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Question 1 Report
God's promise to Abraham and his descendants that they will inherit the world became a reality through
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The promise to Abraham and his descendants that they will inherit the world was fulfilled through the righteousness of faith. This means that it was not based on their strict observance of the law or good works, but rather on their belief and trust in God's promise. This was exemplified in Abraham's willingness to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice, demonstrating his faith in God. It was ultimately fulfilled through the crucifixion of Jesus, who was a descendant of Abraham and through whom all believers are made heirs to the promise.
Question 2 Report
God provided water for Israelites by asking Moses to strike the rock at the Wilderness of
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Question 3 Report
Which of the following examples was not given by James on how religious faith should be shown in action?
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The example that was not given by James on how religious faith should be shown in action is "making cash donation to churches and non-religious organizations." James emphasized the importance of faith being demonstrated through good works and actions, such as visiting orphans and widows, controlling one's tongue, and abstaining from worldly sins. While giving to churches and non-religious organizations may be a good action, it was not specifically mentioned as an example of how religious faith should be shown in action in the context of James' teachings.
Question 4 Report
when God ordered famine in Israel,Elijah was fed by the ravens at
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When God ordered a famine in Israel, Elijah was directed to hide by the Brook Cherith, where he was fed by the ravens. The brook was located in the eastern side of the Jordan River, near the Jordan Valley.
Question 5 Report
The story of Ananias and Saphira was intended to engender in the early church the spirit of
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The story of Ananias and Sapphira in the Bible, found in the book of Acts, was intended to engender in the early church the spirit of honesty and willingness to sacrifice. Ananias and Sapphira sold a piece of property but withheld part of the proceeds while pretending to have given the full amount to the church. They were both struck dead for their deceitful behavior. This story serves as a warning to early Christians about the seriousness of lying and pretending to be something they were not. It was meant to emphasize the importance of being truthful, honest, and transparent in all dealings with God and other believers.
Question 7 Report
In the parable of the sower, the seeds that were chocked by thorns referred to people
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Question 9 Report
In the first Epistle to the Thessalonian, Paul said that Christians' greatest assurance for the resurrection of the dead was that
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In the first Epistle to the Thessalonian, Paul said that Christians' greatest assurance for the resurrection of the dead was that "since Jesus died and rose from the dead, Christians will also rise." Paul explained that just as Jesus died and rose again, Christians who have died in Christ will also rise from the dead when Jesus returns. This is a fundamental belief of Christianity, and it gives Christians hope and assurance that death is not the end, but a gateway to eternal life with God.
Question 10 Report
In his Epistle to Colossians, Paul taught that in an ideal family, there should exist
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In his Epistle to Colossians, Paul taught that in an ideal family, there should exist love, obedience, and respect. This means that spouses should love each other, children should obey their parents, and parents should respect their children. Love is the foundation of a healthy family relationship, while obedience and respect are necessary for order and harmony within the family.
Question 11 Report
'The Lord forbid that i should put forth my hand against the Lord's anointed'. By this statement, David meant that he
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Question 12 Report
If one suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed , but under that name let him glorify God. This statement by Peter signifies
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Peter's statement signifies that if a person faces suffering because of their faith in Christ, they should not be ashamed. Instead, they should embrace their identity as a Christian and use their suffering as an opportunity to glorify God. This implies that the suffering being referred to is specifically related to the Christian faith, and not a result of any offense committed or sins of others. The statement emphasizes the importance of submitting to persecution and being willing to endure suffering, even if it leads to death, as a means of honoring God. Therefore, the answer is suffering for the Christian faith.
Question 13 Report
it was possible for Daniel to distinguish himself from the other officers of the King Darius because he
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Daniel was able to distinguish himself from the other officers of King Darius because he had an excellent spirit. This means that he had qualities that set him apart from the rest such as wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and integrity. He had the ability to interpret dreams, he was faithful to God and he lived a blameless life. These qualities made him stand out and caused the king to notice him. Therefore, Daniel's excellent spirit was what made him distinguishable from the other officers.
Question 14 Report
when Joseph was sent to see the welfare of his brothers, he met them pasturing at
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When Joseph was sent to check on his brothers, he found them pasturing their flocks in Dothan. This information can be found in Genesis 37:17.
Question 15 Report
‘Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!’ the people of Nineveh reacted to this message of doom from Jonah by
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When Jonah warned the people of Nineveh about their impending destruction in forty days, they showed genuine signs of repentance. They believed the message, fasted, wore sackcloth, and even covered their animals in sackcloth as a sign of their sincere remorse for their sins. This impressed God and He spared them from the destruction.
Question 16 Report
Paul taught that, in consequences of his humility and death on the cross, Jesus gained
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According to the teachings of Paul, Jesus gained salvation for all men through his humility and death on the cross. This means that Jesus' sacrifice on the cross allows all individuals to have access to eternal life and the opportunity to be saved from their sins. Additionally, through Jesus' sacrifice, believers are adopted as the Sons of God and are given the opportunity to enter into the kingdom of God. This highlights the idea that Jesus' sacrifice was selfless and resulted in the exaltation of Jesus as Lord, while also offering salvation and eternal life to all who believe in him.
