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Question 1 Report
Jos experiences a moderate temperature compared with other places on the same latitude in Nigeria because it
Answer Details
Jos experiences a moderate temperature compared with other places on the same latitude in Nigeria because it is on a high altitude. As elevation increases, the temperature decreases. Jos is located on the Jos Plateau, which has an average elevation of about 1,200 meters above sea level. This high altitude results in lower temperatures than areas at lower elevations. Therefore, even though Jos is located close to the equator, which typically experiences warm temperatures, its high altitude results in moderate temperatures. Furthermore, the high altitude also results in cooler nights, which makes the climate more conducive for agriculture. The cooler temperatures also make Jos a popular tourist destination, especially during the hot summer months. In conclusion, Jos experiences moderate temperatures due to its high altitude, which results in lower temperatures than other areas on the same latitude.
Question 2 Report
Which of the following best explains why wind erosion is very effective in desert region?
Answer Details
Wind erosion is very effective in desert regions because of the combination of two main factors: the lack of vegetation and the arid climate. The desert environment has little to no vegetation cover, and this makes the soil and rocks exposed to the wind, allowing it to act as the only agent of erosion. Additionally, the rocks in desert regions are often soft and less resistant, which means they can be easily eroded by the abrasive action of the wind. Furthermore, there are no large water bodies in desert regions, and rainfall is usually insufficient, leading to high evaporation rates. The lack of water means that there is little to no vegetation cover to protect the soil and rocks from the wind, resulting in more effective wind erosion. Therefore, the lack of vegetation, soft and less resistant rocks, absence of large water bodies, and arid climate make wind erosion very effective in desert regions.
Question 3 Report
Which of the following is best used to check flooding in coastal low lands?
Answer Details
The best method to check flooding in coastal lowlands is channelisation. This involves the construction of channels or artificial waterways to control the flow of water in a particular area. In coastal lowlands, the land is often flat, and the water from rainfall and other sources may accumulate and cause flooding. Channelisation helps to divert the excess water to a specific location, such as a river or a reservoir. This reduces the risk of flooding and also provides a source of water for irrigation and other uses. Contour ploughing, strip cultivation, terracing, and excavation are all methods used in agriculture to conserve soil and prevent erosion. However, they are not as effective in controlling flooding in coastal lowlands as channelisation.
Question 4 Report
The use of water transport is limited by all the following except
Answer Details
The use of water transport is limited by various factors, including the width of valleys, presence of waterfalls, floating vegetation, seasonality, and narrow gorges. However, the question asks us to identify the exception among these factors, which means we need to find the factor that does not limit the use of water transport. The answer is "wide valleys." Wide valleys actually facilitate the use of water transport because they provide ample space for boats and ships to navigate. In fact, many major rivers around the world, such as the Amazon, Nile, and Mississippi, have wide valleys that have been used for transportation for centuries. On the other hand, waterfalls, floating vegetation, seasonality, and narrow gorges can all make water transport difficult or impossible. Waterfalls and rapids can be dangerous and require portages or other means of bypassing them. Floating vegetation can clog waterways and impede navigation. Seasonality, such as changes in water levels due to drought or flood, can affect the ability of boats to travel. Narrow gorges can make navigation difficult or impossible due to the presence of rocks and other obstacles.
Question 5 Report
Rocks which do not allow water to pass through them are
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The rocks which do not allow water to pass through them are called impermeable rocks. These rocks have very tiny or no pores, cracks or spaces between the particles that make up the rock, which means that water cannot flow through them easily. This makes impermeable rocks useful for building things like dams or lining ponds to prevent water from leaking out. On the other hand, porous rocks have spaces between their particles, which allows water to flow through them more easily. So, if you want to store water, you would want to use impermeable rocks to prevent it from seeping into the ground.
Question 6 Report
The direction of flow of ocean is determined mainly by the
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The direction of ocean flow is mainly determined by two factors: prevailing winds and the rotation of the earth. Prevailing winds are the winds that blow most frequently in a particular area, and they exert a significant influence on the surface of the ocean. The rotation of the earth, on the other hand, creates what is known as the Coriolis effect. This effect causes moving objects, including ocean currents, to be deflected to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. As a result, the combination of prevailing winds and the Coriolis effect determines the direction of ocean currents. Other factors such as the shape of the continents, temperature, and depth of the ocean can also affect ocean currents, but prevailing winds and the rotation of the earth are the primary drivers.
Question 10 Report
Which of the following climates is characterised by an alternate hot, wet season and cool dry season?
