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Vraag 3 Verslag
if three 30 cm lengths of glass tubes are tightly packed with clay, sand and loamy soils respectively and then stood in a beaker of water for one week, the level of water will be
Vraag 4 Verslag
Which one of the following parts of the mammalian body is most closely associated with the production of urine?
Vraag 5 Verslag
Which one of the following animals is NEVER a secondary host of tapeworms?
Vraag 7 Verslag
If the bark and phloem tissue of a woody shoot are peeled off by ringing, the whole plant will die eventually die because?
Vraag 8 Verslag
The center which controls respiratory activities the mammalian brain is the
Vraag 9 Verslag
A student trying to find out the order in which organisms appear on a cleared plot is studying one of the following
Vraag 11 Verslag
The testa
Vraag 14 Verslag
The conversion of excess amino acids into urea occurs in the
Vraag 17 Verslag
Which of the following hormones is produced during fright or when agitated?
Vraag 18 Verslag
An organism X lives entirely on the waste products in another organism Y. In this association X is a
Vraag 19 Verslag
In anaerobic respiration, glucose is converted to one of the following
Vraag 20 Verslag
Some of the features of an animal are scales, teeth, nares and backbone. The animal is likely to be a
Vraag 22 Verslag
In the figure above the structure which prevents friction between the bones is
Vraag 23 Verslag
A mosquito which produces eggs which float, and whose larvae lie horizontal to the water surface, also rests at the angle on a vertical surface. This type of mosquito is
Vraag 26 Verslag
The following are connected with the movement of a reflex action (1) Central nervous (2) Muscles (3) Skin (4) Sensory nerve (5) Motor nerve. Which of the following sequences indicates a correct path?
Vraag 27 Verslag
Oxygen from the atmosphere reaches the mammalian blood stream through one of the path indicated below. Indicate the correct path, a = mouth, b = trachea, c = bronchiole, d = nostril, e = bronchus, f = alveoli
Vraag 28 Verslag
For pollination and fruit formation, the essential part(s) of the flower should be the
Vraag 29 Verslag
The tips of some rice seedlings were cut off while some were left intact. Both were covered with a container which had not only one small hole to allow light through. After twenty-four hours it was observed that
Vraag 31 Verslag
A few grams of dried soil were first heated until red hot and then further heated until no more smoke was released. This experiment was to determine
Vraag 32 Verslag
Leguminous plants, e.g Mucana, are usually planted in cultivated farmlands because they
Vraag 36 Verslag
which part of the human brain is concerned with reflexes controlling the rate of heart beat and breathing?
Vraag 37 Verslag
If a baby is a female, her mother's ovum must have been fertilized by a sperm carry the chromosome
Vraag 38 Verslag
During excretion of urea there is also a corresponding re-absorption of water into the blood. This re-absorption takes place in the
Vraag 40 Verslag
Below are some group of diseases. Which group of diseases is caused by bacteria?
Vraag 45 Verslag
The filament of spirogyra were put into equal volumes of sugar solutions X and Y. After 5 minutes, filaments from solution X had their cells contents rounded up while those from Y were unaffected. The experiment shows that
Vraag 47 Verslag
The organ through which food and oxygen are supplied to the human embryo and which also prevents harmful materials from reaching the embryo is the
Vraag 48 Verslag
In animals, cilia, flagella, pseudopodia and chaetae, can be used for
Vraag 49 Verslag
Biconcave lenses are used in the correction of an eye defect called?
Vraag 50 Verslag
A fresh Kolanut weighing 1g was put into salt solution. After 3 hour, the kolanut weighed 1.2g. This simple experiment demonstration that
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