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Question 3 Report
Which of the following is a measure aimed at controlling world population growth?
Answer Details
The measure aimed at controlling world population growth is family planning. Family planning involves methods used to regulate the number and spacing of children a family has through contraception, sterilization, and other reproductive health services. This helps individuals and families to make informed decisions about their reproductive health and reduce unintended pregnancies. By having fewer children, the overall population growth rate can be slowed down, which can have positive impacts on issues such as food security, health, and environmental sustainability.
Question 4 Report
The major problem facing the utilization of human resources in West Africa is
Answer Details
The major problem facing the utilization of human resources in West Africa is unemployment. The region has a high population growth rate, and the economy has not been able to keep up with the demand for jobs. As a result, many people in West Africa are unable to find employment, particularly among the youth population. The lack of employment opportunities has contributed to poverty and social problems in the region, such as crime and unrest. Moreover, the high unemployment rate has led to emigration as many young people seek opportunities abroad. This, in turn, has a negative impact on the development of the region, as the loss of skilled and educated workers hinders economic growth. Overall, addressing the issue of unemployment is critical for the effective utilization of human resources in West Africa.
Question 5 Report
Which of the following best accounts for the high population density in the Nile Valley?
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Question 6 Report
Which of the following is a measure aimed at controlling world population growth?
Answer Details
Family planning is a measure aimed at controlling world population growth. Family planning refers to the use of contraception methods to regulate the number and spacing of children born to couples or individuals. It allows individuals to plan and make decisions about their reproductive health, which in turn can help to reduce population growth rates. By preventing unintended pregnancies, family planning can help to reduce maternal and infant mortality, improve maternal and child health, and increase economic and social development. Therefore, of the given options, family planning is the most appropriate measure aimed at controlling world population growth.
Question 7 Report
Which of the following geographical regions of Nigeria covers one -fifth of the country and has a generally flat surface dotted with granitic hills? The
Answer Details
The geographical region of Nigeria that covers one-fifth of the country and has a generally flat surface dotted with granitic hills is the North-Central highlands. This region is located in the central part of Nigeria and covers states such as Plateau, Niger, Kwara, Benue, Nasarawa, and Kogi. The region is characterized by a plateau that rises over 1,200 meters above sea level, which is dotted with granitic hills, including the famous Jos Plateau. The region is known for its rich agricultural potential and diverse mineral resources, including tin, columbite, and iron ore.
Question 9 Report
Which of the following countries is located within the Horn of Africa?
Answer Details
The country located within the Horn of Africa is Djibouti. The Horn of Africa is a peninsula in the eastern region of the continent that includes Djibouti, Somalia, Ethiopia, and Eritrea. Djibouti is a small country located in the northeastern part of Africa and it shares borders with Eritrea to the north, Ethiopia to the west and south, and Somalia to the southeast.
Question 10 Report
Which of the following settlement type is the largest?
Answer Details
The largest settlement type among the options provided is a megalopolis. A megalopolis is a region that consists of several closely situated metropolitan areas that have grown and merged together over time. These areas are densely populated and often have extensive transportation and communication networks that connect them. In simpler terms, a megalopolis is a group of cities that have become so big that they have merged into one continuous urban area. This can occur due to population growth, urban expansion, or the merging of smaller towns and cities. Examples of megalopolises around the world include the Northeast megalopolis in the United States, the Pearl River Delta megalopolis in China, and the TaiheiyĊ Belt megalopolis in Japan. In comparison, an agglomeration refers to a group of towns and cities that are located close to each other and have grown together to form an urban area. A conurbation is similar to an agglomeration but typically includes more densely populated urban areas. A city is a large and permanent human settlement with a well-developed system of infrastructure and governance. Finally, a town is a smaller human settlement than a city with a less developed infrastructure and governance system.
Question 11 Report
The location of iron and steel industry at Ajakuta in Nigeria is best explained by the presence of (l) iron ore at ltakpe (ll) limestone at Ewekoro (lll) river port at Lokoja (lV) coal at Orukpa and Okaba
Answer Details
The location of the iron and steel industry at Ajaokuta in Nigeria is best explained by the presence of iron ore at Itakpe and coal at Orukpa and Okaba. The iron ore deposit at Itakpe is the major raw material needed for the production of iron and steel, while coal is an essential energy source in the production process. The proximity of the coal deposits to Ajaokuta helps to minimize transportation costs and ensures a steady supply of coal to the industry. The presence of limestone at Ewekoro, although important for the cement industry, is not directly relevant to the production of iron and steel. Similarly, while the river port at Lokoja provides transportation access, it is not a significant factor in the location of the industry. Therefore, the answer is (b) l and lV only.
Question 12 Report
Which of the following activities engages the largest percentage of human resources in Africa?
Answer Details
Agriculture engages the largest percentage of human resources in Africa. Agriculture involves growing crops and raising animals for food, and it is the backbone of many African economies. In Africa, the majority of people live in rural areas and depend on agriculture for their livelihoods. Many African farmers still use traditional methods, such as hand tools and animal power, to cultivate their land. Agriculture is also important for food security in Africa. With a growing population, there is a need to produce more food to meet the increasing demand. However, agriculture in Africa faces many challenges, including climate change, lack of infrastructure, and limited access to finance and technology. Overall, agriculture is a crucial sector in Africa, employing a large percentage of the population and contributing significantly to the economy.
