Comprehension (Aghọtaazaa)


Comprehension (Aghọtaazaa)

Comprehension, known as Aghọtaazaa in Igbo, is a fundamental aspect of language understanding. It involves the ability to read a passage, understand its context, and extract relevant information from it. This skill is crucial for effective communication and academic success.

One of the key objectives of studying comprehension is to explain the meanings of difficult words encountered in a passage. Understanding the vocabulary used in a text is essential for grasping the overall message conveyed by the author. By learning the meanings of unfamiliar words, students can enhance their language proficiency and comprehension abilities.

Additionally, comprehension exercises aim to test the ability of students to give correct answers based on the information provided in a passage. This involves not only understanding the literal meaning of the text but also interpreting it accurately to respond to questions effectively. By practicing this skill, students can improve their critical thinking and analytical skills.

Furthermore, a crucial aspect of comprehension is the differentiation between figurative and idiomatic expressions used in a passage. Figurative language involves expressions that are not meant to be interpreted literally but rather symbolically or metaphorically. On the other hand, idiomatic expressions are phrases whose meanings cannot be deduced from the individual words used. By distinguishing between these two types of expressions, students can gain a deeper understanding of the nuances of language.

In conclusion, mastering comprehension skills in Igbo language is essential for academic success and effective communication. By developing the ability to explain difficult words, give correct answers, differentiate between figurative and idiomatic expressions, and draw conclusions from passages, students can enhance their language proficiency and critical thinking abilities.


  1. Explain the meanings of difficult words
  2. Give correct answers
  3. Deduce conclusion based on the passage
  4. Differentiate between figurative and idiomatic expressions from the passage

Lesson Note

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Lesson Evaluation

Congratulations on completing the lesson on Comprehension (Aghọtaazaa). Now that youve explored the key concepts and ideas, its time to put your knowledge to the test. This section offers a variety of practice questions designed to reinforce your understanding and help you gauge your grasp of the material.

You will encounter a mix of question types, including multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and essay questions. Each question is thoughtfully crafted to assess different aspects of your knowledge and critical thinking skills.

Use this evaluation section as an opportunity to reinforce your understanding of the topic and to identify any areas where you may need additional study. Don't be discouraged by any challenges you encounter; instead, view them as opportunities for growth and improvement.

  1. The igbo abụọ onye a yiri aghọtaazaa ya n'asụsụ Igbo? A. Aghọtaazaa B. Asụsụ C. Mkpụrụ edemede D. Odi Answer: Aghọtaazaa
  2. Ọ ka ego ibe ya n’etiti nke kilasi nde? A. Obi ọma B. Nwekpụrụ C. Popu D. Gbusị Answer: Obi ọma
  3. Ọ bụrụ na ofuma aghọtaazaa abụghi ihe ndị a nwere nwere n’igwe ka ha wụrụ? A. Onwe ya B. Wapụ C. Asụsụ D. Akụkọ Answer: Asụsụ
  4. Gini ka aghọtaazaa na-akpaghị ekwesị? A. Mkpuru okwu B. Mkpuru ọkachamara C. Mkpuru aka D. Mkpuru uzo Answer: Mkpuru aka
  5. Kedu ihe aghọtaazaa na-eme ọ bụla? A. Asụsụ B. Ndi mmadụ C. Kpọọ D. Ndị mmadụ Answer: Asụsụ
  6. Onye a cho aghọtaazaa a dịghị n’etiti asụsụ? A. Keduzi B. Onye isi C. Onye ndere D. Onye edemede Answer: Onye isi
  7. Gini bụ agụnyekwụ aghọtaazaa? A. Eziokwu B. Onwumenyi C. Akara D. Inweta okwu Answer: Onwumenyi
  8. Oge a ma jiri bido aghọtaazaa abụọ na eme? A. Wan’oku B. Oche C. Ụbọchi D. Mmuo Answer: Oche
  9. Nke a wụrụ aghọtaazaa bụ ihe gbasara? A. Mbe B. Mmadụ C. Mmepụta D. Kpọtụrụ Answer: Kpọtụrụ
  10. Ọ bụrụ na onye aghọtaazaa ji gụọ okwu ọnụ ọgụ, o dịghị ihe a ma were na Ogoli? A. Mmụọ B. Afọ C. Obere D. Ezugbere Answer: Mmụọ

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Past Questions

Wondering what past questions for this topic looks like? Here are a number of questions about Comprehension (Aghọtaazaa) from previous years

Question 1 Report


Gụọ ederede atọ ndị a ma zaa ajụjụ niile sitere na ha.

Ederede III

Oriakụ Dike bụ onye anyaukwu. Ọ bụkwa onye oke njenje n’agbanyeghị na di ya bụ akajiakụ n’obodo. Maka ndụ dị etu a, ụmụ ya niile kpọrọ ya asị, mana di ya hụrụ ya n’anya ma na-akwanyekwara ya aja n‘ukwu n’ihe niile ọ na-eme.

Afọ tara nwaanyị a mmiri. Ọ naghị eleba anya n’ezinaụlọ ya. Ọ nakwaghị elebara ụmụ ya anya n’ihe ọbụla ha na-eme. Ihe niile nwaanyị a ma na ndụ ya bụ ihe ọ ga-eme ka a nụ aha ya n’obodo ma ọ dị mma ma ọ dị njo. Naanị ihe ọ na-arụ bụ ije oke njenje na isogharị ndị ndọrọndọro ọchịchị, ịgagharị n’ụlọ dibịa dị icheiche na ịtu arọ ihe ọ ga-eme ka onye ọbụla nọrọ ya n’okpuru, ọkachasị ebe ụmụnwaanyị ibe ya nọ.

‘Di ya na-akwanyere ya aja n’ukwu’ n’ederede a pụtara na di ya

Practice a number of Comprehension (Aghọtaazaa) past questions