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Question 1 Rapport
The Philippians sent gifts to Paul through
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The Philippians sent gifts to Paul through Epaphroditus. Epaphroditus was a member of the Philippian church and a friend of Paul. He was entrusted with delivering the gifts to Paul while he was under house arrest in Rome. However, during his stay, Epaphroditus fell ill and almost died. When he recovered, Paul sent him back to Philippi with a letter expressing his gratitude for the gifts and his concern for the Philippian church. So, to summarize, the Philippians sent gifts to Paul through their fellow church member and friend, Epaphroditus, who also served as a messenger between Paul and the Philippians.
Question 2 Rapport
During the first Christian missionary journey, Paul and Barnabas were referred to as god at
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During the first Christian missionary journey, Paul and Barnabas were referred to as gods at Lystra. In the Bible, Acts 14:8-18 describes how Paul and Barnabas healed a man who had been lame from birth. The people of Lystra saw this miracle and started to call them "gods" in their own language. They believed that these two men were gods who had come down to earth, so they brought offerings and sacrifices to them. However, when Paul and Barnabas heard of this, they tore their clothes and told the people that they were just ordinary men, not gods. They encouraged the people to turn away from idol worship and to follow the one true God. So, although they were briefly referred to as gods, Paul and Barnabas quickly corrected this misconception and pointed the people to the true source of their power and authority.
Question 3 Rapport
God allowed Rehoboam to retain only one tribe in Israel because
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Question 4 Rapport
Which of the following instruction did God give to man after He had created him?
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God gave man the instruction "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it." This instruction can be found in Genesis 1:28 of the Bible. It emphasizes man's responsibility to procreate, populate and exercise dominion over the earth. It is a call to multiply and make the earth productive while taking care of it.
Question 5 Rapport
The teaching of Paul in Romans that Christians are buried in baptism with Christ Jesus suggest
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The teaching of Paul in Romans that Christians are buried in baptism with Christ Jesus suggests a new life in Christ. When Paul speaks of baptism in this passage, he is referring to the symbolic act of being immersed in water, which represents dying to the old self and rising to a new life in Christ. Paul emphasizes that just as Christ died and rose again, Christians should also die to their old way of life and rise again to live a new life in Christ. This new life is characterized by a commitment to righteousness and a willingness to live in obedience to God. Therefore, to summarize, the teaching suggests that Christians who have been baptized with Christ have a new life in Him and are called to live according to His ways.
Question 6 Rapport
According to James, to be only hearers of the law is
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According to James, to be only hearers of the law and not doers of it is deceiving oneself. In other words, simply listening to the teachings of the law without actually putting them into practice is not true religion and is considered self-deception. James emphasizes the importance of not only hearing the word of God but also doing what it says in order to live a life of true faith. Therefore, one must not only have faith but also put it into action by doing good works.
Question 7 Rapport
In the Acts of the Apostles, all the following were the characteristics of communal living in the Early Church except
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In the Acts of the Apostles, communal living in the Early Church was characterized by sharing of goods, praying together, breaking of bread, and having fellowship together. However, hiding from Jewish arrest was not a characteristic of communal living in the Early Church. While the early Christians faced persecution and opposition from the Jewish authorities, they did not hide from them but continued to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ boldly. The book of Acts describes the early Christians as a close-knit community that cared for one another, shared their resources, and worshiped together. This communal living was an expression of their love for God and for one another and served as a witness to the transforming power of the Gospel.
Question 8 Rapport
Paul’s teaching in 1 Thessalonians is that those who are left until the coming of the Lord shall
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Paul's teaching in 1 Thessalonians is that those who are left until the coming of the Lord shall join those who are raised to meet the Lord. In this passage, Paul is addressing concerns about what will happen to believers who die before Jesus returns. He assures the Thessalonian Christians that those who have died in Christ will rise first and will be joined by those who are still alive at the time of Christ's return. Together, they will meet the Lord in the air, and will be with Him forever. Paul's teaching emphasizes the hope that Christians have in the promise of eternal life and the ultimate victory of Christ over death. It encourages believers to live in readiness for Christ's return, to be steadfast in their faith, and to comfort one another with these words.
