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Pregunta 1 Informe
The process of .... is difficut without computer in transportation system.
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Pregunta 2 Informe
Which of the following circuits is used as memory device in a computer?
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Pregunta 4 Informe
Integrated circuit chips used in micro computer are made of element called?
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Pregunta 6 Informe
The fourth generation programming language includes the following except?
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Pregunta 7 Informe
The user chosen secret string of characters that allows access to the use of computer is called?
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Pregunta 9 Informe
Which of these is not a logic comparison symbol in computer studies ?
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Pregunta 10 Informe
The mechanical counting device called pascaline was invented by......... pascal?
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Pregunta 12 Informe
The distribution of video and audio content to a dispersed audience through electronic media is called?
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Pregunta 13 Informe
The computer that features a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) is known as ...... Computer?
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Pregunta 15 Informe
36. Which of these characteristics of languages is common to all computer programs?
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Pregunta 16 Informe
The logical unit of transfer between the backing storage and main memory in file organization is called?
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Pregunta 18 Informe
In a computer system, SQL, simply means ..... Query language? Sample B. Simple C. Stratified D. Structured E. Summary
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Pregunta 23 Informe
Which of the following is not a function of symbolic DOS command?
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Pregunta 25 Informe
In data base, the minimum number of characters. user can input in the field is known as field?
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Pregunta 29 Informe
By default in Microsoft word, your document prints in .. mode?
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Pregunta 31 Informe
In order to find and load a file that has been saved, you need to select the ... Command.
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Pregunta 35 Informe
The transfer of information from the Internet to your computer is called?
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Pregunta 37 Informe
A calculating machine that is made of hardwood with cursor of glass and metal is called?
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Pregunta 39 Informe
Every computer system connected to the Internet must have a unique address?
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Pregunta 43 Informe
The four standard ports include the following buses, except?
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Pregunta 44 Informe
The following are examples of synchronous communication, except?
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Pregunta 45 Informe
The maximum length of 10 base T unshielded twisted pair cable in meters is?
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Pregunta 47 Informe
Change a\(frac{(b-c)^2}{d +2}\) in algebraic expression to BASIC arithmetic expression.
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Pregunta 50 Informe
The editing features in Microsoft Word include the following, except?
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Pregunta 52 Informe
Which of the following is not among the features of presentation package?
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Pregunta 53 Informe
A/AN is a virus program that copies and multiplies itself by using computer networks and security flaws?
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Pregunta 54 Informe
Which of these registered jacks is used in terminating phone lines?
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Pregunta 56 Informe
How do you find and load a file that has been saved? select ..... command.
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Pregunta 57 Informe
Which of these packages is appropriate for preparing payroll of workers?
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Pregunta 58 Informe
The ...... is added to a host computer hardware in order to expand its abilities?
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Pregunta 59 Informe
What is the decimal equivalent of the binary number 10110111?
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Pregunta 61 Informe
Briefly explain the following terms: (a) website (b) protocols (c) webpage (d) e-commerce (e) e-mails.
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Pregunta 62 Informe
(a) What is word processing?
(b) Give two example of word processors.
(c) State two uses of world wide web (www)
(d)(i) List two types of cables. (ii) What is the advantage of registered jacks 11 (RJ11) over other connectors?
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Pregunta 63 Informe
(a) List two operations that can be performed on computer file.
(b) State three precautions to be taken in order to secure a computer file.
(c) State three advantages of computerized file over manual files.
(d)What is an antivirus?
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Pregunta 64 Informe
(a) What is an operating system?
(b) Give three examples of operating system.
(c) State two differences between the floppy disk and compact disc.
(d) Write a Basic program to calculate the perimeter of a rectangle.
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Pregunta 65 Informe
(a) Draw the AND gate and produce its truth table
(b) List two examples of an output device.
(c)(i) What is a computer virus.
(ii) Give two examples of computer virus.
(d) Convent 28C in hexadecimal to decimal number
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Pregunta 66 Informe
(a)(i) List three classes of computer. (ii) Difference between Analog and Digital computers.
(b) Mention two types of memory.
(c) Give tw0 examples of secondary storage.
(d) Convert 1.44MB to bytes.
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