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Pergunta 2 Relatório
The statement 'beware of piety before men in order to be seen by them for then you will have no reward from your father whom is in heaven,'teaches that
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Pergunta 4 Relatório
The canticle which begins' blessed be the lord of Israel'(the Benedictus)was uttered by
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Pergunta 5 Relatório
The birth of Jesus Christ took place in Bethlehem during the reign of
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Pergunta 9 Relatório
The teaching of Jesus about swearing was that one should not swear
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Pergunta 13 Relatório
Th statement 'But I say to you that every one who is angry with his brother shall be liable to judgement; whoever insults his brother shall be liable to the council and whoever says' You fool' shall be liable to hell fire' is part of
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Pergunta 16 Relatório
...was born at the time when Pharaoh ordered that all Hebrew male children be killed
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Pergunta 17 Relatório
The last temptation of Jesus by the devil was to ask him to
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Pergunta 20 Relatório
Why did Jesus refer to the story of Jonah in his discussion with scribes and Pharisees?
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Pergunta 21 Relatório
Which of the following parables could be said to teach about God's love for sinners
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Pergunta 22 Relatório
the period of bondage of the children of Israel in Egypt was characterized by
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Pergunta 23 Relatório
The division of the kingdom of Israel took place during the reign of
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Pergunta 24 Relatório
The council of Jerusalem decided that Gentiles should abstain from pollution of idols and unchastity and from?
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Pergunta 30 Relatório
The laws given by Moses to the children of Israel in Sinai have striking similarities with the
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Pergunta 31 Relatório
The statement' truly this man was the son f God' was made by
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Pergunta 32 Relatório
But let justice roll down like waters and ...like an overflowing stream'. which of the following words completes the quotations?
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Pergunta 33 Relatório
At the bank of river Jabbok the name of ...was changed to Isreal
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Pergunta 34 Relatório
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake
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Pergunta 35 Relatório
In the parable of the ten virgins, the foolish ones are blamed because they
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Pergunta 36 Relatório
Abraham and his nephew lot decided to separate into two different camps
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Pergunta 41 Relatório
after the exile, the rebuilding of the temple was completed in the reign of
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Pergunta 45 Relatório
Which prophet said:'when Israel was a child,i loved him, and out of Egypt i called my son'?
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Pergunta 46 Relatório
One of the experiences of Jacob with Laban in Haran was that he worked for seven years
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Pergunta 47 Relatório
The statement' oh man of little faith' why did you doubt' was uttered by Jesus Christ to
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Pergunta 48 Relatório
Who ran to prophet Isaiah for prayers when the Assyrians threatened
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Pergunta 49 Relatório
After the conquest of Canaan by Joshua,the ark was first house at
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