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Tambaya 1 Rahoto
Which of the following, according to James is an important factor for effective prayer?
Bayanin Amsa
According to James, faith is an important factor for effective prayer. Faith is the belief or confidence in something or someone, and in this case, it is the belief in God's ability to answer prayers. Without faith, one may not pray with the necessary conviction and confidence, which may hinder the effectiveness of the prayer. Therefore, James encourages believers to pray with faith, believing that God is able to answer their prayers.
Tambaya 2 Rahoto
''If you are the son of God, throw yourself down from here''.
This temptation implies that Jesus should
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 3 Rahoto
Josiah sent the ashes of the burnt vessels of Baal to Bethel in order to
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 4 Rahoto
When Rhoda reported that Peter was at the door, the inmates retorted that
Bayanin Amsa
When Rhoda reported that Peter was at the door, the inmates retorted that "you are mad". This is because they did not believe that Peter could have been released from prison so easily, and they thought Rhoda was delusional for thinking that he was outside. It was only after they went to the door and saw Peter for themselves that they believed Rhoda was telling the truth.
Tambaya 5 Rahoto
''Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the sepulchre.''
''The other Mary '',according to St Mark was the mother of
Tambaya 6 Rahoto
King Nebuchadnezzar mounted his golden image on / at
Bayanin Amsa
King Nebuchadnezzar mounted his golden image on the plain of Dura. This was a location in Babylon where he held a ceremony to dedicate the statue he had made. It was a large plain that was suitable for the event as it could accommodate a large gathering of people. The exact location of the plain of Dura is unknown, but it was likely located in the vicinity of the city of Babylon, which was the capital of the Babylonian Empire at the time.
Tambaya 8 Rahoto
Stephen was appointed as a deacon to
Bayanin Amsa
Stephen was appointed as a deacon to cater for the poor and needy. In the Bible, specifically in the New Testament, Stephen was one of the seven men chosen by the apostles to serve as deacons in the early Christian church. Their main responsibility was to oversee the distribution of food and other aid to widows and other needy members of the community. While Stephen was known for his preaching and miracles, his appointment as a deacon was specifically to address the practical needs of the community.
Tambaya 9 Rahoto
''This is the King of the Jews''.
This inscription on the cross was meant to show Jesus'
Tambaya 10 Rahoto
Jesus baptism was significant because it
Bayanin Amsa
Jesus' baptism was significant because it marked the beginning of His messianic ministry. According to the Bible, after Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in the form of a dove, and a voice from heaven declared, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him, I am well pleased." This event signified Jesus' divine nature and confirmed His identity as the Son of God. It also symbolized Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection, as He was baptized in water and then rose out of the water, foreshadowing His own death and resurrection. Overall, Jesus' baptism was a pivotal moment in His life and ministry, marking the beginning of His mission to save humanity from sin and reconcile them to God.
Tambaya 11 Rahoto
Moses asked God for a new leader for Israel so that Israel might
Bayanin Amsa
Moses asked God for a new leader for Israel so that Israel might have a shepherd to guide them after Moses' death. Moses recognized that the Israelites needed a strong and wise leader to help them stay faithful to God and to guide them in conquering the Promised Land. Without a leader, Moses feared that the Israelites would be lost and vulnerable to attack. Therefore, Moses asked God to provide a new leader who would care for and lead the people of Israel.
Tambaya 12 Rahoto
Moses before his death served Israel as
Bayanin Amsa
Moses before his death served Israel as a priest, prophet and deliverer. As a priest, he was responsible for offering sacrifices and serving as a mediator between the people and God. As a prophet, he received divine revelations and communicated God's messages to the people. As a deliverer, he led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and towards the Promised Land.
Tambaya 13 Rahoto
Amos satirically invited the Jews to come to Bethel and Gilgal in order to
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 14 Rahoto
Daniel disobeyed King Darius by
Bayanin Amsa
Daniel disobeyed King Darius by praying three times daily for thirty days, despite the king's decree that no one should make petitions to any god or man except the king himself. Daniel's actions showed his faith and dedication to God, and he was willing to face the consequences of his disobedience, even if it meant being thrown into the lions' den.
