History of Music


The History and Literature of Western Music:

Welcome to the fascinating world of Western music history, a journey that takes us through the evolution of musical styles and the brilliant minds of composers who shaped the rich tapestry of musical traditions we enjoy today. Our exploration begins with the Medieval/Middle Age period, spanning from 800 to 1400, characterized by the sacred music of liturgical chants, polyphony, and the influential works of composers like Palestrina.

As we transition into the Renaissance period from 1400 to 1600, we witness a flourishing of artistic creativity marked by vocal polyphony, lute songs, and the operatic innovations of Claudio Monteverdi. The era of the Baroque period (1600-1750) introduces us to the contrapuntal mastery of J.S. Bach, the dramatic oratorios of G. F. Handel, and the English opera compositions of Henry Purcell.

Our journey through Western music history continues with the Classical period (1750-1820), a time of elegance and balance epitomized by the symphonic works of Haydn, the operatic genius of Mozart, and the revolutionary compositions of Beethoven. Transitioning into the Romantic period from 1820 to 1900, we encounter the emotionally charged music of composers like Schubert, Chopin, and a new wave of symphonic innovation led by composers such as Brahms and Tchaikovsky.

Through studying the historical development of Western music styles, we not only trace the evolution of musical practice but also gain insights into the socio-cultural contexts that shaped the works of these musical giants. By identifying the key composers and assessing their contributions, we uncover the legacy of innovation, emotion, and experimentation that defines Western classical music.

Join us on this immersive exploration of Western music history as we unravel the stories behind the notes, the lives of the composers who dared to push the boundaries of musical expression, and the enduring impact of their works on the musical landscape.


  1. Identify the Composers
  2. Trace the Stages of the Development of Western Musical Practice from the Medieval to the end of the Romantic Period
  3. Assess the Contributions of Composers in Western Music Styles throughout History


Music has been an integral part of human culture since ancient times. It has evolved through the ages, reflecting changing societal norms, technological advancements, and the creativity of composers. This overview traces the development of Western music from the Medieval period to the end of the Romantic period and highlights key composers and their contributions to the art form.


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  1. What is the period of the Medieval/Middle Age in Western music history? A. 800 – 1400 B. 1400 – 1600 C. 1600 – 1750 D. 1750 – 1820 Answer: A. 800 – 1400
  2. Who is known as the "Father of Music" in the Renaissance period? A. Palestrina B. Monteverdi C. Purcell D. Bach Answer: A. Palestrina
  3. Which composer is associated with the Baroque period in Western music history? A. Mozart B. Handel C. Haydn D. Beethoven Answer: B. Handel
  4. The Classical period in Western music spans from: A. 1400 – 1600 B. 1600 – 1750 C. 1750 – 1820 D. 1820 – 1900 Answer: C. 1750 – 1820
  5. Who is considered a prominent composer of the Romantic period? A. Schubert B. Chopin C. Haydn D. Bach Answer: B. Chopin

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