“Raider Of The Treasure Trove” By Lade Qosrnu


“Raider Of The Treasure Trove” By Lade Qosrnu Overview:

The poem "Raider Of The Treasure Trove" by Lade Qosrnu is a rich and engaging piece of African poetry that delves into themes of cultural heritage, exploration, and the quest for knowledge. As we explore this poem, it is essential to identify the various literary devices employed by the poet to convey these themes effectively.

One of the primary objectives of this course material is to analyze the structure and style of the poem. The poet's choice of words, the rhythm of the lines, and the overall organization of the poem all contribute to its impact on the reader. By closely examining these elements, we can gain a deeper understanding of how the poem functions as a literary work of art.

Furthermore, delving into the historical and cultural context of the poem is crucial in unraveling its layers of meaning. "Raider Of The Treasure Trove" reflects the cultural richness of Africa and the significance of preserving and celebrating indigenous knowledge and traditions. By situating the poem within its cultural context, we can appreciate its resonance with African heritage.

It is also important to evaluate the impact and significance of the poem in African literature. "Raider Of The Treasure Trove" contributes to the ongoing dialogue within African literary traditions, highlighting the importance of storytelling, oral history, and the power of language in shaping collective identities. By examining this poem in the context of African literature, we can appreciate its unique voice and contribution to the literary landscape.

In conclusion, studying "Raider Of The Treasure Trove" by Lade Qosrnu offers a rewarding opportunity to explore the depth and complexity of African poetry. By engaging with the themes, literary devices, structure, style, historical context, and significance of the poem, we can gain valuable insights into the richness of African literary traditions and the power of poetry to convey profound truths about culture and identity.


  1. Identify themes and literary devices used in the poem
  2. Explore the historical and cultural context of the poem
  3. Evaluate the impact and significance of the poem in African literature
  4. Analyze the structure and style of the poem

Lesson Note

The poem "Raider of the Treasure Trove” by Lade Qosrnu is a significant piece in African literature that delves into themes of greed, materialism, and the fleeting nature of human wealth. Lade Qosrnu, a renowned African poet, uses vivid imagery and powerful metaphors to deliver a poignant message about the human condition and our often misguided pursuits.

Lesson Evaluation

Congratulations on completing the lesson on “Raider Of The Treasure Trove” By Lade Qosrnu. Now that youve explored the key concepts and ideas, its time to put your knowledge to the test. This section offers a variety of practice questions designed to reinforce your understanding and help you gauge your grasp of the material.

You will encounter a mix of question types, including multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and essay questions. Each question is thoughtfully crafted to assess different aspects of your knowledge and critical thinking skills.

Use this evaluation section as an opportunity to reinforce your understanding of the topic and to identify any areas where you may need additional study. Don't be discouraged by any challenges you encounter; instead, view them as opportunities for growth and improvement.

  1. What is the title of the poem 'Raider Of The Treasure Trove' derived from? A. A biblical story B. An African folklore C. A historical event D. A modern novel Answer: A modern novel
  2. How many stanzas are in the poem 'Raider of the Treasure Trove'? A. 4 B. 6 C. 8 D. 10 Answer: 6
  3. What literary device is predominantly used in the poem 'Raider of the Treasure Trove'? A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Personification D. Alliteration Answer: Metaphor
  4. Which of the following themes is NOT explored in the poem 'Raider of the Treasure Trove'? A. Greed B. Betrayal C. Love D. Power Answer: Love
  5. In what way does the structure of the poem 'Raider of the Treasure Trove' contribute to its overall meaning? A. The use of enjambment creates a sense of continuity B. The rhyme scheme adds a light-hearted tone to serious themes C. The varying line lengths symbolize the chaos of the protagonist's actions D. The use of repetition highlights the poem's central message Answer: The use of enjambment creates a sense of continuity
  6. What is the cultural significance of the poem 'Raider of the Treasure Trove' in African literature? A. It challenges traditional gender roles B. It critiques post-colonial political structures C. It celebrates the beauty of African landscapes D. It highlights the struggles of marginalized communities Answer: It challenges traditional gender roles
  7. Which historical event or period could serve as a possible inspiration for the themes in 'Raider of the Treasure Trove'? A. The Rwandan Genocide B. The Apartheid era in South Africa C. The Nigerian Civil War D. The Arab Spring revolutions Answer: The Nigerian Civil War

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Past Questions

Wondering what past questions for this topic looks like? Here are a number of questions about “Raider Of The Treasure Trove” By Lade Qosrnu from previous years

Question 1 Report

Read the extract and answer the uestion

Ariel: All hail, great master! Grave sir, hali ! I come
To answer the best pleasure; be't to fly,
To swim, to dive into the fire, to ride
On the curled clouds, to thy strong bidding task
Ariel and all his quality.
(Act I Scene Two, lines 189 - 193)

Before Ariel's entry

Question 1 Report

This question is based on RAIDER OF THE TREASURE TROVE.

The poetic device in the expression "Rage is chief" is ___

Practice a number of “Raider Of The Treasure Trove” By Lade Qosrnu past questions