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Pregunta 2 Informe
Paul advised the Philippians to have the mind "which is yours in Christ Jesus". This refers to Jesus
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In Philippians, Paul encourages the believers to have the same attitude as Christ Jesus. This refers to the attitude of humility, selflessness, and obedience that Jesus demonstrated during his life and especially during his death on the cross. Jesus is presented as the ultimate example of humility, who even though he was divine, did not consider equality with God as something to be grasped, but instead emptied himself and became a servant to all. Therefore, to have the mind of Christ is to adopt the same humble and selfless attitude towards others.
Pregunta 3 Informe
The significance of Jesus' Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem was that
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Jesus' Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem was a significant event in the life of Jesus because it marked the beginning of the fulfillment of the prophecy of the Messiah's arrival, which was long-awaited by the Jews. The people of Jerusalem welcomed him with open arms, spreading palm leaves on the road and hailing him as the Messiah, the King of the Jews. This event demonstrated Jesus' humility, as he rode on a donkey instead of a horse, which was the symbol of a conquering king. It also challenged the authority of the Jewish leaders who were threatened by Jesus' popularity among the people. Therefore, the significance of Jesus' Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem was that it fulfilled the prophecy of the Messiah's arrival, demonstrated Jesus' humility, and challenged the authority of the Jewish leaders.
Pregunta 4 Informe
Paul advised the Philippians to have the mind "which is yours in Christ Jesus". This refers to Jesus
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In his letter to the Philippians, Paul exhorts them to have the same mindset as Jesus Christ. This mindset is characterized by humility, selflessness, and obedience to God. Jesus demonstrated this mindset by emptying himself of his divine status and taking on the form of a servant, ultimately suffering and dying on the cross for the salvation of humanity. Therefore, when Paul tells the Philippians to have the mind "which is yours in Christ Jesus," he is referring to the humble and selfless attitude exemplified by Jesus, which the Philippians should also adopt.
Pregunta 5 Informe
The converts in Samaria, received the Holy Spirit through
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In the book of Acts in the New Testament, the converts in Samaria received the Holy Spirit through the laying of hands by the apostles. After the death and resurrection of Jesus, the apostles went to different regions to spread the gospel and perform miracles in His name. In Samaria, Philip preached to the people and many believed and were baptized. However, they had not yet received the Holy Spirit. When the apostles Peter and John heard about this, they went to Samaria and prayed for the believers, laying their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. This is described in Acts 8:14-17.
Pregunta 6 Informe
The name Jezreel given to Hosea's first child was a reference to the revolution of
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The name Jezreel given to Hosea's first child was a reference to the revolution of Jehu. Jehu was a king of Israel who led a rebellion against the house of Ahab and Jezebel. The name Jezreel itself was a significant location in Israel, as it was the site of numerous battles and political upheavals. By naming his child Jezreel, Hosea was making a statement about the coming judgment of God upon the house of Jehu and the entire nation of Israel.
Pregunta 7 Informe
Paul advised Christians not to grieve for their dead as others as others who have no hope. "Hope" here refers to
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In this context, "hope" refers to the belief in the promise of eternal life for those who have died in Christ. Paul is telling Christians that they should not grieve as those who have no hope, because they have faith in the resurrection and the promise of eternal life for their loved ones who have died in Christ. Therefore, the "hope" being referred to is the hope of eternal life in Christ.
Pregunta 8 Informe
Peter enjoins church Elders to tend the flock of God
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In 1 Peter 5:2, Peter encourages church elders to "shepherd the flock of God among you, exercising oversight not under compulsion, but voluntarily, according to the will of God; and not for sordid gain, but with eagerness." Therefore, Peter is advising elders to willingly and eagerly take care of the members of the church as a shepherd cares for his flock. He stresses the importance of doing so without being forced or motivated by selfish desires, but rather out of obedience to God.
Pregunta 9 Informe
The prophet that was referred to as "son of man" was
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The prophet that was referred to as "son of man" was Ezekiel. This title was given to him numerous times throughout the book of Ezekiel in the Old Testament of the Bible. It signifies his role as a human messenger of God, delivering His message to the people of Israel. It also highlights the fact that Ezekiel is not just a prophet, but also a representative of all humanity, indicating that the message he delivered was not just for Israel, but for all of humanity.
