Civic Responsibility


In Christian Religious Studies, the topic of 'Civic Responsibility' delves into the teachings on obedience to authority and the requirements of good citizenship, as outlined in selected epistles such as Romans 13 and 1 Timothy 2:1-4. These foundational texts serve as a guide for believers on how to navigate their roles as citizens within society.

One of the key objectives of studying civic responsibility from a Christian perspective is to highlight the need for obedience to authority. As Christians, the concept of obedience is deeply rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, who himself exemplified obedience to God the Father and earthly authority figures during his time on earth. By studying Romans 13, believers are reminded of the importance of submitting to governing authorities, recognizing that they are appointed by God to maintain order and justice in society.

Furthermore, the topic aims to specify the requirements of good citizenship. Beyond obedience to authority, Christians are called to actively participate in the well-being of their communities and nations. In 1 Timothy 2:1-4, believers are encouraged to pray for all people, including those in positions of authority, so that they may lead with wisdom and integrity. This highlights the responsibility of Christians to engage in civic duties such as voting, upholding justice, and contributing to the common good.

By exploring these themes from selected epistles, believers are challenged to reflect on their roles as citizens in light of their faith. The teachings emphasize the importance of living out one's faith not only within the confines of the church but also in the public sphere. Ultimately, the study of civic responsibility serves to equip Christians to be salt and light in the world, promoting peace, justice, and righteousness in society.


  1. Specify the Requirements of Good Citizenship
  2. Identify the Need for Obedience to Authority

Note de cours

Civic responsibility is a crucial aspect of living in a well-functioning society. It encompasses the duties and obligations that each citizen has towards their community, their country, and the larger world. By understanding and fulfilling these responsibilities, citizens contribute to the common good and ensure the harmonious functioning of society.

Évaluation de la leçon

Félicitations, vous avez terminé la leçon sur Civic Responsibility. Maintenant que vous avez exploré le concepts et idées clés, il est temps de mettre vos connaissances à lépreuve. Cette section propose une variété de pratiques des questions conçues pour renforcer votre compréhension et vous aider à évaluer votre compréhension de la matière.

Vous rencontrerez un mélange de types de questions, y compris des questions à choix multiple, des questions à réponse courte et des questions de rédaction. Chaque question est soigneusement conçue pour évaluer différents aspects de vos connaissances et de vos compétences en pensée critique.

Utilisez cette section d'évaluation comme une occasion de renforcer votre compréhension du sujet et d'identifier les domaines où vous pourriez avoir besoin d'étudier davantage. Ne soyez pas découragé par les défis que vous rencontrez ; considérez-les plutôt comme des opportunités de croissance et d'amélioration.

  1. What are the subtopics you have been provided with?

Livres recommandés

Questions précédentes

Vous vous demandez à quoi ressemblent les questions passées sur ce sujet ? Voici plusieurs questions sur Civic Responsibility des années précédentes.

Question 1 Rapport

In a diverse and multicultural society, civic responsibility includes

Question 1 Rapport



(a) Give an account of Stephen's defence before the Sanhedrin.

(b) State three lessons that can be learnt from Stephen's defence.

Entraînez-vous avec plusieurs questions Civic Responsibility des années précédentes.