Question 9 Rapport
When the guards reported the incident of the empty tomb, the Jewish authorities asked them to say that
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When the guards reported the incident of the empty tomb, the Jewish authorities asked them to say that Jesus' disciples had stolen His body. This was an attempt by the authorities to explain away the empty tomb and to discredit the claim of the resurrection. By blaming the disciples, they sought to shift the blame away from themselves and to prevent the spread of the Christian message. However, this explanation was later refuted by the eyewitness accounts of the disciples, who testified to seeing Jesus alive after His death and burial.
Question 10 Rapport
In his account of the stilling of the storm, Mark gave an extra detail not contained in either Mathew or Luke when he wrote that
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The extra detail that Mark gave in his account of the stilling of the storm, not contained in either Matthew or Luke, is that Jesus was in the stern, asleep on a cushion. This detail highlights the humanity of Jesus, who was exhausted from his ministry and able to rest even in the midst of a raging storm. It also emphasizes the power of Jesus, who was able to calm the storm with just a word, despite being asleep when the disciples woke him up. This detail adds to the dramatic effect of the story and underscores the faith of the disciples in Jesus as they marveled at His power.
Question 11 Rapport
‘Though you wash yourself with Iye and use much soap, the stain of your guilt is still before me’, says the Lord God. Jeremiah concluded the above statement by saying that
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Jeremiah concludes that Israel can no longer escape the impending punishment, even if they try to wash themselves with lye and much soap. This statement is a metaphor that describes how the Israelites' attempts to cleanse themselves from their guilt and sin are useless in the eyes of God. The stain of their wrongdoing remains before God, and they cannot escape the punishment that will come as a result of their disobedience. Jeremiah's message is a call to repentance, urging the people of Israel to acknowledge their guilt and turn back to God before it is too late.
Question 12 Rapport
Peter and John were arrested the second time by the Jewish authorities because the apostles
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Peter and John were arrested the second time by the Jewish authorities because they were preaching in the name of Jesus. After healing a lame man, Peter and John were brought before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish council, who questioned them about the healing. Peter and John boldly testified that the healing was done in the name of Jesus, whom the Jewish leaders had crucified but whom God had raised from the dead. The Sanhedrin was angered by their preaching and ordered them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. However, Peter and John refused to obey the Sanhedrin, stating that they must obey God rather than human authority. As a result, they were arrested and brought before the Sanhedrin again. This time, they were warned and released, but their preaching and boldness continued to spread and impact many.
Question 13 Rapport
when Christians suffer for Christ, Peter adminishes them not to
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Peter admonishes Christians who suffer for Christ not to be ashamed. In 1 Peter 4:16, Peter encourages believers who suffer for their faith to glorify God in that name. He further explains that if anyone suffers as a Christian, they should not be ashamed but should glorify God in that name. In essence, Peter is urging Christians not to feel ashamed or embarrassed for the suffering they experience for following Christ. Instead, they should be proud that they are identified with Christ and take pride in the fact that they are suffering for His sake.
Question 14 Rapport
The Jews sought to kill Jesus after He had healed the man at the pool of Bathzatha because he
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The Jews sought to kill Jesus after He had healed the man at the pool of Bathzatha because He allowed the man to carry his pallet on the Sabbath, which was against their law.
Question 15 Rapport
The outcome of Nebuchadnezzar’s siege on Jerusalem during the reign of Jehoiachin was
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During Nebuchadnezzar's siege on Jerusalem in the reign of Jehoiachin, the outcome was that Nebuchadnezzar carried away the treasures of the temple. Jehoiachin was also taken captive along with his family and many of the people of Jerusalem. Nebuchadnezzar did not slay all the children of the king or gouge out the king's eyes, but he did not allow Jehoiachin to remain on the throne. Instead, Nebuchadnezzar appointed Zedekiah as king of Judah. So, to summarize, the outcome of the siege was the plundering of the temple treasures and the exile of Jehoiachin and his people.