Pregunta 10 Informe
Paul advised the Philippians to have the mind "which is yours in Christ Jesus". This refers to Jesus
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The phrase "which is yours in Christ Jesus" refers to humility. Paul urged the Philippians to adopt the same attitude of humility that Jesus had demonstrated by leaving his divine glory to become human and suffer death on the cross. Jesus willingly gave up his status and power to serve others, and Paul encouraged the Philippians to follow his example by considering others as more important than themselves and looking out for the interests of others.
Pregunta 11 Informe
Nehemiah and the returned exiles were able to rebuild the city walls because they
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Pregunta 12 Informe
"Master, we toiled all night and took nothing, but at your word, I will let down the nets" This statement was made by
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The statement "Master, we toiled all night and took nothing, but at your word, I will let down the nets" was made by Peter, also known as Simon Peter. He was one of Jesus' disciples and a fisherman by trade. The statement was made in response to Jesus' command to cast their nets into the sea despite their unsuccessful attempt to catch any fish throughout the night. Peter's statement shows his faith in Jesus' words and his willingness to follow His commands even when it may seem futile.
Pregunta 13 Informe
Saul disobeyed God by sparing the life of Agag, the King of the
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Saul disobeyed God by sparing the life of Agag, the King of the Amalekites. According to the Old Testament book of 1 Samuel, God had ordered Saul and his army to completely destroy the Amalekites and all their possessions, including their king. However, Saul did not fully obey God's command and spared the life of King Agag and some of the spoils of war. As a result, God rejected Saul as king and chose David to succeed him.
Pregunta 14 Informe
Which of the following did not take place on the day of Pentecost?
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The Holy Spirit did not say "set apart Paul and Barnabas" on the day of Pentecost. On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. They began to speak in different tongues, and a great wind filled the room where they were gathered. Tongues of fire also rested upon their heads. This event marked the birth of the Christian church, and it is celebrated annually as the Feast of Pentecost. Therefore, the correct answer is "The Holy Spirit said 'set apart Paul and Barnabas'."
Pregunta 17 Informe
Josiah's Religious Reforms in Judah led to the
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Josiah's Religious Reforms in Judah led to the removal of the Temple and vessels dedicated to foreign gods. Josiah was a king of Judah who reigned during a time when the nation was experiencing religious and moral decay. He initiated reforms to restore the worship of Yahweh, the God of Israel. The reforms included removing idols and altars dedicated to other gods from the Temple in Jerusalem and other sanctuaries throughout Judah. Josiah also reinstituted the Passover festival and destroyed places of worship for other gods, such as the high places, Asherah poles, and other images of foreign gods. The reforms were aimed at purifying the worship of Yahweh and turning the nation back to God.
Pregunta 18 Informe
"My father, if it is possible let this cup pass from me" This cup signifies
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The phrase "this cup" refers to the suffering and death that Jesus knew he would have to endure in order to fulfill his mission on earth. In the Bible, the night before his crucifixion, Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane and said, "My father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me." He was expressing his human emotions and his desire to avoid the immense physical and emotional pain that he knew he would have to endure. However, he ultimately submitted to God's will and chose to go through with his crucifixion in order to redeem humanity.
Pregunta 19 Informe
The twelve disciples were advised to respond to any house that did not receive them during their Missionary Journey by
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The twelve disciples were advised to respond to any house that did not receive them during their Missionary Journey by shaking off the dust from their feet. This was a symbolic action indicating that they wanted nothing more to do with that household, and it showed that the responsibility for the outcome of the visit was not theirs. The disciples were not to force themselves on anyone, but they were to proclaim the message of the kingdom of God, and if the people rejected it, they were to move on and seek out others who were more receptive.
Pregunta 20 Informe
The executioners divided the garments of Jesus among themselves because
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According to the Bible, when Jesus was crucified, the Roman soldiers who carried out the execution took his clothes and divided them into four parts, one for each of them. This was because in ancient times, it was customary for the executioners to receive the possessions of the person being executed as payment for carrying out the sentence. Therefore, the soldiers divided Jesus' garments among themselves, as they were his executioners. It was not because of the high quality or because Pontius Pilate ordered them to do so, but rather it was a customary practice at the time.
