General Practices Which Are Incompatible With Islamic principles of Tawhid


One of the fundamental concepts in Islamic theology is Tawhid, which is the belief in the Oneness of Allah. Tawhid encompasses the unity, uniqueness, and sovereignty of Allah in all aspects. It is essential for every Muslim to understand and uphold the principles of Tawhid in their beliefs and actions.

As part of our course material on 'General Practices Which Are Incompatible With Islamic principles of Tawhid,' we delve into identifying and understanding practices that contradict the core tenets of Tawhid. These practices, if engaged in, can lead to shirk, the gravest sin in Islam which involves associating partners with Allah.

Superstition is one such practice that goes against Tawhid. Allah is the ultimate controller of all affairs, and believing in superstitions detracts from this belief in His absolute power and knowledge. The Quran in Surah Al-Furqan (Q.25:43) and Surah Al-Jinn (Q.72:6) warns against succumbing to superstitions and divinations.

Another incompatible practice is engaging in fortune-telling. Seeking knowledge of the unseen through fortune-tellers contradicts the belief in Allah's exclusive knowledge of the future. Surah Al-Hijr (Q.15:16-18) and Surah As-Saaffat (Q.37:6-10) explicitly prohibit fortune-telling as it leads to deviation from Tawhid.

Magic and witchcraft are forms of disbelief that directly violate the Oneness of Allah. Surah Al-Baqarah (Q.2:102), Surah Ta Ha (Q.20:69, 73), and Surah Ash-Shu'ara (Q.26:46) caution against engaging in these practices, emphasizing reliance on Allah alone.

Cult worship, involving the veneration of beings other than Allah, is a clear contradiction to Tawhid. Surah Al-Isra (Q.17:23) and Surah An-Nisa (Q.4:48) emphasize monotheism and the worship of Allah alone, rejecting all forms of polytheism.

Furthermore, the introduction of innovations (Bid'ah) in religious practices poses a threat to the pure monotheistic belief of Tawhid. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) warned against Bid'ah in Hadith 5 and 28 of an-Nawawi, highlighting the importance of adhering to the established teachings without alteration.

By studying and internalizing these prohibitions and teachings, we aim to not only identify but also actively avoid practices that are incompatible with the Islamic principles of Tawhid. It is crucial to shun off such actions and demonstrate a firm belief in the Oneness of Allah in our daily lives, aligning our thoughts and deeds with the divine guidance provided in the Quran and Sunnah.


  1. Identify Those Practices That Are Incompatible With The Islamic Principles Of Tawhid
  2. Determine Those Practices That Are Incompatible With Tawhid
  3. Shun Off Those Actions
  4. Demonstrate The Teachings Of The Verses And The Ahadith In Their Daily Lives

Note de cours

Shirk is the act of associating partners with Allah in any way, whether in His lordship, names, attributes, or in acts of worship. It is the gravest sin in Islam as it directly contradicts the concept of Tawhid. There are various forms of Shirk, including:

Évaluation de la leçon

Félicitations, vous avez terminé la leçon sur General Practices Which Are Incompatible With Islamic principles of Tawhid. Maintenant que vous avez exploré le concepts et idées clés, il est temps de mettre vos connaissances à lépreuve. Cette section propose une variété de pratiques des questions conçues pour renforcer votre compréhension et vous aider à évaluer votre compréhension de la matière.

Vous rencontrerez un mélange de types de questions, y compris des questions à choix multiple, des questions à réponse courte et des questions de rédaction. Chaque question est soigneusement conçue pour évaluer différents aspects de vos connaissances et de vos compétences en pensée critique.

Utilisez cette section d'évaluation comme une occasion de renforcer votre compréhension du sujet et d'identifier les domaines où vous pourriez avoir besoin d'étudier davantage. Ne soyez pas découragé par les défis que vous rencontrez ; considérez-les plutôt comme des opportunités de croissance et d'amélioration.

  1. What practices are considered incompatible with Islamic principles of Tawhid according to Islamic teachings? A. Superstition, fortune-telling, and cult worship B. Magic and witchcraft, innovation (Bid'ah), and denying the Oneness of Allah C. Following the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and upholding the Finality of His Prophethood D. None of the above Answer: A. Superstition, fortune-telling, and cult worship
  2. Which verse of the Quran condemns the belief in superstitions and fortune-telling? A. Q.15:16-18 B. Q.72:6 C. Q.33:40 D. Q.112:1-4 Answer: A. Q.15:16-18
  3. What is the Islamic view on magic and witchcraft practices? A. They are permissible as long as it benefits the individual B. They are condemned as they go against the Oneness of Allah C. They are allowed under special circumstances D. They are practiced by true believers Answer: B. They are condemned as they go against the Oneness of Allah
  4. What is the significance of the Finality of Prophethood in Islam? A. It indicates that new Prophets can still come after the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) B. It signifies the completeness and perfection of the message brought by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) C. It implies that Prophethood is a temporary position D. It has no significance in Islamic beliefs Answer: B. It signifies the completeness and perfection of the message brought by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
  5. How can one demonstrate the teachings of the verses and ahadith related to Tawhid in their daily lives? A. By engaging in superstitious practices B. By avoiding innovations in worship C. By following the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) faithfully D. By believing in multiple deities Answer: C. By following the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) faithfully

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Entraînez-vous avec plusieurs questions General Practices Which Are Incompatible With Islamic principles of Tawhid des années précédentes.