Question 16 Rapport
David told Abner in the wilderness of Siph that he (Abner) deserved to die because he
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Question 17 Rapport
During the reign of Ahab, the supremacy of God was championed by
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During the reign of Ahab, the supremacy of God was championed by Elijah. He was a prophet who spoke on behalf of God and was a fierce advocate for the worship of the one true God of Israel. Elijah's ministry was marked by several miracles, including the famous confrontation with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. He demonstrated the power and authority of God over false gods and called the people of Israel to repent and return to the worship of the true God. Elijah's message and example inspired many, including his successor Elisha, to continue the work of championing the supremacy of God in Israel.
Question 18 Rapport
Jesus condemns the partiality of the Church towards the rich because they
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Jesus condemns the partiality of the Church towards the rich because they oppress the poor. In the book of James, we are told that God has chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, while the rich have a tendency to oppress the poor and drag them into court (James 2:5-6). Therefore, when the church shows partiality to the rich and gives them preferential treatment, they are not following the example of Jesus who came to preach the good news to the poor (Luke 4:18). This behavior is also inconsistent with the command to love your neighbor as yourself (James 2:8).
Question 19 Rapport
If Christ were not raised form the dead, argues Paul, Christian faith would have
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In his first letter to the Corinthians, Paul argues that if Christ were not raised from the dead, then the Christian faith would have been in vain. This is because the resurrection of Jesus is the foundation of the Christian faith. If Jesus had not risen from the dead, then His death on the cross would have had no meaning, and there would be no hope for eternal life. The resurrection of Jesus is the proof that He was indeed the Son of God, and it demonstrates God's power over sin and death. Without the resurrection, there would be no forgiveness of sins, no reconciliation with God, and no promise of eternal life. Therefore, Paul argues that the resurrection of Jesus is essential to the Christian faith, and if it had not happened, then the faith of Christians would be meaningless.
Question 20 Rapport
according to Paul’s Epistle to the Philippians, a Christian can prove his humility by
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According to Paul's Epistle to the Philippians, a Christian can prove his humility by showing love and being in full accord with other people. In Philippians 2:3-4, Paul says "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others." Paul emphasizes that humility means putting the interests of others before our own, and treating others with love, respect, and kindness. This is the opposite of selfishness and self-centeredness, which are the antithesis of humility. Thus, a Christian who shows love and lives in harmony with others is demonstrating true humility.
Question 21 Rapport
Concerning the second coming of the Lord, Paul advises us to
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In regard to the second coming of the Lord, Paul advises us to keep awake and be sober. This means we should remain vigilant and alert, being prepared for His return at any moment. We should not let ourselves become complacent or distracted by the cares of this world. Rather, we should live holy and righteous lives, ready to meet the Lord when He returns. Additionally, while there may be signs and events that precede His coming, we should not try to predict the exact time or season, but instead focus on living faithfully in the present. Finally, we should have confidence in our security in Christ, knowing that we have been redeemed and saved through His sacrifice on the cross.
Question 22 Rapport
Saul was a native of
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Saul was a native of Tarsus. Tarsus was an important city in ancient Cilicia, located in modern-day Turkey. Saul, who later became known as the apostle Paul, was born in Tarsus and grew up there. Tarsus was a significant center of learning and culture, and it is likely that Saul received a good education there. As a young man, Saul became a Pharisee and was zealous for the Jewish faith, persecuting Christians until he had a transformative encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. The fact that Saul was from Tarsus is mentioned several times in the New Testament, including in Acts of the Apostles and in Paul's letters.
Question 23 Rapport
According to Peter which of the following is not an illustration of how Jesus lived a life worthy of imitation?
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According to Peter, "when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly" (1 Peter 2:23). Therefore, the illustration that is not mentioned as an example of how Jesus lived a life worthy of imitation is "when he suffered, he fought back spiritedly". Peter emphasizes that Jesus did not retaliate when he suffered but rather committed himself to God's righteous judgement, showing us how to respond to unjust suffering with patience, trust, and faith in God.