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Question 11 Report
A daily mean temperature of about 24oC, an annual rainfall of about 500mm which should fall in the growing period of about five months, and well-drained soils. These are the requirements for cultivation of
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Question 12 Report
Textiles industries are best located in the northern part of Nigeria because of the
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The textile industry is best located in the northern part of Nigeria because of the availability of cotton. Cotton is the major raw material used in the production of textiles, and the northern part of Nigeria has a conducive climate for cotton cultivation. This makes it easier and cheaper for textile manufacturers to access the raw material needed for their production. In addition, the availability of cotton in the northern region also reduces the cost of transporting raw materials to textile factories, making the production process more cost-effective. Therefore, the availability of cotton is a significant factor in the location of the textile industry in the northern part of Nigeria.
Question 13 Report
Which of the following statements is not correct?
Answer Details
The statement that is not correct is "igneous rocks occur in layers and contain fossils". Igneous rocks are formed from the cooling and solidification of molten rock material such as lava or magma. They do not occur in layers and they do not contain fossils because they are formed from molten rock, not from the accumulation of organic material. On the other hand, sedimentary rocks are formed by the accumulation and lithification of sediments, and they often contain fossils. Metamorphic rocks are formed from the alteration of pre-existing rocks due to great heat and pressure, and they do not necessarily contain fossils. Basalts are a type of igneous rock that often contain small crystals, while granites are a type of intrusive igneous rock that often contain larger crystals. Sedimentary rocks that are hardened by compression are called sedimentary rocks, not stratified rocks. Calcareous rocks are indeed formed from the remains of living organisms, such as shells or coral reefs.
Question 14 Report
Which of the following favours the growth of olives in the Mediterranean region of Africa?
Answer Details
The growth of olives in the Mediterranean region of Africa is favoured by cool, wet winters and warm, dry summers. Olives require a specific growing season, and the Mediterranean climate provides the ideal conditions. During the winter months, the temperature is cool, and there is enough rainfall to provide moisture for the trees to grow. In the summer, the temperatures are warm and dry, which allows the olives to ripen and mature. Additionally, the moderately stiff loam or clayey soil found in the Mediterranean region is also suitable for olive growth. High humidity and heavy rainfall are not favourable for olive growth as they can lead to disease and rot. Finally, an abundant supply of skilled labour is important for olive cultivation, but it is not a factor that directly favours the growth of olives.
Question 15 Report
Which of the following poses the greatest problem to agriculture in the north-estern part of Nigeria?
Answer Details
The greatest problem to agriculture in the north-eastern part of Nigeria is desert encroachment. Desert encroachment is the process by which fertile land is gradually turned into desert due to natural or human-induced factors such as deforestation, overgrazing, and climate change. In the north-eastern part of Nigeria, desert encroachment has led to the loss of fertile land, reduction in agricultural productivity, and the displacement of farming communities. This has had a negative impact on the livelihoods of farmers in the region, as well as the food security of the country as a whole. Land tenure system, lack of mechanised tools, sparse farming population, and inadequate capital are also important factors that affect agriculture in the region, but they are not as significant as desert encroachment.
Question 16 Report
The commentary of football match which started at 4p.m on Friday in Teheran (60oE) would be heard in Seoul (150oE)at
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Since Tehran (60oE) is ahead of Seoul (150oE) by 90o of longitude, which represents 6 hours of time difference (360o/24 hours = 15o/hour, 90o/15o = 6 hours). If the football match starts at 4p.m on Friday in Tehran, then the time difference between Tehran and Seoul means that it will be 6 hours later in Seoul. Therefore, the commentary of the football match would be heard in Seoul at 10p.m on Friday.
Question 17 Report
Which of the following statements best explains the absence or sparcity of undergrowth in the equatorial rain forest?
Answer Details
The statement that best explains the absence or sparsity of undergrowth in the equatorial rainforest is that the taller trees cut off most of the sunlight. The canopy of tall trees in the rainforest is so thick that it blocks most of the sunlight from reaching the forest floor. This lack of sunlight makes it difficult for undergrowth plants to grow, as they require sunlight for photosynthesis. Therefore, the undergrowth in the equatorial rainforest is sparse, and most of the plant life is found in the canopy and understory layers of the forest.
