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Question 1 Report
A major feature of the system of government in the Sokoto Caliphate was that
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The Sokoto Caliphate was a Muslim empire in West Africa during the 19th century. A major feature of the system of government in the Sokoto Caliphate was that it was theocratic, meaning it was based on Islamic law and principles. The caliphate was ruled by a supreme religious leader known as the Sultan, who was both a political and religious figure. The Sultan's authority was based on his interpretation of Islamic law and his ability to enforce it. The caliphate was not democratic, as political power was not based on elections or popular representation. Rather, power was centralized in the Sultan and his appointed officials, although there was some degree of decentralization through the use of local rulers known as emirs.
Question 2 Report
The process of dividing a country into electoral districts is known as
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The process of dividing a country into electoral districts is known as delimitation. This involves the creation of geographic boundaries that determine the specific areas that each electoral district will encompass. Delimitation is often carried out by an independent body or commission, and is based on a number of factors such as population size, geographic location, and other demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the area. The aim of delimitation is to ensure that each electoral district has a similar number of voters, which helps to promote fair and equitable representation in the political process.
Question 3 Report
Nigeria's first law-making body after the amalgamation was known as the
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Question 4 Report
Under the Babangida administration, the political bureau recommended at the federal level
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During the Babangida administration, the Political Bureau recommended the adoption of a bicameral legislature and a two-party system at the federal level in Nigeria. A bicameral legislature consists of two separate chambers, usually a House of Representatives and a Senate, while a two-party system is a political system where two major parties dominate the political landscape, with other smaller parties having minimal representation or influence. The aim of the recommendation was to improve representation and participation in the political process, and to create a more stable and effective government through a balanced sharing of power and responsibility between the two chambers of the legislature and the two major political parties.
Question 5 Report
Under the 1922 Clifford Constitution, franchise was granted in Calabar and Lagos to
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Under the 1922 Clifford Constitution, franchise was granted in Calabar and Lagos to male adults with an annual income of at least £100. This means that only men who met the income requirement were eligible to vote in Calabar and Lagos, while women and men who did not meet the income requirement were excluded from the electoral process.
Question 6 Report
The public agency now mandated to register births and deaths in Nigeria is the
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The public agency now mandated to register births and deaths in Nigeria is the National Population Commission. This is a federal government agency that was established in 1988 by Decree No. 23 to collect, analyze, and disseminate population data in Nigeria. The Commission is responsible for the registration of births and deaths in Nigeria and the issuance of birth and death certificates to individuals. It is also responsible for conducting censuses and surveys to provide reliable demographic data for planning and development purposes.
Question 8 Report
Three important concepts associated with a well organized civil service are
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Question 9 Report
Under the 1979 Constitution in Nigeria, each state of the federation
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Under the 1979 Constitution in Nigeria, each state of the federation had an equal number of senators. This means that regardless of the population or size of a state, each state had the same number of representatives in the Senate, which is the upper house of the National Assembly. This was designed to ensure that all states had an equal say in the legislative process and prevent larger or more populous states from dominating the political landscape.
Question 10 Report
During the second republic in Nigeria, the branch of the legislature responsible for ratifying presidential nominees for appointments was the
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During the second republic in Nigeria, the branch of the legislature responsible for ratifying presidential nominees for appointments was the Senate. The Senate is the upper chamber of the bicameral National Assembly of Nigeria, and it is responsible for confirming appointments made by the President, such as ministers, ambassadors, and heads of agencies. This is one of the critical checks and balances that exist between the executive and legislative branches of government in Nigeria.
Question 11 Report
In 1947, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe led a delegation to the British Colonial Office in London to protest against the
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Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe led a delegation to the British Colonial Office in London in 1947 to protest against the provisions of the Richards Constitution. The Richards Constitution was a colonial instrument that granted limited powers to Nigerians, while still maintaining ultimate control by the British colonial authorities. The delegation led by Azikiwe demanded for more political rights and powers for Nigerians, particularly in the areas of elective representation and regional autonomy.
Question 12 Report
Non - alignment is no longer relevant in Nigerian foreign policy because
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Non-alignment was a foreign policy adopted by Nigeria during the Cold War, where it refused to align itself with either the Western or Eastern blocs. However, with the end of the Cold War, the relevance of non-alignment has decreased. Additionally, Nigeria's foreign policy focus has shifted towards Africa and regional integration, as evidenced by the formation of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Thus, the end of the Cold War and Nigeria's focus on Africa have made non-alignment less relevant in its foreign policy.
