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Swali 2 Ripoti
And he came to......where he had been brought up, and as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath Day, and stood up to read. identify the missing place in the above text
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 3 Ripoti
'Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb'. This was said by
Maelezo ya Majibu
Luke 1:42; And she spake out with a loud voice, and said , Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.
Swali 4 Ripoti
'These men who have turned the world upside down, have come here also and Jason received them' Which town is referred to here?
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 6 Ripoti
'But i say to you that hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you'. Jesus said this
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 7 Ripoti
Ezekiel was ordered to eat......and then go to speak to the house of Israel
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 10 Ripoti
When Zechariah doubted the announcement of the birth of John the Baptist, he
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 11 Ripoti
When Paul came to Rome, the first set of people to whom he preached were the
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 13 Ripoti
'And you, child will be called the prophet of the Most High' refers to
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 14 Ripoti
What did the apostles do when complaints were made to them that some sections of the new Christian community were not being supplied with their needs for sustainance? They
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 16 Ripoti
'After me comes he who is mightier than I, the thong of whose sandals i am not worthy to stoop down and untie'. Who said this?
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 17 Ripoti
Who said this, "there shall be neither dew nor rain these years except by my word"?
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 18 Ripoti
What was the condition of the earth before the creation of the world?
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 23 Ripoti
"How is it you were not afraid to put forth your hand to destroy the Lord's anointed?'was said by
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 24 Ripoti
Who addressed Jesus at Jericho saying 'Jesus , son of David, have mercy on me'
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 25 Ripoti
When the women got to the tomb of Jesus, they found the stone rolled away and
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 26 Ripoti
Which country in Africa provided Jesus with a refuge when Herod sought to destroy him?
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 27 Ripoti
'Therefore in the resurrection, whose wife shall she be of the seven for they all had her?. This question was put to Jesus by the
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 28 Ripoti
In the case before Solomon over the dead and the living child, the mother of the dead child supported
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 31 Ripoti
When Joseph's brothers came to him in Egypt, he said to them 'You are....
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 32 Ripoti
'The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the most high will overshadow you,therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the son of God'. this was said by the angel Gabriel to
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 34 Ripoti
"O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord..."
The dry bone mentioned by Prophet Ezekiel in the statement above refer to the
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 35 Ripoti
According to Jeremiah's prophecy,the domination of nations by Nebuchadnezzar was
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 37 Ripoti
What was the last miracle God performed before the Israelites were released from Egypt?
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 39 Ripoti
Who was the prophet who proved on Mount Carmel that Yahweh is greater than Baal?
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 43 Ripoti
The Lord said to Moses: 'Cut two tablets of stone like the first, and i will write upon the tablets the words that were upon the first tablets which you broke'. On what occasion was this said?
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 49 Ripoti
Who insisted in his speech that God does not dwell in houses made with hands and that it was wrong for Solomon to have built a house for him?
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 50 Ripoti
'You shall be my witness in Jerusalem and in all Judea and......and to the end of the earth'
Maelezo ya Majibu
Je, ungependa kuendelea na hatua hii?