

Tawhid and Fiqh Course Overview:

As we delve into the topic of *Faith* in Islamic Studies, it is imperative to first understand the foundational concept of Tawhid. Tawhid is the fundamental belief in the oneness of Allah, in His uniqueness, and in His absolute sovereignty. It is the central tenet of Islamic faith and serves as the basis for all other aspects of Islamic belief and practice.

One of the primary objectives of this course is to delve deep into the concept of Tawhid and its importance in the life of a Muslim. Understanding Tawhid goes beyond just acknowledging the oneness of Allah; it encompasses the belief in His incomparable nature, His lordship over all creation, and the implications of this belief on the life of a believer.

Through the lens of Fiqh, which is the jurisprudence of Islamic law, we will explore how the concept of Tawhid forms the basis for the ethical and legal framework of Islam. Fiqh provides the practical application of Tawhid in various aspects of a Muslim's life, including acts of worship, transactions, and social interactions.

One of the objectives of this course is to analyze the concepts of Tawhid in depth, considering its theological, philosophical, and practical implications. By studying Tawhid from both a theoretical and practical perspective, students will gain a holistic understanding of how the oneness of Allah shapes the beliefs and actions of a Muslim.

Moreover, this course aims to draw lessons from the concept of Tawhid that are relevant to contemporary issues and challenges faced by Muslims in the modern world. By reflecting on the unity and sovereignty of Allah, students will be able to derive guidance on how to navigate complex ethical dilemmas, uphold justice, and maintain a strong faith in the face of adversity.


  1. Understand the concept of Tawhid
  2. Recognize the importance of Tawhid in Islamic belief
  3. Analyse the relationship between Tawhid and Fiqh
  4. Reflect on the lessons derived from the concept of Tawhid


In Islam, the concept of Tawhid is fundamental as it represents the **oneness of Allah**. The term "Tawhid" is derived from the Arabic word "Wahhada," which means to unify or to be united. It is the central and most pivotal concept in Islam, emphasizing the absolute, indivisible, and singular nature of Allah. The essence of Tawhid is encapsulated in the declaration of faith, known as the Shahada: "La ilaha illallah, Muhammadur rasulullah" (There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah).


Gefeliciteerd met het voltooien van de les op Faith. Nu je de sleutelconcepten en ideeën, het is tijd om uw kennis op de proef te stellen. Deze sectie biedt een verscheidenheid aan oefeningen vragen die bedoeld zijn om uw begrip te vergroten en u te helpen uw begrip van de stof te peilen.

Je zult een mix van vraagtypen tegenkomen, waaronder meerkeuzevragen, korte antwoordvragen en essayvragen. Elke vraag is zorgvuldig samengesteld om verschillende aspecten van je kennis en kritisch denkvermogen te beoordelen.

Gebruik dit evaluatiegedeelte als een kans om je begrip van het onderwerp te versterken en om gebieden te identificeren waar je mogelijk extra studie nodig hebt. Laat je niet ontmoedigen door eventuele uitdagingen die je tegenkomt; beschouw ze in plaats daarvan als kansen voor groei en verbetering.

  1. What is the meaning of Tawhid in Islamic theology? A. Belief in multiple gods B. Worship of idols C. Belief in the oneness of God D. Rejection of prophethood Answer: C. Belief in the oneness of God
  2. Which aspect of Tawhid refers to the belief in the unity of God's lordship? A. Tawhid al-Rububiyyah B. Tawhid al-Uluhiyyah C. Tawhid al-Asma wa al-Sifat D. Tawhid al-Akhlaq Answer: A. Tawhid al-Rububiyyah
  3. Which of the following is not one of the three categories of Tawhid? A. Tawhid al-Rububiyyah B. Tawhid al-Uluhiyyah C. Tawhid al-Mulkiyyah D. Tawhid al-Asma wa al-Sifat Answer: C. Tawhid al-Mulkiyyah
  4. According to Islamic belief, which is the greatest sin? A. Murder B. Shirk (Associating partners with Allah) C. Theft D. Lying Answer: B. Shirk (Associating partners with Allah)
  5. What important lesson can be learned from the concept of Tawhid? A. Humility and submission to God B. Importance of rituals C. Materialism and wealth accumulation D. Superiority of a particular race Answer: A. Humility and submission to God
  6. In Islamic theology, what is the term used to describe the act of associating partners with Allah? A. Kufr B. Tawbah C. Shirk D. Iman Answer: C. Shirk
  7. Which prophet is known for his unwavering dedication to the concept of Tawhid? A. Prophet Musa (Moses) B. Prophet Isa (Jesus) C. Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) D. Prophet Dawud (David) Answer: C. Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham)
  8. What is the significance of understanding Tawhid in a Muslim's life? A. Achieving worldly success B. Attainment of supernatural powers C. Strengthening faith and spirituality D. Gaining political influence Answer: C. Strengthening faith and spirituality
  9. How does the belief in Tawhid impact the relationship between a Muslim and Allah? A. It creates a sense of equality with Allah B. It fosters a deep love and reverence for Allah C. It promotes arrogance and superiority D. It leads to doubts and uncertainty Answer: B. It fosters a deep love and reverence for Allah

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