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Tambaya 2 Rahoto
Study the diagram of a food chain shown and use it to answer the question.
P ---> Q ---> R ---> S ---> T
Which of the following statements best describes the organism designated R? It
Bayanin Amsa
Primary consumers eat these plants exclusively and are all herbivores. We defined secondary consumers as organisms, primarily animals, which eat primary consumers. Furthermore, secondary consumers can be classified into one of two groups: carnivores, or meat eaters, and omnivores, which are plant and meat eaters.
Tambaya 3 Rahoto
Which of the following groups of organisms has kidney as the excretory organ?
Bayanin Amsa
The group of organisms that have kidneys as the excretory organ is: fishes, amphibians, birds, and man. Kidneys are specialized organs that remove waste products, excess water, and other impurities from the blood. These waste products are then eliminated from the body as urine. Fishes, amphibians, birds, and mammals (including humans) all have kidneys as their primary excretory organ. In fish, the kidneys are responsible for removing excess water and electrolytes from the blood. In amphibians, the kidneys also play a role in maintaining water balance, as well as removing nitrogenous wastes. In birds and mammals, the kidneys are responsible for filtering the blood, regulating water and electrolyte balance, and eliminating waste products. In contrast, annelids (a group of segmented worms), insects, protozoans, reptiles, and tapeworms have different excretory organs. For example, insects have specialized structures called Malpighian tubules that remove waste products and excess water from their blood, while tapeworms excrete waste products through their skin.
Tambaya 4 Rahoto
What is the critical limiting factor for plants below the photic zone in an aquatic ecosystem?
Bayanin Amsa
Primary production in the photic zone is influenced by three major factors—nutrients and light, which are essential for photosynthesis, and grazing pressure, the rate at which the plants are eaten by herbivores.
Tambaya 5 Rahoto
Which of the following animals is cold blooded?
Bayanin Amsa
Reptiles are cold-blooded animals. This means that they cannot produce heat in their own bodies, and have to rely on their surroundings to keep warm. This is why most reptiles are found in hot or warm climates. Reptiles like snakes and lizards are this type of animal. Amphibians like frogs, toads, and salamanders are, too. Fish are also cold-blooded animals.
Tambaya 6 Rahoto
Which of the following organisms is a primary consumer?
Bayanin Amsa
A primary consumer is an organism that feeds on primary producers. Primary consumers are usually herbivores that feed on autotrophic plants, which produce their own food through photosynthesis.
Tambaya 7 Rahoto
What is the function of trichocyst in paramecium?
Bayanin Amsa
Trichocyst, a structure in the cortex of certain ciliate and flagellate protozoans consisting of a cavity and long, thin threads that can be ejected in response to certain stimuli. Trichocysts may be widely distributed over an organism or restricted to certain areas (e.g., tentacles, papillae, around the mouth). It is also a structure in the cortex of certain ciliate and flagellate protozoans consisting of a cavity and long, thin threads that can be ejected in response to certain stimuli.
Tambaya 9 Rahoto
Which of the following cycles involves the process of precipitation and transpiration?
Bayanin Amsa
The cycle that involves the process of precipitation and transpiration is the water cycle. The water cycle is the process by which water circulates through the Earth's environment. It starts with the evaporation of water from bodies of water, such as oceans, lakes, and rivers, as well as from the soil and plants through a process called transpiration. This water vapor then rises into the atmosphere, where it cools and condenses into clouds. When these clouds become heavy enough, the water falls back to Earth as precipitation, which can take the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail. Once the precipitation falls to the ground, it can either be absorbed by the soil and become groundwater or run off into bodies of water. From there, the cycle starts again. In summary, the water cycle involves the process of precipitation, which is the falling of water from the atmosphere to the Earth's surface, as well as the process of transpiration, which is the release of water vapor from plants. This cycle is essential for providing fresh water to living things and maintaining the Earth's environment.
Tambaya 10 Rahoto
Physiological adaptation to very dry conditions in animal demonstrates
Bayanin Amsa
Aestivation is a state of animal dormancy, similar to hibernation, although taking place in the summer rather than the winter. Aestivation is characterized by inactivity and a lowered metabolic rate, that is entered in response to high temperatures and arid conditions.