Question 24 Rapport
Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: ‘though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow’. By this statement, Isaiah means that
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The statement, "Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: ‘though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow’" by Isaiah means that if we are willing to repent, God will forgive us. Isaiah is using the image of scarlet sins becoming white as snow to illustrate the transformative power of God's forgiveness. Even if our sins are deep and dark like scarlet, God's grace and mercy are greater, and He is willing to forgive us if we turn to Him with a contrite heart. The passage emphasizes that God desires to reason with His people, to have a dialogue with them about their sins, and to offer them the opportunity to be forgiven. It underscores the importance of repentance and the promise of God's forgiveness for those who seek it.
Question 25 Rapport
Which of the following ideas was uppermost in the mind of Hosea during his prophesy?
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Question 26 Rapport
In Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, which of the following is not a condition for the claim by Christians that they are children of God?
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In Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, enslavement to the elemental spirit of the universe is not a condition for the claim by Christians that they are children of God. Paul emphasizes that Christians are redeemed from sin by the blood of Jesus, adopted as children of God, and redeemed from the law by Jesus Christ. Additionally, he highlights the importance of the indwelling of the spirit of God in their hearts as evidence of their faith. However, enslavement to the elemental spirit of the universe is not mentioned as a condition for the claim by Christians that they are children of God. Instead, Paul warns against being enslaved by such elemental spirits and urges believers to live by the spirit of God.
Question 27 Rapport
Naaman the Syrian leper was healed by
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Naaman the Syrian leper was healed by Elisha, according to the Bible. Naaman was a Syrian commander who suffered from leprosy, and he went to Elisha for a cure. Elisha instructed him to dip himself seven times in the Jordan River, and after doing so, Naaman was completely healed of his leprosy. This miraculous healing demonstrated the power of God and brought Naaman to faith in the God of Israel.
Question 28 Rapport
In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, Abraham condemned the rich man for all the following reasons except that he
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Question 29 Rapport
The central theme of Paul’s letter to Philemon is
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The central theme of Paul's letter to Philemon is the forgiveness of one another's sins. The letter is a personal appeal from Paul to Philemon, a fellow Christian, on behalf of Onesimus, a slave who had run away from Philemon and who had become a Christian under Paul's ministry. In the letter, Paul asks Philemon to receive Onesimus back not as a slave, but as a beloved brother in Christ, urging him to forgive any wrongs committed against him and to extend grace and mercy towards Onesimus. This theme of forgiveness and reconciliation is central to the letter and serves as a powerful example of how Christians are to live out their faith in their relationships with one another.
Question 30 Rapport
According to Amos, true religion is described as one which
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According to Amos, true religion is described as one in which justice and righteousness flow like an endless stream. Amos was a prophet in the Old Testament who spoke to the people of Israel about their lack of justice and righteousness. He condemned their empty religious practices, including their feasts and solemn assemblies, and their belief that God could be appeased with sacrifice and tithes alone. Instead, Amos emphasized the importance of doing justice and loving kindness, and walking humbly with God. In Amos 5:24, he famously says, "But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!" This means that true religion is not just about outward rituals and sacrifices, but about living a life of justice, fairness, and compassion towards others, which should flow naturally from a heart that is devoted to God.
Question 31 Rapport
Which of the following leadership qualities was manifested by Joseph when he told his brothers not to be angry with themselves for selling him?
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The leadership quality manifested by Joseph when he told his brothers not to be angry with themselves for selling him is Forgiveness. Joseph's brothers had treated him badly in the past, selling him into slavery out of jealousy. However, when Joseph was eventually reunited with his brothers, he did not seek revenge or hold a grudge against them. Instead, he forgave them and reassured them that God had used their actions for good. This act of forgiveness demonstrated Joseph's strength of character and his ability to overcome bitterness and resentment. As a leader, forgiveness is an important quality to possess, as it enables leaders to build trust, promote healing and reconciliation, and move forward in a positive direction.
