" means to build up or strengthen, and "church" refers to the community of believers. So when someone prophesies, they are strengthening and encouraging the community of believers. It's important to note that prophesying in this context doesn't necessarily mean predicting the future, but rather speaking words of encouragement, comfort, or guidance under the influence of the Holy Spirit.
Pregunta 44 Informe
"...O LORD, let thy ear be attentive to the prayer of thy servant...and grant him mercy in the sight of this man".The prayer above was said by
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The prayer above was said by Nehemiah. He was a Jewish cupbearer and chief administrator to the Persian King Artaxerxes. In the book of Nehemiah, it is recorded that Nehemiah prayed to God for mercy and guidance in a difficult situation he was facing with the king. His prayer shows his faith in God and his trust in God's power to help him.
Pregunta 45 Informe
The promise of God through Prophet Isaiah in anticipation of their restoration was that
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Pregunta 46 Informe
The Jerusalem wall was rebuilt under the leadership of Nehemiah because
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The Jerusalem wall was rebuilt under the leadership of Nehemiah because the people had the mind to work. Nehemiah, who was appointed as governor of the Persian province of Judah, heard about the ruined walls of Jerusalem and decided to take action. He motivated and inspired the people to come together and work on rebuilding the wall, despite facing opposition from neighboring enemies. Through his leadership, Nehemiah instilled a sense of unity and purpose among the people, encouraging them to work diligently and persistently to achieve their goal. The availability of materials, the support of settlers, and the grant of funds from King Cyrus were also important factors in the rebuilding of the wall, but it was the determination and dedication of the people, led by Nehemiah, that ultimately made the project successful.
Pregunta 47 Informe
The disciple who identified Jesus as the Christ of God was
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The disciple who identified Jesus as the Christ of God was Peter. According to the New Testament, Peter was one of Jesus' closest disciples and a leader in the early Christian Church. In the Gospels, it is recorded that Jesus asked his disciples who they thought he was, and Peter replied, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God" (Matthew 16:16). This declaration of faith by Peter established him as a key figure in the early Christian community and helped to solidify the belief that Jesus was indeed the Messiah.
Pregunta 48 Informe
"The crowd joined in attacking them; and the magistrates tore the garments off them and gave orders to beat them with rods."
The people attacked in the statement above were
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The people attacked in the statement are Paul and Silas. The statement describes a scene in which Paul and Silas are being physically abused and mistreated by a crowd of people and the magistrates. This event is recorded in the book of Acts in the New Testament, and it is one of many instances in which Paul and Silas faced opposition and persecution for their faith in Jesus Christ. Despite this treatment, they remained steadfast in their belief and continued to spread the message of the gospel throughout the Roman Empire.
Pregunta 49 Informe
"It is finished"The statement above by Jesus on the cross implies that
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The statement "It is finished" by Jesus on the cross implies that His work of redemption for mankind is finished. This means that He has completed His mission of reconciling humanity to God by offering Himself as a sacrifice for our sins. Jesus' death on the cross was the ultimate payment for our sins, and His resurrection demonstrated His victory over sin and death. Through Jesus' sacrifice, we can have forgiveness of sins and eternal life with God. This statement does not refer to His association with the Jews or His disciples or the work of the enemy.
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