Tambaya 11 Rahoto
The vitamin which is important in the formation of the retina pigment is
Bayanin Amsa
The vitamin that is important in the formation of the retina pigment is Vitamin A. The retina is a part of the eye that contains cells called rods and cones which help us to see. Vitamin A is important for the normal functioning of these cells, especially the rods, which are responsible for vision in low light conditions. The retina pigment, also known as rhodopsin, is a protein found in the rods of the retina. It helps to absorb light and convert it into electrical signals that the brain can interpret as vision. Vitamin A plays a crucial role in the formation of this pigment, and a deficiency of this vitamin can lead to a condition called night blindness, where a person has difficulty seeing in low light conditions. In summary, Vitamin A is essential for the normal functioning of the cells in the retina, especially the rods, and is important for the formation of the retina pigment, which is necessary for vision in low light conditions.
Tambaya 12 Rahoto
Mineral salts can be absorbed into roots by
Bayanin Amsa
In plants and animals, mineral absorption, also called mineral uptake is the way in which minerals enter the cellular material, typically following the same pathway as water. In plants, the entrance portal for mineral uptake is usually through the roots by a process of diffusion and active transport.
Tambaya 13 Rahoto
A group of closely related organisms capable of interbreeding to produce the fertile offspring are known as members of a
Bayanin Amsa
The correct answer is "species". Species are a group of living organisms that share common characteristics and can interbreed to produce fertile offspring. This means that members of the same species can mate and produce offspring that can themselves reproduce, while organisms from different species cannot produce fertile offspring together. For example, dogs can breed with other dogs to produce fertile puppies, but they cannot breed with cats to produce offspring that can reproduce. Therefore, dogs and cats belong to different species.
Tambaya 14 Rahoto
Which of the following diseases is not hereditary?
Bayanin Amsa
Scabies is the disease that is not hereditary. Scabies is a skin infestation caused by a tiny mite called Sarcoptes scabiei. It spreads through direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected person. Scabies is not a genetic disorder and does not pass down from parent to child through genes. It is caused by a microscopic organism that can infect anyone who comes into contact with it. On the other hand, Albinism, Haemophilia, and Color blindness are all hereditary diseases. Albinism is a genetic condition that affects the production of melanin, resulting in little or no pigment in the skin, hair, and eyes. Haemophilia is a genetic disorder that affects the blood's ability to clot properly. Color blindness is a genetic condition that affects the ability to distinguish between different colors. In summary, while Scabies is caused by a tiny mite and is not hereditary, Albinism, Haemophilia, and Color blindness are all genetic conditions that are inherited from one's parents.
Tambaya 15 Rahoto
The greatest amount of energy would be obtained by the Oxidation of 100kg of
Bayanin Amsa
To determine which of the given food items provides the greatest amount of energy upon oxidation, we need to compare their caloric content. Here's a general overview of the approximate caloric values per 100 grams for each type of food:
Now, let's scale these values up to 100 kg (100,000 grams):
From these calculations, butter has the highest caloric content per 100 kg. Therefore, the greatest amount of energy will be obtained by the oxidation of 100 kg of:
B. butter
Tambaya 16 Rahoto
The flippers of a whale and the fins of a fish are examples of
Bayanin Amsa
The flippers of a whale and the fins of a fish are examples of convergent evolution. Convergent evolution is a process where species that are not closely related, but live in similar environments, evolve similar structures or adaptations to solve similar problems. This is also known as "parallel evolution". For example, whales and fish both live in water, and both need to be able to swim and maneuver. Over time, both species have evolved flippers or fins as a solution to these challenges, even though whales are mammals and fish are fish. This convergence of similar structures in unrelated species is a result of convergent evolution.
Tambaya 17 Rahoto
A pollutant that is mostly associated with acid rain is
Bayanin Amsa
The pollutant that is mostly associated with acid rain is nitrogen (IV) oxide, also known as nitrogen dioxide (NO2). NO2 is produced when fuels such as coal, oil, and gas are burned at high temperatures, particularly in vehicles and power plants. It is a gas that can react with other chemicals in the atmosphere to form nitric acid (HNO3), which can then fall to the ground as acid rain. When acid rain falls on soil, it can lower the pH and make it more acidic. This can have negative effects on plants and animals that live in the soil, as well as on the quality of the water in lakes and streams. In addition, acid rain can corrode buildings and other structures made of stone, metal, or concrete. To reduce the production of nitrogen (IV) oxide and the formation of acid rain, it is important to reduce the use of fossil fuels and to use cleaner sources of energy, such as wind, solar, and hydropower. Additionally, regulations and policies can be put in place to limit the emissions of nitrogen (IV) oxide from vehicles and power plants.
