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Pergunta 1 Relatório
'But such a tide as moving seems asleep. Too full for sound and foam.When that which drew from out the boundless deep Turns again home.''And my blood ripples, turns torrent.'The line above in Okara's Piano and Drums depicts the persona as
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Pergunta 2 Relatório
'He says
The medicine gourds are filthy,
And the herb
Are drunk from unhygienic cups'
Okot p Bitek: Song of LawinoThe poet in the lines is saying that
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Pergunta 3 Relatório
'But such a tide as moving seems asleep. Too full for sound and foam.When that which drew from out the boundless deep Turns again home.'The rhyme scheme from Tennyson's cross the Bar is
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The rhyme scheme in Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem "Crossing the Bar" is "abab." This means that the first and third lines of each stanza rhyme with each other, and the second and fourth lines also rhyme with each other. For example, in the first stanza, the first line "Sunset and evening star" rhymes with the third line "And may there be no moaning of the bar." The second line "And one clear call for me" rhymes with the fourth line "When I put out to sea." This type of rhyme scheme is called a "quatrain" and is a common structure in poems.
Pergunta 4 Relatório
This question is based on Selected Poems from Johnson,R.et al (eds.): New Poetry from African (ed); Poems of Black Africa; Senanu, K.E. and Vincent, T.(ed): A Selection of African Poetry; Adeoti, G: Naked Soles; Hayward, J. (ed); The Penguin Book of English Verse and Nwoga, D. (ed): West African Verse.'And by her stood that image of the king in rich apparel, crown and signet-ring'
The image in the lines above in Morris'
The Proud King is
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Pergunta 5 Relatório
This question is based on General Literary Principles.An art that is both literary and theatrical is
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Drama is an art form that is both literary and theatrical. It is literary because it involves the use of written or spoken language to tell a story, convey emotions, and communicate ideas. At the same time, it is theatrical because it is performed on a stage, with actors embodying the characters and bringing the story to life through their movements, gestures, and voices. Drama also often involves the use of other theatrical elements such as scenery, costumes, and lighting to enhance the performance and create a more immersive experience for the audience.
Pergunta 6 Relatório
These question are based on literary Appreciation.I have said too much unto a heart of stone,And laid my honour too unchary on it', There's something in me that reproves my fault, But such a headstrong potent fault it is that That is but mocks reproof.'
William Shakespeare: Twelfth Night
A heart of stone in the line above is an example of
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The "heart of stone" in the line is an example of a metaphor. A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. In this case, the speaker is saying that the person they are addressing has a heart that is hard and unyielding, like a stone. By comparing the person's heart to a stone, the speaker is emphasizing the lack of emotion or empathy in their behavior.
Pergunta 7 Relatório
These question is based on General Literary Principles.A paragraph in prose is equivalent to a
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A paragraph in prose is equivalent to a stanza in poetry. Both a paragraph in prose and a stanza in poetry are units of writing that contain a group of related sentences that express a complete idea or thought. However, paragraphs are typically found in prose, which is written in sentences and paragraphs, while stanzas are found in poetry, which is written in lines and stanzas. Stanzas in poetry are similar to paragraphs in prose in that they break up the text into smaller, more manageable chunks that help to organize and convey the writer's ideas.
Pergunta 8 Relatório
This question is based on Amma Darko's Faceless.
Kabria's second child is
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Pergunta 9 Relatório
'I wonder how long, you awful parasites, Shall
Share with me this little bed, And awake me, from
My sweet dreams be lost,By sucking blood from
My poor head...' Mbure:To a Bed-BugThe most dominant figure of speech in the excerpts above is
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Pergunta 10 Relatório
These question is based on Literary Appreciation.Oh incomprehensible God!
Shall my pilot be
My inborn stars to that
Final call to thee...The literary device used in the first line is
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The literary device used in the first line is "apostrophe". Apostrophe is a figure of speech in which the speaker addresses a person, thing, or idea that is not present or is unable to respond. In this case, the speaker is addressing God, who is not physically present and cannot respond. The first line of the poem is an example of apostrophe because the speaker is directly addressing God by saying "Oh incomprehensible God!" The speaker is expressing their thoughts and feelings to God, as if God were listening and could respond.