Pregunta 21 Informe
"They have Moses and the prophet let them hear them" This statement was Abraham's reaction to the
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Pregunta 22 Informe
In Thessalonians, one of the characteristics of the "man of lawlessness" before the second coming of Jesus Christ is that he will
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In Thessalonians, one of the characteristics of the "man of lawlessness" before the second coming of Jesus Christ is that he will claim to be the God above all other gods. This person is described as an opponent of God, who exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, and he will even set himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God. This is seen as a sign of the end times and the imminent return of Jesus Christ. The passage serves as a warning to believers to be vigilant and discerning in the face of such deception.
Pregunta 24 Informe
When Jesus reached Bethany, He discovered that Lazarus has been in the tomb for
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When Jesus reached Bethany, He discovered that Lazarus had been in the tomb for four days. This can be found in the Gospel of John, chapter 11, verse 17. Jesus delayed his arrival in Bethany for two days after receiving news of Lazarus' illness, and by the time he arrived, Lazarus had already been dead for four days. This emphasizes the magnitude of the miracle that Jesus performed by raising Lazarus from the dead, as it was believed that the soul of a person would depart after three days, and there would be no hope of resurrection after that point.
Pregunta 25 Informe
Which of the following lessons is not emphasized by the parable of the Prodigal Son?
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The lesson not emphasized by the parable of the Prodigal Son is "God pardons the righteous." The parable, as told by Jesus in the Gospel of Luke, is a story about a father who has two sons. One son demands his inheritance early, leaves home, and squanders it all. When he comes back, the father forgives him and welcomes him home with open arms. The other son, who stayed with the father and worked hard, is jealous of the attention given to the prodigal son. The parable emphasizes God's love and forgiveness towards sinners who repent and turn back to Him, as seen in the father's reaction to his wayward son's return. It also shows that we should not be jealous or resentful of others who receive forgiveness and grace, as seen in the reaction of the older son. However, the parable does not focus on the idea that God pardons the righteous, as it primarily deals with the return and forgiveness of the prodigal son.
Pregunta 26 Informe
According to Paul in Romans, Abraham was justified because of his
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According to Paul in Romans, Abraham was justified because of his faith in God. In the book of Romans, Paul explains that no one can be justified before God by following the law, but rather through faith in Jesus Christ. He uses Abraham as an example of this principle, saying that Abraham's faith was counted as righteousness, even before he was circumcised or had obeyed any of the commandments. Therefore, it was Abraham's faith in God that justified him, rather than his obedience to the law or his personal goodness.
Pregunta 27 Informe
Paul argued in Galatians that the Jews were until the coming of Jesus slaves to
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Pregunta 28 Informe
In one of his teachings, Jesus said, " I am the True Vine and my father is the
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In John 15:1, Jesus said, "I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener." This means that Jesus is comparing himself to a vine, and God the Father to a gardener or vine dresser. In this analogy, Jesus is the source of spiritual life and sustenance, and God is the one who tends to him and cares for him, just as a gardener cares for a vine. Just as a vine must be pruned and cared for in order to bear good fruit, so too must we, as followers of Jesus, be willing to be pruned and shaped by God in order to bear good fruit in our lives.
Pregunta 29 Informe
Joshua was a successful leader of his people because he
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Joshua was a successful leader of his people because he trusted in God. When Moses died, Joshua was appointed to lead the Israelites into the promised land of Canaan. Joshua trusted in God and followed His instructions, which led to many successful military campaigns against their enemies. He demonstrated strong faith and obedience to God, which allowed him to lead his people through difficult times and achieve many victories.
Pregunta 30 Informe
When Elijah pronounced heavy punishment against Ahab and his family, Ahab reacted by
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Pregunta 31 Informe
How many disciples did Jesus send to the village in Bethphage to bring an ass and a colt?
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Jesus sent two disciples to the village in Bethphage to bring an ass and a colt. This is mentioned in Matthew 21:1-2, where Jesus instructs two of his disciples to go to the village and find a donkey and a colt tied up, and bring them to Him.
Pregunta 32 Informe
According to James, Christians who are passing through trials for their faith should
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According to James, Christians who are passing through trials for their faith should rejoice. James explains that trials test the faith of believers and produce endurance, and that endurance can lead to maturity and completeness in one's faith. Therefore, believers should view trials as an opportunity for growth and rejoice in the hope that God will use their suffering to develop their faith.
Pregunta 33 Informe
The condemnation of King Ahab by Elijah was not because of his
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The condemnation of King Ahab by Elijah was not because of his ascension to the father's throne. Instead, it was because of his worship of Baal and the erection of an altar for Baal, which led to the introduction of false gods among the Israelites, leading them astray from the true worship of God. Elijah sought to bring Ahab back to the true worship of God and condemned his actions which were contrary to the commandments of God.