Question 13 Report
Between 1966 and 1975, the highest legislative body in Nigeria was the
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During the period between 1966 and 1975, Nigeria was ruled by military governments. The highest legislative body during this period was the Supreme Military Council (SMC). The SMC was the highest decision-making body, and its members were the military leaders who had seized power in the various military coups during that time. The SMC had both legislative and executive powers, and it made all the major decisions for the country during this period.
Question 14 Report
A major duty of citizens is to
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A major duty of citizens is to pay taxes. Taxes are financial contributions paid to the government by citizens and other entities to fund public services and infrastructures such as roads, schools, hospitals, and security. Paying taxes is important because it allows the government to provide essential services and infrastructure for the benefit of society as a whole. Without taxes, it would be difficult for the government to fund these public goods and services.
Question 15 Report
When school pupils sing the national anthem and salute the flag, they are
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When school pupils sing the national anthem and salute the flag, they are performing their obligations as citizens. In many countries, including Nigeria, citizenship comes with certain obligations, such as obeying the law, paying taxes, and defending the country when necessary. One of these obligations is also to respect national symbols, such as the national flag and anthem. This helps to foster a sense of national unity and patriotism, and to instill in citizens a sense of responsibility towards their country. Thus, when school pupils sing the national anthem and salute the flag, they are demonstrating their commitment to their country and fulfilling their obligations as citizens.
Question 16 Report
Nations join international organizations so that they could
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Nations join international organizations to advance their interests. International organizations provide platforms for member states to cooperate and work towards achieving common goals. Through these organizations, countries can negotiate on important global issues, form alliances, and establish rules and regulations that benefit them. Additionally, membership in international organizations can enhance a country's status and influence on the world stage. While foreign aid may be a potential benefit of membership, it is not the primary reason why nations join international organizations. Similarly, becoming more developed is not necessarily a direct outcome of joining such organizations.
Question 17 Report
The nationalist organization formed in Nigeria in the late 1930s was the
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The nationalist organization formed in Nigeria in the late 1930s was the Nigerian Youth Movement.
Question 18 Report
The organ of the UNO with full representation is the
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The organ of the United Nations Organization (UNO) with full representation is the General Assembly. The General Assembly is composed of representatives from all member states of the UNO and serves as a forum for member states to discuss and coordinate on matters of international concern, such as peace and security, human rights, and economic development. Each member state has one vote in the General Assembly, and decisions on important issues require a two-thirds majority. The General Assembly also has the power to make recommendations on international issues and to oversee the budget of the UNO.
Question 19 Report
In a presidential system, the theory of separation of powers is not absolute because the president
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Question 20 Report
Shadow Cabinet is associated with the
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Shadow Cabinet is associated with the parliamentary system. In a parliamentary system, the political party that has the most members elected to the legislature forms the government. The Shadow Cabinet is the group of opposition party members who would be appointed to cabinet positions if their party were to win the next election. They shadow or scrutinize the work of the government and provide an alternative policy agenda to the governing party. The Shadow Cabinet is a feature of the parliamentary systems in countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada.
Question 21 Report
The creation of more states in Nigeria has
Question 22 Report
Nigeria established a trust fund for other African countries with the
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Nigeria established a trust fund for other African countries with the African Development Bank (AfDB). The AfDB is a regional multilateral development finance institution established to contribute to the economic development and social progress of African countries. The fund was created by Nigeria as part of its commitment to supporting the economic development of other African countries. The trust fund provides financial support for projects and programs that are geared towards promoting economic growth, reducing poverty, and improving the standard of living in African countries. The fund is managed by the AfDB and is a reflection of Nigeria's commitment to promoting economic cooperation and integration within the African continent.
Question 23 Report
The order used by the court against unnecessary detention is
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The order used by the court against unnecessary detention is called habeas corpus. This is a legal term that is derived from Latin, meaning "you shall have the body." The writ of habeas corpus is used to challenge the legality of a person's detention or imprisonment. It requires the person who is holding the individual in custody to produce the detained person in court, along with a valid reason for the detention. Habeas corpus is an important safeguard against arbitrary detention and is considered a fundamental human right in many countries.
