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Question 1 Rapport
According to Jeremiah, the Lord's new covenant will be made with the house of ... and the house of__________
Détails de la réponse
According to Jeremiah, the Lord's new covenant will be made with the "house of Israel and the house of Judah." The prophet Jeremiah lived during a time when the kingdom of Israel was divided into two parts, the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. In Jeremiah 31:31-34, he speaks of a new covenant that the Lord will make with the people of Israel and Judah, in which He promises to write His laws on their hearts and to be their God. This new covenant is seen as a fulfillment of the promises made by God to His people and as a renewal of the relationship between God and His people. It is also seen as a symbol of the restoration of the unity of the people of Israel and Judah and the reunification of the kingdom. In the New Testament, Christians believe that this new covenant was fulfilled in Jesus Christ, who through His death and resurrection established a new covenant between God and humanity. Through faith in Jesus, people can be reconciled to God and become part of the new covenant community.
Question 2 Rapport
"For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice..." this statement relates to the______
Détails de la réponse
Response of Israel to the genuiness of God's love is the correct answer. In the message of Hosea on 'Divine Love', God issued the above statement to indicate that he prefered steadfast love to burnt offerings.
Question 3 Rapport
One derivative lesson from the story of Gehazi'z greed is that_______
Détails de la réponse
Ghazi not only destroyed himself but also ruined the lives of his descendants (The curse of leprosy upon him and his generations forever) as a result of greed and dishonesty.
Question 4 Rapport
St. Paul's teaching on forgiveness primarily shows that________
Détails de la réponse
St Paul emphasized the reception of Onesimus back by Philemon despite his inadequacies, that he (Paul) will cover the costs. But this time, not as a mere servant but as a brother in the Lord
Question 5 Rapport
Paul advised the young in his teaching on interpersonal relationship among Christains to ________
Détails de la réponse
The youth according to ST Peter should be respectful and submissive to the elders in the Church. Whilst the elders lead exemplary lives
Question 6 Rapport
"I am the resurrection and the life, he who believes in me, though he dies, yet shall he live". Jesus directed this statement to
Détails de la réponse
The statement "I am the resurrection and the life, he who believes in me, though he dies, yet shall he live" was directed by Jesus to Martha, the sister of Lazarus, after Lazarus had died and was buried. According to the Bible, Lazarus was a friend of Jesus and had become seriously ill. When Jesus arrived, Lazarus had already died and had been in the tomb for four days. Martha and her sister Mary were mourning the loss of their brother, but when Jesus arrived, Martha went out to meet him. During their conversation, Jesus declared that he was the resurrection and the life, and asked Martha if she believed in him. Martha responded by affirming her faith in Jesus and his power to bring her brother back to life. Jesus then went to the tomb, commanded Lazarus to come out, and miraculously raised him from the dead, fulfilling his promise that those who believe in him, even if they die, shall live. Thus, the statement "I am the resurrection and the life, he who believes in me, though he dies, yet shall he live" was a powerful declaration by Jesus of his divinity and his ability to grant eternal life to those who believe in him, even in the face of death.
Question 7 Rapport
To St Paul, Christians can prepare for the second coming of Christ by______
Détails de la réponse
All that Christians have to do in preparation for the second coming of Christ is to live righteous lives with strong faith in the redemptive work of Christ
Question 8 Rapport
"Who do men say that the Son of man is?" Jesus asked this question
Détails de la réponse
The emphasis of Jesus by asking the question in plainly in the context of the Great Confession and to show that popular thinking of the people doesn't count in honouring Him as a Messiah.
Question 9 Rapport
Moses named the place where the Israelites drank water from the rock "Mesah and Meribah' particularly because---------
Détails de la réponse
Moses called the place, "Massah and Meribah' because the Israelites put God to proof by saying, "Is the Lord among us or not?
Question 10 Rapport
Jesus healed the lame man who had been sick for thirty-eight years at?
Détails de la réponse
Jesus healed the lame man who had been sick for thirty-eight years at the pool of Bethesda in Jerusalem. This is recorded in the book of John, chapter 5. In this story, Jesus encounters a man who had been an invalid for a long time and was unable to walk. He asked the man if he wanted to be healed, and when the man said yes, Jesus commanded him to get up, pick up his mat, and walk. The man was instantly healed and did as Jesus commanded. This event caused controversy because it was the Sabbath, and the religious leaders accused Jesus of breaking the Sabbath law by healing the man on that day. However, Jesus defended himself by saying that he was doing the work of his Father. This story is an example of Jesus' compassion and power to heal those who were sick and in need of physical and spiritual healing.
