Ana loda....
Latsa & Riƙe don Ja Shi Gabaɗaya |
Danna nan don rufewa |
Tambaya 1 Rahoto
In 'Fulani Cattle' J.P Clark expresses
Tambaya 2 Rahoto
Your hand is heavy,upon my brow
I bear no heart mercuric like the clouds,to dare
Exacerbation from your subtle plough.
Woman as a clam,on the sea's crescent
I saw your jealous eye quench the sea's
Fluorescence,dance on the pulse incessant
Of the waves.And i stood,drained
Submitting like the sands,blood and brine
coursing to the roots.Night,you rained
Serrated shadows through dank leaves
Till,bathed in warm suffusion of your dappled calls
Sensations pained me,faceless,silent as night thieves.
Hide me now,when night children haunt the earth
i must hear none!These misted calls will yet
Undo me;naked,unbidden,at night's muted birth
('Night' by Wole Soyinka)
in the poem above,Soyinka,
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 5 Rahoto
In 'The Flight to Australia' the following line occurs:'Tier upon tier it towered,the terrible Apennines' The figure of speech used in this line is known as
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 6 Rahoto
In those days
When civilization kicked us in the face
When holy water slapped our cringing brows
The vultures built in the shadow of their talons
The blood stained monument of tutelage
In those days
There was painful laughter on the metallic hell
of the roads
And the monotonous rythm of the paternoster
Drowned the howling of the plantations
Of the bitter memories of the extorted kisses
Of promises broken at the point of a gun
Of foriegners who did not seem human
You who knew all the books but knew not love
Nor our hands which fertilize the womb of the earth
Hands instinct of the root with revolt
Inspite of your songs of pride in the charnel houses
Inspite of the desolate villages of Africa torn apart
Hope lived in us like a citadel
And from Swaziland's mines to the sweltering sweat
of Europe's factories
Spring will be reborn under our bright steps.
('The Vultures',by David Diop)
The theme of the poem is
Tambaya 7 Rahoto
'All's over,Sweet',he cried
To the wife,thus guise;for the young page was she
'Tis as we hoped and said't would be.
He never guessed...we mount and ride
To where our love can reign uneyed
He's clay,and we are free.
From Thomas Hardy's,The Duel)
The theme of this poem is
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 8 Rahoto
In 'The Castle' Muir writes:Our only enemy was gold'! This is true because
Tambaya 10 Rahoto
All this was a long time ago,i remember
And i would do it again,but set down
This set down
This:were we led all that way for
Birth and Death?There was a Birth,certainly,
We had evidence and no doubt.I had seen birth and death,
But had thought they were different;this birth was
Hard and bitter agony for us,like Death,our death
We returned to our places,these kingdoms,
But no longer at ease here,in the old dispensation,
With an alien people clutching their gods.
I should be glad of another death.
(From T.S Elliott's 'Journey Of The Magi')
The Magi are no longer at ease because
Tambaya 11 Rahoto
'The seas eats our lands' by Kwesi Brew
Here stood our ancestral home:
The crumbling wall marks the spot.
Here a sheep was led to the slaughter
To appease the gods and atone
For faults which our destiny
Has blossomed into crimes
There my cursed father once stood
And shouted to us,his children,
To come back from our play
To our evening meal and sleep
The clouds were thickening in the red sky
And night had charmed
A black power into the pounding waves.
Here once lay Keta
Now her golden girls
Erode into the arms
of strange towns.
In this poem,
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 14 Rahoto
From the West
Clouds come hurrying with the wind
Here and there
Like a plague of locusts
Tossing up things on its tail
Like a madman chasing nothing
Pregnant clouds
Ride stately on its back
Gathering to perch on hills
Like dark sinister wings:
The wind whistles by
And trees bend to let it pass
In the village
Screams of delighted children
Toss and turn
In the dim of whirling wind
Babies clinging to their backs-
Dart about
In and out
The wind whistles by
Whilst trees bend to let it pass.
(From 'An African Thunderstorm' by David Rubadiri)
The poet varies the lengths of the lines skillfully
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 20 Rahoto
You cannot know
And should not bother;
Tide and market come and go
And so shall your mother.
