The Importance of Biblical Stories in WAEC CRK Past Papers

WAEC CRK (Christian Religious Knowledge) is a fundamental subject that offers deep insights into important Biblical stories that have played significant roles in the development of Christian faith and practices. Understanding these stories is crucial for students preparing for their WAEC exams. This article delves into some of the most significant Biblical narratives frequently covered in WAEC CRK past papers.

Creation and the Fall of Man

The story of creation, as detailed in Genesis 1-2, and the fall of man in Genesis 3, are pivotal events in Christian theology. These chapters discuss how God created the universe, the earth, and finally human beings. The story also highlights the disobedience of Adam and Eve, leading to the fall of man. WAEC CRK often includes questions on the different days of creation, the conditions in the Garden of Eden, and the consequences of Adam and Eve's actions.

The Covenant with Abraham

Found in Genesis 12-17, the Covenant with Abraham is another critical subject of discussion in WAEC CRK. It explores God's promises to Abraham, including the promise of numerous descendants and the inheritance of the Promised Land. Students are typically questioned on Abraham's faith and obedience, the significance of the covenant in Christianity and Judaism, and the symbol of the covenant, which is circumcision.

The Exodus and the Ten Commandments

WAEC CRK frequently tests students' knowledge on the book of Exodus, which narrates the story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery. The narrative of the plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, and the hardships in the wilderness are crucial topics. Additionally, the Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai (Exodus 20) are essential, as they form the moral foundation for many religions and legal systems.

The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ

The New Testament gospels provide comprehensive accounts of the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. These stories are pivotal for WAEC CRK. Topics include the birth of Jesus, his parables, miracles, the Sermon on the Mount, and his crucifixion and resurrection. Understanding these events is essential, as they form the core of Christian belief and are regularly featured in exam questions.

The Acts of the Apostles

Event narratives in the Acts of the Apostles are also commonly featured in WAEC CRK past questions. Stories such as the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, the missionary journeys of Paul, and the early spread of Christianity provide critical lessons in faith, missionary effort, and the establishment of the early church.

By studying these essential Biblical stories, students not only prepare effectively for their WAEC exams but also gain a deeper understanding of their faith. Utilize the comprehensive resources available on Green Bridge CBT to access extensive lesson notes, videos, and past question papers. Additionally, the mobile app allows you to study on the go, making sure you are well-prepared for your exams.


The article explores the importance of Biblical stories in WAEC Christian Religious Knowledge (CRK) past papers. It discusses key narratives such as the Creation and the Fall of Man, the Covenant with Abraham, the Exodus and the Ten Commandments, the Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ, and the Acts of the Apostles. These stories are crucial for students preparing for WAEC exams. The article also recommends using Green Bridge CBT's comprehensive resources and mobile app for effective study and preparation.


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