Variety Of Organisms

Bayani Gaba-gaba

Welcome to the fascinating world of Biology where we delve into the incredible diversity of organisms that inhabit our planet. The topic of 'Variety of Organisms' explores the rich tapestry of life across different kingdoms, each with its unique characteristics and adaptations.

Organisms are classified into various kingdoms based on their distinct features, ranging from the simple single-celled Monera such as bacteria and blue-green algae to the complex multicellular structures of the Animalia and Plantae kingdoms. Through this course, we aim to identify the diversity of organisms present in these kingdoms and understand the structural and functional adaptations that enable them to thrive in their respective environments.

One of the key objectives of this course is to describe how the structures, functions, and behaviors of organisms are intricately adapted to their environment and way of life. This involves exploring the fascinating world of adaptive coloration, where organisms evolve unique color patterns to blend in with their surroundings or to communicate specific warnings to predators or competitors.

Structural and functional adaptations play a crucial role in the survival of organisms. From the specialized beaks and legs of birds tailored for obtaining food to the intricate mouthparts of insects like mosquitoes and butterflies, each adaptation is honed through millions of years of evolution to suit a specific purpose.

Moreover, social animals such as termites exhibit different castes within their colonies, each with specific functions essential for the survival and thriving of the group. Understanding these intricate social structures and behaviors sheds light on the cooperative nature of some organisms in achieving common goals.

As we journey through this course, we will delve into the fascinating world of behavioral adaptations in animals, ranging from the territorial behavior of lizards to the intricate displays of feathers by birds in securing mates. These behaviors are not just random acts but are essential strategies for survival and reproduction.

Through a detailed exploration of the various kingdoms and their inhabitants, we will unravel the mysteries of life on Earth and gain a deeper appreciation for the incredible diversity of organisms and their adaptations. Join us on this scientific voyage as we uncover the wonders of the natural world!


  1. Identify the diversity of organisms present in different kingdoms
  2. Differentiate between adaptive coloration and its functions
  3. Analyze the structural and functional adaptations in social animals
  4. Explain the various behaviors exhibited by organisms for survival
  5. Describe the structural and functional adaptations of organisms to their environment

Takardar Darasi

Organisms in these kingdoms vary significantly:

Nazarin Darasi

Barka da kammala darasi akan Variety Of Organisms. Yanzu da kuka bincika mahimman raayoyi da raayoyi, lokaci yayi da zaku gwada ilimin ku. Wannan sashe yana ba da ayyuka iri-iri Tambayoyin da aka tsara don ƙarfafa fahimtar ku da kuma taimaka muku auna fahimtar ku game da kayan.

Za ka gamu da haɗe-haɗen nau'ikan tambayoyi, ciki har da tambayoyin zaɓi da yawa, tambayoyin gajeren amsa, da tambayoyin rubutu. Kowace tambaya an ƙirƙira ta da kyau don auna fannoni daban-daban na iliminka da ƙwarewar tunani mai zurfi.

Yi wannan ɓangaren na kimantawa a matsayin wata dama don ƙarfafa fahimtarka kan batun kuma don gano duk wani yanki da kake buƙatar ƙarin karatu. Kada ka yanke ƙauna da duk wani ƙalubale da ka fuskanta; maimakon haka, ka kallesu a matsayin damar haɓaka da ingantawa.

  1. What type of organisms are bacteria and blue-green algae classified as? A. Monera B. Fungi C. Protista D. Plantae Answer: A. Monera
  2. Which kingdom do Amoeba, Euglena, and Paramecium belong to? A. Plantae B. Fungi C. Protista D. Animalia Answer: C. Protista
  3. Mushroom and Rhizopus are examples of organisms categorized under which kingdom? A. Animalia B. Monera C. Fungi D. Plantae Answer: C. Fungi
  4. Which kingdom includes organisms like snakes, birds, and fish? A. Plantae B. Fungi C. Protista D. Animalia Answer: D. Animalia

Littattafan da ake ba da shawarar karantawa

Tambayoyin Da Suka Wuce

Kana ka na mamaki yadda tambayoyin baya na wannan batu suke? Ga wasu tambayoyi da suka shafi Variety Of Organisms daga shekarun baya.

Tambaya 1 Rahoto

In terms of evolutionary trend, which of these invertebrates evolved first?

Tambaya 1 Rahoto

Which of the following is evidence of evolution?

Tambaya 1 Rahoto


Study specimens F and G carefully and answer questions 2(a) and 2(b).

(a) State three observable features of biological importance in: (i) specimen F; (ii) Specimen G.

(b) (i) Classify specimens F and G as either stem tuber or root tuber. (ii) Give two reasons each for the answer in 2(b)(i).

Study specimens H and J and answer questions 2(c) to 2(e).

(C) Classify specimens H and J into the class to which both belong.

(d) (i) state four observable differences between specimens H and J. (ii) State four observable similarities between specimens H and J.

 (e) (i) State the feeding habits of each of specimens H and J. (ii) Name two observable features used for feeding in specimen J.

Yi tambayi tambayoyi da yawa na Variety Of Organisms da suka gabata