Question 24 Report
After the botched coup of January 1966, power was handed over to General Johnson Aguiy Nronsi by the
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Question 25 Report
The people of Southern Nigeria first came in contact with Europeans through
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The people of Southern Nigeria first came in contact with Europeans through trade.
Question 26 Report
A tax law originates from
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A tax law originates from a public bill. A public bill is a proposed legislation that is introduced in the parliament by a government minister or department. It is a type of bill that affects the general public, and is not specific to any particular group or individual. Tax laws are examples of public bills because they impact the entire population and are introduced by the government to the parliament for consideration and approval.
Question 27 Report
The official report of proceeding in parliament is known as the
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The official report of proceedings in parliament is known as Hansard. Hansard provides a verbatim (word-for-word) record of everything that is said in parliament during debates, including speeches, questions, and answers. The name "Hansard" comes from the name of an early parliamentary printer in the United Kingdom who was responsible for producing the reports. The term "Hansard" is now used in many countries around the world to refer to official reports of parliamentary proceedings.
Question 28 Report
A systematic effort to manipulate the beliefs, attitudes and actions of the public through the mass media and other means is called
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Propaganda is a systematic effort to manipulate the beliefs, attitudes, and actions of the public through the mass media and other means. It is a form of communication that is used to sway people towards a particular viewpoint or agenda, often by presenting information in a biased or misleading way. The goal of propaganda is to influence public opinion and shape perceptions on specific issues or topics.
Question 29 Report
An important feature of the federal system of government is the existence of a
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The federal system of government is characterized by the existence of multiple tiers of government. This means that power is shared between the national or federal government and the various regional or state governments. Each level of government has its own jurisdiction and responsibilities, but they are also subject to the overarching authority of the federal government. This allows for a greater distribution of power and can help to ensure that different regions of a country have their own distinct political and cultural identities.
Question 30 Report
One major flaw of the British Indirect Rule in Nigeria was that the system
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The British Indirect Rule was a system of governance used by the British colonial administration in Nigeria. The system made use of traditional institutions and rulers to govern the people. One major flaw of this system was that it championed ethnocentrism. This means that it favored some ethnic groups over others, which created tension and conflicts between ethnic groups. Additionally, the system was not centralized, which meant that there was no uniformity in the way it was implemented across the country. This led to inconsistencies and inefficiencies in governance.
Question 31 Report
Nigeria broke diplomatic relations with France in 1961 because of
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Nigeria broke diplomatic relations with France in 1961 because of France's atomic test in the Sahara Desert. France conducted a nuclear test in the Sahara Desert, which Nigeria perceived as a threat to its territorial integrity and that of other African countries. As a result, Nigeria protested against France's nuclear test, and subsequently broke off diplomatic relations with France. This event marked a significant turning point in the relations between France and Nigeria, which remained strained for several years.
Question 33 Report
Political parties are formed essentially to
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Political parties are formed essentially to capture state power. The ultimate goal of political parties is to win elections and gain control of government institutions so that they can implement their policies and programs. Political parties seek to mobilize support from citizens by presenting their ideologies, vision and agenda. The competition between political parties in elections is a healthy aspect of democratic governance as it provides citizens with a choice and helps ensure accountability and responsiveness from those in power.
Question 34 Report
Which of the following was the last to win Independence from colonial rule?
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Angola was the last to win independence from colonial rule among the options listed. Angola gained its independence from Portugal on November 11, 1975, after a long and bloody conflict that lasted for more than a decade. Tanzania gained independence from Britain in 1961, Cote d'Ivoire gained independence from France in 1960, and Algeria gained independence from France in 1962. Therefore, Angola is the correct answer to the question.
Question 36 Report
In Nigeria, functions shared by the central and state governments include
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In Nigeria, there are certain functions that are shared between the central and state governments. These functions include education, provision of water, and construction of roads. This means that both the federal and state governments are responsible for ensuring that these services are provided to the citizens. Additionally, external representation is also a shared function between the central and state governments, which means that both levels of government are responsible for representing Nigeria in international affairs.
Question 37 Report
Nigeria's major export commodities in the early years of her independence were
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In the early years of Nigeria's independence, the country's major export commodities were cocoa, palm oil, and groundnut. These commodities were major sources of foreign exchange for the country and helped to sustain the economy.