Question 11 Rapport
God instructed Saul to utterly destroy Amalek because_____
Détails de la réponse
God instructed Saul to utterly destroy Amalek because "its people opposed the Israelites on the way, after departing Egypt." In the book of Exodus, it is mentioned that the Amalekites attacked the Israelites as they journeyed through the wilderness after leaving Egypt. God saw this act of aggression as a direct attack on His chosen people and instructed Saul, who was the king of Israel at the time, to completely destroy the Amalekites and all their possessions as a form of punishment. This event is seen as a symbol of God's protection and care for His people, and a reminder of the consequences of opposing His will. The destruction of the Amalekites also served as a warning to other nations that might consider attacking the Israelites in the future.
Question 12 Rapport
Cleopas' heart burnt within him on the road to Emmaus when Jesus ________
Détails de la réponse
Cleopas, among other disciples felt embittered after Jesus appeared on the road to Emmaus teaching the scripture, but they didn't realize he was the resurrected Jesus until he disappeared
Question 13 Rapport
St. Peter's teaching on Civic Responsibility centers upon_____
Détails de la réponse
St. Peter's teaching on Civic Responsibility centers upon Good Citizenship. St. Peter emphasizes that Christians should be model citizens who obey the laws of the land, respect authorities, and contribute to the welfare of society. He encourages believers to live in a way that promotes the common good and to be responsible members of their communities. This includes paying taxes, serving in public office, and actively participating in civic life. St. Peter's teaching on Good Citizenship recognizes the importance of contributing positively to society and promoting the well-being of others, which aligns with the broader Christian value of loving one's neighbor as oneself.
Question 14 Rapport
Peter advised Christians to _______as they were sharing Christ's sufferings
Détails de la réponse
The Apostle Peter, in the New Testament of the Bible, advised Christians to rejoice as they were sharing in Christ's sufferings. This advice can be found in 1 Peter 4:13 where it says, "But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed." Peter's message was that Christians should not be discouraged or fearful when they face suffering or persecution because they are not alone in their struggles. Instead, they should be joyful because they are united with Christ and are partakers in his sufferings. Rejoicing in the midst of trials may seem counterintuitive, but Peter understood that suffering produces perseverance, character, and ultimately, hope. By rejoicing in their sufferings, Christians can develop a deeper understanding of God's love and grow in their faith. Therefore, the answer to the question is "Rejoice."
Question 15 Rapport
The core of St Paul's advice on dignity of Labour is that
Détails de la réponse
The core of St. Paul's advice on the dignity of labor is that Christians should be productive and work diligently in whatever occupation they have, as if they are working for the Lord. In the Bible, St. Paul emphasizes the importance of work and the need to avoid idleness. He encourages Christians to work hard, not just to support themselves, but also to support others who may be in need. St. Paul believed that labor was a way to honor God and to demonstrate love for others. In his letter to the Colossians, St. Paul wrote: "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving" (Colossians 3:23-24). St. Paul also worked hard himself, despite facing many challenges and difficulties, and encouraged others to follow his example. He wrote, "We were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat anyone's food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you" (2 Thessalonians 3:7-9). Thus, the core of St. Paul's advice on the dignity of labor is that Christians should work hard and be productive in their occupations, not just to support themselves, but also to serve others and honor God.
Question 16 Rapport
The significance of the last supper is evident in all but one of the following-----
Détails de la réponse
All the other options reveal Jesus usage of the last supper to foretell certain events except that he re-established the Lord's covenant with his children through Abraham
Question 17 Rapport
St Paul's teaching on spiritual gifts was directed to ____
Détails de la réponse
St. Paul's teaching on spiritual gifts was directed to the Corinthians. In 1 Corinthians chapters 12-14, Paul discusses spiritual gifts and how they should be used in the church. He emphasizes that the gifts are given by the Holy Spirit for the common good of the church, and not for personal gain or to elevate oneself above others. Paul addresses various spiritual gifts, such as prophecy, healing, and tongues, and provides guidance on their use in the church. He also emphasizes the importance of love as the ultimate motivation behind the use of spiritual gifts. Therefore, Paul's teaching on spiritual gifts was specifically directed to the Corinthian church, and his guidance on their use continues to be relevant to Christians today.
Question 18 Rapport
To St. James, a doer of the word of God must learn to also__________
Détails de la réponse
According to St. James a doer of the word must learn to control his tongue, as anyone who cannot do this, deceives himself and his religion is in vain.
