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Question 1 Rapport
Amaziah the priest of Bethel accused Amos, before Jeroboam the King of Israel of
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Amos 7:10
Then Amaziah the priest of Bethel sent to Jeroboam king of Israel, saying, Amos hath conspired against thee in the midst of the house of Israel: the land is not able to bear all his words.
Question 2 Rapport
....... was the instrument used by God to destroy Babylon and in setting the children of Israel free from the Babylonian exile
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The instrument used by God to destroy Babylon and set the children of Israel free from the Babylonian exile was Cyrus the Persian. Cyrus was a powerful king who conquered Babylon in 539 BCE and issued the Edict of Cyrus, which allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their temple. This event is described in the Old Testament book of Ezra, and is seen as a significant event in Jewish history. So, in summary, Cyrus the Persian was the instrument used by God to deliver the Jews from the Babylonian exile.
Question 4 Rapport
Rahab the harlot assisted the Israelites spies as they prepare to attack_______________
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Rahab the harlot assisted the Israelite spies as they prepared to attack Jericho. In the Bible, the story of Rahab is found in the book of Joshua. The Israelites, under the leadership of Joshua, were about to enter the promised land, but they first needed to conquer the city of Jericho. Joshua sent two spies to Jericho to gather information, and they ended up at Rahab's house. Rahab was a harlot, but she was also a woman of great faith in God. She believed that the Israelites were going to be victorious, and she wanted to be on their side. So she hid the spies on her roof and lied to the king's men who came looking for them. In exchange for her help, the spies promised to spare Rahab and her family when they attacked Jericho. When the Israelites did attack Jericho, they followed God's plan and marched around the city for seven days. On the seventh day, they shouted and blew their trumpets, and the walls of Jericho fell down. Rahab and her family were saved because she had helped the Israelite spies. So, in conclusion, Rahab the harlot assisted the Israelite spies as they prepared to attack Jericho.
Question 5 Rapport
According to John, the accusation the Jews levelled against Jesus before Pilate was that He was
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John 18:28 Then they brought Jesus from Caiaphas to the Roman governor’s residence. (Now it was very early morning.) They did not go into the governor’s residence so they would not be ceremonially defiled, but could eat the Passover meal.
29 So Pilate came outside to them and said, “What accusation do you bring against this man?”
30 They replied, “If this man were not a criminal, we would not have handed him over to you.”
Question 6 Rapport
"Behold, the days are coming... When I will send a famine on the land..." Famine in this statement means
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Behold, the days are coming, when I will send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of Jehovah. Amos 8:11-12.
Question 7 Rapport
When Christians give freely, God will supply
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The statement "when Christians give freely, God will supply" is based on a biblical principle that can be found in 2 Corinthians 9:6-8. This principle emphasizes that when Christians give generously and cheerfully to help others, God will provide for their needs in return. This does not mean that God will only supply the needs of those who give or that their needs will be based on the measure they give. Rather, it means that God is faithful and will provide for the needs of His people according to His riches in glory. The provision may come in different ways, and it may not always be immediate or in the form that we expect, but God promises to take care of His people. In essence, Christians are called to trust God and be generous with what they have, knowing that their giving will not go unnoticed or unappreciated. They can have the confidence that God will provide for them day by day as they seek to live out their faith and love others in practical ways.
Question 8 Rapport
In Thessalonia, believers are taught that at the second coming, the dead in Christ will
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Paul teaches the Thessalonians that when Jesus comes, there will be a resurrection of all saints who have died, then a rapture of all saints together, those raised from the dead and those remaining alive.
Question 9 Rapport
According to James, we must consider trials in our lives as what?
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According to James, we must consider trials in our lives as "testing." In the Bible, James encourages his readers to consider it pure joy whenever they face trials of many kinds because these trials test and refine their faith, producing perseverance and maturity in them. In other words, trials are an opportunity for us to grow stronger and more resilient in our faith and character. So, rather than seeing trials as something to be avoided, we should view them as a chance to learn and grow.
Question 10 Rapport
A promise made by king Saul to anyone that could face and defeat Goliath was______________
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King Saul promised to give his daughter in marriage to the person who could face and defeat Goliath. This means that whoever defeated Goliath would have the privilege of marrying King Saul's daughter as a reward for their bravery and skill.
Question 11 Rapport
The main reason why peter and John were arrested by the officers of the temple after they had cured the lame man at the gate called beautiful was that they___________
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The main reason why Peter and John were arrested by the officers of the temple was because they proclaimed in Jesus the resurrection. They were healing a man who was lame from birth and the people were amazed by this miracle. When the people asked Peter and John how they had done this, they told them it was through the power of Jesus and that he had risen from the dead. This message of the resurrection of Jesus was a direct challenge to the religious leaders of the time and they arrested Peter and John to stop them from spreading this message.