Question 18 Report
Residual mountains are those caused by
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Residual mountains are caused by denudation. Denudation is a process that involves the wearing away of the Earth's surface by various agents of erosion, such as wind, water, and ice. Over time, these agents of erosion can remove large amounts of material from the surface of the Earth, including rock and soil. Residual mountains are formed when erosion removes the softer, less-resistant rock layers, leaving behind the harder, more-resistant rock layers. These harder rock layers then form the core of the mountain, while the softer layers are eroded away, creating valleys and other landforms. Examples of residual mountains include the Appalachian Mountains in the eastern United States and the Scottish Highlands in Scotland. These mountains were formed over millions of years through the process of denudation and continue to be shaped by erosion to this day.
Question 19 Report
Air pressure at sea levels is higher than at the top of mountain because the air at sea level
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Air pressure at sea level is higher than at the top of a mountain because the air at sea level has a greater weight. Air has mass and weight, and the weight of the air above us exerts pressure on the surface of the earth. At sea level, the air above us extends all the way to the surface of the ocean, which means that there is a greater weight of air pressing down on us. As we move up a mountain, there is less air above us, so the weight of the air and the air pressure decreases. This is why people often experience difficulty breathing at high altitudes where the air pressure is lower. Therefore, the answer is that air at sea level has a greater weight.
Question 20 Report
All the following are true of ECOWAS except that
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The question is asking us to identify the statement that is not true of ECOWAS, which means we need to find the statement that does not accurately describe the organization. The answer is "non-payment of annual subvention by any member country leads to loss of membership." This statement is not true. Although annual dues are required from member countries to support the organization's activities, failure to pay these dues does not automatically lead to loss of membership. Rather, the organization may impose sanctions or other penalties on the defaulting member country, but expulsion is not automatic. ECOWAS is an international organization made up of 15 countries in West Africa, and its aim is to promote economic cooperation among member countries. It allows citizens of member countries to stay for at least ninety days within any country, which is intended to promote free movement of people within the region. ECOWAS has been instrumental in promoting regional integration and economic development in West Africa.
Question 21 Report
The world's highest population growth rates are recorded by countries that
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The world's highest population growth rates are generally recorded by countries that produce inadequate food. This is because, in these countries, the birth rate is high while the death rate is relatively low due to improvements in healthcare and sanitation. As a result, the population of such countries grows rapidly, leading to an increased demand for food, housing, and other basic necessities. However, since these countries produce inadequate food, they may struggle to keep up with the rising demand, leading to issues such as malnutrition and famine.
Question 22 Report
The greatest hydro-electricity potential in Nigeria is found in the
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The greatest hydro-electricity potential in Nigeria is found in the Niger Benue Trough. This area is known for its numerous rivers, including the Niger and Benue Rivers, which have a combined potential to generate over 5,000 megawatts of electricity. In addition to its abundant water resources, the Niger Benue Trough also has favorable topography for hydroelectric power generation, with steep slopes and gorges that can be used to create waterfalls and dams. While other regions in Nigeria may also have some potential for hydroelectric power generation, the Niger Benue Trough stands out as the most promising area due to its abundant water resources and favorable topography.
Question 23 Report
Diurnal range of temperature is the
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Diurnal range of temperature refers to the difference between the highest and the lowest temperature during a day. This means that the correct option is "difference between the highest and the lowest temperature for a day". For example, if the highest temperature in a day is 30°C and the lowest temperature is 20°C, the diurnal range of temperature for that day is 10°C. The other options listed are incorrect because: - The average of the highest and the lowest monthly temperature does not give information about the temperature range within a day. - The difference between the maximum and the minimum temperature for a year or a month does not necessarily give information about the daily temperature range. - The average of the minimum and the maximum daily temperature does not provide information about the daily temperature range as it only calculates an average value.
Question 24 Report
Which of the following pair is not correct in the development of land and sea breeze?
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Question 25 Report
Lines of longitude can best be described as
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Lines of longitude can best be described as imaginary lines on the Earth's surface joining the north and south poles. They are also called meridians. These lines are numbered from 0° to 180°, with the Prime Meridian at 0°, which passes through the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England. Lines of longitude measure the distance of a place east or west of the Prime Meridian, which is used as the reference line for measuring longitude. The 180° meridian is exactly opposite the Prime Meridian and marks the International Date Line. Each line of longitude is a great circle that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole, cutting the Equator at a right angle. Longitude is an important geographic coordinate that is used to locate positions on the Earth's surface, along with latitude, which measures the distance of a place north or south of the Equator. Overall, lines of longitude help us to navigate and locate places on the Earth's surface, and are an important tool for understanding and studying geography.
