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Question 1 Rapport
''But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth''. This statement commissions the apostles to
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Question 2 Rapport
A good example of parental upbringing is manifested in the son of
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Question 3 Rapport
When God told Abraham that Sarah would have a child, Abraham laughed because
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Abraham laughed when God told him that his wife Sarah would have a child because they were both very old and past child-bearing age. Abraham and Sarah had been trying to have a child for many years, but it seemed impossible due to their advanced age. Therefore, the idea of having a child at such an old age seemed absurd to Abraham, and he laughed out of disbelief. However, God fulfilled His promise, and Sarah eventually gave birth to Isaac.
Question 4 Rapport
The new covenant which God was to make with the house of Israel was that it would be
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The new covenant that God was to make with the house of Israel is that it would be written upon their hearts. This means that the laws and commandments of God would no longer be written on stone tablets or scrolls, but rather would be internalized in the hearts and minds of the people. The new covenant would be for all of Israel, not just for the tribe of Judah, and it would not be limited to restoring the monarchy or any other earthly institution. Furthermore, it would be an everlasting covenant, meaning that it would never end and would continue to be in effect for all time.
Question 5 Rapport
''''Go and search diligently for the child, and when intention of the speaker in this context was to
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Question 7 Rapport
Why did the accusers of Jesus stay behind while He was led to the Praetorium?
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The accusers of Jesus stayed behind while He was led to the Praetorium because they did not want to be defiled. According to Jewish law, entering a Gentile's house or any place where Gentiles were present would make a person ceremonially unclean. The Praetorium was the residence of the Roman governor, a Gentile, and the accusers did not want to become defiled by entering it, especially since they wanted to participate in the Passover celebration, which required them to be ceremonially clean. Therefore, they stayed outside and waited for Jesus to be brought back out to them.
Question 8 Rapport
Following his encounter with the apostles, the ruler of Cyprus
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Following his encounter with the apostles, the ruler of Cyprus believed the gospel.
Question 9 Rapport
The valley of Eshcol is symbolic to Israel because it was the place where
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The valley of Eshcol is symbolic to Israel because it was the place where the men of Israel cut down a cluster of grapes as part of the reconnaissance mission of the twelve spies sent by Moses to survey the land of Canaan. The grapes were so large and abundant that it took two men to carry them on a pole. This event demonstrated the richness and fertility of the Promised Land, and encouraged the Israelites to trust in God's promise to give them the land, despite the challenges they might face. Therefore, the valley of Eshcol became a symbol of the abundance and blessing that God had in store for Israel, and a reminder of the importance of faith and obedience to His commands.
Question 10 Rapport
Who was forced to carry the cross behind Jesus?
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Simon of Cyrene was the person who was forced to carry the cross behind Jesus. According to the Bible, as Jesus was carrying his cross to Golgotha, the Roman soldiers compelled Simon, a passerby from Cyrene, to carry the cross for Jesus. Simon's act of carrying the cross for Jesus is significant because it symbolizes the idea of bearing one another's burdens and the call to follow Jesus' example of selflessness and love.
Question 11 Rapport
According to the creation account of Genesis 1, God charged man to
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According to the creation account of Genesis 1, God charged man to have dominion over all the earth. This means that God entrusted humans with the responsibility to take care of and manage the earth and all its resources. Humans are expected to exercise wise and responsible stewardship over the earth, while respecting its ecological balance and the well-being of all living creatures. This charge to have dominion over the earth reflects the belief that God created humans as His image bearers, and therefore they have a unique responsibility to care for His creation.
Question 12 Rapport
Who was sent by God to restore Saul's sight after his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus?
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The person sent by God to restore Saul's sight after his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus was Ananias. Ananias was a disciple of Jesus who lived in Damascus. After Saul's encounter with Jesus, he became blind and was led by his companions to Damascus. The Lord appeared to Ananias in a vision and asked him to go and lay hands on Saul so that he could regain his sight. At first, Ananias was afraid because Saul had a reputation for persecuting Christians, but the Lord assured him that Saul had been chosen to be an instrument of His will. Ananias obeyed and went to Saul, prayed for him, and his sight was restored. After that, Saul was baptized and became known as the apostle Paul, one of the most important figures in the early Christian Church.