Question 12 Rapport
What are we to put on after casting “off the works of darkness, because the night is far spent, and the day is at hand”?
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According to the Bible verse Romans 13:12, we are to "put on the armor of light" after casting off the works of darkness because the night is far spent, and the day is at hand. This means that we are to clothe ourselves with the power of God's light, which symbolizes righteousness, truth, and holiness. The "works of darkness" refer to sinful behavior and attitudes that are contrary to God's will. When we turn away from these behaviors and attitudes, we are to replace them with the "armor of light." This armor represents the protection and strength that God provides to those who trust in Him. The "breastplate of armor" is also mentioned in the Bible as part of the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:14). This is a metaphor for the protection that God provides for our hearts and emotions. It represents righteousness and integrity, which guard us against the attacks of the enemy. In summary, after casting off the works of darkness, we are to put on the armor of light, which includes the breastplate of righteousness and represents the protection and strength that God provides to His people. This means that we are to live in accordance with God's will and to trust in His power to protect us from the enemy's attacks.
Question 13 Rapport
In Mark, Jesus said that the unclean spirit can only be cast out through
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Mark 9:29
Jesus replied, “This kind can be cast out only by prayer.”
Question 14 Rapport
... Do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children..." These words were addressed by Jesus to the___________-
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These words were addressed by Jesus to the "Daughters of Jerusalem." According to the Bible, Jesus spoke these words to a group of women who were weeping for Him as He carried His cross towards His crucifixion. In Luke 23:28-31, Jesus says, "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children. For the time will come when you will say, ‘Blessed are the childless women, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!’ Then they will say to the mountains, ‘Fall on us!’ and to the hills, ‘Cover us!’ For if people do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?" Jesus is warning the women of the impending destruction of Jerusalem, which would result in great suffering for them and their children. He is telling them to focus on the danger that is coming and to prepare for it rather than weeping for Him.
Question 15 Rapport
With regards to giving, Paul admonishes the Romans to do so with_______________
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Question 16 Rapport
In Antioch, what were the disciples called?
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In Antioch, the disciples of Jesus were referred to as "Christians." The name "Christian" was first used in Antioch, according to the New Testament book of Acts, to describe the followers of Jesus who lived there. The name was likely given to the disciples in Antioch because of their association with and commitment to Jesus Christ.
Question 17 Rapport
When the Babylonians captured king Zedekiah, they
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and he was captured. He was taken to the king of Babylon at Riblah in the land of Hamath, where he pronounced sentence on him.
10 There at Riblah the king of Babylon slaughtered the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes; he also killed all the officials of Judah.
11 Then he put out Zedekiah's eyes, bound him with bronze shackles and took him to Babylon, where he put him in prison till the day of his death.
Question 18 Rapport
According to James, the prayer of a righteous man is
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According to James, the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. James, a New Testament book in the Bible, emphasizes the importance of faith and good works in a person's life. In James 5:16, it says that the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective, meaning that when a person who is righteous prays, their prayer has the power to bring about change and is heard by God. This statement highlights the idea that a person's righteousness, or right standing with God, can have a positive impact on their prayers and the outcomes they receive.
Question 19 Rapport
"Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord." This statement was uttered by Peter at the
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Luke 5:1-8
6 When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break.
7 So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink.
8 When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus' knees and said, "Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!"
Question 20 Rapport
What did the demons in the region of the Gadarenes do when they saw Jesus?
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Matthew 8:28-34 says, “When he arrived at the other side in the region of the Gadarenes, two demon-possessed men coming from the tombs met him. They were so violent that no one could pass that way. ‘What do you want with us, Son of God?’ they shouted. Have you come to torture us before the appointed time?…………if you drive us out, send us into the herds of pigs”
Question 21 Rapport
During the giving of the law at mount Sinai, the Israelites wanted Moses to speak to them instead of God because_____________
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Question 22 Rapport
"Hear this word, you cows of Bashan... who oppress the poor, who crush the needy..." cows of Bashan in the statement above refer to the____________
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Question 23 Rapport
When prophet Isaiah saw the lord of host in the temple he_______
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Prophet Isaiah saw the Lord of Hosts in the temple and he was overwhelmed with a sense of awe and reverence for God's holiness. He realized the sinfulness of himself and his people and felt ashamed. However, he also praised God's glory and prayed fervently, seeking forgiveness and guidance. This encounter with God had a profound impact on Isaiah and he became a powerful prophet, speaking on behalf of God to the people of Israel.