Question 19 Rapport
The Last Supper refers the last meal Jesus had with His disciples immediately before His_____
Détails de la réponse
Jesus ate the Last Supper with His disciples before His betrayal and arrest.
Question 20 Rapport
"It shall be neither mine nor yours; divide it" what was to be divided?
Détails de la réponse
"It shall be neither mine nor yours; divide it" refers to a live baby that two women claimed as their own. This story is recorded in the Old Testament book of 1 Kings chapter 3, where King Solomon was faced with the difficult task of determining which of two women was the real mother of a baby. Both women claimed that the baby belonged to them, and Solomon had to decide who was telling the truth. His solution was to propose cutting the baby in half and giving each woman an equal share. The true mother's love for the child was revealed when she begged the king to spare the baby's life and give it to the other woman instead. Solomon then declared that the first woman, who was willing to give up her claim to the child rather than see it harmed, was the true mother. Therefore, the phrase "It shall be neither mine nor yours; divide it" refers to the live baby that King Solomon was called upon to judge and which he ultimately saved by revealing the true mother's identity.
Question 21 Rapport
Joseph's leadership quality was so exceptional so much that_________
Détails de la réponse
Other nations of the world benefited from the exceptional leadership skills of Joseph -Egypt was the land of plenty sought after by other nations in the time of severe famine.
Question 22 Rapport
According to Luke, Jesus was standing by the......He thereafter entered into the boat preaching and later 'calling' Simon Peter ________
Détails de la réponse
According to Luke, Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret. He then entered into a boat and began preaching to the people on the shores. After his preaching, he called Simon Peter and the rest of his disciples to follow him and become "fishers of men." In other words, Jesus was inviting Simon and the others to join him in his ministry and spread his message to the world.
Question 23 Rapport
The most significant lesson at the scene of the Israelites' blame of Moses in their struggle and escape from Egypt is that___________
Détails de la réponse
Moses' courage and confidence in God, even though there was to certainty of safety for the Israelites at the red sea as the Eyptians chased after them, is a stand-alone lesson to hold on to from the story.
Question 24 Rapport
"For the men in the ship knew that he was fleeing from the presence of the Lord". The person referred to in this statement is________
Détails de la réponse
The person referred to in the statement is Jonah. The statement is a reference to the Biblical story of Jonah, who was a prophet in ancient Israel. In the story, Jonah was commanded by God to go to the city of Nineveh to preach against its wickedness. However, Jonah didn't want to do this and instead decided to flee on a ship to Tarshish. During the journey, a great storm arose, and the men on the ship became fearful for their lives. They eventually realized that Jonah was the cause of the storm because he was running away from God's command, and they threw him overboard to appease God. Jonah was then swallowed by a great fish, and after three days and nights, he was vomited onto the shore by the fish. Therefore, the phrase "For the men in the ship knew that he was fleeing from the presence of the Lord" refers to the realization of the sailors that Jonah was trying to escape from God's will, which caused the storm to come upon them.
Question 25 Rapport
"I gave you cleanness of teeth in all your cities". By this statement, God gave them ______
Détails de la réponse
The statement "I gave you cleanness of teeth in all your cities" is from the book of Amos in the Old Testament of the Bible. It means that God had taken away the people's food and made them go hungry, resulting in their teeth being clean because they had nothing to eat. In other words, the phrase "cleanness of teeth" is a metaphor for hunger and famine. The people had no food to eat, so their teeth were not being used for chewing, resulting in them being clean. This statement was part of a message from God to the people of Israel, warning them of the consequences of their disobedience and reminding them of His power and authority. Therefore, the answer to the question is "No food to eat."
Question 26 Rapport
Summarily, St Paul in his teaching on 'New Life In Christ' advised Christains to ______
Détails de la réponse
St. Paul's teaching on 'New Life In Christ' is centered on the idea that believers should live a transformed life by turning away from their old ways and embracing a new way of living through faith in Jesus Christ. He advises Christians to dwell richly in the word of God, which is the source of spiritual nourishment and growth. By reading and meditating on the Scriptures, believers can gain a deeper understanding of God's will and purpose for their lives. Additionally, Paul encourages believers to pray for the grace of God, which is the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit that enables them to live a holy and righteous life. Finally, while Paul does not explicitly mention baptism, he emphasizes the importance of repentance and turning away from sin as part of the process of entering into a new life in Christ.
