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Vraag 1 Verslag
The major objective of pressure group is to
The major objective of a pressure group is to influence the government to take a particular action or adopt a certain policy. Pressure groups are organizations made up of individuals with common interests and goals, who seek to influence government decisions without actually seeking to hold political power. They do this by using various forms of pressure, such as lobbying, protests, and public campaigns to persuade policymakers to take action on issues that are important to them. Pressure groups can represent different sectors of society, such as business, labor, environmentalists, human rights activists, and others. Their main aim is to influence the government's policies and decisions in favor of their interests or causes. However, pressure groups do not seek to form or fund governments, and their focus is on influencing the government rather than changing it.
Vraag 2 Verslag
"From each according to his ability to each according to his needs" is the principle of
"From each according to his ability to each according to his needs" is a principle of communism. This principle means that each person should contribute to society to the best of their abilities, and in return, receive what they need from society to meet their basic needs. In other words, everyone should work according to their abilities and receive what they require, regardless of how much they have contributed. This idea is based on the belief that a fair and equal society can only be achieved by eliminating class distinctions and ensuring that resources are distributed equally. It is a fundamental principle of Marxist theory and has been a central idea in many socialist and communist movements.
Vraag 3 Verslag
Citizens exercise their sovereignty by
Citizens exercise their sovereignty by "voting at elections." Sovereignty is the supreme power or authority that belongs to a state or government. In a democratic society, the people are considered sovereign because they have the power to choose their leaders through the democratic process of voting. When citizens participate in elections by casting their votes, they are exercising their right to determine who will represent them in government. By doing so, citizens are expressing their political preferences and influencing the direction of public policy. Voting is a crucial aspect of citizenship and a fundamental way in which citizens can hold their leaders accountable. Through voting, citizens have the power to change the direction of their country and to shape the policies that affect their lives. While attending political rallies and registering to vote are also important ways in which citizens can engage with the democratic process, the act of actually casting a ballot is the most direct and powerful way in which citizens can exercise their sovereignty. Citizens also have the right to sue the state, but this is not necessarily an exercise of their sovereignty as it is more of a legal recourse to address a particular grievance.
Vraag 4 Verslag
In order to assist fellow developing countries, Nigeria initiated the
Nigeria initiated the Technical Aid Corps Scheme to assist fellow developing countries. The scheme involves deploying Nigerian professionals, such as doctors, engineers, and teachers, to other developing countries to provide technical assistance and capacity building. The program aims to help these countries achieve sustainable development and improve the well-being of their citizens. It also serves as a form of South-South cooperation and solidarity between developing countries.
Vraag 5 Verslag
The form of government headed by a king is
A monarchy is a form of government headed by a king or queen, who usually inherits the position and has the power to rule the country. In a monarchy, the monarch is considered the head of state and often has ceremonial duties and represents the country in international affairs. The power of the monarch may be limited by a constitution or laws, and there may also be a parliamentary system in place to help make decisions and laws. This form of government has a long history and is still used in some countries today.
Vraag 6 Verslag
Which of the following performs oversight functions?
The judiciary performs oversight functions. Oversight refers to the responsibility of ensuring that government actions are in accordance with the law and that government officials are held accountable for their actions. The judiciary is responsible for interpreting the law and adjudicating disputes, which involves reviewing the actions of the other branches of government to ensure that they comply with the law and the Constitution. For example, if the executive branch takes an action that is deemed unconstitutional or violates the law, individuals or organizations can challenge that action in court. The judiciary then reviews the action and determines whether it is lawful or not. In this way, the judiciary serves as a check on the power of the executive and legislative branches and ensures that they do not exceed their authority. In contrast, civil service, executive, and bureaucracy are all part of the executive branch of government, which is responsible for implementing laws and policies. While these branches may have internal oversight mechanisms, they do not perform the same kind of external oversight functions as the judiciary.
Vraag 7 Verslag
Which of the following is a form of delegated legislation?
The form of delegated legislation is "Edict". Delegated legislation is a type of law made by a person or body who has been given the authority to do so by an Act of Parliament. An edict is a type of delegated legislation that is made by a person or body who has been given the power to do so by a higher authority, such as a monarch or a government official. Edicts are often used to create rules and regulations that are specific to a certain situation or context. For example, a government official may issue an edict that requires all businesses to close early during a period of civil unrest. Edicts are a useful way for those in power to quickly and efficiently make changes to the law, without going through the lengthy process of passing a new Act of Parliament.