Question 13 Rapport
''Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for God made man in his own image'' . This statement explains the
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Question 14 Rapport
According to Paul, if we give away all that we have and we deliver our bodies to be burnt, but have not love we
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Question 15 Rapport
After Jacob's dream at Bethel, he promised that he would
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After Jacob's dream at Bethel, he promised that he would give a tenth of all he had to God. In the dream, Jacob saw a stairway reaching from earth to heaven, with angels going up and down on it. God spoke to Jacob and promised to give him and his descendants the land on which he was lying. In response, Jacob declared that the stone he had used as a pillow would be set up as a pillar and that he would give a tenth of all he had to God.
Question 16 Rapport
Why did Judah advise his brothers against shedding the blood of Joseph?
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Question 17 Rapport
Why did God redeem the Israelitess from the hands of Pharaoh?
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God redeemed the Israelites from the hands of Pharaoh for several reasons. Firstly, God remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God had promised them that He would make their descendants into a great nation, and this was the fulfillment of that promise. Secondly, the yoke of the Israelites was heavy. They were being oppressed and enslaved by the Egyptians, and God saw their suffering and wanted to rescue them from their bondage. Thirdly, God wanted to show His power to Pharaoh. Pharaoh had set himself up as a god, and God wanted to demonstrate that He was the true God, the only one who had the power to deliver His people from their oppressors. Finally, God wanted to show that Moses was His chosen leader and that He had given him the power to perform miracles. This would demonstrate to the Israelites that Moses was not just an ordinary man but a chosen instrument of God. In summary, God redeemed the Israelites from the hands of Pharaoh to fulfill His covenant with their ancestors, to relieve their suffering, to demonstrate His power, and to show that Moses was His chosen leader.
Question 19 Rapport
When the people of Israel saw the great work of the LORD in drowning the Egyptians, they
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Question 20 Rapport
One important fact about Mary brought out in Jesus' miracle of changing water to wine was that she
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The important fact about Mary that was brought out in Jesus' miracle of changing water to wine was that she had a deep insight into her son, Jesus, and his ability to perform miracles. Mary recognized that there was a problem with the wine supply at the wedding feast and had faith that Jesus could do something about it. She instructed the servants to do whatever Jesus told them to do, showing her belief in his power to perform a miracle. This highlights Mary's strong faith and belief in Jesus as the Son of God.
Question 21 Rapport
What was the sin committed by Saul that cost him his kingdom?
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The sin committed by Saul that cost him his kingdom was disobedience. Specifically, he disobeyed God's commandment to completely destroy the Amalekites and all their possessions. Instead, Saul spared the Amalekite king and the best of the livestock, claiming that it was to offer a sacrifice to God. However, God had explicitly commanded him to completely destroy everything, and Saul's disobedience showed a lack of faith and trust in God's instructions. As a result, God rejected Saul as king and chose David to succeed him.
Question 22 Rapport
The golden calf which Aaron made for the people of Israel signified
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Question 23 Rapport
Who appeared to talk to Jesus during the transfiguration?
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According to the Bible, when Jesus was transfigured, Moses and Elijah appeared and talked with him. Moses was a prophet and the lawgiver who led the Israelites out of Egypt, while Elijah was a prophet who performed many miracles and was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind. They appeared to talk to Jesus about his upcoming death and resurrection. This event is recorded in the New Testament in the book of Matthew, chapter 17, verses 1-8.
Question 24 Rapport
Where did Joshua gather all the tribes of Israel for presentation before God?
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Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel for presentation before God at Shechem. Shechem was an important city in the central hill country of Canaan, located between Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal. It was a significant location in Israelite history, being the place where God first appeared to Abraham and where Jacob's sons took revenge on Shechem for violating their sister Dinah. Joshua chose Shechem as the location for the covenant renewal ceremony because it was a symbolic and historic site that held great spiritual significance for the Israelites.
Question 26 Rapport
''''Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.'''' The statement above was made to
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The statement, "Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise," was made to the repentant robber. This is a statement made by Jesus when he was being crucified on the cross alongside two other criminals. One of the criminals ridiculed Jesus, but the other acknowledged his own guilt and asked Jesus to remember him when he comes into his kingdom. Jesus replied with the statement mentioned above, assuring the repentant robber that he would be with him in paradise that very day.