Pregunta 34 Informe
Who among the following refused to worship the image set up by Nebucchadnezzar?
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Shadrach is the person who refused to worship the image set up by Nebuchadnezzar. According to the Bible in the book of Daniel, Shadrach was one of the three Hebrews who were brought to Babylon and served in the court of Nebuchadnezzar. When Nebuchadnezzar made a decree that everyone should worship the image he had set up, Shadrach refused to do so because of his faith in God. As a result, he was thrown into a fiery furnace, but miraculously survived because of God's intervention.
Pregunta 35 Informe
Josiah's immediate reaction to the words of Huldah the prophetess was
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When Josiah heard the words of Huldah the prophetess, he tore his clothes in distress and immediately ordered the reading of the book of the law in the hearing of all the people. He also made a covenant to follow the Lord and keep his commandments, and began a campaign to remove all the idols and false gods from the land, including those in the temple. Therefore, Josiah's immediate reaction to the words of Huldah was reading the book of the law and taking action to follow it.
Pregunta 36 Informe
God hardened the Egyptian's heart because
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According to the book of Exodus in the Bible, God hardened the heart of the Egyptian Pharaoh in order to gain glory over him and show his power to the people of Israel. Pharaoh had refused to let the Israelites go despite being struck by ten plagues, and God wanted to demonstrate His ultimate power and sovereignty over Pharaoh and the Egyptian gods. This ultimately led to the Israelites being freed from slavery in Egypt and their journey to the Promised Land.
Pregunta 37 Informe
James says that the prayers of the Elders of the church produce results which include
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In James, it is stated that the prayers of the Elders of the church are effective and can lead to healing and forgiveness of sins. This means that when the Elders pray for someone who is sick or has committed sins, those individuals can be healed and forgiven of their wrongdoings. The effectiveness of the Elders' prayers is attributed to their righteousness and faith in God. Therefore, through the power of prayer, individuals can experience spiritual and physical healing and be reconciled with God.
Pregunta 38 Informe
"Judge not, that you be not judged" is a warning against
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The statement "Judge not, that you be not judged" is a warning against hypocrisy. This statement was made by Jesus in the book of Matthew, and it means that we should not be quick to judge others because we, too, are not perfect and have our own flaws. If we judge others without acknowledging our own flaws, we are being hypocritical. Jesus emphasized the importance of dealing with our own faults before pointing out the faults of others. Therefore, we should avoid being hypocritical and focus on correcting our own faults before criticizing others.
Pregunta 40 Informe
Paul likened the spiritual gifts received by individual members of the church to the
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Paul likened the spiritual gifts received by individual members of the church to the different parts of the human body. In his analogy, he explained that just as each part of the body has its unique function and importance, so also does every member of the church have unique spiritual gifts to contribute to the growth and well-being of the church. He emphasized that no one gift is more important than the other, and that all the gifts are necessary for the effective functioning of the body of Christ, which is the church.
Pregunta 41 Informe
Saul's sight was restored by
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Saul's sight was restored by Ananias. In the Bible, Saul (later known as Paul) had a vision of Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus, which left him blinded. Ananias was a disciple of Jesus and was sent by Him to Saul to restore his sight and baptize him. Ananias laid his hands on Saul, and the scales fell from his eyes, and he regained his sight. This event marked the beginning of Paul's ministry as a Christian, and he went on to become one of the most influential figures in the early Christian church.
Pregunta 42 Informe
The prophet who told Naaman to wash himself seven times in river Jordan was
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The prophet who told Naaman to wash himself seven times in the river Jordan was Elisha. In the book of 2 Kings 5, Naaman, a Syrian army commander, had leprosy and was seeking healing. Elisha, the prophet of God, sent a messenger to Naaman instructing him to wash himself seven times in the Jordan River. Although Naaman was hesitant at first, he eventually followed Elisha's instructions and was healed of his leprosy.
Pregunta 43 Informe
When David's son by Bathsheba died, she bore another son called
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When David's son by Bathsheba died, she bore another son called Solomon.
