
JAMB UTME - Literature In English - 2000

Question 1 Rapport

This question is based on selected poems from R. Johnson and D. Ker et al (eds.): New poetry from Africa;Wole Soyinka (ed.): Poems of Black Africa; K.E. Senanu and T. Vincent (eds.): A Selection of African poetry; M. Umukoro and A Sani et al (eds.): Exam Focus: Literature in English; A.E. Eruvbetine and M. Jibril et al (eds.): Longman Examination Guides: Poetry and E.W. Parker (ed.): A Pageant of Longer Poems.

'... It is not yet dawn

And we wake from one nightmara

To another.'

In these lines from Ojaide's The Owl Wake Us', the mood is that of a