Question 17 Report
In which of the following ways did the Philippians share in Paul's suffering while in prison
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Question 18 Report
The statement, 'Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the Sins of the world', was made by
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The statement "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world" was made by John the Baptist. John the Baptist was a prophet and a preacher who lived in the wilderness and baptized people in the Jordan River. He recognized Jesus as the Messiah and the Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world. John made this statement when he saw Jesus coming towards him at the river Jordan. This event is recorded in the Gospel of John in the New Testament.
Question 19 Report
The opposition of Sanballat and Tobiah against the effort of Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem was countered by
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The opposition of Sanballat and Tobiah against the effort of Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem was countered by posting guards to watch against the enemies day and night and praying to God. Nehemiah organized the people into groups to work on different sections of the wall and station guards to watch against attacks from Sanballat and Tobiah. When the enemies plotted to attack the workers, Nehemiah encouraged the people to trust in God and take up arms to defend themselves. They worked on the wall with one hand and held a weapon with the other. With their determination and God's help, they were able to complete the rebuilding of the wall in 52 days.
Question 20 Report
'i will put my law within them , and i will write it upon their hearts'.... This statement was made by prophet
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The statement "I will put my law within them, and I will write it upon their hearts" is a prophecy made by the prophet Jeremiah. In this prophecy, Jeremiah is expressing God's promise to establish a new covenant with his people, which would not be like the old covenant that was broken by Israel. This new covenant would be written on the hearts of God's people, and they would be enabled to keep it by the power of God's Spirit. This prophecy is recorded in Jeremiah 31:33.
Question 21 Report
According to Peter, Jesus bore our sins in His body on the tree so that
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According to Peter, Jesus bore our sins in His body on the tree so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. This means that Jesus' sacrifice on the cross made it possible for us to be freed from the power and penalty of sin, and to live a life of righteousness in obedience to God. Through His death and resurrection, we can be reconciled to God and empowered to live a life pleasing to Him. Peter emphasizes the transformative power of Christ's sacrifice, which enables us to turn away from sin and embrace righteousness.
Question 22 Report
According to James, trials have a salutary effects on Christians because , as a means of testing the faith, they produce in them
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In the Book of James in the Bible, it is stated that trials can have a positive effect on Christians. According to James, trials test the faith of believers and produce steadfastness, which leads to perfection. This means that through trials, Christians can become stronger in their faith and more committed to their beliefs. The trials serve as a way for Christians to develop endurance and patience, and to learn to rely on God for help and guidance. By enduring trials, Christians can develop a sense of humility and resistance to worldly desires and authority, and become more devoted to God.
Question 23 Report
According to Mathew's Gospel, Jesus instructed the Twelve in their mission not to enter Samaritan towns because
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Question 24 Report
when a man complained to Jesus at the pool of Bethzatha that he had no one to put him into the pool, Jesus healed him by saying
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The correct option is "Rise, take up your pallet, and walk". Jesus healed the man who had been an invalid for 38 years by telling him to take up his pallet and walk. This miracle happened at the pool of Bethesda in Jerusalem. The pool was believed to have healing powers and people with various ailments would come and wait for an angel to stir the waters, as it was believed that the first person to enter the pool after this stirring would be healed. When Jesus saw the man who had been an invalid for a long time, he asked him if he wanted to be healed, to which the man replied that he had no one to put him into the pool. Then Jesus told him to rise, take up his pallet, and walk, and immediately the man was healed and he obeyed Jesus' command to take up his pallet and walk.
Question 25 Report
Paul , in his letter to the Romans , said as one man's trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one ma's act of righteousness leads to
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In the letter to the Romans, Paul is teaching about the concept of justification. He explains that just as one man's sin (Adam) led to condemnation for all humanity, so also one man's righteousness (Jesus Christ) leads to justification and life for all who believe in him. This means that through faith in Jesus Christ, all who were previously condemned by Adam's sin can now be acquitted and given eternal life. Therefore, the answer is "acquittal and life for all men."
Question 26 Report
The second account of creation was centered on the creation of
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The second account of creation in the book of Genesis focuses on the creation of man. It describes in detail how God formed man out of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, making him a living being. The account goes on to describe how God placed man in the Garden of Eden and gave him the task of tending and caring for it. The creation of other things such as the birds, plants, heaven and firmament are mentioned in the first account of creation in Genesis chapter 1.
Question 27 Report
In the healing of the leper, Jesus went against one of the Jewish tradition by
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In the healing of the leper, Jesus went against one of the Jewish traditions by stretching his hands and touching the leper. In Jewish tradition, leprosy was considered highly contagious, and anyone who touched a leper would be considered unclean. Jesus' action of touching the leper was therefore a radical departure from the norm and challenged the prevailing beliefs and practices of the time.
Question 28 Report
After fasting and praying the church in Antioch laid their hands on Paul and Barnabas and sent them off. The laying on of hands here signifies
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In the context of the question, the laying on of hands signifies commissioning. It is an act of recognizing and appointing someone for a specific task or mission, in this case, to spread the gospel to the Gentiles. The church in Antioch laid their hands on Paul and Barnabas as a sign of sending them off for this mission. Therefore, the laying on of hands in this instance represents a formal authorization or commissioning to perform a specific task.
