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Tambaya 1 Rahoto
What is the genetic ratio of a cross between homozygous tall plant and a homozygous dwarf plant?
Tambaya 2 Rahoto
A fruit formed from a single flower having several free carpels is
Tambaya 4 Rahoto
Choose the sequence which represents the correct order of organisms in a food chain.
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 5 Rahoto
which of the labelled tissues in the figure above is responsible for transport of mineral salts and water in living plants?
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 6 Rahoto
If the anthers of a flower mature before the stigma, the condition is termed
Tambaya 13 Rahoto
The tissue which connects a muscle to a bone is a
Tambaya 14 Rahoto
Soil is said to be fertile if
Tambaya 17 Rahoto
The deficiency of vitamin D leads to
Tambaya 18 Rahoto
What is the function of the contractile vacuole in paramecium?
Tambaya 22 Rahoto
Which of the structure becomes the seed coat after fertilization?
Tambaya 24 Rahoto
Which of the following is NOT true of wind-pollinated flowers?
Tambaya 25 Rahoto
A person whose blood can be donated to all other people, must have the blood group
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 32 Rahoto
Which of these substance is likely to be deficient in the diet of a person having goitre?
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 42 Rahoto
In a bakery, yeast is added to flour to make bread rise. This is possible because yeast produces
Tambaya 43 Rahoto
The two types of human tapeworm can be distinguished by the presence or absence of
Tambaya 44 Rahoto
Which of the following instruments is used to demonstrate the response of roots and shoots to gravity?
Bayanin Amsa
Za ka so ka ci gaba da wannan aikin?