In this verse the poet uses
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 21 Rahoto
The Concubine by Elechi Amadi
The title of this novel is justified because
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 22 Rahoto
The Comstocks belonged to the most dismal of all classes,the middle-middle class,the landless gentry.In their miserable poverty they had not even the snobbish consolation of regarding themselves as an 'old' family fallen on evil days.....This writer's tone is
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 23 Rahoto
Romeo and Juliet
Juliet:O serpent heart,hid with a flowering face!
Did ever dragon keep so fair a cave
Beautiful tyrant:Fiend angelical
Dove-feathered raven!wolfish-ravening lamb
Despised substance of divinest show!
A damned saint,an honorable villain!
(From Romeo and Juliet)
Juliet is referring in the above passage to
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 24 Rahoto
'That year the harvest was sad,like a funeral,and many farmers wept as they dug up the miserable yams.One man tied his cloth to a tree branch and hanged himself'. The mood conveyed here is one of
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 26 Rahoto
In Twelfth Night
'If music be the food of love,play on
Give me excess of it,that surfeiting,
The appetite may sicken and die'
was spoken by
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 28 Rahoto
One of the following writers is better known as a playwright than as a novelist
Tambaya 30 Rahoto
Another shoal of cars swam past.One in particular caught his eye,a long slender thing,elegant as a swallow,all gleaming blue and silver,a thousand guineas it would have cost,he tought.
In the first sentence,cars are described in terms of
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 33 Rahoto
Mr Johnson,by Joyce Cary,is an interesting novel for the reason that
Tambaya 35 Rahoto
If we describe Kossoh Town Boy as an autobiography,we mean that it is
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 38 Rahoto
In T.S Elliot's 'Journey of the Magi' the old choirmaster could not be buried in the manner he wished because he unfortunately died
Tambaya 39 Rahoto
In 'I Will Pronounce Your Name'Senghor writes:'Naett that is the dry tornado,the clap of lightening'.
The figure of speech used in the above line is
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 40 Rahoto
Maria:If you desire the spleen,and will laugh
yourself into stitches,follow me.yond gull
Malvolio is turned heathen,a very renegado;
saved by believing rightly,can never believe
such impossible passages of grossness.
He's in yellow stockings.
Sir Toby:And cross-gartered?
Maria:Most villainously;like a pendant that keeps
a school in church.i have dogged him:
like his murderer.He does obey every point
of the letter that i dropped to betray him:
he does smile his face into more lines than
is in the new map with the augmentation of
the indies:you have not seen such a thing as
'tis.I can hardly forbear hurling things at
him:if she do,he'll smile and take it for
a great favour.
(Twelfth Night)
Which of the following statements reflects best the situation revealed above
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 41 Rahoto
Achebe's language and style in No Longer At Ease is remarkable
Tambaya 42 Rahoto
In 'The Duel' Thomas ends his narrative
Tambaya 46 Rahoto
One of the following terms applies to the discussion of both tragedy and comedy:
Tambaya 48 Rahoto
The casualties referred to in 'Casualties' are
Tambaya 49 Rahoto
In on of the three jugs
The three jugs where on certain evenings return the tranquil souls,
the breaths of the ancestors,
the ancestors who were men,
the ancestors who were sages,
Mother has dipped three fingers
three fingers of her left hand:
thumb,forefinger and middle finger
i have dipped three fingers
three fingers of my right hand:
thumb,forefinger and middle finger.
(From "Viaticum"by B.Diop)
In this poem,the repetitive pattern suggests
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 50 Rahoto
New Year's Eve Midnight
Now the bells are tolling-
A year is dead.
And my heart is slowly beating
the Nunc Dimittis
to all my hopes and mute
yewnings of a year
and ghosts hover round
dream beyond dream
Dream beyond dream
mingling with the dying
bell-sounds fading
into memories
like rain drops
falling into a river.
And now the bells are chimming-
A year is born.
And my heart-bell is ringing
in dawn
But it's shrouded things i see
dimly stride
on heart-canopied paths
to a riverside
The mood of the above poem is
Bayanin Amsa
Za ka so ka ci gaba da wannan aikin?