Question 29 Report
In Paul's Epistle to the Romans, to die with Christ and rise with Him means to
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In Paul's Epistle to the Romans, to die with Christ and rise with Him means to walk in the newness of life. It means that when one accepts Christ and is baptized, they are united with Christ in His death and resurrection, and their old sinful nature is crucified with Christ. Thus, they are no longer slaves to sin but are now alive to God and can live a new life in Him. This new life is characterized by obedience to God's will, freedom from the power of sin, and the hope of eternal life in the kingdom of God.
Question 30 Report
Abner transferred his loyalty from the house of Saul to that of David because
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Question 31 Report
when Jesus told the would-be disciple who wanted to bury his father to leave the dead to bury their own dead , he meant that
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When Jesus told the would-be disciple who wanted to bury his father to leave the dead to bury their own dead, he meant that discipleship entailed complete detachment from the family. Jesus was emphasizing the importance of following Him and the need to prioritize the kingdom of God over worldly concerns. He was not necessarily forbidding the disciple from attending his father's funeral but rather reminding him that the call to follow Him is urgent and requires immediate action. By saying "let the dead bury their own dead," Jesus was pointing out that those who are spiritually dead are preoccupied with worldly matters, while the spiritually alive focus on eternal matters.
Question 32 Report
'i will be clean'. This statement was made by Jesus at the healing of
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The statement "I will be clean" was made by the leper at his healing by Jesus. In the Gospel of Mark, the leper approached Jesus and said, "If you are willing, you can make me clean." Jesus was moved with compassion, touched the leper, and said, "I am willing. Be clean!" Immediately the leprosy left him and he was healed. The healing of the leper is one of the miracles performed by Jesus that demonstrated His power and authority over sickness and disease.
Question 33 Report
Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel for his farewell address at
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Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel for his farewell address at Shechem. Shechem was a significant city in the Promised Land, and it held great spiritual and historical importance for the Israelites. It was here that God first appeared to Abraham and promised him the land of Canaan. Shechem was also the place where Jacob built an altar and where Joseph's bones were buried. Therefore, it was an appropriate location for Joshua to deliver his farewell address to the people before his death.
Question 34 Report
Which of the following conditions did James impose on the Gentiles before they could be admitted into the church?
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According to the book of Acts, James imposed the condition of abstinence from the pollution of idols on the Gentiles before they could be admitted into the church. This meant that they were not to eat meat that had been sacrificed to idols or participate in any pagan rituals. James' decision was based on the belief that the Gentiles should not be burdened with the Jewish law, but they should still observe certain moral principles. This condition was agreed upon by the apostles and elders in Jerusalem and was communicated to the Gentile converts through a letter.
Question 35 Report
The main Christian virtue taught by Paul in his Epistle to Philemon is
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The main Christian virtue taught by Paul in his Epistle to Philemon is forgiveness. In the letter, Paul urges Philemon to forgive his runaway slave Onesimus and receive him back as a brother in Christ. Paul also offers to pay for any wrong that Onesimus has done to Philemon. This act of forgiveness and reconciliation is a powerful example of the Christian virtue of forgiveness, which is at the heart of the Christian message.
Question 36 Report
According to James religion that is pure and undefiled before God is shown by
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According to James, pure and undefiled religion before God is demonstrated by showing love towards the needy and leading a pure life. James emphasizes the importance of practical actions, such as visiting orphans and widows in their affliction and controlling one's tongue. James argues that faith without works is dead, and genuine faith should be demonstrated through good works. Therefore, the love towards the needy and living a pure life is essential for one's faith to be considered pure and acceptable before God.
Question 37 Report
(a) Who was Naaman? Narrate the story of Naaman.
(b) Mention two important lessons which Naaman learnt from his healing
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Question 38 Report
(a) How did Moses prepare the Israelites for the covenant with God?
(b) Why was this preparation necessary?
Question 39 Report
Describe the baptism of Jesus as recorded by Matthew and indicate its purpose.
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Question 40 Report
(a) Give an account of Peter's teaching on Humility in relation to Christian living.
(b) Mention any two situations in life today that call for the manifestation of true humility among Christians.
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Question 41 Report
(a) What was Jesus' teaching about himself as the Living Bread?
(b) In what two ways is this teaching significant ?
Question 42 Report
(a) Describe the circumstances in Antioch which led to the commissioning of Paul and Barnabas for their missionary journey.
(b) Narrate their experience at the Island of Cyprus.
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Question 43 Report
(a) I am no prophet nor a prophet's son; but I am a herdsman, and a dresser of sycamore trees "Give an account of the event which led to this statement.
(b) What else did the speaker say on this occasion?
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Question 44 Report
(a) What is Prayer?
(b) List four types of prayers and give four reasons why some people's prayers are not answered by God
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Question 45 Report
From Paul's letter to the Romans, explain the term Justification and state the conditions for its achievement.
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