Vraag 9 Verslag
Public opinion is commonly referred to as the composite reaction of the citizenry on
Vraag 10 Verslag
In Nigeria, the foundations of federalism was laid by the
The foundations of federalism in Nigeria were laid by the Richards Constitution. This constitution was introduced in 1946 by Sir Arthur Richards, the then Governor-General of Nigeria. The Richards Constitution was the first to introduce the concept of federalism in Nigeria, which allowed for the distribution of power and responsibilities between the central government and the regional governments. Under this constitution, Nigeria was divided into three regions: the Northern Region, the Western Region, and the Eastern Region. Each region had its own regional government with significant autonomy to manage its internal affairs, while the central government was responsible for managing national issues such as defense, foreign affairs, and economic policies. The Richards Constitution also introduced the concept of representative government, which allowed for the election of representatives at both the regional and central levels. This paved the way for Nigeria's journey towards self-government and eventually independence. Overall, the Richards Constitution is considered a significant milestone in Nigeria's political development, as it laid the foundations for federalism and representative government in the country.
Vraag 12 Verslag
The ECOWAS Monitoring Group began its operation in
The ECOWAS Monitoring Group began its operations in Liberia. The ECOWAS Monitoring Group is a military force established by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to help maintain peace and stability in the region. The group was first deployed in 1990 in Liberia, during the country's civil war, to monitor a ceasefire agreement and help restore peace. Since then, the ECOWAS Monitoring Group has been involved in several peacekeeping and conflict resolution missions in West Africa.
Vraag 13 Verslag
The modern theory of sovereignty was popularized by
The modern theory of sovereignty was popularized by Jean Bodin. He was a French political philosopher who lived in the 16th century and is considered one of the founders of modern political science. In his work "Six Books of the Republic," Bodin defined sovereignty as the supreme and absolute power within a state, belonging to the people or the ruler, and not subject to any higher authority. This idea of sovereignty as a central and supreme power within a state became widely accepted and is still considered a cornerstone of modern political theory.
Vraag 14 Verslag
The development of attitudes and beliefs about a political system is known as
The development of attitudes and beliefs about a political system is known as political socialization. Political socialization refers to the process by which individuals acquire their political attitudes, beliefs, and values. This process can be influenced by various factors such as family, school, media, peers, and community. The political culture of a society can also shape an individual's political socialization. Ultimately, political socialization plays a crucial role in shaping an individual's political behavior and participation in a political system.
Vraag 15 Verslag
In the Igbo traditional system, the highest democratic institution is the
In the Igbo traditional system, the highest democratic institution is the Oha-na-eze. It is a council of elders and representatives of different communities in the Igbo society, and its primary role is to advise and resolve disputes within the community. The Oha-na-eze is made up of the oldest men in each village, and decisions are made through a democratic process where each member has an equal say. The Oha-na-eze is also responsible for representing the interests of the Igbo people at the state and national levels, and for upholding the cultural values and traditions of the Igbo people.
Vraag 16 Verslag
In Nigeria, items in the exclusive list are under the jurisdiction of
In Nigeria, items in the exclusive list are under the jurisdiction of the central government. The Exclusive List is a list of areas of policy and legislation that are the exclusive preserve of the Federal Government in Nigeria. This means that only the central government has the power to make laws and policies on issues that are included in this list. The Exclusive List covers important areas such as defense, foreign policy, currency, immigration, and telecommunications, among others. This is because these issues require a uniform and cohesive approach across the entire country to ensure that Nigeria functions as a united nation. The state governments and regional governments are responsible for implementing these policies and laws within their jurisdictions, but the central government retains overall control and authority over these areas. Local governments, on the other hand, are responsible for providing basic services to their communities, such as waste management and primary education, and are not involved in the implementation of policies in the Exclusive List.
Vraag 17 Verslag
Which of the following approves the annual budget of the UN?
The annual budget of the United Nations (UN) is approved by the General Assembly. The General Assembly is the main deliberative body of the UN and is composed of representatives from all member states. Each member state has one vote in the General Assembly, and important decisions, including the approval of the budget, require a two-thirds majority vote. The budget is prepared by the Secretariat, which is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the UN, but it is the General Assembly that ultimately approves it. The Security Council is responsible for maintaining international peace and security and has some budgetary responsibilities related to peacekeeping operations, but it does not approve the overall UN budget. The Trusteeship Council, which was responsible for overseeing the administration of trust territories, has been inactive since the last trust territory, Palau, became independent in 1994 and does not play a role in approving the UN budget.