Pergunta 11 Relatório
This question is based on Literary Appreciation
This thing you are doing is too heavy for you' he said . I went to school only a little, but I have killed many many more years in this world than you have,'
Gabriel Okara: The Voice
It can be inferred from the passage above that the
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It can be inferred from the passage that the speaker is more experienced than the listener. The speaker mentions that they have "killed many, many more years in this world" than the listener and implies that their life experiences have been longer and possibly more difficult.
Pergunta 12 Relatório
This question is based on Frank Ogodo Ogbeche's Harvest of Corruption.From its resolution of conflicts. the play can be described as being
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From its resolution of conflicts, Frank Ogodo Ogbeche's Harvest of Corruption can be described as didactic. This means that the play aims to teach a moral lesson or impart a particular message to the audience through its storyline and resolution of conflicts. The play uses its characters and events to illustrate the consequences of corruption and the importance of justice, honesty, and integrity in society. Through the various conflicts in the play, such as the bribery and corruption of public officials, the murder of Chief Haladu Ade-Amaka, and the investigation and trial of the perpetrators, the play ultimately delivers a message about the dangers and effects of corruption and the importance of upholding ethical values. Therefore, the play is not obscene, farcical, or comic, as it deals with serious themes and aims to educate the audience rather than simply entertain them.
Pergunta 13 Relatório
This question is based on General Literary Principles.What sustains the interest of a reader in all literature is
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Pergunta 14 Relatório
This question is based on Bayo Adebowale's Lonely Days.Kufi is a
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In Bayo Adebowale's Lonely Days, Kufi is a traditional society. This means that Kufi is a community that follows traditional beliefs and customs that have been passed down through generations. The people in Kufi typically have their own unique culture, language, and way of life that may differ from other communities. In a traditional society, the people often have a deep connection to their land, their ancestors, and their cultural heritage. They may rely on traditional methods of farming, hunting, and gathering to sustain their way of life. Traditional societies may also place a strong emphasis on community, family, and spirituality. In Lonely Days, the traditional society of Kufi is depicted as having its own distinct culture and customs that play a significant role in the lives of its people.
Pergunta 15 Relatório
This question is based on William Shakespeare's Othello.
Othello kills himself with a
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Pergunta 16 Relatório
This question is based on Bayo Adebowale's Lonely Days.In Kufi the death of a husband is treated with
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Pergunta 17 Relatório
This question is based on General Literary Appreciation.
Fights by the book of arithmetic
The figure of speech in the line above is
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Pergunta 18 Relatório
This question is based on Frank Ogodo Ogbeche's Harvest of Corruption.
'I thought as much. I know what all these hide-and-seek games that have been going on will one day come to light'.\The speaker of the excerpt above is
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The speaker of the excerpt above is Mrs Obi. In the context of Frank Ogodo Ogbeche's Harvest of Corruption, the excerpt suggests that Mrs Obi is aware of some corrupt activities that have been taking place, and she believes that the truth about these activities will eventually be revealed. The use of phrases like "hide-and-seek games" and "come to light" suggest that Mrs Obi is frustrated with the situation and is eager for the truth to be exposed. Ogeyi is a character in the novel, but there is no indication that she is the speaker of this particular excerpt. Alice and Ayo are also characters in the novel, but they do not have any obvious connection to this specific quote. Therefore, the most likely answer is Mrs Obi.
Pergunta 19 Relatório
No. no1 Do not blame the gods. Let no one blame the powers. My people, learn from my fall.
The powers would have failed if I did not let them use me. They knew my weakness: the weakness of a man easily moved to the defence of his tribe against others.'