Question 15 Report
(a) Differentiate clearly between urban settlements and rural settlements
(b) Explain four factors responsible for tl-increase in size of urban settlements
(c) Highlight four problems associated with such growth.
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Question 16 Report
(a) Give four reasons why countries engage in world trade
(b) How have these reasons affected the volume of trade between Nigeria and her neighbouring countries?
(C)(i) Name any two sea routes through which Nigeria trades with the outside world
(ii) Indicate one commodity that Nigeria engages exports through each route
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Question 17 Report
With the aid of suitable diagrams, describe the characteristics and mode of formation of any two of the following
(a) Ox-bow lake
(b) Zeugen
(c) Block mountain
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Question 18 Report
(a) What is soil?
(b) Explain the process of soil formation
(c) Describe a typical soil profile
Question 19 Report
(a) Explain any two of the following methods of farming as adopted in Nigeria
(i) Mixed farming
(ii) Intensive farming
(iii) Plantation agriculture
(b) State three problems facing agriculture in Nigeria
(c) In what ways are these problems being solved?
Question 20 Report
(a) Name four components of the ecosystem
(b) How does the carbon cycle explain the inter-dependence of the components in the ecosystem?
Question 21 Report
(a) Outline any three achievements of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) since its formation
(b) What five problems are facing the ECOWAS in the achievement of its objectives?
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Question 22 Report
(a) Outline any four factors that have encouraged the concentration of industries in the Lagos area
(b) Highlight the significance of the concentration to the inhabitants of the area.
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Question 23 Report
Give reasons for each of any three of the following:
(a) the importance of fruit farming in the Mediterranean lands
(b) the predominance of lumbering in the Zaire basin
(c) the declining importance of bush fallowing in WestAfrica
(d) the importance of plantation agriculture in EastAfrica.
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Question 24 Report
(a) On a sketch map of West Africa, show and name (i) the home areas of the Ashanti, the Wolof and the Mandingo
(ii) two areas with a population density of over 100 persons per km2
(iii) two areas with a population density of less than 5 persons per km2
(b) Explain how the variation in population density in West Africa has been aided by the following: (i) Historical factors (11) Agriculture (iii) Mining (iv) Industrialisation
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Question 25 Report
(a) Explain any four ways in which lines of latitude differ from lines of longitudes
(b) If the time at town A (long 75°W) is 5.00p.m on Friday, what will be the time and day at town B(long 120°E)? Show your workings clearly.
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Question 26 Report
(a) Draw a diagram of the relief of the ocean floor showing the following
(i) Continental shelf
(ii) Continental slope
(iii) Ocean deep
(b) Describe the main characteristics of any two of the features shown
(c) Highlight the economic,-c importance of continental shelves to man
Question 27 Report
(a) On a sketch map of Africa, mark and name:
(i) one area receiving rainfall throughout the year
(ii) one area receiving rainfall in summer only
(iii) one warm ocean current (indicating the direction of flow)
(iv) one cold ocean current (indicating the direction of flow)
(b) (i) Identify the type of nature vegetation found in each of the areas shown on your map
(ii) How has rainfall accounted for the difference in vegetation in the two areas?
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Question 28 Report
(a) Explain, giving examples, four ways in which physical factors may hinder the development of road transportation
(b) Discuss any four factors responsible for the poor network of railways in tropical African countries
Question 29 Report
(a) Describe three ways in which light industries differ from heavy industries
(b) Give four reasons why light industries are more prevalent than heavy industries in tropical Africa.
Question 30 Report
On a sketch map of Africa, show and name:
(I) Cape Verde and the Cape of Good Hope
(ii) the Rivers Nile, Niger and Orange
(iii) the East African rift valley
(iv) one fold mountain in the north and one in the south
(b) In what three ways are the highlands of Africa economically important?
(c) Describe three ways in which the rivers of Africa are of importance.
Question 31 Report
(a) Distinguish between internal trade and international trade
(b) Name four commodities of internal trade in Nigeria, - two originating from the north and two from the south
(c) Identify the factors that promote trade between the northern and southern parts of Nigeria
(d) What are the limitations to internal trade in Nigeria?
Question 32 Report
Contrast the characteristics cf the Equatorial climate with those of the Tundra climate
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Question 33 Report
(a) On an outline map of Nigeria, locate and name
(i) one inland drainage basin
(ii) three rivers that flow into the basin
(iii) the Bight of Benin and Bight of Bonny
(iv) the Idanre Hill, Oban Hills and Biu plateau
(b) Account for the shallowness of the rivers and the lake of the inland drainage basin (c) Describe any four benefits of the lake.
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Question 34 Report
(a) On an outline map of Nigeria, show the main soil zones
(b) Name any one crop that is grown in each of the zones shown on your map
(c) Describe the soil characteristics that have favoured the cultivation of the type of crops in each zone.
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Question 35 Report
(a) Account for the rapid growth of world population in the last two decades
(b) Explain any three problems arising from this rapid growth
(c) Suggest solutions to these problems
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