Tambaya 18 Rahoto
Ozone hole refers to
Bayanin Amsa
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other halogenated ozone depleting substances (ODS) are mainly responsible for man-made chemical ozone depletion.
Tambaya 19 Rahoto
Which of the following structures is not a skeletal material?
Bayanin Amsa
Bone is the substance that forms the skeleton of the body. It is composed chiefly of calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate. Chitin is a major constituent of the exoskeleton, or external skeleton, of many arthropods such as insects, spiders, and crustaceans. The main structural components of our bodies are bone, muscle, and cartilage. Bones are rigid, while muscles bend, stretch, and are flexible. Cartilage connective tissue is the perfect halfway point between these other tissues. It is not as rigid or as hard as bone, and it is also less flexible than muscle. Therefore, we find cartilage in places where we need some support and structure, but a bit of flexibility as well. This includes places such as our joints, our ears, and our nose, as well as in between the vertebrae in our spinal column.
Tambaya 21 Rahoto
Tikka disease is related with the crop
Bayanin Amsa
Tikka disease is not related to the crop of Groundnut, Mustard, or Paddy. Tikka disease, also known as Ascochyta blight, is a fungal disease that affects various plants, including beans, chickpeas, and lentils. The disease is caused by a fungus called Ascochyta and can result in small, circular spots on leaves, stems, and pods of infected plants. These spots can be gray, brown, or black, and may have a dark border. In summary, Tikka disease is not related to the crops of Groundnut, Mustard, or Paddy. It affects plants such as beans, chickpeas, and lentils, and is caused by a fungus called Ascochyta.
Tambaya 22 Rahoto
An example of a radially symmetrical organisms is
Bayanin Amsa
An example of a radially symmetrical organism is Hydra. Radial symmetry means that an organism has a circular shape and its body parts are arranged around a central axis, like the spokes on a wheel. Hydra is a small, freshwater animal that has a cylindrical body and tentacles that radiate out from its central axis. This type of symmetry allows Hydra to detect and capture prey from all directions. Planaria are also radially symmetrical flatworms, while tapeworms and roundworms are examples of organisms with bilateral symmetry, meaning that they have a distinct front and back and a left and right side.
Tambaya 23 Rahoto
Man can contact tapeworm through
Bayanin Amsa
Yes, a person can come into contact with tapeworms by ingesting uncooked or undercooked meat that contains tapeworm larvae. Tapeworms can infect animals such as cows, pigs, and fish, and when humans eat infected meat, they can get infected too. This is why it's important to cook meat thoroughly and to wash fruits and vegetables before eating them. Contact with tapeworms cannot occur through breathing or simple physical contact with an infected person or animal.
Tambaya 24 Rahoto
A distinguishing feature of mammals is the possession of
Bayanin Amsa
One distinguishing feature of mammals is the possession of hair. Hair is a unique type of structure that grows from the skin of mammals and is made up of a protein called keratin. Hair serves many important functions in mammals, such as keeping the body warm, protecting the skin from damage, and providing sensory information. Hair can also be used for social communication, such as when a cat raises its fur to make itself look bigger and more intimidating. While other animals like reptiles may have scales, and birds may have feathers, only mammals have hair as a defining feature.
Tambaya 25 Rahoto
Cytokinesis of mitosis is a process that ensures that
Bayanin Amsa
Cytokinesis is the final stage of mitosis, the process by which a cell divides to form two identical daughter cells. During cytokinesis, the cytoplasm of the original cell is divided into two parts, with each part containing a complete set of genetic material (chromosomes). The main purpose of cytokinesis is to ensure that each daughter cell receives a complete set of genetic material and the necessary organelles to function properly. This is important because if one daughter cell received more genetic material or more organelles than the other, it could lead to problems such as cell death or mutations. Therefore, "each daughter cell gets the necessary organelles" is the correct label to associate with the question above. While the other options may be important aspects of mitosis, they do not directly relate to the role of cytokinesis in ensuring that each daughter cell receives a complete and functional set of genetic material and organelles.