Question 26 Report
Koppen's classification of climate is an empirical system which is based on
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Koppen's classification of climate is an empirical system based on temperature and precipitation patterns. This classification divides the world's climates into five major groups, which are determined by the annual and monthly averages of temperature and precipitation. The system takes into account factors such as the amount and timing of precipitation, temperature, and the degree of seasonal variation in these factors. It is widely used in the study of climate and helps scientists understand and predict weather patterns in different regions of the world.
Question 27 Report
Which of the following Nigeria rivers provides the longest distance of internal waterways?
Answer Details
The Benue River provides the longest distance of internal waterways in Nigeria. The Benue River is the largest tributary of the River Niger and is approximately 1,400 kilometers long. It flows from the Adamawa Plateau in northeastern Nigeria and flows westward through the country, eventually joining the River Niger at Lokoja. The Benue River is navigable for approximately 500 kilometers from its mouth, and its navigability provides a significant transportation route for goods and people in Nigeria. The waterway is used for transportation of goods such as agricultural produce, petroleum products, and other goods. It also serves as a source of water for irrigation, fishing, and hydroelectric power generation.
Question 28 Report
Which of the following is not being exported by Nigeria at present?
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Question 29 Report
A good example of the tropical grassland is the vegetation found around
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A good example of the tropical grassland is the vegetation found around Kano in Nigeria. This vegetation is called savanna, which is characterized by grassy plains with scattered trees and shrubs. Savannas are found in tropical regions, where the climate is hot and receives a distinct dry and wet season. In these regions, the high temperatures and seasonal rainfall support the growth of tall grasses and trees with deep roots that can access the moisture beneath the dry surface. The savanna vegetation around Kano is an example of a tropical grassland and is home to many grazing animals, such as antelopes, zebras, and giraffes, as well as predators like lions and hyenas.
Question 30 Report
Which of the following human actves has a beneficial effect on soils?
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Question 31 Report
Which of the following is not likely to be cultivated in the north-west of the river Yate valley is
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Question 32 Report
Which of the following pair is not correct in the development of land and sea breeze?
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The pair that is not correct in the development of land and sea breeze is "Rainfall with raingauge". A raingauge is a meteorological instrument used to measure the amount of precipitation (rainfall) that occurs over a specific time period and location. The development of land and sea breeze is primarily influenced by differences in temperature between the land and the sea. During the day, the land surface heats up faster than the sea surface, causing the air above the land to rise and the cooler air over the sea to move inland to replace it. This onshore flow is known as sea breeze. At night, the land surface cools faster than the sea surface, causing the air above the land to become cooler and denser, and to move offshore. This offshore flow is known as land breeze. The other options listed are correct instruments used to measure the parameters that affect the development of land and sea breeze. - A hydrometer is used to measure humidity, which is an important factor in the formation of land and sea breeze. - An anemometer is used to measure wind speed, which is an important factor in determining the strength of land and sea breeze. - A thermometer is used to measure temperature, which is the primary driver of land and sea breeze. - A wind vane is used to measure wind direction, which is important in determining the direction of the sea and land breeze. In conclusion, the development of land and sea breeze is not measured with a raingauge, but rather with instruments that measure temperature, humidity, wind speed, and wind direction.
Question 33 Report
The following conditions are favourable for the formation of deltas except
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Question 34 Report
The term relative location of a settlement refers to
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The term relative location of a settlement refers to the position of the settlement in relation to other places or landmarks. In other words, it is the location of the settlement relative to other geographical features or human-made landmarks, rather than its exact location on the earth's surface. For example, the relative location of a settlement could be described as being "30 miles south of the nearest city" or "located near a major river." The relative location is important because it helps to provide context and understand the settlement's relationship with other places. It is not related to the nature of the land on which the settlement is located, whether the settlement is inhabited by relatives, an imaginary point on the settlement, or the position of buildings in relation to one another.
Question 36 Report
The relationship between the elements of the ecosystem is best described as
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The relationship between the elements of an ecosystem is best described as interdependent. This means that the different living and nonliving components of the ecosystem rely on each other for survival and well-being. For example, plants rely on sunlight, water, and nutrients from the soil to grow, while animals rely on plants for food and shelter. At the same time, plants rely on animals to pollinate their flowers and disperse their seeds. Even nonliving components of the ecosystem, such as air and water, are important for the survival of living organisms. Therefore, the relationship between the elements of an ecosystem is not uni-directional or exclusive, but rather multi-directional and interdependent, with each element playing a vital role in maintaining the balance and functioning of the ecosystem as a whole.