Vraag 18 Verslag
The Nigeria Police is an agency of the
The Nigeria Police is an agency of the executive arm of the government. It is responsible for maintaining law and order, preventing and detecting crime, protecting lives and property, and enforcing laws and regulations in Nigeria. The executive arm of the government is responsible for implementing and enforcing laws and policies that have been enacted by the legislative arm. The Nigeria Police is one of the key institutions under the executive arm, alongside other agencies like the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), and the Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC). In summary, the Nigeria Police is a law enforcement agency under the executive arm of the Nigerian government, and its primary function is to maintain peace and order in the country.
Vraag 19 Verslag
The responsibility of giving policy guidelines to the board of corporations rest with the
Vraag 20 Verslag
Which of these institutions make bye-laws?
Out of the four options listed, both the Local Government Council and State House of Assembly have the power to make bye-laws. Bye-laws are rules and regulations that are created by a governing body to manage and regulate specific activities within their jurisdiction. Local Government Councils are responsible for the administration of local government areas, and they have the power to create bye-laws that apply to their respective local government areas. State Houses of Assembly are responsible for making laws and regulations for their respective states, and they have the power to create bye-laws that apply to specific areas within their states. The Council of State, on the other hand, is a consultative body established to advise the President in the exercise of his/her powers, while the National Assembly is the legislative arm of the federal government and has the power to make laws that apply to the entire country. Neither of these institutions has the power to create bye-laws.
Vraag 22 Verslag
Foreign Policy refers to
Foreign Policy refers to the general principles and strategies that guide a country's interactions with other countries and international organizations. A country's foreign policy reflects its goals and values, and it is designed to protect its interests and promote its influence in the international community. This can include policies related to trade, diplomacy, security, human rights, and other areas. Foreign policy is not limited to times of war or conflict, but rather it is a continuous process of engagement and negotiation between countries. A country's foreign policy is typically guided by its government or its foreign ministry, which works to develop and implement strategies for interacting with other countries. Foreign policy is important because it helps to shape a country's relationships with other nations, and it can have a significant impact on issues such as global trade, security, and human rights. By working to promote its interests and values in the international community, a country can help to build alliances and advance its goals on the global stage.
Vraag 23 Verslag
Government by the best citizens is referred to as
The term "government by the best citizens" is often used to describe an aristocracy. An aristocracy is a form of government in which power is held by a small group of people who are considered to be the best or most noble citizens. This group may be made up of members of a certain social class, such as the nobility or wealthy elite, or it may be based on qualities such as education, experience, or expertise. In contrast, a democracy is a form of government in which power is held by the people, either directly or through elected representatives. An oligarchy is a form of government in which power is held by a small group of people, often based on wealth or political influence. A plutocracy is a form of government in which power is held by the wealthy.
Vraag 24 Verslag
Which of these factors motivated colonialism in Africa?
The main factor that motivated colonialism in Africa was economic interest. European powers were driven by the desire to exploit Africa's natural resources, such as gold, diamonds, ivory, and rubber, to fuel their economies and enrich themselves. The development of new technologies, such as the steam engine, made it easier for Europeans to penetrate and control African territories. Additionally, the desire for new markets to sell their manufactured goods led to a scramble for African territories among European powers. While there were some arguments made for scientific superiority and cultural superiority, these were used to justify the economic interests of European powers rather than being the main motivating factor. Humanitarianism, or the desire to "civilize" and improve the lives of the people living in Africa, was also used as a justification for colonization but often had the opposite effect, leading to the exploitation and mistreatment of Africans. Overall, economic interest was the driving force behind colonialism in Africa.
Vraag 25 Verslag
Separation of powers as an ingredient of the presidential system implies the
Vraag 27 Verslag
In the Hausa pre-colonial political system, the spiritual and powers were vested in the
In the Hausa pre-colonial political system, the spiritual and political powers were vested in the Emir. The Emir was the ruler of the Hausa states and held both political and religious authority. He was seen as the representative of Allah on earth and was responsible for maintaining order, dispensing justice, and leading the community in religious matters. The Emir was aided in his duties by other officials such as the Galadima, Waziri, and Madawaki, but the ultimate authority lay with the Emir.
