Main Pests And Diseases Of Crops

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In crop production, the management of pests and diseases is crucial to ensure optimal yield and quality of crops. Pests and diseases pose significant threats to agricultural production, leading to substantial economic losses if not properly controlled.

Pests of crops are organisms that feed on plants, causing damage that can range from mild to severe. Common field pests include the cotton stainer, yam beetles, and weevils, among others. These pests can attack various parts of the plant, such as the leaves, stems, roots, and fruits, affecting the plant's growth and overall productivity.

Identification of pests is essential in implementing effective control measures. Farmers need to be able to recognize the signs of pest infestation, such as holes in leaves, wilting, discoloration, and presence of insect eggs or larvae. Understanding the damage caused by pests helps farmers make informed decisions on how to manage and control them to minimize losses.

Diseases of crops are caused by pathogens such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, and nematodes. These pathogens can infect plants through various means, including contaminated soil, seeds, tools, and insects. The main diseases of crops vary depending on the crop type and environmental conditions but can include leaf spots, blights, rots, and wilts.

Recognizing the symptoms of crop diseases is crucial for early detection and intervention. Symptoms can manifest as leaf discoloration, wilting, lesions, and abnormal growth patterns. By identifying the causal agents of diseases, such as specific fungi or bacteria, farmers can implement targeted prevention and control measures to limit the spread of the disease within the crop.

Prevention and control strategies for pests and diseases in crops include cultural practices, biological control, chemical interventions, and resistant crop varieties. Integrated pest management (IPM) approaches combine multiple strategies to minimize the use of chemicals and promote sustainable agriculture. Farmers need to adopt proactive measures to prevent pest and disease outbreaks, such as crop rotation, proper sanitation, and early detection mechanisms.

In conclusion, effective management of pests and diseases is essential for sustainable crop production. By understanding the main pests and diseases of crops, their causes, symptoms, and control measures, farmers can protect their crops and ensure a bountiful harvest.


  1. Understand prevention and control measures for pests and diseases in crops
  2. Understand the damage caused by identified pests to crops
  3. Recognize the main diseases of crops and their causal agents
  4. Identify characteristic symptoms of crop diseases
  5. Identify the main field and storage pests of crops

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  1. What are the characteristic symptoms of crop diseases? A. Wilting and yellowing of leaves B. Presence of spots and lesions on leaves C. Abnormal growth patterns and stunted growth D. Buds and flowers not developing properly Answer: A, B, C
  2. Which of the following is a main field pest of crops? A. Cotton stainer B. Mealybugs C. Spider mites D. Root-knot nematodes Answer: A
  3. Which pest is known for causing damage to yam crops? A. Aphids B. Yam beetles C. Thrips D. Cutworms Answer: B
  4. What does weevils typically infest in crops? A. Fruits B. Roots C. Seeds D. Leaves Answer: C
  5. How can crop diseases be best prevented? A. Using chemical pesticides on crops B. Practicing crop rotation C. Over-watering crops D. Ignoring early signs of crop diseases Answer: B
  6. Which of the following is a common disease in tomatoes caused by a fungal pathogen? A. Mosaic virus B. Anthracnose C. Fusarium wilt D. Bacterial blight Answer: C
  7. Which method is effective in controlling storage pests of crops? A. Proper storage facilities B. Leaving harvested crops in open field C. Storing crops with high moisture content D. Mixing infected crops with healthy ones Answer: A
  8. Identify the main causal agent of powdery mildew disease in crops. A. Bacteria B. Fungi C. Virus D. Nematodes Answer: B
  9. What is a key reason for identifying and controlling pests and diseases in crops? A. Improving crop yield and quality B. Promoting the growth of weeds C. Attracting more pests to crops D. Causing harm to beneficial insects Answer: A

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Pergunta 1 Relatório

(a) ldentify specimens G, H and I.

(b) Give two observable physical properties of each.
(c) State two main nutrients supplied by each of the specimens H and l.
(d) State two methods of application of specimen G on the field.

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