Application Areas Of ICT


Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has revolutionized the way we communicate, work, learn, and even access services. Understanding the application areas of ICT is crucial in today's digital world where technology permeates every aspect of our lives.

Applications Areas of ICT:

ICT encompasses a wide range of applications that have transformed industries, education, healthcare, and government services. Some notable application areas of ICT include:

List of ICT Devices:

ICT devices are the tools and gadgets that enable us to access and utilize technology effectively. Some common types of ICT devices include:

Understanding the diverse application areas of ICT and the types of devices used in these contexts is fundamental in leveraging technology for communication, productivity, and innovation in various sectors.


  1. List types of ICT Devices
  2. Define Applications Areas of ICT


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  1. Define Teleconferencing A. Video communication between two people B. Communication via text messages C. Communication between multiple people in different locations using audio and video D. Communication through postal mail Answer: C. Communication between multiple people in different locations using audio and video
  2. Define Telemedicine A. Online shopping for medical equipment B. Diagnosis and treatment of patients remotely using telecommunications technology C. Telepathy communication between doctors D. Medical consultation through traditional mail services Answer: B. Diagnosis and treatment of patients remotely using telecommunications technology
  3. What is E-Commerce? A. Electronic commerce involving the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet B. Traditional in-person shopping C. Communication through emails D. Electronic music composition Answer: A. Electronic commerce involving the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet
  4. What is Telecommuting? A. Commuting using telecommunication devices like mobile phones B. Telepathic communication C. Working from a remote location using information and communication technologies D. Traditional commuting to the office by car or public transport Answer: C. Working from a remote location using information and communication technologies
  5. What are E-Libraries? A. Libraries that only stock electronic devices B. Libraries offering electronic books, journals, and databases accessible online C. Libraries located on the electronic highway D. Libraries using telepathy for book retrieval Answer: B. Libraries offering electronic books, journals, and databases accessible online

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