Question 37 Report
The South-eastern scarplands of Nigeria can best be described as lying
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Question 39 Report
(a) Discuss the problems of transportation on the
(i) Niger-Benue waterway
(ii) Lagos-Kano railway line
(b) Suggest possible solutions to these problems
Question 40 Report
With relevant sketch maps, discuss the relationship between climate and vegetation in Nigeria.
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Question 41 Report
With the aid of well-labelled diagrams describe three main differences between the landform of any two of the following pairs
(a) Zeugens and yardangs
(b) Waterfalls and gorges
(c) Ria coasts and fiord coasts
(d) Levees and deltas.
Answer Details
Question 42 Report
(a) Discuss the main features of rotational bush fallowing in West Africa
(b) Describe the major factors affecting the practice of bush fallowing in West Africa
(c) Explain the problems associated with this farming method.
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Question 43 Report
Discuss any four ways in which man has interfered with his natural environment.
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Question 44 Report
Give an account of the factors that have aided the location of any three of the following
(a) Textile mills in Kaduna
(b) Oil refinery in Warri
(c) Pulp and paper mill in Oku Iboku
(d) Cement factory in Ewekoro
Question 45 Report
Describe either the Tropical Monsoon or the Cool Temperate Western Margin (British type) climatic region under the following headings
(a) Climate
(b) Vegetation
(c) Human activities
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Question 46 Report
(a) Draw a diagram to show the four major positions of the earth during its revolution around the sun
(b) describe the effects of the revolution of the earth
Question 47 Report
Choose any one of the following vegetation types:
(a) Cool temperature eastern margin (Laurentian type)
(b) Temperate grassland
(c) Tropical rainforest
Describe the vegetation type chosen under the following headings
(i) location
(ii) vegetation characteristics
(iii) economic importance
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Question 48 Report
Discuss the characteristics of either the Western Highlands or the North Central Highlands of Nigeria under tile following headings;
(a) Relief
(b) Drainage
(c) Soils
(d) Vegetation
(e) Human activities
Question 49 Report
(a) Identify the respective functions of urban and rural settlements
(b) Discuss three areas of interdependence between rural and urban settlement.
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Question 50 Report
(a) Draw a sketch map of Africa and on it mark and name the following dams:
(i) Kariba
(ii) Aswan
(iii) Cabora Bassa
(iv) Akosombo
(v) Owen
(b) With reference to specific examples in Africa, discuss the importance of hydro-electric power projects to the economy
(c) Explain the problems facing the development of hydro-electric power projects in Tropical Africa.
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Question 51 Report
(a) Describe the methods of lumbering used in either Zaire or Nigeria
(b) Discuss the problems associated with the exploitation of timber in the area
(c) Using relevant examples, discuss the economic importance of lumbering in Equatorial Africa.
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Question 52 Report
(a) Draw an outline map of Nigeria and on it show and name
(i) the Rivers Niger, Benue, Sokoto, Cross and Ogun
(ii) one natural lake and one artificial lake
(iii) the Jos Plateau, the Udi Hills, the Western Highlands and the Obudu plateau
(iv) one lowland region in the north and one in the south
(b) Describe the importance of the River Niger to the economy of Nigeria.
Question 53 Report
With specific examples, describe the role of road transportation in the promotion of national integration in any country of your choice
Question 54 Report
Write a geographical account of ECOWAS under the following headings
(a) Aims and objectives
(b) Membership
(c) Possible solutions
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Question 55 Report
(a) List three major countries outside Africa that trade with Nigeria
(b) Choose any one of these countries and name:
(i) three major products which Nigeria exports to her
(ii) three major products which Nigeria imports from her
(c) Discuss two factors responsible for the present pattern of trade between Nigeria and that country
(d) Describe two effects of this observed pattern of trade on the economy of Nigeria
Question 56 Report
(a) Describe the methods of irrigation agriculture in either the Nile Valley or the Niger Valley
(b) Give reasons for the irrigation agriculture in any one of the river valleys
(c) Discuss the problems associated with irrigation agriculture in the river valley you have chosen above
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Question 57 Report
(a) Give an account of the economic importance or rocks
(b) Describe the characteristics and mode of formation of igneous rocks
Question 58 Report
Account for the high population growth rates in the developing countries of the world
Question 59 Report
With the aid of specific examples, discuss the factors that limit industrial development in Tropical Africa.
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