O.Rotimi: The Gods are not to Blame.The speaker in the passage is
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The speaker in the passage is a hero, as he takes responsibility for his own downfall and encourages others to learn from his mistakes. The passage is from Ola Rotimi's play, "The Gods are not to Blame", and it is spoken by the character Odewale, who is the tragic hero of the play. Odewale was born with a destiny to kill his father and marry his mother, which he tries to avoid by running away from home. However, his fate catches up with him, and he unknowingly fulfills the prophecy, which leads to his downfall. In the passage, Odewale urges his people not to blame the gods or the powers for his tragic fate. He admits that he had weaknesses that the powers exploited, and he took actions that led to his downfall. By accepting responsibility for his actions, Odewale shows courage and wisdom, which are characteristics of a hero. Therefore, based on the information provided in the passage, the speaker is a hero.
Pergunta 20 Relatório
This question is based on Amma Darko's Faceless.
After impregnating Maa Tsuru, Kwei's family treats him like a
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Pergunta 21 Relatório
These question is based on General Literary Principles.The speech made by a character to himself on stage is
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The speech made by a character to himself on stage is called a "soliloquy". In a soliloquy, a character speaks their thoughts and emotions out loud, as if they are thinking out loud. The character is usually alone on stage, and the purpose of a soliloquy is to provide insight into the character's innermost thoughts, motivations, and feelings. A soliloquy differs from an "aside," which is when a character briefly speaks directly to the audience, but other characters on stage are not meant to hear them. A "monologue" is a longer speech given by a character, but it is usually directed at other characters on stage or to the audience as a performance. An "epilogue" is a short section at the end of a literary work, often used to provide closure or a final comment on the events that have transpired.
Pergunta 22 Relatório
This question is based on Richard Wright's Native Son.You want to known something then you run like a rabbit'The device used in the line above is
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The device used in the line "You want to known something then you run like a rabbit" from Richard Wright's Native Son is a simile. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things using "like" or "as". In this case, the simile compares the act of running away from something to the way a rabbit runs. The use of the simile is effective because it helps the reader to visualize and understand the intensity of the situation. The comparison to a rabbit also suggests that the person running is small, vulnerable, and perhaps easily frightened, which adds to the overall tone and theme of the novel. Therefore, the device used in the line is not a pun, personification, or metaphor, but a simile.
Pergunta 24 Relatório
' Chief, the boys are getting more expensive to handle. They continue to demand for increased pay and you know what you give for expenses. Please try and look into a possible increases in the overhead allocation.
This smuggling racket is becoming too hot to handle you know, the risk involved'.
The scene of the conversation in the excerpt above is
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Pergunta 25 Relatório
This question is based on William Shakespeare's Othello.
The first character in the play to refers to Othello by name is
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Pergunta 26 Relatório
This question is based on General Literary Principles.Satire employs the use of
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Satire employs the use of irony. Irony is the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of their literal meaning, or a situation where the outcome is the opposite of what was expected. In satire, irony is used to expose and criticize the flaws or shortcomings of individuals, society, or institutions. Satire often employs humor, sarcasm, and exaggeration to make its point. Satire is a form of literature that uses humor and irony to criticize and ridicule the shortcomings of people and society. It is a way to point out the problems in a way that is both entertaining and insightful. Through the use of irony, satire can expose the hypocrisies, follies, and vices of individuals, groups, or society as a whole.
Pergunta 27 Relatório
This question is based on William Shakespeare's Othello.
The hypocritical character in the play is
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Pergunta 28 Relatório
This question is based on General Literary Appreciation.
Weep not child, weep not my darling
With these kisses let me remove your tears
The ravening clouds shall no long be victorious
They shall no longer possess the sky....
The speaker of the lines is
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The speaker of the lines is optimistic. The speaker is trying to comfort someone, perhaps a child, and is saying that the difficult times will soon be over. They use imagery of clouds being defeated and no longer possessing the sky to convey a sense of hope and optimism. The speaker is trying to offer encouragement and lift the spirits of the person they are addressing, which is a characteristic of an optimistic speaker.
Pergunta 29 Relatório
This question is based on Bayo Adebowale's Lonely Days.