Vraag 28 Verslag
A disadvantage of the one-party system is that it
The disadvantage of a one-party system is that it does not tolerate opposition. In such a system, only one political party is allowed to exist, and this party exercises complete control over the government and all aspects of the society. Since there is no competition from other parties, there is no need for the ruling party to consider or respond to the opinions or concerns of the people. This lack of opposition means that the ruling party can impose its policies and agendas without challenge or accountability, which can lead to corruption, abuse of power, and suppression of individual rights and freedoms. Furthermore, the absence of periodic elections means that there is no opportunity for citizens to express their opinions or to vote for alternative candidates or parties, which can further entrench the ruling party in power and reduce the possibility of change or reform.
Vraag 29 Verslag
The policy of assimilation was the colonial policy of the
The policy of assimilation was the colonial policy of the French. The policy of assimilation was a French colonial policy in the late 19th and early 20th centuries that aimed to turn the indigenous peoples of French colonies into Frenchmen. The French believed that the best way to assimilate the people in their colonies was to give them a French education and to encourage them to adopt French language, culture, and values. The policy was implemented in various French colonies in Africa and Southeast Asia, and it had a profound impact on the lives of the colonized people. It often led to the suppression of indigenous cultures and traditions, and many people were forced to abandon their own languages and customs in favor of French culture. The policy of assimilation was one of the ways in which European powers sought to maintain control over their colonies by creating a sense of shared identity and loyalty to the colonial power. While the policy was pursued by the French, other colonial powers such as the British, Portuguese, and Germans had their own policies of colonial control and assimilation that were sometimes similar in nature.
Vraag 30 Verslag
The maintenance of law and order is a function of the
The maintenance of law and order is a function of the executive branch of government. The executive branch is responsible for enforcing the law and ensuring that individuals and organizations comply with the law. This function is carried out by various agencies under the executive branch, such as the police, customs, and immigration services, among others. The police force is often the primary agency responsible for maintaining law and order and preventing criminal activities. In addition to enforcing the law, the executive branch is responsible for implementing policies and programs aimed at preventing crime and ensuring public safety. This includes initiatives to reduce poverty, unemployment, and social inequality, which are often linked to crime and insecurity. Overall, the executive branch of government plays a critical role in maintaining law and order, ensuring that citizens can live in safety and security, and that the rule of law is upheld.
Vraag 31 Verslag
The exclusion of Africans from colonial administration is associated with
Vraag 32 Verslag
Which of the following binds Commonwealth Nations together?
The common colonial history binds Commonwealth Nations together. The Commonwealth is an association of 54 sovereign states, most of which are former territories of the British Empire. The shared experience of being colonized by Britain and the legacy of British institutions, values, and language have created a sense of shared history and culture among member nations. While there are some differences in political systems, currencies, and languages within the Commonwealth, the shared history and heritage provide a foundation for cooperation and understanding.
Vraag 33 Verslag
A type of political association that brings the rich and the poor together is
A type of political association that brings the rich and the poor together is a Mass party. A Mass party is a political organization that aims to represent and mobilize a broad range of societal groups, including both the rich and the poor. Unlike Elite parties, which are typically dominated by wealthy individuals and tend to focus on the interests of the ruling class, Mass parties seek to unite people from diverse backgrounds and promote the interests of the broader population. Mass parties often have a strong ideological orientation and are based on a shared vision of social and political change. They typically seek to engage citizens in the political process and create a sense of collective identity and purpose. Examples of Mass parties include the Social Democratic Party in Germany, the Indian National Congress, and the Brazilian Workers' Party. These parties have a wide membership base and have been successful in mobilizing people from different social and economic backgrounds to work towards common goals, such as social justice, economic equality, and democracy.
Vraag 34 Verslag
The legislature checks the excesses of the executive through
The legislature checks the excesses of the executive through scrutiny of the budget. This means that the legislative branch of government has the power to review and approve the budget proposed by the executive branch. This helps to ensure that the executive branch is using public funds appropriately and within the limits set by the law. During the budget review process, the legislative branch may question the executive branch about its spending plans and make changes to the budget proposal if necessary. This helps to maintain a balance of power between the two branches and prevent the executive from overstepping its bounds. Other ways in which the legislature may check the excesses of the executive include the appointment of civil servants, the screening of governors, and the nomination of judges. However, the scrutiny of the budget is one of the primary ways in which the legislative branch acts as a check on the executive.
