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Vraag 1 Verslag
To be thus is nothing but to be safely thus our fear in Banqo stick deep. soon after these words, macbeth is dramatically 'attended'by
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'And 'mid these dancing looks at once and ever it flung up momentarily the sacred river.
Five miles meandering with a mazy motion
Through wood and dale the sacred river ran'.
Line 3 is made memorable by the use of
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In the novel The Narrow Parth because Kofi's father was a headmaster, kofi
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In Procession I-Hanging Day', Soyinka writes about
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Stars hide your fires;
let no light see my black and deep desires
They eye wink at the hand; yet let that be Which the eyes fears, when it is done to see'
In these lines Shakespare uses
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'She unpacked the novels she has brought with her, and turned them over. These were the books she had collected over years from the mass that had come her way. She had read each one a dozen times, knowing it by heart, following the familiar tales as a child listens to his mother telling him a well-known fairy tale'.
This character may best be described as a woman
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The night has been unruly. Where we lay. Our chimneys were blown down; and as they say lamentings heard i'th'air; strange screams of death And prophesying with accents terrible. Of dire combustion and confessed events. New hatch'd to the woeful time. The obscure bird Clamour'd the livelong night: some say the earth was feverous and did shake. This is the night .
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'Comes this season of the cassia flower,
And pent passion peers through the bower,
Comes the season, and all labour is fallen
All earthen pitches as china broken'
The rhyme scheme in this passageb from kalu Uka's 'Earth to Earth' is
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In As You Like It, the verse which begins
' Blow blow thou winter wind' is about
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'We are all diseas'd,
And with our surfeiting, and wanton hours,
Have brought ourselves into a burning fever
And we must bleed for it'.
The images in the passage mostly draw attention to
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In Mine Boy Peter Abrahams is of the view that apartheid would cease to exist in South Africa if
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The doctors looked at chris johannes.
They were both dead. They kept the place up with their bodies so that we could get out!'a mine boy cried and begin to sob (Mine Boy).
The death of Chris and Johannes is symbolic because
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Which of the characters in Abraham's Mine Boy is notorious for playing with a Knife?
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''When he was turned over, his eyeballs started upward in amazement and horror, his was locked torn wide: his trousers soaked with blood, were torn open, and exposed to the cold, white air of morning the thick hairs of his groin, mattered together, black and rust red, and the wound that seemed to be throbbing still''.
The passage achieve realism through the use of
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'Fast fading violets covered up in leaves
And mid May's eldest child
The coming must-rose full of dewy wine
The murmurous haunt of files on summer eves'.
('Ode to a nightingale')
The poetic beauty of the last line owes to the use of
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There is a devil in me that wants things i cannot get' The speaker in the novel Mine boy' is
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Kongi's Harvest
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'Thou losest labour
As easy mayst thou the interenchant air with kneel sword impress as make me bleed'
Macbeth contempt from Macduff's effort in this battle scene arises from
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'Earth has not anything to show more fair.
Dull would he be of soul who could pass by
A sight so touching in its majesty:
This city now doth, like a garment, wear
The beauty of the morning'.
It is suggested in this lines that
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In The World is Too Much With Us', Wordsworth wishes that people could
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'If i could have put u in my heart,
If but i could have wrapped you in myself
How glad i should have been!
And now the chart
Of memory unrolls again to me
The course of our journey here, here where we part....'
An appropriate title for these lines is.....
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'I am become a name;
For always roaming with a hungry heart
Much have i seen and known; cities of men
And manners, climates, council, governments'
These line fairly represent the attitude of Ulysses' life. This attitude may be described as
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All the images used to describe where the poet always stop in Lenrie Peter's ; The Fence 'are suggestive of the character's
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When the Franklin declares in the prologue to his tale that he has 'not slept on mount Parnassus' he meant that
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In As You Like It Orland's defeat of charles, the Duke's wrestler made his brother Oliver
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