Yaremi's main job is taffeta
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Pergunta 30 Relatório
This question is based on Frank Ogodo Ogbeche's Harvest of Corruption.Aloho is employed as Chief's
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Pergunta 31 Relatório
This question is based on Selected Poems from Johnson,R.et al (eds.): New Poetry from African (ed); Poems of Black Africa; Senanu, K.E. and Vincent, T.(ed): A Selection of African Poetry; Adeoti, G: Naked Soles; Hayward, J. (ed); The Penguin Book of English Verse and Nwoga, D. (ed): West African Verse.'awaiting in ambush'
Ambush in the line above from Adeoti's Ambush symbolises
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The word "ambush" in the line above symbolizes danger. An ambush is a surprise attack from a concealed position, so it suggests the presence of a threat or danger.
Pergunta 32 Relatório
This question is based on General Literary Principles.The opposite of the part that introduces the main work in literature is known as
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The opposite of the part that introduces the main work in literature is known as the epilogue. An epilogue is a conclusion or final section that comes after the main story has ended and provides closure or additional information. It often wraps up loose ends or provides a final reflection on the events that took place. This is in contrast to a prologue, which is the introduction to the main work and sets the stage for what is to come.
Pergunta 34 Relatório
''Chief, the boys are getting more expensive to handle. They continue to demand for increased pay and you know what you give for expenses. Please try and look into a possible increase in the overhead allocation.
This smuggling racket is becoming too hot to handle you know, the risk involved'.The setting of the play is
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Pergunta 35 Relatório
According tp Peter's The Panic of Growing Older at twenty a man is
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In Peter's "The Panic of Growing Older," at twenty, a man is hopeful. The poem describes the emotions and experiences of a young man who is just starting his life journey. The line "The world's a stage, they say; but instead of feeling like the player, I feel like the play" highlights the persona's youthful idealism and optimism. The line "I'm still discovering, who I am, and what I want to be" shows that the persona is still in the process of exploring his identity and aspirations. This sense of exploration and discovery is a hallmark of youth and suggests a hopeful outlook for the future. Therefore, based on the tone and content of the poem, the persona is likely to be feeling hopeful at this stage of his life.
Pergunta 36 Relatório
This question is based on William Shakespeare's Othello.
The handkerchief that Othello inherits from his mother is made by
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Pergunta 37 Relatório
This question is based on Selected Poems from Johnson,R.et al (eds.): New Poetry from African (ed); Poems of Black Africa; Senanu, K.E. and Vincent, T.(ed): A Selection of African Poetry; Adeoti, G: Naked Soles; Hayward, J. (ed); The Penguin Book of English Vers and Nwoga, D. (ed): West African Verse.The title of Herbert's The Pulley is an example of
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The title of Herbert's The Pulley is an example of symbolism. Symbolism is a literary device that uses symbols to represent ideas or qualities beyond their literal meaning. In the poem, the pulley symbolizes God's love for humanity and his desire to draw them closer to him. The image of the pulley is used to suggest that God, having given humans all they need, including beauty, wisdom, strength, honor, and pleasure, withholds rest to prevent them from becoming complacent and forgetting their spiritual needs. The pulley represents God's divine grace and the human desire for material things.
Pergunta 38 Relatório
He is a faithful liarThe line above is an example of
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The line "He is a faithful liar" is an example of an oxymoron. An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines two contradictory terms to create a new meaning. In this case, "faithful" and "liar" are opposites, as someone who is faithful is typically honest and someone who is a liar is not. However, when combined, the phrase creates a paradoxical meaning, suggesting that the person may be consistent in their dishonesty or loyal to their deceitful ways. Oxymorons are often used in literature, poetry, and everyday speech to create a rhetorical effect, such as humor, irony, or emphasis.
Pergunta 39 Relatório
This question is based on General Literary Principles.In a tragic play the device used to reduce tension is known as
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In a tragic play, the device used to reduce tension is called "comic relief." Comic relief is a technique used to alleviate the seriousness or tension of a scene by introducing a humorous or light-hearted element. Tragic plays often deal with weighty themes, such as death, loss, and betrayal. These themes can be emotionally taxing for the audience, and can create a sense of tension and unease. Comic relief provides a brief moment of respite, allowing the audience to momentarily relax and recover from the intensity of the drama. Comic relief can take many forms, such as a witty comment from a character, a humorous situation, or a comedic subplot. By providing a break from the heavy themes of the play, comic relief can actually enhance the overall impact of the tragedy, by creating a greater contrast between the light and dark moments of the story.