Question 27 Rapport
One of the most significant lessons from the emergence of Deborah as a leader is that_________
Détails de la réponse
One of the most significant lessons from the emergence of Deborah as a leader is that gender difference isn't a limitation to leadership. Deborah was a prophetess and judge who led the Israelites during a time of oppression by the Canaanites. Despite living in a patriarchal society where men were typically the leaders, Deborah's wisdom and courage were recognized and respected by both men and women. Her leadership not only resulted in the defeat of their enemies but also brought peace to the land for forty years. Therefore, the lesson from Deborah's emergence as a leader is that one's gender should not be a limiting factor in leadership. What matters most is one's ability, character, and commitment to lead effectively.
Question 28 Rapport
One of the following is not a quality of good discipleship________
Détails de la réponse
"Exuberance" is not a necessary quality of good discipleship. Good discipleship is characterized by qualities such as self-denial, where one is willing to give up their own interests and desires for the sake of following their spiritual leader or beliefs. Total commitment means being fully devoted and dedicated to the cause. However, exuberance refers to excessive excitement and enthusiasm, which is not necessarily a requirement for good discipleship. It is possible to be a good disciple without being overly energetic and enthusiastic. What is more important is a person's actions and behaviors, which should align with the principles and values of their faith.
Question 29 Rapport
When Jesus healed the paralytic, the anger of the scribes was aroused by His_______
Détails de la réponse
The scribes were angered by Jesus' statement 'my son, your sins are forgiven' when He healed the paralytic. To them, such statement was blasphemous, as it is only God that can forgive sins.
Question 30 Rapport
The accusation of blasphemy against Moses, the law and God was levied against _______
Détails de la réponse
The accusation of blasphemy against Moses, the law and God was levied against Stephen. In the book of Acts in the New Testament of the Bible, Stephen was a man full of faith and wisdom who was chosen as one of the seven deacons to serve the needs of the community of believers in Jerusalem. However, he was also known for preaching about Jesus and performing miracles, which led to some people becoming jealous and angry with him. During a debate with some of these people, Stephen made a long speech in which he recounted the history of the Israelites and their relationship with God. He criticized the religious leaders for not following God's laws and for rejecting Jesus as the Messiah. This enraged the crowd, and they accused him of speaking blasphemous words against Moses, the law, and God. As a result of these accusations, Stephen was arrested and brought before the Jewish high council, where he continued to defend his beliefs. Eventually, he was stoned to death, becoming the first Christian martyr.
Question 31 Rapport
The triumphal entry was in fulfilment of the prophecy of_______
Détails de la réponse
The triumphal entry refers to the event when Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey, just a few days before he was crucified. It is said to have fulfilled a prophecy from the Old Testament book of Zechariah. In Zechariah 9:9, it is written: "Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey." This prophecy was written hundreds of years before Jesus' birth and is believed by Christians to have been fulfilled by his triumphant entry into Jerusalem on a donkey, as recorded in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The people of Jerusalem, who were familiar with this prophecy, saw Jesus' entry on a donkey as a sign that he was the promised Messiah and King who would deliver them from their oppressors. They welcomed him with great joy and praised him as the Son of David, the rightful heir to the throne of Israel. Thus, the triumphal entry was seen as a significant event in the life of Jesus and in the fulfillment of biblical prophecy.
Question 32 Rapport
Since fervent prayers of the righteous has great power in its effects, Christians according to St. James must________
Détails de la réponse
Christians must confess their sins before God and take conscious steps to forsake them as the prayer of the righteous answers fervently.
Question 33 Rapport
Elijah fed on _____ after declaring drought upon the land of Israel
Détails de la réponse
The correct answer is: Bread, meat, and water. According to the Bible, Elijah was a prophet who declared a drought upon the land of Israel as a result of the people's disobedience to God. During this time, Elijah was fed by ravens who brought him bread and meat in the morning and evening, and he drank from a nearby brook (1 Kings 17:2-6). Later on, when the brook dried up due to the drought, God instructed Elijah to go to a town called Zarephath, where a widow would provide for him. When Elijah found the widow, he asked her for some water and a piece of bread. The widow explained that she only had a handful of flour and a little oil, and that she was preparing to use them to make a final meal for herself and her son before they died of starvation. Despite this, Elijah instructed the widow to make him a small cake of bread with the flour and oil, and to then make a meal for herself and her son. The widow obeyed, and miraculously, her supply of flour and oil did not run out until the drought ended and rain fell upon the land (1 Kings 17:8-16). Therefore, the correct answer to the question is: Bread, meat, and water, as these are the foods that Elijah ate after declaring the drought upon the land of Israel. The other options do not accurately reflect the foods that Elijah ate during this time.
