Pre-islamic Arabia (jahiliyyah)


Welcome to the captivating world of Islamic History and Civilization with a focus on the intriguing period of Pre-Islamic Arabia, known as Jahiliyyah. This era holds significant importance as it lays the foundation for understanding the cultural, social, and religious landscape before the advent of Islam.

In order to grasp the essence of Jahiliyyah, it is essential to delve into the various practices that were prevalent among the Arabs during that time. These practices ranged from idol worship, infanticide, polyandry, gambling, to usury, reflecting a society immersed in ignorance and darkness.

Jahiliyyah Practices: Idol worship was rampant in Pre-Islamic Arabia, with tribes worshipping a multitude of deities made of wood, stone, or even dates. Infanticide, a heinous act of burying infant girls alive due to fear of shame or poverty, was tragically common. Polyandry, the practice of a woman having multiple husbands simultaneously, blurred the lines of familial relations.

Gambling and usury were prevalent vices that plagued the society, leading to economic disparities and moral decay. Women were treated as property to be inherited or traded, devoid of basic rights and dignity. The culture of revenge and tribal warfare further perpetuated a cycle of violence and bloodshed.

However, with the dawn of Islam and the prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him), a transformational wave of change swept through the Arabian Peninsula, heralding the beginning of a new era. Islamic reforms sought to uproot the deep-seated practices of Jahiliyyah and establish a society based on justice, equality, and monotheism.

Islamic Reforms: Islam brought about a radical shift in societal norms by abolishing idol worship and establishing the worship of one true God, Allah. The Quranic injunction condemning the killing of infants and emphasizing the sanctity of life sparked a revolution in attitudes towards children.

The prohibition of usury and gambling aimed to foster economic stability and ethical financial practices. Women were granted rights and protections unheard of in the Jahiliyyah period, elevating their status to that of respected individuals in society.

Islamic teachings emphasized mercy, compassion, and forgiveness, steering away from the cycle of vengeance and promoting reconciliation and peace. The concept of brotherhood among believers transcended tribal affiliations, fostering unity and solidarity among diverse members of society.

In conclusion, the study of Pre-Islamic Arabia (Jahiliyyah) unveils a tapestry of customs, practices, and beliefs that set the stage for the profound reforms brought about by Islam. By exploring the contrast between the darkness of ignorance and the illumination of divine guidance, we gain insight into the transformative power of faith and the enduring legacy of Islamic civilization.


  1. Trace The Reforms Brought About By Islam To The Jahiliyyah Practices
  2. Distinguish The Different Types Of Practices Common To The Arabs Of Al-Jahiliyyah

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  1. What were some common practices of the Arabs during the period of Jahiliyyah? A. Idol Worship B. Infanticide C. Polyandry D. All of the above Answer: D. All of the above
  2. Which of the following practices was prevalent among the Arabs in Jahiliyyah as a form of entertainment and social activity? A. Usury B. Gambling C. Polygamy D. Charity Answer: B. Gambling
  3. Which of the following was considered a social evil during the period of Jahiliyyah in Pre-Islamic Arabia? A. Pilgrimage to Mecca B. Charity to the poor C. Infanticide D. Promotion of justice in society Answer: C. Infanticide
  4. What was the primary belief system followed by the Arabs of Jahiliyyah before the advent of Islam? A. Christianity B. Atheism C. Polytheism D. Judaism Answer: C. Polytheism
  5. Which of the following reforms did Islam introduce to eradicate the practice of Infanticide prevalent in Jahiliyyah? A. Prohibition of harming or killing female infants B. Permission to bury infants alive in certain circumstances C. Mandating the killing of male infants D. Encouraging the practice of Infanticide Answer: A. Prohibition of harming or killing female infants
  6. What practice did Islam aim to eliminate by prohibiting Usury in the society of Jahiliyyah? A. Charity B. Interest-based lending C. Equal distribution of wealth D. Fair trade practices Answer: B. Interest-based lending
  7. Which of the following reforms did Islam introduce to address the issue of Idol Worship in Jahiliyyah society? A. Emphasizing the worship of multiple idols B. Introduction of new idols for worship C. Declaring Tawhid (monotheism) and the worship of one God D. Encouraging the worship of nature Answer: C. Declaring Tawhid (monotheism) and the worship of one God
  8. Why did Islam prohibit the practice of Polyandry common in Jahiliyyah society? A. To promote gender equality B. To encourage multiple husbands for women C. To create confusion in marital relationships D. To eradicate the practice of sharing wives Answer: D. To eradicate the practice of sharing wives

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