Early Centres Of Civilization


Early Centres of Civilization in Nigeria up to 1800 were essential hubs of human activity that played a significant role in shaping the social, cultural, and economic landscape of the region. These centres, ranging from settlements to magnificent monuments, not only served as places of living and governance but also acted as focal points for societal interactions and exchanges.

Understanding the Significance of Various Centres:

The various centres of civilizations in Nigeria were crucial for the development and organization of different communities. These centres were not merely physical locations but represented power, authority, and identity for the people living within and around them. They were where leaders resided, decisions were made, and traditions were upheld. Exploring the significance of these centres provides us with valuable insights into the socio-political structures and cultural practices of early Nigerian societies.

Historical Importance of Monuments and Shelter Systems:

The monuments and shelter systems in Nigeria, such as Kuyambana, Durbi-ta-Kusheyi, city walls, and palaces, hold immense historical significance. These structures were more than just architectural feats; they were symbols of strength, resilience, and creativity. Caves and rocky formations, for example, served as shelters, places of worship, and even as burial sites. Studying these monuments helps us appreciate the craftsmanship and ingenuity of past civilizations.

Exploring the People's Relationship with the Environment:

One of the fascinating aspects of early Nigerian civilizations is how communities interacted with their surroundings. The geographical zones and resources available influenced the lifestyle and livelihoods of the people. Whether it was the Nok terracotta figures, the intricate bronze works of Benin, or the elaborate architecture of Ife, each civilization's connection to the environment shaped their artistic expressions and economic activities.

Promoting Relations and Integration Among Different Peoples:

Despite the diversity of cultures and traditions across Nigeria, there were instances of collaboration, trade, and cultural exchange among various groups. The interactions between the Nok, Daima, Ife, Benin, Igbo Ukwu, and Iwo Eleru civilizations demonstrate the interconnectedness and mutual influences that characterized early Nigerian societies. These exchanges not only enriched artistic practices but also fostered intercultural understanding and unity.


In conclusion, the study of early centres of civilization in Nigeria up to 1800 offers a compelling narrative of human ingenuity, creativity, and resilience. By examining the significance of various centres, exploring historical monuments, understanding the people-environment relationship, and reflecting on inter-ethnic relations, we gain a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of Nigeria's historical heritage.


  1. Examine The Significance Of Various Centres
  2. Establish The Historical Significance Of The Various Monuments Such As Caves And Rocky Formations

Nota de la lección

Civilizations have flourished in various parts of the world at different times in history. Early centres of civilization are notable for their significant contributions to the development of human society. This article will explore some of these early centres and examine their historical significance. Additionally, we will delve into the importance of various monuments such as caves and rocky formations that provide valuable insights into the lives of ancient peoples.

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  1. Early Centres Of Civilization What is the significance of various centres in early civilizations in Nigeria? A. They were important trading hubs B. They were centers of religious worship C. They served as political capitals D. All of the above Answer: D. All of the above
  2. What role did monuments and shelter systems play in the early civilizations of Nigeria? A. Providing protection and defense B. Signifying power and wealth C. Serving as religious sites D. All of the above Answer: D. All of the above
  3. Which of the following is NOT one of the monuments mentioned in the topic notes? A. Kuyambana B. Nok C. Ife D. Igbo Ukwu Answer: B. Nok
  4. What was the purpose of city walls in early Nigerian civilizations? A. To keep out invaders B. To define the boundaries of the city C. To provide irrigation to the city D. To display artistic achievements Answer: A. To keep out invaders

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