Question 34 Rapport
According to St James, 'He who keeps the whole law and fails in one is guilty of....'
Détails de la réponse
St James advised Christians against partiality and corruption, saying that if they keep the whole law and fail in one by showing partiality
Question 35 Rapport
... updated Nehemiah about the state of Jerusalem while he was ...
Détails de la réponse
Hanai visited Nehemiah, a captive in Babylon and reported the state of Jerusalem to him.
Question 36 Rapport
St Paul's epistle to the Philippians on "Christian Giving' indicated his reception of gifts from them through________
Détails de la réponse
St. Paul's epistle to the Philippians on "Christian Giving" indicated his reception of gifts from them through Epaphroditus. In his letter to the Philippians, Paul wrote about the importance of Christian giving and thanked the Philippians for their generosity in supporting his ministry. He mentioned that they had sent him gifts on several occasions, and he expressed his gratitude for their kindness. Paul specifically mentions in Philippians 4:18 that the Philippians' gifts were delivered to him by Epaphroditus, who was a member of the Philippian church and who had been sent by the Philippians to bring their gifts to Paul while he was in prison. In Philippians 2:25-30, Paul also spoke highly of Epaphroditus and praised him for his service to the church. Through these passages, it is clear that the gifts from the Philippians were delivered to Paul by Epaphroditus, who was a trusted member of the Philippian church and who had been sent specifically to deliver the gifts to Paul while he was in prison. This shows the close relationship between Paul and the Philippians and their commitment to supporting one another in their shared mission to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Question 37 Rapport
The essence of St. Paul's teaching on Law and Grace is that___________
Détails de la réponse
The essence of St. Paul's teaching on Law and Grace is that observance of the law is not sufficient for salvation, but it is only through God's grace that Christians can be saved. Paul believed that following the law is important, but it cannot bring salvation because no one can perfectly keep the law. Therefore, it is only through faith in Jesus Christ and the grace of God that one can be redeemed and receive eternal life. However, this does not mean that Christians can continue in sin, but rather they are called to live a life of righteousness, obedience to God's commands, and to work out their salvation with fear and trembling.
Question 38 Rapport
"Do not be afraid; for I know what you seek, Jesus who was crucified..." This statement was made__________
Détails de la réponse
The statement "Do not be afraid; for I know what you seek, Jesus who was crucified..." was made by an angel to Mary Magdalene and the other Mary (the mother of James) who had come to Jesus' tomb on the morning of his resurrection. According to the Bible, after Jesus was crucified and buried, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to the tomb to anoint his body with spices. When they arrived, there was a great earthquake and an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, rolled back the stone from the tomb, and sat on it. The guards who were watching the tomb were terrified and became like dead men. The angel then spoke to the women, saying "Do not be afraid; for I know that you are looking for Jesus who has been crucified. He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying" (Matthew 28:5-6). The women were overjoyed at the news and hurried to tell the disciples, who later saw Jesus alive and were convinced of his resurrection. Thus, the statement "Do not be afraid; for I know what you seek, Jesus who was crucified..." was a message of comfort and assurance from the angel to Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, confirming the fulfillment of Jesus' promise to rise from the dead and providing them with evidence of his resurrection.
Question 39 Rapport
Paul taught that spiritual gifts in all their varieties emanate from___________
Détails de la réponse
Paul taught that spiritual gifts in all their varieties emanate from the one Spirit of God. In 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, Paul emphasizes that the gifts of the Spirit come from the same source, which is God. He also notes that there are different varieties of gifts, but they all come from the same Spirit. The gifts are given for the common good of the church, to build up the body of Christ. Paul emphasizes that no one gift is more important than another and that they are all necessary for the functioning of the church as a whole. He stresses the unity of the body of Christ and how each member of the church has a unique role to play. Therefore, Paul's teaching emphasizes that spiritual gifts come from the one Spirit of God and are given for the benefit of the entire church, reflecting God's diversity and unity.
Question 40 Rapport
St. Paul had already boasted to the ______and for this reason he sent a reminder letter to the ______ on Christian giving
Détails de la réponse
The correct answer is: Macedonians, Corinthians. In the Bible, specifically in 2 Corinthians 8-9, the apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians to remind them about their previous commitment to give to the collection for the poor in Jerusalem. He used the example of the Macedonian churches, who despite being in extreme poverty, had given generously to the same cause. Therefore, he urged the Corinthians to follow their example and give generously as well. So, St. Paul had already boasted to the Macedonians about the Corinthians' eagerness to give, and for this reason, he sent a reminder letter to the Corinthians on Christian giving.
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