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Vraag 1 Verslag
_______ is used to describe the situation where a character recognize his mistake
Anagnorisis is used to describe the situation where a character recognizes their mistake. Anagnorisis is a term from classical Greek drama, and it refers to the moment in a play when the protagonist realizes the error of their ways. This realization often leads to a change in the character's behavior or a shift in the direction of the plot. In literature, anagnorisis is often used to bring about a resolution to the conflict or to provide a turning point in the story. It can be a powerful moment in a story, as it allows the reader to see the character grow and develop, and it often leads to a greater understanding of the story as a whole.
Vraag 2 Verslag
The art of using persuasive words in literary works is known as_______
The art of using persuasive words in literary works is known as rhetoric. Rhetoric is the use of language to persuade or influence an audience, often through the use of various techniques such as logos, ethos, and pathos. In literature, rhetoric can be used to convey a particular message, evoke certain emotions, or to convince the reader of a particular point of view. It can be used in various forms of writing, including essays, speeches, and poetry. Dilemma is a difficult choice between two options, Parody is a humorous imitation of a particular work, style, or artist, and Paronomasia is a play on words or pun.
Vraag 3 Verslag
Read the poem and answer questions
At dawn must I rise to till the rock
That our land has turned into
The land where on we'd gleefully harvested paddy
Planted and nurtured and tended on plots marshy
Our woes are bloody woes of accursed revenges
Of the land spirits aggrieved by paltry human respect
For the life of fellow man by his fellow
Kindred blood has counted for less than no value
Brother's wife has been wife to other brother's brother
Communal loot has emptied our country silos
The earth has stopped breathing and sighed
Soldered tears has the moon shed
The earth was scorched at noon-day night
And our land has turned to hoeing rock.
'The earth has stopped breathing and sighed' illustrates__________
The line "The earth has stopped breathing and sighed" illustrates personification. Personification is a figure of speech in which human qualities are attributed to non-human entities such as animals, objects, or natural phenomena. In this line, the poet personifies the earth, giving it human-like qualities of breathing and sighing. The use of personification is effective in conveying the idea that the land is suffering and struggling to survive due to the neglect and mistreatment by its human inhabitants. The line does not illustrate bathos, which is an abrupt shift from a serious or lofty style to a common or ridiculous one. It is also not a paradox, which is a statement that appears self-contradictory or absurd but may be true in fact. Additionally, it is not a climax, which is the point of highest dramatic tension or a turning point in a narrative.
Vraag 4 Verslag
In Lenrie's 'The Panic of Growing Older', another significant theme therein is on the___________
In Lenrie's 'The Panic of Growing Older', another significant theme is the uncertainties of life. The poem describes the speaker's fear and anxiety as he grows older and realizes that life is unpredictable and fleeting. He expresses his regret for not living his life to the fullest and for wasting time on things that don't matter. The poem suggests that life is full of uncertainties, and we can't predict what will happen in the future. The speaker's panic about growing older is a reflection of our universal fear of the unknown and the inevitability of aging and death. Although the poem briefly mentions natural disasters, war, and the relationship between mankind and nature, these are not the primary themes. The poem's central focus is on the uncertainties of life and how we should cherish the present moment and make the most of our time on earth.
Vraag 5 Verslag
Richard Wright's " Native Son" may be described to a/an_______
"Native Son" by Richard Wright can be described as a bildungsroman. A bildungsroman is a novel that focuses on the moral and psychological growth of the protagonist from youth to adulthood. "Native Son" follows the story of Bigger Thomas, an African American youth living in poverty in Chicago. The novel explores his psychological and emotional development as he navigates the racist society in which he lives and the consequences of his actions.
Vraag 6 Verslag
In drama, comic reliefs often occur in_______
In drama, comic reliefs often occur in tragedies. A comic relief is a scene, character, or dialogue that provides a temporary respite from the serious and emotional intensity of the main plot. It is used to lighten the mood and add humor to a play, and is often found in tragedies where the overall tone is dark and heavy. The use of comic relief allows the audience to take a break from the intense emotions and events of the play and can make the play as a whole more enjoyable and memorable.
Vraag 7 Verslag
The poet with the usage of powerful imageries and symbols as 'gun' and 'wound' reveals that the subject matter of the poem is that of brutality or horrors of war and not mere conflict therefore brutality is the best answer.
Vraag 8 Verslag
Okara's reminiscence in the "Piano and Drums" as to how he walks to the farm with no shoes, marching thorns and dangerous leafs, and still finds this enjoyable creates a feeling of___________
The feeling created by Okara's reminiscence in the "Piano and Drums" is nostalgia. The poem describes how Okara walks to the farm barefoot, despite the thorns and dangerous leaves, and still finds this enjoyable. This suggests a longing for a simpler, more innocent time in his life, and a sense of fondness for the experiences of his youth. This is consistent with the feeling of nostalgia.
