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Pergunta 1 Relatório
The essence of the United States of America's Constitution is that
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Pergunta 3 Relatório
In their deliberations on the Sharia issue, the Constituent Assembly in Nigeria
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Pergunta 4 Relatório
Which of the following people was one of the founding members of the National Congress of British West Africa?
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Pergunta 6 Relatório
The system of Indirect Rule failed in the former Eastern Nigeria Primary because
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Pergunta 8 Relatório
The distinction between a flexible and a rigid constitution is based on
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Pergunta 9 Relatório
When was the emirate system of government introduced in Nigeria?
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Pergunta 15 Relatório
The cabinet system of government embody the principle of separation of powers because
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Pergunta 16 Relatório
Sir Henry Willinck of Britain was the chairman of a commission which investigated one of the following problems of Nigeria in 1958.
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Pergunta 17 Relatório
In the OYO traditional political system the Alaafin of Oyo was elected or chosen by a group known as
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Pergunta 18 Relatório
The first country in West Africa to become independent was
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Pergunta 20 Relatório
When a government sincerely strives to make justice and fair treatment the foundations of law and order in its society we say that the government observes
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Pergunta 23 Relatório
The independence of the judiciary can be best safeguarded by
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Pergunta 24 Relatório
Which UN organ has primary responsibility for the maintenance of World peace and security?
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Pergunta 25 Relatório
In the organization of British colonial rule in West Africa, which of these was the lowest level of government and administration?
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Pergunta 37 Relatório
A Congressional bill can become a law without presidential assent when
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Pergunta 38 Relatório
Colonialism was successfully imposed on West Africa because
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Pergunta 39 Relatório
The French pattern of colonial administration in West Africa
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Pergunta 40 Relatório
In the pre-colonial Igbo political system, which of the following was the most democratic organ of government ?
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Pergunta 41 Relatório
Which of the following did not take part in the early nationalist movement of Nigeria?
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Pergunta 44 Relatório
The three largest political parties in Nigeria between 1951 and 1966 were
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Pergunta 45 Relatório
A good example of a country with a largely unwritten constitution is
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Pergunta 46 Relatório
Persons legally qualified to vote for parliamentary candidates from
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Pergunta 47 Relatório
Which of the following countries in West Africa has not experienced military intervention in politics?
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Pergunta 48 Relatório
Which of the leaders rejected charles de Gaulle's Constitutional proposals in 1958?
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Pergunta 50 Relatório
Which of the following governs a state in between meetings of the legislature?
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