Question 27 Rapport
''Now the company of those who believed were of one heart and soul ...''This reveals that the early Christians
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The statement "Now the company of those who believed were of one heart and soul" reveals that the early Christians had everything in common. This means that they shared their possessions, resources, and helped each other whenever they could. They were unified in their beliefs and their actions, and they supported each other in their daily lives. This shows that they had a strong sense of community and cared for one another, which was an important aspect of their faith.
Question 29 Rapport
''Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them'' . This statement was made by the
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The statement "Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them" was made by the Holy Spirit. This statement can be found in the Bible, in the book of Acts chapter 13 verse 2. At the time, Barnabas and Saul were part of a group of prophets and teachers in the church at Antioch. While they were worshiping and fasting, the Holy Spirit spoke to them and instructed them to set apart Barnabas and Saul for a special work that He had called them to do. This work turned out to be the missionary journey that Barnabas and Saul (later known as Paul) embarked on, spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to different parts of the world. This journey was a pivotal moment in the early history of Christianity, and it was all made possible by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Question 30 Rapport
According to Luke, the people who first got to Jesus' tomb were
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According to the Gospel of Luke, the people who first got to Jesus' tomb were Mary Magdalene and the other women who went with her to anoint Jesus' body with spices.
Question 31 Rapport
''Lord, do not trouble yourself, for I am not worthy to have you come under my roof;...''The continuation of this message by the centurion indicates that
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The continuation of the centurion's message indicates that he had faith in the power of Jesus' word. The full message reads, "But say the word, and my servant will be healed." The centurion believed that Jesus had the authority to heal his servant with just a word, without even being physically present. This demonstrated the centurion's trust in Jesus' power and authority.
Question 32 Rapport
The raising of Lazarus illustrates that Jesus
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The raising of Lazarus illustrates that Jesus is the giver of life. When Lazarus died, Jesus came to his tomb and commanded him to come back to life. And Lazarus was resurrected, showing that Jesus had the power to give life even to the dead. This miracle also demonstrated the divine nature of Jesus and strengthened the faith of his followers. While it's true that Jesus was also a friend of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus and showed emotions during this event, the main message of this miracle was to reveal Jesus' power as the giver of life.
Question 33 Rapport
These questions are based on the sermon on the plain
Those that are hated and reviled shall
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According to the Sermon on the Plain, those who are hated and reviled shall be called "sons of God" and will have a great reward in heaven. This means that when people face persecution or opposition because of their faith, they will be blessed by God and will receive a special place in His kingdom. They may not receive recognition or acceptance from the world, but their faithfulness and obedience to God will be rewarded in the end. Additionally, they will receive mercy from God, who will comfort and strengthen them in their trials. So, the message is that being a follower of God may not be easy, but it is worth it in the end.
Question 34 Rapport
Jesus said to her, '' I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die....'' On what occasion was this statement made?
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This statement was made on the day Jesus restored Lazarus back to life. Jesus made this statement to Martha, the sister of Lazarus, when she was grieving over the death of her brother. Jesus had arrived four days after Lazarus' death and Martha expressed her belief that Lazarus would rise again on the last day. Jesus then responded with this statement, explaining that He is the resurrection and the life and whoever believes in Him will live even though they die. He then demonstrated His power by raising Lazarus from the dead, proving that He has power over death and is indeed the resurrection and the life.
Question 35 Rapport
Jesus was tempted in the wilderness in order to
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Jesus was tempted in the wilderness to prepare Him for His earthly ministry. By facing and overcoming these temptations, He demonstrated His obedience to God and His readiness to carry out His mission on earth. It also allowed Him to understand the struggles and temptations that humans face, which would enable Him to empathize with them and minister to them effectively.
Question 36 Rapport
Where did Jesus lodge after he cleansed the temple?