Tambaya 15 Rahoto
The two old Testament books that were used in the temptation stories were
Bayanin Amsa
In the temptation stories, the two Old Testament books that were used were Deuteronomy and Psalms. These were the books that Jesus used to counter the temptations of the devil when he was in the wilderness. In Matthew 4:4, Jesus used a quote from Deuteronomy to respond to the devil's temptation to turn stones into bread. In Matthew 4:7, Jesus used another quote from Deuteronomy to respond to the devil's temptation to jump off the temple. Finally, in Matthew 4:10, Jesus used a quote from Psalms to respond to the devil's temptation to worship him.
Tambaya 16 Rahoto
The minority report of the twelve spies was presented by
Bayanin Amsa
The minority report of the twelve spies was presented by Caleb and Joshua. In the Bible, the twelve spies were sent by Moses to scout the land of Canaan. When they returned, ten of the twelve spies gave a negative report, saying that the land was unconquerable and that the people living there were giants. However, Caleb and Joshua gave a positive report, encouraging the Israelites to trust in God and take possession of the land. The Israelites ultimately believed the majority report and as a result, they were made to wander in the wilderness for forty years before entering the promised land.
Tambaya 17 Rahoto
To which religious party did Gamaliel belong? The
Tambaya 18 Rahoto
The visitors of Peter after his vision at Joppa were from
Bayanin Amsa
The visitors of Peter after his vision at Joppa were from Caesarea. In the book of Acts 10, it is narrated that Peter had a vision of a sheet coming down from heaven filled with all kinds of animals, and he heard a voice saying "Get up, Peter. Kill and eat." Peter objected, saying that he had never eaten anything impure or unclean. But the voice spoke again, saying "Do not call anything impure that God has made clean." Just then, three men sent by a Roman centurion from Caesarea arrived at the house where Peter was staying and asked him to come with them. Peter went with the men to Caesarea, where he preached the gospel to the centurion and his household, and they were all baptized.
Tambaya 19 Rahoto
Joseph was of a good behaviour because he
Bayanin Amsa
Joseph was of good behavior because he served diligently in Potiphar's house. Joseph was sold by his brothers to traders who brought him to Egypt. There he was sold to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh. Joseph served as a slave in Potiphar's house and was given great responsibility. Despite being tempted by Potiphar's wife, he refused to betray his master's trust and was falsely accused and thrown into prison. However, his good behavior and trustworthiness were recognized even in prison, and he was put in charge of other prisoners. Ultimately, his good behavior and diligent service led to his release and promotion to second-in-command in all of Egypt.
Tambaya 20 Rahoto
God made Pharaoh to chase and bring the Israelites back to Egypt so that He would
Bayanin Amsa
According to the Biblical narrative, God made Pharaoh chase and bring the Israelites back to Egypt so that He could get glory over Pharaoh and his hosts. This is recorded in the book of Exodus, where God hardened Pharaoh's heart, leading to a series of plagues that were inflicted on the Egyptians. Finally, Pharaoh and his army chased after the Israelites who had been set free, but they were swallowed up by the Red Sea as they pursued them. The purpose of this was to demonstrate God's power and sovereignty over Pharaoh and his people, and to show the Israelites and the world that God was the one true God.
Tambaya 21 Rahoto
The Judean King who revolted against Babylon after serving her for three years was
Bayanin Amsa
The Judean King who revolted against Babylon after serving her for three years was Zedekiah. He was appointed by Babylon as a puppet king after the Babylonians conquered Judah and exiled its people, but later he rebelled against Babylonian rule, resulting in the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple.
Tambaya 22 Rahoto
During Jesus trial some people discovered that Peter was Jesus followers because of his
Bayanin Amsa
During Jesus' trial, some people discovered that Peter was a follower of Jesus because of his Galilean accent. When questioned about his association with Jesus, Peter denied it three times, but his accent gave him away as someone from the same region as Jesus.