Vraag 9 Verslag
The dorminant mood in Tennyson's Crossing the Bar is that of___________
The turn is that of acceptance because the poet's feeling was that of preparedness to embark on an evening journey of no return.
Vraag 10 Verslag
A significant literary device employed by Morris in 'The Proud King' is that of________
Nemesis is the significant literary devices here, the poet portrays the importance of moral virtues and humility through the reversal of fortunes of the King.
Vraag 11 Verslag
A transferred epithet is popularly known as a/an ........
A transferred epithet is popularly known as a "hypallage". A hypallage is a figure of speech in which an adjective or a modifier is grammatically associated with a word other than the one it actually modifies, creating an effect of syntactic inversion. In other words, a hypallage is when an adjective or descriptive word is applied to a different noun than the one it grammatically belongs to. For example, in the phrase "a sleepless night", the adjective "sleepless" is transferred from the person who is supposed to be sleepless to the night itself, which is inanimate and cannot literally experience sleeplessness. However, the phrase makes sense because it conveys the idea that the night feels long and restless. Transferred epithets are often used in literature and poetry to create vivid and striking imagery or to convey complex emotions and ideas.
Vraag 12 Verslag
Which one of the following is most influential to the substance of Hallowell's "The Dinning Table"?
The most influential aspect of Hallowell's "The Dining Table" is the setting of the poem. The setting is a domestic dining table that represents a space where family members gather and interact with each other. The setting is significant because it creates an atmosphere that allows the poet to explore various themes such as family dynamics, cultural identity, and the passage of time. The structure of the poem, the atmosphere, and the poetic style are all important, but they are secondary to the setting because they all contribute to the portrayal of the dining table and the significance it holds in the lives of the family members.
Vraag 13 Verslag
"Nightfall! Nightfall!! You are my mortal enemy". The dominant figure of speech above is a/an________
Apostrophe is used to describe an absent person as if present and a dead person or subject matter and as if living, this should not be confused with personification. So the correct answer is Apostrophe because "Night fall" is directly addressed as if it were living being, this is a figurative quality of an Apostrophe.
Vraag 14 Verslag
... a didactic poem, especially such with animals as characters may be distinctively described as a/an_________
A didactic poem that features animals as characters may be distinctively described as an apologue. An apologue is a form of allegory that uses animals or inanimate objects to teach a moral or lesson. This type of poem often aims to instruct or guide its readers on how to live a good life or make the right decisions. The animals in an apologue usually represent different human qualities or characteristics, and the events and actions in the poem serve as a metaphor for real-life situations. Therefore, an apologue is an effective tool for teaching morals and values to children and adults alike.
Vraag 15 Verslag
Amma Darko's Faceless may be best described as a___________
Baby T and Fofo's life stories are signal to these issues where by families and the entire society which directly or indirectly lure or lead their young ones into hard life on the streets, which was actually criticized in the prose.
Vraag 16 Verslag
Analogy is the arrangement of two ideas that are_________
Analogy is the arrangement of two ideas that are similar. An analogy is a comparison between two things that are alike in certain aspects to help explain or clarify a complex or abstract idea. In this comparison, there is usually a relationship between two pairs of words or ideas, where one pair is to the other pair as the first term is to its relationship with the second term. The relationship between the two pairs of words or ideas may be of many types, such as cause and effect, antonyms, synonyms, and so on. Overall, the use of analogy helps people understand complex ideas by relating them to more familiar or understandable concepts.
Vraag 17 Verslag
A dramatic type directed against an individual or a private institute with the intent to severely ridicule is called_________
The correct term for a dramatic type directed against an individual or a private institute with the intent to severely ridicule is a "lampoon." A lampoon is a type of satirical writing that specifically targets individuals or organizations, using humor and ridicule to expose flaws, criticize behaviors, or challenge beliefs. Lampoons are often written in a sarcastic, exaggerated, or insulting manner, and they can be found in many forms, such as cartoons, poems, or songs. The purpose of a lampoon is to entertain the audience while also making a serious point or social commentary.
Vraag 18 Verslag
'The dun dun of a drum' is an example of an__________
'The dun dun of a drum' is an example of an onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia is a literary device in which a word imitates the sound it represents. In this case, the word "dun dun" imitates the sound of a drum, and therefore, it is an onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia can be used to create a vivid and sensory experience for the reader, making the writing more engaging and memorable. Therefore, onomatopoeia is a useful tool for writers who want to make their work more expressive and dynamic.