Question 32 Rapport
Saul’s war with the Amalekites was called Holy War because
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Saul's war with the Amalekites was called Holy War because Yahweh ordered total destruction. According to the Bible, in 1 Samuel 15, God commanded Saul to completely destroy the Amalekites and all that belonged to them, sparing nothing. This was seen as a holy war because it was fought for a religious purpose and was sanctioned by God. Saul was supposed to completely devote the Amalekites and their possessions to destruction as an act of obedience to God. However, Saul spared some of the spoils of war, which angered God and resulted in his downfall.
Question 33 Rapport
According to Paul in his Epistle to Romans Christians believe that they are descendant of Abraham by
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Question 34 Rapport
Which of the following officials were charged by pharaoh to kill the Hebrew male children?
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Question 35 Rapport
According to Mathew’s account, John the Baptist’s immediate reaction when Jesus came to be baptized was to
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Question 36 Rapport
Jesus refused to send the multitudes to buy food for themselves when it was already getting late because
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Question 37 Rapport
Jesus selected the twelve disciples in order to
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Jesus selected the twelve disciples in order to train them to carry on after his departure. In the Bible, Jesus chose twelve men to be his disciples, and he spent much of his time teaching them about God and the Kingdom of Heaven. He performed miracles and shared parables with them to illustrate important lessons, and he sent them out to preach and heal others in his name. Jesus knew that he would not always be with them, so he prepared them for the time when he would be gone. He taught them how to lead and how to love, how to serve and how to sacrifice. Jesus knew that the work he began was too important to be limited to just one person, so he chose twelve disciples to carry on his mission after his departure. They became the foundation of the Church and the first Christian leaders, spreading the message of Jesus Christ throughout the world.
Question 38 Rapport
Which of the following instruction did God give to man after He had created him?
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God instructed man to "be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it" after He had created him. This commandment emphasizes the importance of procreation and the need to populate the earth. Additionally, it encourages man to exercise dominion over the earth and its resources in a responsible and sustainable manner. This instruction underscores the special relationship between God and man, and the role that man plays in the world as a steward of God's creation.
Question 39 Rapport
Jesus said follow me and leave the dead to bury the dead. This implies that Jesus
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The statement "Follow me and leave the dead to bury the dead" implies that Jesus placed more emphasis on following him and spreading his teachings to others, rather than focusing on traditional cultural practices such as burying the dead. He wanted his followers to prioritize their commitment to him and his teachings over other responsibilities and cultural practices, even ones that were considered very important like burying the dead. It does not mean that Jesus opposed burial of the dead, was beside himself, was acting as a fanatic, or regarded as dead anybody who rejects him.
Question 40 Rapport
(a) You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you', Discuss the fulfilment of this promise and the reaction of the people who witnessed it.
(b) Of what significance is the descent of the Holy Spirit to the Church?
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Question 41 Rapport
(a) To what extent was the moral weakness of Eli's children due to their father's lack of parental responsibility?
(b) How did God react to this lapse?
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Question 42 Rapport
(a) Why did Jeremiah proclaim God's punishment on Judah?
(b) Mention any two things which Jeremiah would have condemned in present-day Nigeria.
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Question 43 Rapport
What, according to Peter, should be the right Christian attitude to persecution and suffering?
Question 44 Rapport
(a) Describe the role of Joshua in the story of the twelve spies, indicating the reasons why God chose him to succe Moses.
(b) What four lessons can church leaders learn from this story?
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Question 45 Rapport
(a) What instructions were given to the twelve disciples before they set out on their mission?
(b) Mention any four difference that are notable in the accounts of Matthew and Mark.
Question 46 Rapport
(a) How does John present Jesus as the door and the good shepherd?
(b) In what two ways does this teaching relate to leadership role among Christians?
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Question 47 Rapport
(a) Outline the teaching of James on prayer.
(b) Mention any four factors which may hinder the effectiveness of prayer.
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Question 48 Rapport
(a) Why did Paul commend the virtue of giving as shown by the Philippians?
(b) Suggest four situations when a Christian should give.
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