Tambaya 24 Rahoto
As a result of Peter's speech on Pentecost day
Bayanin Amsa
As a result of Peter's speech on Pentecost day, many Jewish souls joined Christianity. In his speech, Peter explained to the Jews that the events they had witnessed, including the speaking in tongues by the disciples, were the fulfillment of prophecies by the prophet Joel. He also proclaimed the message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, and the listeners were convicted and asked what they should do. Peter urged them to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins, and about three thousand people were added to the new Christian community that day. Therefore, the correct option is "many Jewish souls joined Christianity".
Tambaya 25 Rahoto
James maintained that the double-minded man would not have his prayers answered because he
Bayanin Amsa
James, in his epistle, said that a double-minded man would not have his prayers answered because he is unstable in all his ways. This means that such a person is indecisive, lacking firmness and consistency, and his thoughts and actions are constantly shifting. He is unable to fully trust in God and His promises, and as a result, his prayers lack faith and conviction. Therefore, James advises Christians to have a single-minded devotion to God, being fully committed to Him in both their thoughts and actions, and trusting Him completely in all their endeavors.
Tambaya 26 Rahoto
To be a good citizen, Peter advised believers to honour all men and
Bayanin Amsa
Peter advised believers to honor all men and love the brotherhood in order to be good citizens. This means that Christians should respect and show kindness to all people, regardless of their social status, ethnicity or beliefs. Additionally, they should love and support their fellow believers, creating a sense of unity and brotherhood within their community. Peter also emphasized the importance of obeying lawful masters, which means submitting to authority and following the laws of the land. Finally, he encouraged Christians to love reading the scriptures, as it helps them to grow in their faith and gain wisdom.
Tambaya 27 Rahoto
Which of the following incidents occurred during Jesus trial before Caiaphas?
Bayanin Amsa
The seeking of false witness against Jesus occurred during His trial before Caiaphas. The Jewish leaders were trying to find a reason to accuse Jesus, and they brought in false witnesses to testify against Him. However, their testimonies were inconsistent, and they could not find anything to charge Him with until Jesus finally admitted to being the Messiah, which they considered blasphemy. Therefore, the correct answer is "The seeking of false witness against Jesus."
Tambaya 28 Rahoto
The importance of the parable of the unmerciful servant is that Christians should
Bayanin Amsa
The parable of the unmerciful servant teaches Christians the importance of forgiving others just as they have been forgiven by God. In the parable, a servant was forgiven a huge debt by his master but he refused to forgive a smaller debt owed to him by a fellow servant. When the master found out, he punished the unmerciful servant for not showing mercy to his fellow servant. This parable emphasizes the importance of showing mercy and forgiveness to others, just as God has shown mercy and forgiveness to us. It also reminds Christians that if they do not forgive others, they will not be forgiven by God. Therefore, Christians should allow mercy to take precedence over justice and strive to forgive others as God has forgiven them.
Tambaya 29 Rahoto
How many groups of people mocked at Jesus on the cross according to ST Mark's gospel?
Bayanin Amsa
According to Mark's gospel, there were two groups of people who mocked Jesus on the cross. The first group were the chief priests and scribes who were present at the crucifixion and mocked Jesus, saying "He saved others; himself he cannot save" (Mark 15:31). The second group were the people who passed by the cross and also mocked Jesus, wagging their heads and saying "Aha! You who destroy the temple and build it in three days, save Yourself, and come down from the cross!" (Mark 15:29-30). Therefore, the answer is (a) Two.
Tambaya 30 Rahoto
Hosea described the relationship between God and Israel as
Bayanin Amsa
Hosea described the relationship between God and Israel as a "marriage bond". In the book of Hosea in the Bible, the prophet Hosea used the analogy of a troubled marriage to illustrate the relationship between God and the people of Israel. Hosea compared Israel's unfaithfulness to God to a wife's unfaithfulness to her husband. Despite this, Hosea also conveyed God's enduring love and desire to reconcile with his people.