Tambaya 26 Rahoto
Which is an animal without red blood cells?
Bayanin Amsa
While humans and many other species have red blood, due to the iron in their hemoglobin, other animals have different colored blood. Spiders (as well as horseshoe crabs and certain other arthropods) have blue blood due to the presence of copper-based hemocyanin in their blood. Some animals, such as the sea cucumbers, even have yellow blood. What could make blood yellow? The yellow coloration is due to a high concentration of the yellow vanadium-based pigment, vanabin. Unlike hemoglobin and hemocyanin, vanabin does not seem to be involved in oxygen transport.
Tambaya 27 Rahoto
The reason why hospitals use saline solutions as drip instead of water is
Bayanin Amsa
Saline, also known as saline solution, is a mixture of sodium chloride in water and has a number of uses in medicine. Intravenous therapy (IV) is a therapy that delivers liquid substances directly into a vein. Saline is used in I.V. therapy, intravenously supplying extra water to rehydrate patients or supplying the daily water and salt needs ("maintenance" needs) of a patient who is unable to take them by mouth. Because infusing a solution of low osmolality can cause problems such as hemolysis, intravenous solutions with reduced saline concentrations typically have dextrose (glucose) added to maintain a safe osmolality while providing less sodium chloride. The amount of normal saline infused depends largely on the needs of the patient (e.g. ongoing diarrhea or heart failure).
Tambaya 28 Rahoto
The reason why the flow of blood through the capillaries is very slow is
Bayanin Amsa
The rate, or velocity, of blood flow varies inversely with the total cross-sectional area of the blood vessels. As the total cross-sectional area of the vessels increases, the velocity of flow decreases. Blood flow is slowest in the capillaries, which allows time for exchange of gases and nutrients. Flow is slowest in the capillaries because of their larger cross-sectional area and narrow diameter.
Tambaya 29 Rahoto
A seed of a flowering plant can best be described as
Bayanin Amsa
A seed is a small embryonic plant enclosed in a covering called the seed coat, usually with some stored food. It is the product of the ripened ovule of gymnosperm and angiosperm plants which occurs after fertilization and some growth with in the motherplant.
Tambaya 30 Rahoto
The four classes of cnidarian include the following except
Bayanin Amsa
Cnidaria is a phylum under Kingdom Animalia containing over 11,000 species of animals found exclusively in aquatic environments: they are predominantly marine. Their distinguishing feature is cnidocytes, specialized cells that they use mainly for capturing prey. Modern cnidarians are generally classified into four main classes: sessile Anthozoa (sea anemones, corals, sea pens); swimming Scyphozoa (jellyfish) and Cubozoa (box jellies); and Hydrozoa, a diverse group that includes all the freshwater cnidarians as well as many marine forms, and has both sessile members such as Hydra and colonial swimmers such as the Portuguese Man o' War. The Turbellaria are one of the traditional sub-divisions of the phylum Platyhelminthes, and include all the sub-groups that are not exclusively parasitic.
Tambaya 31 Rahoto
The curvature movement of plants in response to the stimulus of water is called
Bayanin Amsa
The curvature movement of plants in response to the stimulus of water is called "hydrotropism." Hydrotropism is a type of plant movement that occurs when a plant's roots grow towards a source of water. This is an important mechanism that allows plants to find water and nutrients in the soil. When a plant is exposed to a source of water, such as a moist patch of soil, the plant's roots will start to grow towards the water. This is because the cells on the side of the root closest to the water absorb more water and expand, causing the root to bend towards the source of water. As the root grows towards the water, it will continue to bend until it reaches the water source. Hydrotropism is different from other types of plant movements, such as geotropism, phototropism, and thigmotropism, which involve responses to gravity, light, and touch, respectively.
Tambaya 32 Rahoto
The yellowish colored liquid component of blood that normally holds the blood cells in suspension is
Bayanin Amsa
Blood plasma is a yellowish liquid component of blood that normally holds the blood cells in whole blood in suspension. In other words, it is the liquid part of the blood that carries cells and proteins throughout the body. It makes up about 55% of the body's total blood volume.
Tambaya 33 Rahoto
The hormones secreted by pancreas serves to
Bayanin Amsa
The production of pancreatic hormones, including insulin, somatostatin, gastrin, and glucagon, play an important role in maintaining sugar and salt balance in our bodies.