Vraag 35 Verslag
The Commission on Mediation, Conciliation and Arbitration is an organ of
The Commission on Mediation, Conciliation, and Arbitration is an organ of the African Union. It is responsible for promoting peaceful resolution of conflicts between member states, as well as other parties, through mediation, conciliation, and arbitration. The commission aims to prevent and resolve disputes that may threaten the peace, security, and stability of the African continent. It also promotes the use of alternative dispute resolution methods as a means to achieve peaceful settlement of conflicts.
Vraag 36 Verslag
Lagos was annexed in
Lagos was annexed in 1861. Annexation means that a country or a state takes control of a smaller region or territory and adds it to their own territory. In 1861, Lagos, which was previously an independent state, became a British colony, meaning that Britain had control over it and it was now part of their territory.
Vraag 38 Verslag
Citizens exercise their sovereignty by
Citizens exercise their sovereignty by participating in the political process of their country. This includes voting in elections, expressing their opinions through public demonstrations or rallies, and engaging in civic discourse. By doing so, they are able to influence and shape public policy, hold their elected representatives accountable, and ensure that their voices are heard. Additionally, citizens can also exercise their sovereignty by suing the state when their rights are violated or when the government fails to uphold its obligations to its citizens.
Vraag 39 Verslag
During the 1964 Federal Election in Nigeria, the United Progressive Grand Alliance comprised the
Vraag 40 Verslag
The foreign policy principle that informed Nigeria's position in the liberation of African states is
The foreign policy principle that informed Nigeria's position in the liberation of African states is "Afrocentrism." Afrocentrism is a belief in the centrality of African people, culture, and values. It is a principle that seeks to promote the interests of Africa and its people, and it was the guiding principle of Nigeria's foreign policy during the period of African decolonization. Nigeria played a leading role in the liberation of African states from colonial rule, providing financial, political, and military support to many of these countries. This support was based on Nigeria's commitment to promoting African unity, independence, and self-determination. Nigeria's Afrocentric foreign policy was motivated by a desire to promote the welfare of African people and to counter the influence of external powers in the continent. The policy was also informed by Nigeria's own struggle for independence and its experience of colonialism.
Vraag 42 Verslag
A network of groups of people in an institution expressing human association is
A network of groups of people in an institution expressing human association is called "society." Society refers to a group of individuals who live together in a community and share a common culture, values, and institutions. A society can be made up of various groups and organizations that are interconnected and interact with each other. Institutions such as schools, businesses, religious organizations, and government agencies are examples of groups within a society. These groups form a network of social structures that provide order and organization to a society. People in a society have social interactions and relationships that are shaped by the norms and values of their culture. These interactions can be both formal, such as in a workplace, or informal, such as in a social gathering. Society is an important concept in sociology and the social sciences as it provides a framework for understanding how people interact and form relationships within a community. It is distinct from a community, which is a group of people who share a physical location or proximity, and from a nation or state, which are political entities with defined borders and governing structures.
Vraag 43 Verslag
The appointment, promotion and discipline of civil servants is the responsibility of the
The appointment, promotion and discipline of civil servants in Nigeria is the responsibility of the Civil Service Commission. This is the government agency tasked with managing the country's civil service workforce. The Commission is responsible for ensuring that civil servants are appointed and promoted based on merit, and that they are held accountable for their actions through proper discipline when necessary. The Public Complaints Commission is responsible for investigating complaints from citizens about the conduct of government officials, while the Judicial Service Commission is responsible for overseeing the appointment and discipline of judges. The Public Service Institute of Nigeria is responsible for providing training and development programs for civil servants.
Vraag 44 Verslag
Nigerian Judiciary is headed by
The Nigerian Judiciary is headed by the Chief Justice of the Federation. The Judiciary is the arm of government that is responsible for interpreting the law, adjudicating disputes, and ensuring that justice is served in Nigeria. The Chief Justice of the Federation is the highest judicial officer in Nigeria and is appointed by the President, with the approval of the Senate. The Chief Justice presides over the Supreme Court of Nigeria, which is the highest court in the land and the final court of appeal. The Chief Justice is responsible for the administration of justice in Nigeria and oversees the activities of the lower courts, such as the Court of Appeal, the Federal High Court, and the State High Courts. The Chief Justice is also responsible for appointing judges to these courts and ensuring that they carry out their duties impartially and in accordance with the law. In summary, the Nigerian Judiciary is headed by the Chief Justice of the Federation, who is responsible for interpreting the law, administering justice, and overseeing the activities of the lower courts in Nigeria.