Vraag 19 Verslag
Read the poem and answer questions
At dawn must I rise to till the rock
That our land has turned into
The land where on we'd gleefully harvested paddy
Planted and nurtured and tended on plots marshy
Our woes are bloody woes of accursed revenges
Of the land spirits aggrieved by paltry human respect
For the life of fellow man by his fellow
Kindred blood has counted for less than no value
Brother's wife has been wife to other brother's brother
Communal loot has emptied our country silos
The earth has stopped breathing and sighed
Soldered tears has the moon shed
The earth was scorched at noon-day night
And our land has turned to hoeing rock.
The run-on lines convey the speaker's_______
The flow of words and expressions, from one to another, of the poet directly reflect his sorrowful state of mind for the tragedies that have consumed his land
Vraag 20 Verslag
... may be said to be a critical subject of concern in Blake's "School Boy"
The futility of life and time may be said to be a critical subject of concern in Blake's "School Boy". The poem describes the monotonous and oppressive nature of traditional education, which the speaker views as a waste of time and a hindrance to personal growth and creativity. The speaker longs to escape the confines of the classroom and explore the natural world, which he sees as a source of inspiration and freedom. The poem suggests that the educational system stifles the creativity and individuality of students and forces them to conform to society's expectations. The focus of the poem is not on adventurism or academic development, although these themes are indirectly related to the futility of life and time. The poem's central concern is the need for individuals to find meaning and purpose in their lives beyond the confines of traditional institutions and societal norms.
Vraag 21 Verslag
The voice of reason in the 'Harvest of Corruption' is exemplified in the character of___________
The voice of reason in the play "Harvest of Corruption" is exemplified in the character of Ogeyi. Ogeyi is a young and idealistic journalist who believes in uncovering the truth and exposing corruption. She is the one who sets the events of the play in motion by writing an article about the corrupt practices of Chief Haladu Ade Amaka, the Minister of External Relations. Ogeyi's actions show her dedication to fighting corruption and her commitment to justice. Throughout the play, Ogeyi serves as a moral compass for the other characters. She refuses to be swayed by the bribes and threats of Chief Ade Amaka and his cronies, and she remains steadfast in her pursuit of the truth. Ogeyi's courage and integrity make her a shining example of what it means to be a voice of reason in a corrupt society. In conclusion, Ogeyi's character embodies the voice of reason in "Harvest of Corruption" due to her unwavering dedication to the truth and her commitment to exposing corruption. She serves as a beacon of hope in a society that has been overrun by greed and deceit.
Vraag 22 Verslag
'Nightfall! Nightfall!
You are my mortal enemy'
The figurative name for the manner in which Nightfall is directly addressed is______
The figurative name for the manner in which Nightfall is directly addressed is apostrophe. Apostrophe is a figure of speech in which an absent or imaginary person, a thing, or an abstraction is addressed as if present and capable of understanding. In this case, Nightfall is being directly addressed as if it is a person who is capable of being an enemy.
Vraag 23 Verslag
Which one of the following does not relate to the tone in Diop's Vanity?
Africans needs to celebrate their Ancestors and sustain their values because the Birago Diop's attitude was that of condemnation , sarcasm and ridicule.
Vraag 24 Verslag
Use the extract below to answer questions
Line 1: My heart leaps up when I behold
Line 2: A rainbow in the sky
Line 3: so was it when my life began
Line 4: so is it now
Line 5: so is it when I have grown
Line 6: the child is the father of the man.
The rhyme scheme of the poem is_________
A diligent tracing of the rhyme pattern in the excerpt above will result into the 'abcacc' scheme therefore 'abcacc' is the best answer.
Vraag 25 Verslag
'The fair breeze blew
The white foam flew
The furrow followed free
We were the first that ever burst
Into that silent sea.'
The dominant figure of speech in the above passage is
What makes rhyme scheme the predominant literary figure there is the semblance of sound and patternised movement of the words in the excerpt above.
Vraag 26 Verslag
"The sudden throb of pain" in Lenrie's 'The Panic of Growing Old' signifies the_________
In the poem, what signify weaknes is "The suden throb of pain ", "legs cribbed" which is the result of old age
Vraag 27 Verslag
The second stanza of Awonoor's Anvil and the Hammer ________
"sew the old days for us, our fathers,/that we may wear them under our new garment." The evident in the lines 1 and 2 of the second stanza is the answer.
Vraag 28 Verslag
Use the extract below to answer questions
Line 1: My heart leaps up when I behold
Line 2: A rainbow in the sky
Line 3: so was it when my life began
Line 4: so is it now
Line 5: so is it when I have grown
Line 6: the child is the father of the man.
The literary device used in line 1 is ________
'My heart leaps' is a good example of personification. Evidence the fact that the heart is being personified to act as though it were real , physical human being.
Vraag 29 Verslag
Aloho begins her harvest of corruption when____________
It was when Aloho found out she was 3 months pregnant and the chances of abortion were impossible that was when the harvest of corruption started in The novel.
