
WAEC SSCE - English Language - 1988

Pregunta 1 Informe

Probably the motorist saw the - 1 - lorry too - 2 - to be able to - 3 - disaster. However, he realized that if he kept to the - 4 -, a probably - 5 - head on - 6 - would be unavoidable. The only alternative was to take the lesser risk of leaving the road. With great care therefore, he turned sharply - 7 - the road into the ditch by the - 8 -. The consequence was that, instead of being involved in a serious and probably fatal - 9 -, the - 10 - escaped with a few minor - 11 - and bruises, while the only - 12 - to his car was a bent mudguard. By - 13 - into the roadside ditch to avoid what could have been a collision with the approaching lorry, he averted a - 14 - accident at the - 15 - of a few - 16 - to himself and the slight damage to his car.

In question numbered 13 above, choose the best option from letters A - E that best completes the gap.