

Mensuration is a fundamental topic in Geometry and Trigonometry that deals with the measurement of geometric figures and their properties. This branch of mathematics is essential for calculating perimeters, areas, volumes, and distances in various real-world applications.

One of the primary objectives of studying mensuration is to be able to calculate the perimeters and areas of different geometric shapes such as triangles, quadrilaterals, circles, and composite figures. Understanding how to determine these measurements is crucial in fields like architecture, engineering, and physics.

When it comes to circles, mensuration involves finding the length of arcs and chords, as well as calculating the perimeters and areas of sectors and segments. These calculations are significant in fields like surveying and construction where circular structures and spaces need precise measurements.

Furthermore, mensuration extends to calculating the total surface areas and volumes of various simple solids like cuboids, cylinders, cones, pyramids, prisms, spheres, and composite figures. Being able to determine these measurements accurately is vital for tasks such as packaging design, material estimation, and 3D modeling.

Lastly, mensuration also plays a role in determining the distance between two points on the Earth's surface. Understanding concepts like longitudes and latitudes is essential for navigation, geography, and cartography. Being able to calculate distances accurately on a spherical surface is crucial for global positioning and mapping applications.

Overall, a solid understanding of mensuration is essential for anyone working with shapes, sizes, and measurements in various disciplines. Mastering the calculations involved in perimeters, areas, volumes, and distances enables individuals to solve complex real-world problems and make informed decisions based on accurate mathematical data.


  1. Calculate Surface Areas and Volumes of Simple Solids and Composite Figures
  2. Determine Distance Between Two Points on the Earth's Surface
  3. Find Perimeters and Areas of Sectors and Segments of Circles
  4. Calculate Perimeters and Areas of Plane Geometrical Figures
  5. Determine Lengths of Arcs and Chords of a Circle

Note de cours

Mensuration is a branch of mathematics that deals with the measurement of geometric figures and their parameters like length, area, volume, and perimeter. It is an essential topic as it finds applications in various fields such as engineering, architecture, and daily activities. This guide will help you understand the concepts related to mensuration and how to calculate the necessary parameters for different shapes and figures.

Évaluation de la leçon

Félicitations, vous avez terminé la leçon sur Mensuration. Maintenant que vous avez exploré le concepts et idées clés, il est temps de mettre vos connaissances à lépreuve. Cette section propose une variété de pratiques des questions conçues pour renforcer votre compréhension et vous aider à évaluer votre compréhension de la matière.

Vous rencontrerez un mélange de types de questions, y compris des questions à choix multiple, des questions à réponse courte et des questions de rédaction. Chaque question est soigneusement conçue pour évaluer différents aspects de vos connaissances et de vos compétences en pensée critique.

Utilisez cette section d'évaluation comme une occasion de renforcer votre compréhension du sujet et d'identifier les domaines où vous pourriez avoir besoin d'étudier davantage. Ne soyez pas découragé par les défis que vous rencontrez ; considérez-les plutôt comme des opportunités de croissance et d'amélioration.

  1. Find the area of a triangle with base 6 cm and height 8 cm. A. 14 cm² B. 24 cm² C. 28 cm² D. 48 cm² Answer: B. 24 cm²
  2. Calculate the perimeter of a rectangle with sides measuring 12 cm and 8 cm. A. 28 cm B. 40 cm C. 48 cm D. 56 cm Answer: B. 40 cm
  3. Determine the circumference of a circle with radius 5 cm. A. 10π cm B. 15π cm C. 20π cm D. 25π cm Answer: A. 10π cm
  4. What is the area of a square with each side measuring 10 cm? A. 40 cm² B. 60 cm² C. 80 cm² D. 100 cm² Answer: D. 100 cm²
  5. Calculate the surface area of a cube with each side measuring 4 cm. A. 64 cm² B. 96 cm² C. 128 cm² D. 256 cm² Answer: D. 96 cm²
  6. Determine the volume of a cylinder with height 10 cm and radius 3 cm. A. 30π cm³ B. 90π cm³ C. 60π cm³ D. 100π cm³ Answer: 90π cm³
  7. Find the area of a trapezium with bases 5 cm and 7 cm, and height 4 cm. A. 20 cm² B. 24 cm² C. 28 cm² D. 32 cm² Answer: B. 24 cm²
  8. Calculate the volume of a cone with radius 6 cm and height 9 cm. A. 54π cm³ B. 72π cm³ C. 108π cm³ D. 162π cm³ Answer: A. 54π cm³
  9. Determine the total surface area of a square pyramid with base side 8 cm and slant height 10 cm. A. 160 cm² B. 240 cm² C. 320 cm² D. 400 cm² Answer: B. 240 cm²
  10. What is the volume of a sphere with radius 5 cm? A. 100π cm³ B. 125π cm³ C. 150π cm³ D. 175π cm³ Answer: A. 100π cm³

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Questions précédentes

Vous vous demandez à quoi ressemblent les questions passées sur ce sujet ? Voici plusieurs questions sur Mensuration des années précédentes.

Question 1 Rapport

The diagram above shows a cone with the dimensions of its frustrum indicated. Calculate the height of the cone.

Question 1 Rapport

In the figure, PQ\\SR, ST\\, ST\\RQ, PS = 7cm, PT = 7cm, SR = 4cm. Find the ratio of the area QRST to the area of PQRS.

Question 1 Rapport

The parallel sides of a trapezium are 13cm and 7cm. If the area of the trapezium is 50cm2, find the perpendicular distance between the parallel sides.

Entraînez-vous avec plusieurs questions Mensuration des années précédentes.