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Pregunta 1 Informe
When Saul disobeyed God's command, Samuel rebuked him by saying that
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In the Old Testament book of 1 Samuel, God had commanded Saul, the king of Israel, to completely destroy the Amalekites and all their possessions. However, Saul spared the Amalekite king and some of the best livestock. When Samuel confronted him about his disobedience, Saul made excuses and tried to justify his actions. Samuel rebuked him by saying "To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams." In other words, Samuel was telling Saul that God valued obedience and following His commands above any religious rituals or sacrifices.
Pregunta 2 Informe
After the healing of the demaniac in the country of the Gerasenes, the people begged Jesus to
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After the healing of the demoniac in the country of the Gerasenes, the people begged Jesus to go away from them. This is because they were afraid of the power of Jesus and the miracle He had performed. They probably did not understand how Jesus was able to perform such an incredible feat and may have been intimidated by Him. Therefore, they asked Him to leave their region.
Pregunta 3 Informe
Isaiah emphasized holiness above all things because God
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Isaiah emphasized holiness above all things because God who called them is holy. Isaiah recognized that God was the one who called the people of Israel, and He is holy. Therefore, to be in a right relationship with God, they had to pursue holiness. God's holiness was incompatible with sin, and if they wanted to have a relationship with Him, they needed to live in obedience to His commands and strive for holiness in their lives. Isaiah wanted the people to understand that God was not interested in their sacrifices, but He desired their hearts to be pure and holy. Therefore, they had to pursue holiness, which was the only way to be in a right relationship with God.
Pregunta 4 Informe
'''Deal gently for my sake with the young man Absalom.''
David's statement above exhibited his
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David's statement above exhibited his indulgent love for his son. The statement is from the Bible, 2 Samuel 18:5, and in this context, David was asking his army commanders to spare the life of his son Absalom, who had led a rebellion against him. Despite Absalom's treachery, David still loved him and did not want to see him killed. Therefore, the statement shows David's indulgent love for his son, despite his wrongdoing.
Pregunta 5 Informe
James stated in his epistle that when believers meet various trials, their faith produces
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According to James, when believers encounter various trials, their faith produces steadfastness. This means that when believers face difficulties and remain steadfast in their faith, their character is strengthened and they become more able to endure future trials. Steadfastness, therefore, is seen as a positive outcome of facing and overcoming trials, as it leads to spiritual growth and maturity.
Pregunta 7 Informe
Jesus told the parable of the lost sheep in order to illustrate that
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The parable of the lost sheep is a story that Jesus told in the Bible in order to illustrate the concept that there is joy in heaven over a sinner who repents. In the parable, a shepherd has 100 sheep, but one goes missing. The shepherd leaves the 99 other sheep and goes in search of the lost one. When he finds it, he rejoices and calls together his friends and neighbors to celebrate. Jesus used this story to show that God cares about every person, and that when a lost person turns to God, there is great rejoicing in heaven. The parable also teaches us that God actively seeks out those who are lost and desires for them to be found.
Pregunta 8 Informe
Paul informed the Galatians that the gospel he preached came through
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Paul informed the Galatians that the gospel he preached came through "a revelation of Jesus Christ." This means that Paul's understanding of the gospel did not come from human traditions or teachings, but from a direct revelation from Jesus himself. Paul received the message of the gospel directly from Jesus, which is why he was so confident in preaching it to the Galatians. He was not swayed by the opinions of others or the cultural norms of the day, but was faithful to the message he had received from Jesus.
Pregunta 9 Informe
Jesus was tempted by the devil so as to
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Jesus was tempted by the devil to show that no one is above temptation. The devil tempted Jesus with various things such as power, wealth, and fame, but Jesus resisted each temptation by quoting scripture. This event shows that even the Son of God, who is without sin, was not immune to temptation, and it serves as an example for us to resist temptation as well.
Pregunta 10 Informe
Naaman's leprosy was transferred to Gehazi because was
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According to the biblical account, Naaman, a Syrian army commander, was cured of his leprosy by Elisha, the prophet of God. Naaman wanted to give Elisha a gift as a token of appreciation, but Elisha refused. However, Gehazi, Elisha's servant, coveted the gift and secretly ran after Naaman, lying to him that Elisha had changed his mind and requested the gift. Gehazi took the gifts and hid them in his house, but Elisha knew what he had done and cursed him, transferring Naaman's leprosy to him and his descendants forever. Therefore, Naaman's leprosy was transferred to Gehazi because he was covetous.
Pregunta 11 Informe
'''Your son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, full of all deceit and villainy....''
This statement of Paul was addressed to
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This statement of Paul was addressed to Elymas, the magician.
Pregunta 12 Informe
How did King Asa prove to be godly king?
