Ana loda....
Latsa & Riƙe don Ja Shi Gabaɗaya |
Danna nan don rufewa |
Tambaya 3 Rahoto
Which of the following is NOT a function of the IMF?
Tambaya 4 Rahoto
ECOWAS secretariat is located in
Tambaya 5 Rahoto
Which of the following is a disadvantage of localization of industries?
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 6 Rahoto
A major characteristics of a firm operating at a long-run equilibrium position is that
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 7 Rahoto
The following are rewards for factors of production EXCEPT
Tambaya 8 Rahoto
The following can be used to improve a country’s balance of payment EXCEPT
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 9 Rahoto
Which of the following is the correct order in the chain of distribution?
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 10 Rahoto
Which of the following will NOT bring about an increase in Labour force?
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 11 Rahoto
An industry operating in a perfect competitive market situation will maximum profit when
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 12 Rahoto
Production is said to be complete when goods and services gets to the
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 13 Rahoto
Which of the following is NOT a major role of OPEC in production, and marketing of petroleum?
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 15 Rahoto
The system of farming which involves the use of a large hectare of land planted with economic crops is known as
Tambaya 17 Rahoto
Range is NOT the best method of measuring dispersion because it considers only the
Tambaya 18 Rahoto
In the equation Q = a - bp + e; Q and P are .... Variables respectively.
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 20 Rahoto
The trade-off between two commodities along the Production Possibility Curve (PPC) shows
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 21 Rahoto
The use of tax and expenditure policy to regulate the economy is known as
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 22 Rahoto
An industry engaged in the extraction of raw materials and its conversion into semi-finished goods is called industry.
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 25 Rahoto
A business formation with a minimum of two and maximum of twenty persons is called
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 26 Rahoto
Which of the following is NOT a positive contribution a petroleum to Nigeria economy?
Tambaya 27 Rahoto
If the population of a school is 600 and 60% are In JSS, how many students are in SSS?
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 30 Rahoto
Which of the following is NOT included in-measuring the National income through the income approach?
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 32 Rahoto
Which of the following is NOT associated with minimum price legislation?
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 33 Rahoto
Which of the following is NOT a function of marketing boards in Nigeria?
Tambaya 34 Rahoto
Stock exchange market deals with
Tambaya 36 Rahoto
Under perfect competition, a profit maximizing firm will hire labour up to the point where the last unit of labor adds
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 37 Rahoto
The following will occur when maximum price is fixed below the free market price EXCEPT that
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 38 Rahoto
If two bags of rice were sold for N1,250 a mouth ago and two weeks later, the same amount was used to procure one bag. This simply means that the value of money is
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 40 Rahoto
The following are the objectives of agricultural policies in Nigeria EXCEPT
Tambaya 41 Rahoto
When an increase in the price of a commodity lead to a fall In the demand for aNOTher, the demand for the two commodities are said to be
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 42 Rahoto
The recent revolution of Cassava from ordinary food crop to export crop will lead to
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 43 Rahoto
If the standard deviation of a set of numbers is 3.6, what is the variance?
Tambaya 44 Rahoto
The satisfaction derived from Die consumption of a commodity is referred o as
Za ka so ka ci gaba da wannan aikin?