Vraag 45 Verslag
A nation could be identified through its
A nation could be identified through its common language and culture. A nation is a group of people who share a common identity and are bound together by a sense of shared history, culture, language, and values. While other factors such as military strength, population, and constitution can contribute to a nation's identity, language and culture are generally considered the most important. A shared language enables people to communicate and express their thoughts and feelings with one another, while shared cultural practices, beliefs, and values provide a sense of unity and a feeling of belonging. A nation's culture can include everything from its art, music, and literature to its customs, traditions, and social norms. For example, Japan is a nation that is defined by its unique culture and language. The Japanese people share a common language, which is Japanese, and a rich cultural heritage that includes traditional arts such as tea ceremonies, flower arrangement, and calligraphy, as well as modern popular culture such as anime and manga. Similarly, India is a nation that is defined by its diverse culture and many languages. While there is no single "Indian" language, the country has 22 official languages and over 1,600 regional dialects, which reflect the diversity of the Indian people and their cultural heritage. In summary, a nation can be identified through many factors, but language and culture are the most fundamental and enduring elements of a nation's identity.
Vraag 47 Verslag
A major factor that necessitated the adoption of federalism in Nigeria was the
The major factor that necessitated the adoption of federalism in Nigeria was the diversity of culture and language. Nigeria is a country with over 250 ethnic groups, each with its unique culture and language. Before the adoption of federalism, the central government was dominated by a few ethnic groups, which created a sense of marginalization among other groups. This led to ethnic tensions and conflicts, which threatened the unity and stability of the country. Federalism was seen as a way to address these challenges by giving more power to the states and allowing them to govern themselves based on their unique cultural and linguistic backgrounds. This would enable each group to have a greater say in their own affairs and reduce the feeling of marginalization. While the intention of creating states and the abundance of natural resources were also factors that influenced the adoption of federalism in Nigeria, the diversity of culture and language was the primary factor. The low level of literacy, on the other hand, was not a factor that necessitated the adoption of federalism, as it was not directly related to the challenges of ethnic tensions and conflicts in Nigeria.
Vraag 48 Verslag
A major opposition party at the national level in Nigeria's Second Republic was
The major opposition party at the national level in Nigeria's Second Republic was the Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN). The Second Republic of Nigeria was the period between 1979 and 1983 when Nigeria had a democratically elected government. The UPN was a progressive party that was in opposition to the ruling party at the time, the National Party of Nigeria (NPN). The UPN was founded by Chief Obafemi Awolowo, a prominent Nigerian politician and statesman. The party was known for its socialist policies and advocacy for free education and healthcare. The UPN won significant support in the western part of Nigeria, but was unable to gain a majority at the national level, resulting in the NPN forming the government.
Vraag 49 Verslag
In Nigeria, public corporations are established by
In Nigeria, public corporations are established by an act of parliament. This means that they are created through a legal process that involves passing a bill through the National Assembly, which is the legislative body of the government. The bill is then signed into law by the President, and the public corporation is officially established. This process ensures that the creation of public corporations is subject to oversight and accountability, and that they operate in accordance with the laws and regulations of the country. Public corporations established through other means, such as executive orders or military decrees, would not have the same level of legitimacy or accountability.
Vraag 50 Verslag
A structure of government in which power is shared between the centre and the units is
The structure of government in which power is shared between the central government and its smaller units is called federalism. This means that there are two levels of government: one at the central or federal level and the other at the state or local level. Both levels of government have some degree of power and authority over their respective jurisdictions, and they work together to govern the country. In a federal system, the central government is responsible for issues that affect the entire country, such as foreign policy, national security, and interstate commerce. Meanwhile, the state or local governments have more control over issues that affect their specific regions, such as education, transportation, and public safety. This sharing of power helps ensure that decisions are made at the most appropriate level, and that the needs and concerns of all citizens are taken into account. It also helps to prevent the concentration of power in one place, which can be a danger to democracy. Federalism has been used in many countries around the world, including the United States, Canada, Australia, and India.
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