

Welcome to the course material on Hadith in Islamic Studies. This course delves into the profound significance of Hadith, which is a collection of teachings, actions, approvals, and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The primary objective of this course is to provide an in-depth understanding of the historical development of Hadith from the time of the Prophet (SAW) to the era of the six authentic collectors.

One of the pivotal aspects we will explore is the authentication of Hadith through the meticulous analysis of the Isnad (chain of narrators) and Matn (text of the Hadith). By scrutinizing these elements, students will learn to distinguish between the categories of Hadith - Sahih (authentic), Hassan (good), and Da’if (weak).

Furthermore, we will investigate the relationship between Hadith and the Glorious Qur’an, emphasizing the importance of Hadith as a complementary source of guidance to the Qur’an. While both sources serve as foundational pillars of Islamic teachings, Hadith provides further elaboration, interpretation, and practical application of the Qur'anic injunctions.

The course will also delve into the lives and works of the six sound collectors of Hadith, namely Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam Abu Dawood, Imam Tirmidhi, Imam Ibn Majah, and Imam An-Nasa'i. Students will gain insights into their biographies, methodologies, and significant contributions to the preservation of Hadith literature.

Moreover, we will focus on the study of Muwatta, authored by Imam Malik, one of the prominent scholars of Hadith. By examining his biography and the content of his compilation, students will appreciate the scholarly efforts made towards preserving the Prophetic traditions.

As part of the practical component of this course, students will engage in studying selected Arabic texts of Ahadith from an-Nawawi’s collection. By interpreting and applying these Ahadith in their daily lives, students will gain a deeper insight into the practical implications of Hadith teachings.

In conclusion, this course serves as a comprehensive exploration of Hadith, aiming to equip students with the requisite knowledge and skills to understand, authenticate, and apply the Prophetic traditions in their personal and communal lives.


  1. Examine the Importance of Hadith
  2. Distinguish Between Hadith and the Glorious Qur’an
  3. Evaluate the Biography of Imam Malik and Analyse His Work
  4. Analyse the Isnad
  5. Distinguish Between Hadith Sahih, Hassan, and Da’if
  6. Evaluate the History of Hadith from the Time of the Prophet (SAW) to the Period of Six Authentic Collectors
  7. Analyse the Matn
  8. Apply Them in Daily Lives
  9. Evaluate the Biographies and Works of the Six Sound Collectors of Hadith
  10. Interpret the Ahadith in Arabic

Nota de la lección

In the world of Islamic Studies, Hadith holds a place of profound significance. Hadith refers to the sayings, actions, and approvals of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). It is a critical source of guidance for Muslims, second only to the Qur’an. This article provides an in-depth analysis of Hadith, covering its importance, distinguishing it from the Qur'an, examining notable scholars like Imam Malik, and analyzing various types of Hadith and their applications in daily life.

Evaluación de la lección

Felicitaciones por completar la lección del Hadith. Ahora que has explorado el conceptos e ideas clave, es hora de poner a prueba tus conocimientos. Esta sección ofrece una variedad de prácticas Preguntas diseñadas para reforzar su comprensión y ayudarle a evaluar su comprensión del material.

Te encontrarás con una variedad de tipos de preguntas, incluyendo preguntas de opción múltiple, preguntas de respuesta corta y preguntas de ensayo. Cada pregunta está cuidadosamente diseñada para evaluar diferentes aspectos de tu conocimiento y habilidades de pensamiento crítico.

Utiliza esta sección de evaluación como una oportunidad para reforzar tu comprensión del tema e identificar cualquier área en la que puedas necesitar un estudio adicional. No te desanimes por los desafíos que encuentres; en su lugar, míralos como oportunidades para el crecimiento y la mejora.

  1. What is the term used to describe the chain of narrators in a Hadith? A. Isnad B. Matn C. Tafsir D. Tajwid Answer: A. Isnad
  2. Which of the following refers to the actual text of the Hadith? A. Isnad B. Matn C. Sahih D. Da'if Answer: B. Matn
  3. Who is known for collecting Hadith in his book "Muwatta"? A. Imam Nawawi B. Imam Malik C. Imam Bukhari D. Imam Muslim Answer: B. Imam Malik
  4. Which of the following is considered one of the six authentic collectors of Hadith? A. Imam Abu Hanifa B. Imam Shafi'i C. Imam Malik D. Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal Answer: C. Imam Malik
  5. What is the importance of studying Hadith in Islamic Studies? A. To understand the life of the Prophet Muhammad B. To learn Arabic language C. To memorize the Quran D. To study history Answer: A. To understand the life of the Prophet Muhammad

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Preguntas Anteriores

¿Te preguntas cómo son las preguntas anteriores sobre este tema? Aquí tienes una serie de preguntas sobre Hadith de años anteriores.

Pregunta 1 Informe

(a)" man 'ahadatha fi 'amrina hadha ...(Hadith 5 of an-Nawawi)
Complete the above Hadith
(b)" man 'ahadatha fi 'amrina hadha ...(Hadith 5 of an-Nawawi)
Translate it to English
(c)" man 'ahadatha fi 'amrina hadha ...(Hadith 5 of an-Nawawi)
Comment on its lessons.

Pregunta 1 Informe

The Hadith above warns Muslims against charity with

Practica una serie de Hadith preguntas de exámenes anteriores.