Vraag 30 Verslag
The setting of Shakespeare's Othello is____________
The setting of William Shakespeare's play "Othello" is Venice and its surrounding territories, including Cyprus. Venice was a major commercial and cultural center in the 16th and 17th centuries, and was known for its wealth, political power, and maritime influence. In the play, Venice is the backdrop for the events that unfold, and provides a backdrop of political and social tensions that shape the characters and their actions. The setting of Venice helps to create a sense of atmosphere and provides context for the play's themes of jealousy, deceit, and racism.
Vraag 31 Verslag
What basically distinguishes literature from other disciplines is its________
What distinguishes literature from other disciplines is its use of creative imagination and its exposition of human experiences. Literature is a form of artistic expression that allows writers to use their imaginations to explore and express the complexities of the human experience. It is not limited by the constraints of reality, and can instead draw upon the full range of human emotions, thoughts, and experiences. Through the use of symbolism, metaphor, and other literary devices, literature is able to convey the essence of the human experience in a way that is unique and powerful. In this sense, literature is distinct from other disciplines such as science, history, or philosophy, which may also deal with aspects of the human experience, but do so in a more structured and empirical manner.
Vraag 32 Verslag
'They are as fearsome as they are fearless' is an example of______
Antithesis is used to describe two contradictory statements or words are placed far apart to create a juxtaposition.
Vraag 33 Verslag
The mood of Diop's 'Vanity' is__________
The mood of the poem "Vanity" is that of worry and also the poet expressess this through a series of rhetorical questions.
Vraag 34 Verslag
Use excerpt below to answer questions
"Now, by yond marble
In the due reverence of a sacred vow
I here enrage my words." (Shakespeare's Othello)
Consequent upon the act in the excerpt, ...
Consequent upon the act in the excerpt, Othello changed from being the hero to a villain. In the excerpt, Othello is making a vow and using strong, impassioned language to emphasize the seriousness of his words. This transformation is significant because it represents a turning point in the play, as Othello's character shifts from being a respected and admired military leader to a jealous and vengeful figure. This change is brought on by the manipulation of Iago, who convinces Othello that his wife Desdemona is unfaithful. Othello's increasing jealousy and anger ultimately lead to his descent into villainy.
Vraag 35 Verslag
_____ is used to describe the predetermination of a future event in a literary piece
Anelepsis (flash back) is used to reveal a futuristic event at the present moment while prolepsis is literay used for foreshadowing unlike flash back.
Vraag 36 Verslag
________is used to describe the 'god of inspiration' in literature
The term "Muse" is used to describe the 'god of inspiration' in literature. In Greek mythology, the Muses were the nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who were the patrons of the arts and sciences, including poetry, dance, music, and history. In literature, the term "muse" is often used to refer to a source of inspiration or creativity. A writer or artist might describe their work as being inspired by their muse, meaning that they feel a creative spark or divine inspiration guiding their work. The term "muse" has come to represent the idea of a higher power or force that helps to inspire and guide artists and writers in their work.
Vraag 37 Verslag
An overused expression is a/an _________
An overused expression is a "cliche". A cliche is a phrase or expression that has become so overused that it has lost its original meaning or impact. It is often used as a shortcut to convey a certain idea or emotion, but it can be seen as trite or unoriginal. Examples of cliches include phrases like "at the end of the day", "all's well that ends well", or "time heals all wounds". These expressions are often used in everyday conversation, but they can become tiresome or predictable when used too frequently. In literature and writing, the use of cliches can be seen as a weakness or a lack of originality. Good writers strive to find fresh and innovative ways to express their ideas and emotions, and avoid relying on cliches as a crutch. Overall, a cliche is an overused expression that has lost its original impact and can be seen as unoriginal or trite.
Vraag 38 Verslag
In Herbert's "The Pulley", God's supremacy is exemplified through______
God establishes his supremacy over man and retains man's dependency on Him by withholding the gift of rest so much so that man may continue to find strength and fulfilment by seeking and worshipping Him.
Vraag 39 Verslag
"You can call me a rebel, but I need a job. That's what matters to me." The repercussion of this statement by Aloho is a pointer to the theme ____
Unemployment could have been the answer, if only Aloho listened to her good friend's against ochuole and Chief, her tragic end could have been avoided. Be reminded that the key word is " repercussion"
Vraag 40 Verslag
Use the extract below to answer questions
Line 1: My heart leaps up when I behold
Line 2: A rainbow in the sky
Line 3: so was it when my life began
Line 4: so is it now
Line 5: so is it when I have grown
Line 6: the child is the father of the man.
The object of the extract is____?
The subject matter in Lenrie Peter's " panic of growing older" may likened to the extract ; especially with the paradox in the line 6 , pointing to the substitution and / or reversal of strength and responsibility from a child of his father thereafter when the father becomes of age.
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