Question 24 Rapport
Jesus said anyone who put his hand to the plough and look back would not be
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This quote comes from the Bible, specifically from the book of Luke, chapter 9, verse 62. In this passage, Jesus is talking to someone who wants to follow him, but asks for permission to first go and say goodbye to his family. Jesus responds by saying that anyone who puts their hand to the plough (a farming tool used to make furrows for planting seeds) and then looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God. In simpler terms, Jesus is using a metaphor to explain that if you make a commitment to follow him, you should not look back or be distracted by things from your past or present that may keep you from fulfilling that commitment. He is saying that if you want to follow him, you need to be fully dedicated and not let anything hold you back. This passage emphasizes the importance of wholeheartedly committing to Jesus and the message he brings.
Question 25 Rapport
King ______reigned in Israel immediately after Saul’s death
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Ish-bosheth – II Sam 2:8-11……………Ish-bosheth was the son of Saul. He was crowned King after his Father’s death.
Question 26 Rapport
God put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden of Eden?
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According to the Bible, God placed the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden to give Adam and Eve a choice to obey Him or disobey Him. It was a test of their obedience and love for God. God gave them free will to choose, but He also warned them of the consequences of eating from the tree. By eating the fruit, Adam and Eve disobeyed God and brought sin into the world, leading to their expulsion from the Garden of Eden. The tree was not there for its beneficial fibre or sweet fruit, but as a symbol of the choice that God gave to humans and the importance of obedience to God. It did not reveal their nakedness; that was a result of their disobedience and shame.
Question 27 Rapport
What did God create on the fourth day?
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On the fourth day of creation, according to the account in the Bible, God created the sun, moon and stars, which are known as "the two great lights". These lights were created to give light to the earth and to be used for signs, seasons, days, and years.
Question 28 Rapport
In answer to the Syrophenician woman's request to cast the demon out of her daughter, Jesus first said_____________
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Jesus first said "It is not right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs." This statement was in response to the Syrophenician woman who asked Jesus to cast the demon out of her daughter. Jesus used the term "children's bread" to refer to the blessings and healings he was performing for the Jewish people, and "dogs" as a metaphor for non-Jewish people like the Syrophenician woman. In other words, Jesus was saying that it wasn't appropriate to take away the blessings intended for the Jewish people and give them to someone who was not part of that group. However, the woman's persistence and faith impressed Jesus, and he ultimately healed her daughter.
Question 29 Rapport
"Is David not hiding himself on the hill of Hachilah, which is on the east of Jeshimon?" This report was made to King Saul by the
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The report was made to King Saul by the Ziphites. They were informing him that David was hiding on the hill of Hachilah, which is located to the east of Jeshimon. The Ziphites were a group of people who lived in the region of Judah and were known to have had conflicts with David. In this case, they wanted to curry favor with King Saul by revealing David's location to him. This event is recorded in the book of 1 Samuel in the Bible.
Question 30 Rapport
Who was Nathan in the Bible?
Détails de la réponse
Nathan was a prophet in the Bible who lived during the reign of King David in Israel. He was known for delivering messages from God to the king and the people of Israel. Nathan played an important role in guiding the nation towards righteousness and helped King David understand the consequences of his actions. Nathan is remembered for his wisdom and his role in helping to shape the history of Israel.
Question 31 Rapport
"Can anyone forbid water for baptising these people who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?" The statement above was made by Peter at the conversion of
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Acts 10: 30-4747 Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we?
Question 32 Rapport
Naaman's Leprosy was transferred to Gehazi because Gehazi was________________
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According to the biblical account in 2 Kings 5, Naaman was a powerful commander in the army of the king of Aram who had leprosy. Naaman's servant, a young Israelite girl, told him about the prophet Elisha who could heal him. Naaman went to Elisha, who instructed him to bathe in the Jordan River seven times to be cured. Naaman followed the instructions and was healed of his leprosy. After Naaman was healed, he wanted to give Elisha a gift, but Elisha refused. However, Elisha's servant, Gehazi, was covetous and wanted to receive some of the gifts that Naaman had brought. So Gehazi went after Naaman and lied to him, saying that Elisha had sent him to ask for two talents of silver and two sets of clothing. Naaman gave Gehazi what he requested, and Gehazi hid the gifts in his house. When Gehazi returned to Elisha, he lied to him as well, saying that he had not gone anywhere. Elisha, being a prophet, knew what had happened and pronounced a curse on Gehazi and his descendants, saying that Naaman's leprosy would now be on him and his descendants forever. Therefore, it was Gehazi's covetousness and deceitfulness that caused him to receive Naaman's leprosy as a punishment for his actions.