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The correct answer is D. Ref. Matt 21:17, Mk 11:11
Question 37 Rapport
Although David refused to kill Saul because he was the LORD'S anointed, he still believed that
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Question 38 Rapport
During the giving of the law at Mount Sinai, the Israelites wanted Moses to speak to them instead of God because
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During the giving of the law at Mount Sinai, the Israelites wanted Moses to speak to them instead of God because they were afraid and trembled. They believed that if they continued to hear God's voice, they would die. They felt more comfortable having Moses, their spokesman, relay the message to them instead. Additionally, they may not have fully consecrated themselves for this holy encounter with God.
Question 39 Rapport
The consequence of Rehoboam's unwise decision at the time the Israelites came to him at Shechem eventually resulted in
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Question 40 Rapport
The epileptic boy could not be healed by the disciples because
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The epileptic boy could not be healed by the disciples because they had not yet received the power to heal. They had to wait for Jesus to give them the power to perform miracles.
Question 41 Rapport
The report brought by the men who followed Caleb to spy the land of Canaan showed that the land
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Question 42 Rapport
''Grant us to sit, one at your right hand one at your left, In your glory ...''Why was this request by the sons of Zebedee not granted?
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The request by the sons of Zebedee to sit at Jesus' right and left hand in His glory was not granted because it was not within Jesus' power to grant such a request. Jesus told them that it was not His decision to make, and that the positions they asked for were reserved for those whom the Father had already prepared them for. Additionally, Jesus explained that whoever wanted to be first must be the servant of all, indicating that positions of honor and authority in His kingdom were not granted based on personal desires or ambitions but on one's willingness to serve others. Therefore, the request was not granted because it was not Jesus' decision to make and because it did not align with the values and principles of His kingdom.
Question 43 Rapport
The leadership potential of David was demonstrated publicly for the first time when he
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The leadership potential of David was demonstrated publicly for the first time when he killed Goliath, the Philistine giant.
Question 45 Rapport
''And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions,...'' This prophesy, and your fulfilled
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The prophecy referred to is from the Bible, in the book of Acts, chapter 2, verse 17, which says "And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions." This prophecy was fulfilled at Pentecost, which is the event where the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles and they began to speak in different languages. This event was witnessed by many people from different countries, and it marked the beginning of the Christian church. The apostles began to preach the gospel, and many people were converted to Christianity. Therefore, the correct answer to the question is "at Pentecost".
Question 46 Rapport
Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd was loved by the Father because He
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Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd was loved by the Father because He laid down His life for the sheep. This act of sacrificial love demonstrated Jesus' deep care and concern for His sheep, and it was a reflection of the love that the Father had for both Jesus and His sheep. Jesus understood the needs of the sheep, loved them, and tended to them, but it was His ultimate act of selflessness and love that truly showed His worthiness of the Father's love.
Question 47 Rapport
These questions are based on the sermon on the plain
The poor in the spirit are promised?
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Question 48 Rapport
''The LORD give you children by this woman for the loan which she lent to the LORD....'' What was this loan?
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This loan is mentioned in the Bible in the book of 1 Samuel, chapter 1. It is part of a prayer made by a woman named Hannah, who was barren and had been unable to conceive a child. Hannah made a vow to the Lord that if he were to give her a son, she would dedicate him to serve in the temple. Hannah had lent herself to the Lord, meaning she had devoted herself to serving him. It was customary for people to make offerings and sacrifices to the Lord at the temple, and Hannah had likely made a vow to give something of value to the Lord in exchange for his blessing. This is referred to as a loan in the Bible, as Hannah was essentially borrowing God's favor in exchange for her promise to dedicate her child to his service. In summary, the loan mentioned in this passage refers to the vow made by Hannah to give her child to the Lord's service in exchange for his blessing and the ability to conceive a child.
Question 49 Rapport
''Blessed be you, my son David! You will do many things and will succeed in them'' . The above statement was made when David
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Question 50 Rapport
According to Luke, John the Baptist instructed the multitudes that came to be baptized to
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According to Luke, John the Baptist instructed the multitudes who came to be baptized to "bear fruits that befit repentance." This means that John was encouraging people to not just confess their sins and ask for forgiveness, but also to show through their actions that they were truly sorry for their past behavior. In other words, John was urging them to make positive changes in their lives and to live in a way that reflected their commitment to following God.
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