Tambaya 34 Rahoto
Which of the following instruments is used to estimate the number of plants in a habitat?
Bayanin Amsa
The instrument used to estimate the number of plants in a habitat is a quadrant. A quadrant is a square or rectangular frame that is used to isolate a specific area within a habitat for study. It is typically made of a lightweight and durable material, such as metal or plastic, and can be any size, depending on the needs of the study. To estimate the number of plants in a habitat using a quadrant, researchers randomly select several quadrants within the study area and place them on the ground. They then count the number of plants within the quadrant and use this information to estimate the number of plants in the entire study area. Quadrants are a commonly used tool in ecology and are particularly useful for estimating the density and distribution of plant populations. They are simple to use and can provide valuable information for researchers who are interested in understanding the dynamics of plant communities.
Tambaya 35 Rahoto
Examples of animals with mammary glands include the following except
Bayanin Amsa
A mammary gland is an exocrine gland in mammals that produces milk to feed young offspring. Mammals get their name from the Latin word mamma, "breast". Hens do not have mammary glands.
Tambaya 36 Rahoto
An accurate identification of a rapist can be carried out by conducting
Bayanin Amsa
An accurate identification of a rapist can be carried out by conducting DNA analysis. DNA analysis involves collecting and analyzing a sample of DNA from a suspect, such as a hair, skin, or semen sample, and comparing it to a sample of DNA taken from the crime scene. If the DNA profiles match, it can provide strong evidence linking the suspect to the crime. Blood group tests and behavioral tests are not reliable methods for identifying a rapist, as they do not provide a unique identifier like DNA analysis does. Additionally, RNA analysis is not typically used for the identification of rapists. DNA analysis is the most scientifically accepted and accurate method for identifying individuals in criminal investigations, including sexual assault cases.
Tambaya 37 Rahoto
Which of the following processes removes carbon from the atmosphere?
Bayanin Amsa
The process that removes carbon from the atmosphere is "photosynthesis". Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants and other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods with the help of carbon dioxide and water. During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide (CO2) is taken in from the atmosphere and used to produce glucose, a type of sugar that serves as food for the plant. In this process, the carbon from CO2 is converted into organic carbon compounds, which are then used to build the plant's structure and stored in the plant's tissues. This means that photosynthesis helps to remove carbon from the atmosphere and store it in the biomass of plants. In contrast, processes such as putrefaction, volcanic eruption, and burning of fuels release carbon into the atmosphere, contributing to the increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and, in turn, to climate change.
Tambaya 38 Rahoto
Cold blooded animals are referred to as
Bayanin Amsa
Cold-blooded animals are referred to as "poikilothermic". Poikilothermic animals are also known as "ectothermic" animals, which means that their body temperature is regulated by the environment around them. This is in contrast to "homoeothermic" animals, also known as "endothermic" animals, which can regulate their own body temperature internally. Examples of poikilothermic animals include reptiles, amphibians, and most fish. These animals are often seen basking in the sun to warm up or seeking out cooler places in order to lower their body temperature. They are able to function at a range of different temperatures, but their bodily functions are often slower at cooler temperatures. On the other hand, homoeothermic animals, such as mammals and birds, are able to maintain a stable internal body temperature, even when the temperature of their environment fluctuates. This allows them to function effectively in a wider range of environmental conditions.
Tambaya 39 Rahoto
The process in which plant uses sunlight to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide and water is called
Bayanin Amsa
The process in which plants use sunlight to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide and water is called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a crucial process that enables plants to produce their own food and is responsible for releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. During photosynthesis, plants use chlorophyll, a pigment found in their leaves and other green parts, to capture energy from sunlight. This energy is used to combine carbon dioxide and water to produce glucose (a type of sugar) and oxygen. The glucose produced is then used by the plant as an energy source to fuel its growth and other metabolic processes. In summary, photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert sunlight into chemical energy, which they use to synthesize nutrients and sustain their growth and survival.
Tambaya 40 Rahoto
The role of scolex in tapeworm is to
Bayanin Amsa
An adult tapeworm consists of a knoblike head, or scolex, equipped with hooks for attaching to the intestinal wall of the host (which may be a human), a neck region, and a series of flat, rectangular body segments, or proglottids, generated by the neck. Scolex is used for attachment to the intestinal wall.
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