Basic Economic Principles


Agriculture Economics and Extension Overview:

Welcome to the world of Agricultural Economics, where we explore the fundamental economic principles that govern agricultural production. Agriculture, being a vital sector of the economy, relies heavily on economic theories and concepts to optimize the production process and ensure sustainable growth. In this course, we will delve into the core principles that underpin agricultural economics and their implications on production, supply, and demand within the agricultural sector.

One of the primary objectives of this course is to equip you with a solid understanding of the basic economic principles in agriculture. By examining the relationship between inputs and outputs in agricultural production, you will gain insights into how different factors such as land, labor, capital, and management influence the overall productivity and efficiency of farming operations.

Furthermore, we will explore how the concepts of demand and supply play a crucial role in shaping agricultural markets. Understanding the interaction between demand from consumers and the supply of agricultural products is essential for making informed decisions regarding production levels, pricing strategies, and market behavior.

As we venture into the realm of production functions, you will learn about the input/output relationships in agriculture. By analyzing the stages of production and concepts such as diminishing returns, you will develop a keen understanding of how to maximize output while minimizing input costs. Additionally, we will discuss the scale of preference and choice, which are key factors in determining the allocation of resources in agricultural production.

Geographical representation of demand and supply is another critical aspect that we will explore in this course. By interpreting maps and charts that depict the spatial distribution of agricultural markets, you will gain valuable insights into how geographic factors influence supply chains, pricing dynamics, and market integration.

Throughout this course, you will also learn how to deduce economic concepts from graphic representations. By analyzing graphs and charts that illustrate various economic phenomena in agriculture, you will be able to interpret trends, forecast market developments, and make informed decisions based on economic indicators.

By the end of this course, you will have a solid foundation in agricultural economics, enabling you to apply economic principles to real-world agricultural scenarios, analyze market trends, and make informed decisions that drive sustainable agricultural development.


  1. Interpret geographical representation of demand and supply
  2. Relate input to output in agricultural production
  3. Understand the basic economic principles in agriculture
  4. Relate demand to supply in agricultural production
  5. Deduce economic concepts from graphic representation in agriculture


Agricultural economics is an essential part of understanding how agricultural markets function and how they influence production decisions. In this article, we will delve into the Basic Economic Principles that govern agriculture, with a focus on the concepts of supply and demand, input-output relationships, and economic representations. This knowledge is vital for managing farming operations effectively and making informed decisions.


Gefeliciteerd met het voltooien van de les op Basic Economic Principles. Nu je de sleutelconcepten en ideeën, het is tijd om uw kennis op de proef te stellen. Deze sectie biedt een verscheidenheid aan oefeningen vragen die bedoeld zijn om uw begrip te vergroten en u te helpen uw begrip van de stof te peilen.

Je zult een mix van vraagtypen tegenkomen, waaronder meerkeuzevragen, korte antwoordvragen en essayvragen. Elke vraag is zorgvuldig samengesteld om verschillende aspecten van je kennis en kritisch denkvermogen te beoordelen.

Gebruik dit evaluatiegedeelte als een kans om je begrip van het onderwerp te versterken en om gebieden te identificeren waar je mogelijk extra studie nodig hebt. Laat je niet ontmoedigen door eventuele uitdagingen die je tegenkomt; beschouw ze in plaats daarvan als kansen voor groei en verbetering.

  1. Production function in Agricultural Science involves the relationship between inputs and outputs in agricultural production. Here are 10 multiple choice questions related to the topic 'Basic Economic Principles': Question: Which of the following best describes the concept of a production function in agriculture? A. The relationship between the quantity of inputs used and the quantity of output produced B. The identification of different production stages in agriculture C. The scale of preference and choice in agricultural production D. The geographic location of agricultural production sites Answer: A. The relationship between the quantity of inputs used and the quantity of output produced
  2. Question: What economic principle is associated with the concept of diminishing returns in agricultural production? A. Law of Supply B. Law of Demand C. Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns D. Law of Equilibrium Answer: C. Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns
  3. Question: When input/output relationships in agriculture are graphically represented, what economic concept can be deduced? A. Economies of scale B. Law of Demand C. Law of Supply D. Law of Equilibrium Answer: A. Economies of scale
  4. Question: In the context of production functions, what does the 'scale of preference' refer to? A. The size of the farm in agricultural production B. The choices made by farmers in allocating resources C. The quality of inputs used in agricultural production D. The relationship between inputs and outputs in agriculture Answer: B. The choices made by farmers in allocating resources
  5. Question: Which input factor in agricultural production specifically refers to the natural resources such as land? A. Labour B. Capital C. Land D. Management Answer: C. Land
  6. Question: In the production function of agriculture, which input factor represents the human effort and skills employed in farming activities? A. Land B. Labour C. Capital D. Management Answer: B. Labour
  7. Question: What input factor in agricultural production encompasses the machinery, tools, and infrastructure used in farming operations? A. Land B. Labour C. Capital D. Management Answer: C. Capital
  8. Question: Which input factor in agricultural production involves the organization and coordination of resources towards achieving production goals? A. Land B. Labour C. Capital D. Management Answer: D. Management
  9. Question: How does the concept of demand and supply relate to agricultural production? A. Demand influences the quantity of inputs used, while supply determines the quantity of output produced B. Demand determines the selling price of agricultural products, while supply influences purchasing decisions C. Demand and supply have no impact on agricultural production D. Demand influences consumer preferences, while supply affects market availability Answer: A. Demand influences the quantity of inputs used, while supply determines the quantity of output produced
  10. Question: When interpreting the geographical representation of demand and supply in agriculture, what aspect is emphasized? A. Market competition analysis B. Inflation rates in agricultural regions C. Regional variations in demand and supply of agricultural products D. Government subsidies on agricultural inputs Answer: C. Regional variations in demand and supply of agricultural products

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Benieuwd hoe eerdere vragen over dit onderwerp eruitzien? Hier zijn een aantal vragen over Basic Economic Principles van voorgaande jaren.

Vraag 1 Verslag

What is commercial agriculture?

Vraag 1 Verslag

(a) Explain each of the following terms as used in animal nutrition: (i) balanced diet; (ii) maintenance ration; (iii) production ration; (iv) malnutrition.
(b) State six effects of malnutrition on farm animals.
(c) Mention four nursery practices in the production of tomatoes.

Oefen een aantal Basic Economic Principles oude vragen.