Question 38 Report
Judicial independence in a modern democracy can be ensured by
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Judicial independence in a modern democracy can be ensured by safeguarding the security of tenure of judges. This means that judges are appointed for a fixed term and cannot be removed from office except for reasons such as misconduct, incapacity or breach of the law. This ensures that judges are free from political pressure or interference and are able to make impartial and fair decisions without fear of retribution or influence from the executive or legislative branches of government. It also ensures that the judiciary can act as a check on the power of the other branches of government and uphold the rule of law.
Question 39 Report
The first political party that contested election in Nigeria after the Clifford Constitution was
Question 40 Report
The crucial check on an autocratic Oba in the pre-Colonial Yoruba political system was
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In the pre-colonial Yoruba political system, the crucial check on an autocratic Oba was the ability of the people to refuse to carry out his orders. This was because the Yoruba system of governance was highly decentralized and the Oba's power was limited by the Council of Chiefs and other local rulers. The people also had the power to hold the Oba accountable by refusing to obey his orders and presenting him with a symbol of suicide, known as the "sekere," if they felt he had overstepped his bounds. This system of checks and balances ensured that the power of the Oba was not absolute and that he had to work with other leaders and the people to maintain his authority.
Question 41 Report
Under the 1963 Republican Constitution, the power of judicial review was vested in the
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Under the 1963 Republican Constitution of Nigeria, the power of judicial review was vested in the Supreme Court. Judicial review refers to the power of the judiciary to interpret the constitution and to determine the constitutionality of laws and actions of the executive and legislative branches of government. The Supreme Court, as the highest court in Nigeria, was entrusted with the duty of interpreting and applying the constitution to cases that came before it, and ensuring that other branches of government adhere to its provisions. Therefore, the answer to the question is the Supreme Court.
Question 42 Report
In 1993, Nigerian troops were on peace-keeping assignment to
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Nigerian troops were on peace-keeping assignment to Liberia and Somalia in 1993.
Question 43 Report
In 1978,the Obasanjo Administration nationalized the assets of the British Petroleum and Barclays Bank in Nigeria in reaction to the British
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Question 44 Report
Authority refers to the
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Authority refers to the mandate or right to exercise power or control over others within a given social setting. It is the legitimacy or justification given to an individual or group to make decisions and enforce rules or laws. Authority may involve the use of power or might to secure compliance from others, but it is not synonymous with it. It is the ability to compel others to act in a particular way based on a recognized position or role.
Question 45 Report
One basic characteristic of parliamentary system of government is that the
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The basic characteristic of parliamentary system of government is that the cabinet is part of the legislature. In a parliamentary system, the executive branch (cabinet) is drawn from and is accountable to the legislative branch. The leader of the majority party or coalition in the legislature usually becomes the Prime Minister or the head of government, and forms the cabinet or the council of ministers. The legislature can also remove the executive branch from power through a vote of no confidence.
Question 46 Report
Government is different from other political organizations because
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Government is different from other political organizations because it has legitimate power over citizens. This means that it has the authority to make and enforce laws and regulations, and citizens are expected to follow them. Unlike other organizations, such as interest groups or political parties, the government has the power to use force, such as police or military, to ensure compliance with its rules. While some government officials may be elected, not all of them are, and they may have varying terms of office. However, the key distinguishing factor is the government's legitimate power over citizens.
Question 47 Report
The ideology that advocates the complete control of the sources of power is
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The ideology that advocates the complete control of the sources of power is totalitarianism. Totalitarianism is a form of government where the ruling party or leader has complete control over all aspects of society, including the economy, media, education, and even the private lives of citizens. In a totalitarian state, there is no opposition, and individual rights and freedoms are restricted. The ideology is often associated with authoritarianism and dictatorship, where the ruling party or leader maintains control through force and suppression of dissent.
Question 48 Report
The foreign affairs minister who introduced economic diplomacy as a foreign policy initiative was
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Question 50 Report
The principle of checks and balances is found mainly in
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The principle of checks and balances is mainly found in presidential systems of government. In this system, the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government are designed to have separate and distinct powers that are balanced against each other to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful. Each branch has the power to check and balance the others, ensuring that no single branch can dominate the government. For example, the legislative branch can override a presidential veto, the executive branch can veto legislation passed by the legislature, and the judicial branch can declare laws passed by the legislature or actions taken by the executive branch unconstitutional.
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