Question 33 Rapport
What are the names of the men who healed the lame man at the beautiful gate?
Détails de la réponse
The men who healed the lame man at the beautiful gate were Peter and John. This event is recorded in the book of Acts in the New Testament of the Bible. Peter and John were two of Jesus' disciples and they were on their way to the temple when they encountered a man who had been lame from birth. The man was asking for money, but Peter and John told him they had no money to give him. Instead, they offered to heal him in the name of Jesus Christ. Peter then took the man by the hand and helped him up, and the man's feet and ankles were instantly strengthened. He began to walk and even leap, praising God. This miracle caused a commotion and many people gathered around to see what had happened. Peter took the opportunity to preach to the crowd about Jesus and the power of faith in him.
Question 34 Rapport
The disciples were for the first time called Christians in____________
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The disciples were first called Christians in Antioch. Antioch was a city in ancient Greece and was one of the earliest centers of Christianity. The term "Christian" was used for the first time in Antioch to describe the followers of Jesus Christ, who were known for their faith in him and the way they lived their lives. This name was given to them by the non-Christians in Antioch, who observed the behavior and teachings of the disciples and recognized them as distinct from other groups.
Question 35 Rapport
Who wrote the book of Genesis?
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The book of Genesis was not written by any one person named David, Samuel, or Abraham. It is generally believed to have been written by multiple authors over many centuries, with the final version being compiled and edited by the Israelites in the 5th century BCE. The most widely held belief is that the book of Genesis was primarily written by Moses, who was a leader and prophet of the Israelites. According to the Bible, Moses received the stories and laws contained in Genesis directly from God and wrote them down as a record of the early history of humanity and the Israelites. So, in summary, the book of Genesis is traditionally attributed to Moses, but it is likely the result of contributions from multiple authors over time.
Question 36 Rapport
The exiles returned to Jerusalem in the reign of________
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The exiles returned to Jerusalem in the reign of Cyrus. Cyrus was the king of Persia who conquered Babylon and allowed the Jews who were held in captivity in Babylon to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their temple. This event is recorded in the Bible in the book of Ezra. The return of the exiles was led by Zerubbabel, who was a descendant of the royal line of David and served as the governor of Judah during the rebuilding of the temple. Huldah, on the other hand, was a prophetess who lived during the reign of King Josiah and was consulted by him regarding the discovery of the book of the law in the temple.
Question 37 Rapport
"Deal gently for my sake with the young man Absalom." David's statement exhibited his
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2samuel 18:5
And the king commanded Joab and Abishai and Ittai, saying, Deal gently for my sake with the young man, even with Absalom. And all the people heard when the king gave all the captains charge concerning Absalom.
David have earlier exhibited this extraordinary trait of forgiving people who considered him a threat and wished him evil as he did when king saul sought after his life.
Question 38 Rapport
"I called to the Lord, out of my distress, and he answered me, out of the belly of shoel I cried and thou didst hear my voice ..." Jonah's statement above implies that God_________
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Jonah's statement implies that God hears and answers prayers in times of distress. In the statement, Jonah was in a difficult situation (in the belly of a fish) and he called out to the Lord for help. God heard his cry and answered him by having the fish vomit Jonah onto dry land, as described in the book of Jonah in the Bible. Therefore, the statement shows that God is willing and able to hear and respond to the prayers of his servants who call out to him in times of need.
Question 39 Rapport
Who had leprosy in the bible?
Détails de la réponse
Naaman had leprosy in the Bible. Naaman was a commander in the Syrian army, but he had leprosy, which was a serious skin disease in ancient times. A young Israelite girl who was captured during a raid on Israel suggested to Naaman's wife that he should go to the prophet Elisha in Samaria for healing. Naaman followed her advice and went to Elisha's house, but instead of meeting with him, he received instructions through a messenger to dip himself seven times in the Jordan River. Initially, Naaman was skeptical and angry at Elisha's lack of personal attention, but his servants convinced him to try the treatment. Naaman followed the instructions and was miraculously healed of his leprosy. He then returned to Elisha's house to thank him and acknowledge the God of Israel. The story of Naaman's healing is found in 2 Kings 5:1-19.
Question 40 Rapport
With regards to giving, Paul admonishes the Romans to do so with___________
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Romans 12 vs 8……..he who exhorts, in exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness
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