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King Asa proved to be a godly king by instituting spiritual reforms that removed all idols and prostitution from the land. He made it his priority to worship Yahweh and made it mandatory for every Jew and sojourner. He removed the foreign altars and high places and even removed his own grandmother from the position of queen mother because of her involvement in idolatry. Asa's reforms brought about a time of peace and prosperity for Judah.
Pregunta 13 Informe
According to Mark, after the transfiguration,Jesus charged His disciples to
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According to the Gospel of Mark (9:9-10), after the transfiguration, Jesus charged his disciples to "tell no one what they had seen until the Son of Man had risen from the dead." This was a command to keep the experience to themselves until after Jesus' resurrection, which was yet to happen.
Pregunta 14 Informe
According to Corinthians, variety of gifts are inspired by
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According to Corinthians, variety of gifts are inspired by "the same Spirit". In the Bible, specifically in 1 Corinthians chapter 12, it is mentioned that there are various gifts, but they are all inspired by the same Spirit of God. The chapter explains that each person is given a gift from the Spirit for the common good of all, and these gifts are diverse in nature, such as wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment, tongues, and interpretation. Therefore, it is the same Spirit that inspires these gifts, and they are given to each individual according to God's will.
Pregunta 15 Informe
God told Ezekiel that the house of Israel would not listen to him because they
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God told Ezekiel that the house of Israel would not listen to him because they were of a stubborn heart. In the book of Ezekiel, God told Ezekiel that He would make him a watchman over the house of Israel and gave him various prophecies to deliver to the people. However, God also warned Ezekiel that the people of Israel were rebellious and would not listen to him. The people were stubborn in their ways and had turned away from God's laws, and as a result, they would not heed Ezekiel's warnings and messages of repentance. This is a common theme throughout the Old Testament, where the prophets were often met with resistance and rejection from the people they were sent to warn and guide.
Pregunta 16 Informe
Peter in his epistle enjoined servants to be submissive to their master with all
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Peter in his epistle encouraged servants to be submissive to their masters with all respect. This means that they should show honor and deference to their masters, recognizing their authority and position. The term "respect" implies a deep sense of admiration and recognition of the master's worthiness, and it involves giving due regard to their opinions, needs, and feelings.
Pregunta 17 Informe
Daniel became distinguished above all other Presidents and satraps because
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Daniel became distinguished above all other Presidents and satraps because an excellent spirit was in him. Daniel was known for his wisdom, integrity, and devotion to God. He was a man of prayer, and his faithfulness was evident in the way he lived his life. He was not only highly educated but also a good administrator. His wisdom and discernment made him stand out, and this excellence was recognized by King Darius.
Pregunta 18 Informe
According to the Gospel of John, Jesus is the true vine while the vinedresser is
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Pregunta 20 Informe
'''Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord
This statement was uttered by Peter at thelast supper
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Pregunta 21 Informe
'''...Why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit....'''
Peter rebuked Ananias in the statement above for his sin of
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Pregunta 22 Informe
Paul in Corinthians advised that Christians should re-affirm their love for those who
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Paul in Corinthians advised that Christians should re-affirm their love for those who wrong them. This means that Christians should not hold grudges or seek revenge against those who offend them, but instead show love and forgiveness towards them. It is a reminder that as Christians, we are called to love even our enemies and treat them with kindness and compassion.
Pregunta 23 Informe
Paul in Thessalonians told believers that the coming of the Lord would be accompanied by
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In 1 Thessalonians, Paul tells believers that the coming of the Lord will be accompanied by the sound of the trumpet. This refers to the second coming of Christ, which is believed to be an event in which Jesus will return to earth and bring salvation to believers. The sound of the trumpet is symbolic of the announcement of this event and the gathering of believers to meet Christ. It is a call to all those who have put their faith in Christ to be ready for His coming and to be prepared to meet Him with joy and expectation.
Pregunta 24 Informe
The prophet who made know the imminent division of the kingdom of Israel during Solomon's reign was
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The prophet who made known the imminent division of the kingdom of Israel during Solomon's reign was Ahijah. Ahijah was a prophet who lived during the reign of King Solomon and was sent by God to deliver a message to Jeroboam, who would become the king of the northern kingdom of Israel after its division. Ahijah tore his robe into twelve pieces to signify the coming division of Israel into two kingdoms, with ten tribes in the north and two tribes in the south.
Pregunta 25 Informe
According to Galatians, the death of Christ has eliminated all forms of
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According to Galatians, the death of Christ has eliminated all forms of condemnation. This means that through Christ's death, believers are no longer under condemnation for their sins. Christ has taken the punishment for their sins, and they are declared righteous before God. This freedom from condemnation is a result of God's grace, and it is received through faith in Christ. Therefore, believers are free to live in a new way, empowered by the Holy Spirit to live in accordance with God's will.