Tambaya 31 Rahoto
''Give meat for the priest to roast for he will not accept boiled meat from you, hut raw''
This request was wrong because in a peace offering,
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 32 Rahoto
The resurrection story encourages Christians to believe that the Lord they adore is
Bayanin Amsa
The resurrection story encourages Christians to believe that the Lord they adore is still alive today. After Jesus died on the cross and was buried, He rose again on the third day, appearing to His disciples and many others. This event shows that death does not have the final say, and that Jesus is alive and present with His followers even today. It also shows that Jesus has power over death, sin, and evil, and that He is both powerful and just. Therefore, the resurrection is a central part of Christian faith and hope.
Tambaya 33 Rahoto
Besides being a ture prophetess, Deborah could also be described as a woman of
Bayanin Amsa
Deborah, besides being a true prophetess, could also be described as a woman of **peace**. This is because she acted as a judge and helped to settle disputes among the Israelites during a time of conflict and war. She sought to restore peace and order among the people by giving wise counsel and guidance. Additionally, she was instrumental in leading the Israelite army to victory against their enemies, which helped to bring about a time of peace and security for the nation. Therefore, her actions and leadership reflected her desire for peace, both in her role as a judge and as a military leader.
Tambaya 34 Rahoto
The Judean King who revolted against Babylon after serving her for three years was
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 36 Rahoto
''Does the Lord have great delight in burnt offerings and sacrfices as in obeying the voice of the Lord?
These words were directed to king
Bayanin Amsa
These words were directed to King Saul. They are found in 1 Samuel 15:22, where Prophet Samuel is speaking to Saul, who had disobeyed God's command to destroy the Amalekites completely and had spared their king, Agag, and some of the livestock. Samuel was reminding Saul that God values obedience more than sacrifices, and that obedience is better than offering burnt offerings and sacrifices.
Tambaya 37 Rahoto
Partiality according to James is manifested in the Church through
Bayanin Amsa
Partiality, according to James, is manifested in the Church through discrimination. In the context of the passage, James is warning against showing favoritism or partiality towards individuals based on their status or appearance, such as giving preferential treatment to the wealthy over the poor. This goes against the teachings of Christ, who called for love and impartiality towards all individuals, regardless of their background or social standing.
Tambaya 39 Rahoto
Discipleship requires self-denial and complete
Bayanin Amsa
Discipleship refers to the act of following and learning from someone who is considered a master or teacher. In the context of Christianity, discipleship requires self-denial, which means letting go of one's own desires and putting God's will first. It also requires complete commitment, which means being fully dedicated to following Christ and obeying his teachings. This involves sacrificing one's own comfort and preferences in order to serve God and others. Self-denial and complete commitment are important aspects of Christian discipleship and are emphasized throughout the Bible.
Tambaya 40 Rahoto
Peter encouraged the church to humble themselves before God so that He would
Bayanin Amsa
In 1 Peter, the apostle Peter encouraged the church to humble themselves before God so that He would exalt them. Peter believed that humility was an important virtue for Christians to cultivate, and that by submitting themselves to God's will and authority, they could experience His blessings and favor. Peter believed that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble (1 Peter 5:5), and that those who humble themselves under God's mighty hand would be exalted in due time (1 Peter 5:6). Therefore, Peter encouraged the church to submit to God, resist the devil, and draw near to God so that He would lift them up (James 4:7-10).
Tambaya 41 Rahoto
After Saul's death on Mount Gilboa, the Philistines
Bayanin Amsa
After Saul's death on Mount Gilboa, the Philistines made a sport of him at Bethshan. This means that they displayed Saul's body as a trophy, mocking and ridiculing him in front of the people of Bethshan. They hung his body on the city walls and exposed it to the public, likely as a warning to others who might oppose them. Eventually, the people of Jabesh-gilead came to retrieve Saul's body and buried it.
Tambaya 42 Rahoto
''Do you mean to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?
This statement made Moses aware of the fact that
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 43 Rahoto
Although David was regarded as a man after God's heart, he acted badly before God when he
Bayanin Amsa
David committed sins of adultery and murder. He committed adultery with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah, and arranged to have Uriah killed in battle to cover up his sin. This action was condemned by God, and the prophet Nathan was sent to rebuke him. Despite this sin, David repented and was forgiven by God, but the consequences of his actions continued to affect him and his family for years to come.