Pergunta 40 Relatório
This question is based on Amma Darko's Faceless.'Ordaley ignored the two young women plating their hair because she didn't want to generate another war with a simple greeting'
The image depicted in the lines above is
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Pergunta 41 Relatório
This question is based on General Literary Principles.An action in a play that stimulates the audience to pity a character is
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The term used to describe an action in a play that stimulates the audience to pity a character is "pathos." Pathos refers to an emotional appeal that evokes feelings of sympathy, compassion, or sadness in the audience. It is often used by playwrights and writers to create a connection between the audience and a character, and to elicit an emotional response from the audience. For example, a character who is suffering a great loss, facing difficult circumstances, or experiencing hardship can elicit feelings of pathos from the audience, encouraging them to feel empathy and compassion for the character.
Pergunta 42 Relatório
'But such a tide as moving seems asleep. Too full for sound and foam.When that which drew from out the boundless deep Turns again home.'One of the themes of Awoonor's The Anvil and the Hammer is
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Pergunta 43 Relatório
These question is based on General Literary Principles.A literary work that teaches moral is said to be
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A literary work that teaches a moral lesson is said to be "didactic." In other words, it aims to educate or instruct the reader by conveying a specific moral or ethical message. This type of literature often includes fables, parables, and allegories, which use characters and events to illustrate a particular lesson or idea. For example, Aesop's fables, such as "The Tortoise and the Hare," are classic examples of didactic literature. Through the story, the reader learns the moral lesson that "slow and steady wins the race." While didactic literature is intended to be instructive, it can sometimes be seen as overly moralistic or preachy. However, when done well, it can be an effective way to communicate important values and principles to readers.
Pergunta 44 Relatório
This question is based on William Shakespeare's Othello.'No faith; she let it drop by negligence. And, to the advantage, I, being here, took up look, here it is.' This speaker of the lines above is
Pergunta 45 Relatório
This question is based on General Literary Principles.The continuation of meaning without pause, from one line to the next is
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The literary term that refers to the continuation of a sentence or thought from one line of poetry to the next without a pause is called enjambment. This technique is often used in poetry to create a sense of continuity and fluidity, as well as to emphasize certain ideas or images. For example, consider the following lines from William Wordsworth's poem "The Prelude": "Up springs, at every step, to claim a tear, Some brother wept or sire or mother died" The use of enjambment in these lines allows the thought to flow smoothly from one line to the next, creating a sense of continuity and urgency. The phrase "Up springs" at the end of the first line leads into the idea of grief in the second line, as each new thought is connected to the previous one through the use of enjambment.
Pergunta 46 Relatório
These question is based on Literary Appreciation."Women as a clam, on the sea's crescent
I saw your jealous eye quench the sea's
Fluorescence, dance on the pulse
Incessant. Wole Soyinka:Night
The lines above suggests that women are
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Pergunta 47 Relatório
This question is based on Richard Wright's Native Son.According to the novel, Southerners deprive the Negroes of
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Pergunta 48 Relatório
This question is based on Richard Wright's Native Son.One of the pictures Bigger sees on the pamphlet given to him by Jan is that of a
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One of the pictures Bigger sees on the pamphlet given to him by Jan is that of a hammer and a sickle.
Pergunta 49 Relatório
This question is based on Richard Wright's Native Son.The family that donates to charity is
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The family that donates to charity in Richard Wright's "Native Son" is the Daltons. The Daltons are a wealthy white family who hire the novel's protagonist, Bigger Thomas, as a chauffeur. They appear to be philanthropic and charitable, donating money to various social causes to help black Americans. However, their charity is a form of paternalism that reinforces the power dynamics of race and class. They use their charitable donations to maintain their privileged position in society while appearing to be benevolent. The Daltons' charity is portrayed as superficial and hypocritical, as they are blind to the systemic issues of racism and inequality that perpetuate the suffering of black Americans. Their donation of money does not address the root causes of social injustice, and they remain complicit in perpetuating an oppressive system.
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