Pregunta 26 Informe
Naaman's leprosy was transferred to Gehazi because was
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Naaman's leprosy was transferred to Gehazi because he was covetous. In the biblical story, Naaman, a commander of the army of the king of Syria, was cured of his leprosy by Elisha, a prophet of God. Naaman offered to pay Elisha for the cure, but Elisha refused to accept any payment. Gehazi, Elisha's servant, was covetous and went after Naaman to ask for the payment that Elisha had refused. Naaman gave the payment to Gehazi, who hid it away. When Gehazi returned to Elisha, he lied and said that he had not gone anywhere. Elisha then revealed that he knew what Gehazi had done and pronounced that Naaman's leprosy would now be upon Gehazi and his descendants forever.
Pregunta 27 Informe
After the dedication of the Temple, Ezra studied the law of the LORD in order to
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After the dedication of the Temple, Ezra studied the law of the LORD in order to teach His statutes and ordinances in Israel. As a priest and scribe, Ezra recognized the importance of knowing and understanding God's laws and commandments. Therefore, he devoted himself to studying the Scriptures and teaching them to the people of Israel. His goal was to help the people of Israel to live according to God's will and to avoid the sins that had led to their exile in Babylon. Through his teaching, Ezra helped to renew the spiritual life of the Jewish community and to restore their faith in God.
Pregunta 28 Informe
How did the Ninevites react to Jonah's message?
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The Ninevites reacted to Jonah's message by repenting of their sins. They believed the message and turned away from their wickedness, even going as far as to proclaim a fast and put on sackcloth as a sign of their repentance. This is recorded in the book of Jonah in the Old Testament.
Pregunta 29 Informe
David's behaviour after Prophet Nathan accused him of murder and adultry showed his
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David's behavior after Prophet Nathan accused him of murder and adultery showed his repentance. When Nathan confronted David, he did not try to justify his actions or make excuses for them. Instead, he immediately recognized the seriousness of his sin and was deeply remorseful. David's response is recorded in Psalm 51, where he confesses his sin, asks for forgiveness, and expresses a desire to turn away from his wrongdoing. This is an example of true repentance, which involves acknowledging one's sin, feeling remorse, seeking forgiveness, and making a commitment to change one's behavior.
Pregunta 30 Informe
In Prophet Hosea's analysis, harlotry is equivalent to Israel's
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In Prophet Hosea's analysis, harlotry is equivalent to Israel's idolatrous practices. Hosea used the imagery of a prostitute to describe Israel's unfaithfulness to God, as they turned away from Him and worshipped other gods. Just as a prostitute is unfaithful to her partner, Israel was unfaithful to God by serving and worshipping other gods. Therefore, harlotry in Hosea's analysis is a symbol of Israel's spiritual unfaithfulness and idolatry.
Pregunta 31 Informe
In God's covenant with Israel, the central theme was
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The central theme in God's covenant with Israel was obedience. This is because the covenant was an agreement between God and Israel where God promised to bless them if they obeyed His commandments. The covenant included laws, statutes and commandments that were meant to govern the relationship between God and the Israelites, as well as their relationship with one another. Obedience to these commandments was therefore key to the fulfillment of the covenant and the blessings that God promised to bestow upon them.
Pregunta 32 Informe
God guided the Israellities on their way from Egypt to the promised land by
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According to the Bible, God guided the Israelites on their way from Egypt to the Promised Land by using a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. These miraculous signs were meant to lead and direct the Israelites on their journey, and to show them that God was with them and guiding them every step of the way. The pillar of cloud and fire was a physical manifestation of God's presence and guidance, providing the Israelites with both guidance and reassurance as they made their way through the wilderness.
Pregunta 33 Informe
'''Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.'''
The statement above by the men from Judea led to the
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The statement above by the men from Judea led to the convening of the Jerusalem Council. The issue of whether Gentile converts to Christianity should be required to follow Jewish customs, such as circumcision, was a contentious one. As a result, the apostles and elders came together in Jerusalem to discuss and settle the matter. Ultimately, they determined that Gentile converts did not need to be circumcised or follow all Jewish customs to be saved.
Pregunta 34 Informe
The Hebrew midwives who obeyed God rather than Pharaoh were blessed with
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The Hebrew midwives who obeyed God rather than Pharaoh were blessed with families. In the book of Exodus, the midwives were commanded by Pharaoh to kill all Hebrew male babies at birth, but they chose to fear God and let the male babies live. As a result, God blessed them with families of their own. This shows that God honours those who honour Him, even in difficult situations.
Pregunta 35 Informe
''' Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.'''
Jesus made the statement above to one of the criminals because he
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Jesus made the statement above to one of the criminals because he was repentant. The statement was made to the criminal who had acknowledged his wrongdoing and asked Jesus to remember him when He comes into His kingdom. Jesus promised him that he would be with Him in paradise that day. This shows that Jesus is forgiving and shows mercy to those who repent and turn away from their sins.
