Igbo Customs And Institutions As Categorized Below


Understanding Igbo customs and institutions is essential for appreciating the rich cultural heritage of the Igbo people. This overview will delve into various aspects categorized under Ekele Dị Icheiche, Echichi, Arụ na nsọala, Ọchịchị Ọdịnala, Nkwenye, Akụnaụba, Ikikere mmụọ, Egwuregwu, and Akaọrụ ndị Igbo.

Ekele Dị Icheiche: This category encompasses aspects such as ekele ụtụtụ (traditional greetings), ehihie (festivals), anyasị (marriage), nri (lineage), nlakpu (rituals), and ọrụ (work). Understanding these elements provides insights into the social fabric and daily life of the Igbo people.

Echichi: Within this category, we explore the concepts of ọzọ (title-taking), Eze/Obi/Igwe/Iyom (traditional rulers), and the significance attached to these positions in Igbo society. The roles of these traditional leaders and their impact on governance and decision-making will be examined.

Arụ na nsọala: Focusing on customs and traditions, we will look into elements like anụ (land), osisi (trees), ebe (location), and igbu ọchụ (waste disposal). Understanding the cultural significance attached to these aspects of the environment sheds light on the Igbo worldview and values.

Ọchịchị Ọdịnala: Delving into Igbo spirituality, this category explores beliefs related to Igwe/Eze, Nze na Ọzọ, Ụmụnna, and Ezinaụlọ. Through these traditional institutions, we gain insights into the religious practices and communal values that guide the Igbo people.

Nkwenye: This section covers aspects like ịdụ isi/ịṅụ iyi (water divination), ịgba ndụ (life cycle), orikọ (ancestral praise), and more. These cultural practices highlight the importance of heritage, spirituality, and community cohesion in Igbo society.

Akụnaụba: Exploring governance and justice in Igbo culture, we delve into practices like inwe ala (land ownership), ike ala (land disputes resolution), ekpe (judiciary), and elulu (masquerades). Understanding these systems provides insights into the legal and social structures of the Igbo people.

Ikikere mmụọ: This category delves into spiritual practices such as ọfọ (divination), ogu (war), ọtọnsi (oath-taking), okpesi (peace), and ikenga (valor). These rituals and beliefs showcase the spiritual worldview and ethical codes of the Igbo people.

Egwuregwu: Exploring entertainment and performance traditions, we examine aspects like mgba (dancing), egwu ọnwa (moonlight dance), ikpọụga (wrestling), ịzụ ǹchò (feasting), and more. These cultural practices demonstrate the artistic expressions and social gatherings that characterize Igbo society.

Akaọrụ ndị Igbo: In this section, we investigate occupations and economic activities such as ọrụ ugbo (farming), ịkụ azụ (hunting), ịkpụ ụzụ (blacksmithing), ịzụ ahịa (trading), and more. Exploring these aspects sheds light on the economic foundations and livelihoods of the Igbo people.


  1. Describe The Customs Of Their People
  2. Describe The Importance Of The Aspects Of Igbo Culture
  3. Determine The Rules And Regulations Guiding Specified Aspects Of The Culture And Tradition Of The Igbo People
  4. Explore Their Environment For A Better Appreciation Of Their Culture
  5. Identify Changes That Have Occurred As A Result Of Civilization

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  1. Discuss the importance of the role of 'Nze na Ozo' in Igbo society. A. They are responsible for settling disputes and maintaining peace in the community B. They are in charge of organizing traditional festivals and ceremonies C. They focus on the economic development of the community D. They are the religious leaders of the community Answer: A. They are responsible for settling disputes and maintaining peace in the community
  2. Explain the significance of 'Ụmụnna' in Igbo culture. A. They are the youth organization of the community B. They are the age-grade system in Igbo society C. They are the extended family system responsible for mutual aid and support D. They are the title chiefs in the community Answer: C. They are the extended family system responsible for mutual aid and support
  3. What is the primary role of 'Ike Ekpe' in Igbo tradition? A. To oversee agricultural activities in the community B. To lead the masquerade festivals and ceremonies C. To enforce laws and customs in the village D. To serve as the chief priest in the community Answer: C. To enforce laws and customs in the village
  4. Describe the function of 'Ọgbọ/Ebiri/Uke' in Igbo society. A. They are the women's council in the community B. They are the warrior group responsible for defense C. They handle traditional medicine and healing practices D. They serve as the council of elders making important decisions Answer: D. They serve as the council of elders making important decisions
  5. Discuss the importance of 'Ọmụada' among the Igbo people. A. They are the wives of titled men in the community B. They are the female age-grade system C. They are young maidens who assist during marriage ceremonies D. They are the priestesses in charge of spiritual rituals Answer: C. They are young maidens who assist during marriage ceremonies

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