Pregunta 45 Informe
According to Paul, God sent his son to die for sinners in order to
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According to Paul, God sent his son to die for sinners in order to justify the world. This means that through the death of Jesus, God made it possible for people to be made right with Him, to be reconciled to Him and have a restored relationship with Him. It also means that through faith in Jesus, people can be saved and declared righteous, not because of their own works, but because of what Jesus did for them on the cross. In other words, the death of Jesus provides the basis for God to forgive and accept sinners who turn to Him in repentance and faith.
Pregunta 46 Informe
Joshua died at the age of a
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According to the Bible, Joshua was the successor of Moses and led the Israelites into the promised land. However, it is not explicitly stated in the Bible how old Joshua was when he died. Some scholars believe that he may have lived to be around 110 years old, based on a reference in Joshua 24:29-30 where it says that Joshua died at the age of "110 years old" and was buried in his own inheritance at Timnath-serah.
Pregunta 47 Informe
A returned exile who studied and taught the Laws of the Lord with diligence was
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Ezra was the returned exile who studied and taught the Laws of the Lord with diligence. He was a priest and scribe who played a key role in the restoration of the Temple in Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile. Ezra is described in the Old Testament as a man devoted to the study and teaching of God's law, and he is credited with reestablishing the religious practices of the Jewish people in Jerusalem.
Pregunta 48 Informe
According to the first creation story, the firmament was created before
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Pregunta 49 Informe
The priest of Midian gave Moses, his daughter
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The correct answer is Zipporah. In the book of Exodus, chapter 2, we are told that Moses fled Egypt after killing an Egyptian taskmaster and ended up in the land of Midian. There he helped out the daughters of the priest of Midian by watering their flocks, and the priest invited him to his home. Moses stayed with the priest and eventually married his daughter, Zipporah. Later on in Exodus, we see that Zipporah and Moses had a son named Gershom.
Pregunta 50 Informe
"Lord now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace,....for mine eyes have seen thy salvation " This statement was made by
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The statement "Lord now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace,....for mine eyes have seen thy salvation" was made by Simeon. Simeon was a devout and righteous man who was promised by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death until he had seen the Messiah. When Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple for the purification ceremony, Simeon recognized Jesus as the fulfillment of this promise and uttered this statement of praise and thanksgiving to God.
Pregunta 51 Informe
The man forced to carry the cross of Jesus on the way to crucifixion was
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The man who was forced to carry the cross of Jesus on the way to the crucifixion was Simon of Cyrene. According to the gospel accounts, Simon was a passerby who was compelled by the Roman soldiers to carry the cross for Jesus when he was no longer able to bear the weight of it himself. Simon of Cyrene is mentioned in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. This event is significant in the Christian faith as it highlights the sacrificial suffering of Jesus on behalf of all humanity.
Pregunta 52 Informe
(a) Explain Peter's description of Christians as "a Chosen Race and a royal Priesthood"...
(b) Give two examples in a Christian's daily life to support the above description.
Pregunta 53 Informe
(a) Explain how Herod opposed the early church.
(b) Identify two consequences of this opposition.
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Pregunta 54 Informe
(a) How did Paul convince the Galatians that Christians are children of God?
(b) Indicate two ways Christians should manifest themselves as children of God.
Pregunta 55 Informe
(a) Give an account of Mary's encounter with Angel Gabriel.
(b) State two significant points in Mary's reply to the angel's announcement.
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Pregunta 56 Informe
(a) Explain how the faith of Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego was tested in Babylon.
(b) Give four examples of cultural practices which are contrary to the Christian faith in your society.
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Pregunta 57 Informe
(a) Outline Paul's message on justification.
(b) State two conditions for the attainment of justification.
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Pregunta 58 Informe
(a) According to Paul, what are the signs of the parousia?
(b) State three lessons relevant to Christians in Paul's explanation.
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Pregunta 59 Informe
(a) Describe the roles of Joseph of Arimathea and the women in the burial of Jesus.
(b) In what three ways was Joseph's action significant?
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Pregunta 60 Informe
(a) Describe the escape of the Israelites from Egypt.
(b) In what two ways was this event significant to Israel.
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Pregunta 61 Informe
(a) How did David react to the assassination of Abner?
(b) Indicate two lessons that can be learnt from this incident.
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Pregunta 62 Informe
(a) Narrate the event that portrayed Jesus as the "Resurrection and the life".
(b) What two lessons can be drawn from this declaration?
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Pregunta 63 Informe
(a) Highlight the covenant promises which God made to Abraham.
(b) In what three ways are these promises significant to Christians?
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