Tambaya 44 Rahoto
''For he was astonished, and all that were with him, at the catch of fish which they had taken ''
The people being referred to in the text were
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 45 Rahoto
Jesus taught that Christians should forgive their neighbours' sins
Bayanin Amsa
Jesus taught that Christians should forgive their neighbors' sins seventy times seven times (70 x 7). This means that forgiveness should be unlimited and continuous. Jesus used this figure to illustrate that there is no limit to the number of times one should forgive others. Christians are called to forgive others just as God has forgiven them. Therefore, Christians should always be willing to forgive others, regardless of the number of times they offend or sin against them.
Tambaya 46 Rahoto
''And we are witnesses to these things, and so is the Holy Spirit Who,,? God has given to those who obey him''
''These things''
in the disciple' statement before the Sanhedrin refers to
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 47 Rahoto
Nehemiah showed concern for his nation by
Bayanin Amsa
Nehemiah showed concern for his nation by reconstructing the walls of Jerusalem. When he heard that the walls were broken down and the gates were destroyed, he wept, mourned, fasted, and prayed to God. He then traveled to Jerusalem and began to organize the rebuilding of the walls with the help of the people. Despite opposition from neighboring enemies, the walls were completed in just 52 days. The reconstruction of the walls was important for the safety and security of Jerusalem, and Nehemiah's leadership in this endeavor showed his deep concern for his nation.
Tambaya 48 Rahoto
Which of the following people destroyed Shiloh and captured the Ark? The
Bayanin Amsa
The Philistines destroyed Shiloh and captured the Ark. The Philistines were a powerful ancient people who lived in the region of Canaan, which is present-day Israel and Palestine. They were known for their military strength and were often in conflict with the Israelites. In the Old Testament of the Bible, it is recorded that the Philistines attacked the Israelites and destroyed the city of Shiloh, where the Ark of the Covenant was kept. They captured the Ark and took it with them, but later returned it to the Israelites after experiencing plagues and misfortunes.
Tambaya 49 Rahoto
The Hebrew kingdom broke up because of
Bayanin Amsa
The Hebrew kingdom broke up because of Rehoboam's refusal to grant the Northerners' petition. After Solomon's death, the Israelites approached his son, Rehoboam, to lighten the heavy burdens and taxes that his father had imposed. However, Rehoboam ignored the wise counsel of his father's advisors and listened to the advice of his young peers, which led him to answer the petitioners harshly. This decision caused the ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom to rebel against Rehoboam's rule and set up their own kingdom with Jeroboam as their king. Thus, the kingdom of Israel was split into two parts, the Northern Kingdom and the Southern Kingdom.
Tambaya 50 Rahoto
Samuel said that rebellion was as the sin of divination just as stubbornness was as
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 51 Rahoto
(a) Examine the baptism of Jesus as narrated in Matthew's Gospel
(b) In what two ways is baptism relevant to Christian?
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 53 Rahoto
(a) Discuss the appointment of Joshua as Moses's successor
(b) What three qualities of Joshua can be recommended for leaders of today?
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 54 Rahoto
a) Describe the appearance of the Risen Christ to the two men on their way to Emmaus
(b) What three benefits to Christians derive from the resurrection of Jesus Christ?
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 55 Rahoto
(a) Highlight the problems encountered by Joseph with his brothers.
(b) Indicate how Joseph and his brothers were reconciled
(c) What three lessons can be learnt from the relationship between Joseph and his family?
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 57 Rahoto
(a) What was Peter's advice to Christian living among non-Christians?
(b) What three challenges can Christians face among non-Christians?
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 58 Rahoto
a) Give an account of Amos' encounter with Amaziah the priest
b) Indicate any three practices in your society that need to be condemned
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 59 Rahoto
(a) Describe how Saul became converted
(b) Identify any three visible signs of a convert.
Bayanin Amsa
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