Pregunta 36 Informe
Although Josiah removed the vessels of Baal and Asherah from the Temple, God did not turn from the fierceness of His wrath because
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Pregunta 37 Informe
What was Nehemiah intital reaction to the news about the ruins of Jerusalem?
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Nehemiah's initial reaction to the news about the ruins of Jerusalem was to mourn, fast, pray to God, and seek His guidance on what to do. He was deeply concerned about the state of the city and its walls, and he recognized the need for action. Nehemiah was the cupbearer to the Persian king, but he requested permission to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls and restore the city.
Pregunta 38 Informe
What was Samson's major achievement as Israel's leader?
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Samson's major achievement as Israel's leader was to suppress the Philistines. Samson was a judge in Israel, chosen by God to deliver the Israelites from their oppressors, the Philistines. He was a man of great strength and used his strength to defeat the Philistines in several battles, which greatly weakened their power over Israel. Despite his personal flaws, Samson's victory over the Philistines is seen as a significant achievement in Israel's history.
Pregunta 39 Informe
Busy bodies and those living in idleness in the church at Thessalonica were admonished to
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The busy bodies and those living in idleness in the church at Thessalonica were admonished to do their work in quietness and earn a living. This means they were advised to engage in productive activities and earn a living for themselves rather than meddling in other people's affairs or living in idleness. They were encouraged to be responsible and not depend on others to provide for them, but to work hard and support themselves.
Pregunta 40 Informe
'''Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh...''
When Moses resisted God's call with the statement above, it portrayed his
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Pregunta 41 Informe
How did King Solomon demonstrate his wisdom in setting the dispute over the ownership of a baby a the two prostitutes?
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Pregunta 42 Informe
Obadiah who was in charge of Ahab's household demonstrated reverence for the LORD by
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Obadiah who was in charge of Ahab's household demonstrated reverence for the LORD by hiding a hundred prophets of God from Jezebel's wrath. In 1 Kings 18:4, it is mentioned that Obadiah saved a hundred prophets of the Lord by hiding them in two caves and providing them with bread and water, when Jezebel was killing the prophets of the Lord. Obadiah's actions showed his faithfulness and reverence for the Lord, as he risked his life and went against the king's orders to protect the prophets of the Lord.
Pregunta 43 Informe
According to Jesus, the seventy disciples should rejoice because
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In Luke 10:20, Jesus tells the seventy disciples that they should rejoice not because of the power they had to cast out demons or their ability to perform miracles, but because their names were written in heaven. This means that they should find joy in knowing that they are part of the kingdom of God and will have eternal life, rather than in their earthly accomplishments or abilities.
Pregunta 44 Informe
The impact of Jesus miracle of turning water into wine that the
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Pregunta 45 Informe
According to Isaiah, God sent him to
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According to the book of Isaiah, God sent the prophet Isaiah to "proclaim liberty to the captives" (Isaiah 61:1). This means that Isaiah was sent to bring good news and hope to those who were in captivity or oppressed, to proclaim freedom and release from their captivity. This passage is often seen as a prophecy about the coming of Jesus Christ and the salvation that he would bring.
Pregunta 46 Informe
According to Galatians, the Law was added because of
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According to Galatians, the Law was added because of transgressions. In other words, the Law was given as a result of sin, to make people aware of their wrongdoing and to reveal their need for a Savior. The Law was not given as a means of salvation, but rather as a temporary measure to point people to Christ. Paul explains in Galatians that the Law was a "tutor" or "schoolmaster" that led us to Christ, but now that Christ has come, we are no longer under the Law, but under grace.
Pregunta 47 Informe
''...But let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an overflowing stream.''
Amos' statement above suggests that the society was terribly
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The statement above by Amos suggests that the society was oppressive. The phrase "let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an overflowing stream" implies that there was a lack of justice and righteousness in the society. The use of the metaphor of water suggests that justice and righteousness should be constant and abundant like water, which indicates that they were not present in the society at the time. Therefore, the statement suggests that the society was oppressive and in need of justice and righteousness to be established.
Pregunta 48 Informe
According to Luke, the multitude that followed Jesus during the triumphal entry rejoice and praised God with a loud voice because
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Pregunta 49 Informe
Peter in his teaching on humility, admonishes Christians to
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Pregunta 50 Informe
Isaac's prayer to God for his barren wife showed that he
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Isaac's prayer to God for his barren wife showed that he had faith in God. Isaac prayed to God for his wife Rebekah, who was barren, and God answered his prayer by enabling Rebekah to conceive twins. This demonstrated that Isaac believed in God's power and faithfulness to keep His promises.
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